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Anyone Getting Wow Beta?

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#31 Exor

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Posted 11 November 2004 - 02:20 AM

man you lucky sobs :P
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#32 Someone

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Posted 11 November 2004 - 04:23 AM

My poor boyfriend spent like 48 hours downloading the game to find out his computer is evil and won't play it. Guess his 3d render-er or something isn't up to date. So now he has an account and the game but it's useless to him.

#33 Malavon

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Posted 11 November 2004 - 10:02 AM

Just as I was logging in, the server went down. So I decided I might as well go to bed early and get up early (see how dedicated I am? :P). Now I just need to transfer the 2.5 gb from my average pc to my goood pc... at least these are going at 1mb/second, which is a bit more like it lol.

i'm going troll mage.. horde rule :P I was going to go ice but I've changed my mind - Fire with a few arcane spells (like mana shield, polymorph, blink) thrown in for fun :P

I'll post what server I'm on in a few minutes - once these files are downloaded i'll start installing it and have a shower while it's doing that. Took bloody ages on my other PC.

edit: PvE means player vs enviroment, which is basically just you vs the monsters and NPCs.


quite useful ^_^

yay, speeds gone up to 1.8mb/second. Why couldn't WoW have downloaded at these speed :D

Edited by Malavon, 11 November 2004 - 10:12 AM.

#34 Malavon

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Posted 11 November 2004 - 10:28 AM

My poor boyfriend spent like 48 hours downloading the game to find out his computer is evil and won't play it. Guess his 3d render-er or something isn't up to date. So now he has an account and the game but it's useless to him.

Yeah I have a spare account too... I wasn't sure if that BLIZRD OPEN BETA thing was the key or not, so I was expecting them to email me it. WHen they didn't I thought it had broken and so I created another account :/ Oh well, I'll keep it in case my brother/rich wants to play and didn't manage to get an account.. if not, theres an account up for auction. NM gold only plz :P

hehe, jk, message me if you want the account, and i'll see if neither rich/my brother want it, and if so you can have it.

#35 Tanis

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Posted 11 November 2004 - 01:51 PM

watch out for a guy named Rush.

my friend Paul and Kyle were closed beta testers.

and Kyle is a bish to run into, I found out the hardway.
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#36 Exor

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Posted 11 November 2004 - 02:07 PM

K its going a little faster for me today, but I cant be arsed to wait that long for it to be complete.Ill just wait til the 23rd and buy it ^_^

Collectors Edition so I can get a lil Mini Diablo to follow me :P
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#37 Exor

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Posted 11 November 2004 - 05:24 PM

Sooo.Whats everything going when they play? ^^

Im going Undead Mage for sure...Dunno what job yet ^^
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#38 Exor

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Posted 11 November 2004 - 05:40 PM

Hm anyone know if you see Arthas in WoW? lol that would be cool
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#39 Vër§íðñ 1.0

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Posted 11 November 2004 - 05:56 PM

I'm getting retail and i'll be going Tauren Shamen. Cause i'm a bad man.
I only log on to check memos, and rare chat. See you all on the other side.

#40 Exor

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Posted 11 November 2004 - 05:58 PM

Ya ya.I may end up going Undead Priest actually lol
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#41 Someone

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Posted 11 November 2004 - 07:15 PM

Hm anyone know if you see Arthas in WoW? lol that would be cool

You see a lot of characters in game so maybe you see him too...I haven't but I've mostly only been around Tauren camps and a few orcs/trolls as my being a Tauren Shaman (and it rules!).

#42 Squee



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Posted 11 November 2004 - 08:40 PM

i'm going troll...

Hey, mon, that be the groovy thing to do. You be making the righteous choice, mon!
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#43 Charon

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Posted 11 November 2004 - 09:18 PM

I've finally got the game. And installed it XD
And I might even be ready to play. Yey me ^_^

So now I do this annoying thing, where I ask for help ^^

Okay... I know theres a way to do this somehow, because I read it in the FAQ... however I've looked for info on the website and I even read the manual but I can't work out how to play the game in a window (or have the choice to switch between fullscreen and a window)

Normally I'd play fullscreen anyway, but on certain nights (tonight being one of them) that isn't feasable as I need to be able to see the Windows clock- I've been set on "last second" Ebay duty by my mum and it would really help if I had the clock in an obvious place... like onscreen
(Unlike a watch that I wouldn't look at. I've already hunted round the house for non-plug-inable clocks that I can stick right by my screen, but not found any so far >_< It seems our entire house is digital clocks :P)

Anyone able to help me?

Edited by Charon, 11 November 2004 - 09:19 PM.

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#44 Metatron

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Posted 11 November 2004 - 10:09 PM

Have the nightmist timer set on for every 5 min then just alt+tab out and check, that is if the nm timer command makes a sound. /shrug
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#45 Squee



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Posted 11 November 2004 - 11:05 PM

Right click your WoW icon. Click Properties then in the Target field, end it with "-w" without quotations. That should do it. :P
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#46 Vër§íðñ 1.0

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Posted 11 November 2004 - 11:36 PM

Who is gonna play when retail comes out?
I know i am :P

Edited by Vër§íðñ 1.0, 11 November 2004 - 11:37 PM.

I only log on to check memos, and rare chat. See you all on the other side.

#47 Someone

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Posted 12 November 2004 - 01:05 AM

Who is gonna play when retail comes out?
I know i am :P

I hope to but it all comes down to my finances. If I do it probably won't be immediately after release sadly. I'll just have to play like crazy for the next week or so, however long open beta lasts.

#48 Malavon

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Posted 12 November 2004 - 08:16 AM

lol I'm not sure if you see Arthas, but I have seen Thrall and have had a few quests involving jaina proudmoore and the human sailors (anyone who has played TFT will know what I mean).

Level 12 troll mage :P For profession I'm going enchanting and possible alchemy, but I'm not sure on the alchemy part yet.

Have the nightmist timer set on for every 5 min then just alt+tab out and check, that is if the nm timer command makes a sound. /shrug

lol, I don't know about other people, but for me I can guarantee that I wouldn't hear it over the screams of the thunderlizards ^_^

Oh btw mark, you can (it seems) go both fire and ice, providing you have enough money. I think the only difference being the 'mages talents' (skills) that you get at level 10, and a point in each level after that. So you get a limit of 50 points but theres 49 fire ones or something like that, so I think that's how they are limiting it. But yeah, providing you have enough cash you can have all the spells I think...

my strategy is:
fireball, fireball, fireball, frost nova, move back a bit, arcane missiles (instant cast, 25 sec cooldown - around that anyway), fire blast (instant cast, 8 sec cool down) walk in and bash it with my over powered staff killing it without being hit. That takes about 1/3 of my mana and it takes about 30 seconds to regen it all, so it's kinda easy to train.. but you just need a lot of xp yo actually level.

If I get the chance to i'll post a few screenshots of the spirit world/orgrimmar/when i'm on wind riders and stuff.

Edited by Malavon, 12 November 2004 - 08:17 AM.

#49 Exor

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Posted 12 November 2004 - 02:17 PM

/drool lol
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#50 Harky

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Posted 12 November 2004 - 02:30 PM

To those that have played this beta, how is it?

#51 Malavon

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Posted 12 November 2004 - 03:12 PM

Good. Very good. Went to sleep at 2:00 am, got up at 7:45 for college. Wasn't a good idea but hey, it's that addictive :P

Some people seem to complain about lag at times, but tbh I haven't really noticed any. It can sometimes take a second or so to accept a quest, or to load up the shop menu, but I don't really mind that.

A few screenshots:

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That's the 'sprit world' that you are in when your dead. You have to run back to your corpse to respawn, but you get increased movement speed, can walk on water and don't take falling damage (because you're already dead lol)

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Wind rider going from 'The Crossroads' to 'Orgrimmar'... see that sexy troll in the middle? That's me ^_^

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This is a larger version of that sexy troll :D (it's also the account manager bit)

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Side entrance to the city Orgrimmar.

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Fried lizard, anyone?

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View of Orgrimmar from the front.

I'll try to post some screenshots of spell effects later, but it get's a bit jerky when I hit the print screen button, so it's hard to catch the brief images.

Edited by Malavon, 12 November 2004 - 03:13 PM.

#52 Malavon

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Posted 12 November 2004 - 03:18 PM

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A Goblin Zeppelin (taken from first person view from an orc watch tower)

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Recognize him? (the name kinda gives it away lol)

#53 Exor

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Posted 12 November 2004 - 03:23 PM

sweet pics lol.I bet NE get to see Furion...Anyone know if im right? :P
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#54 Exor

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Posted 12 November 2004 - 05:57 PM

K thx to Alex for telling to download beta from fileplanet.its going like 5x faster.140/kb per sec actually! :P

It says it should be done in about 5 hours so woooooot!

Thats amazing compared to worldofwarcraft.coms 26 hours..lol

so I should be on Beta tonight ^_^

and yes I do have an account before anyone asks.

Ill be trying out Undead Priest :D
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#55 Exor

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Posted 12 November 2004 - 10:34 PM

i was right.30 mins to go and I will have beta downloaded.then i gotta wait the hour for it to be installed :|
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#56 Exor

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Posted 13 November 2004 - 02:41 AM

Woot Ive installed it.Im on Test Server 37 for anyone wondering.

Atm im a level 4(rofl) Troll Priest.Didn't like the place where undead started and I wanted to play with Malavon :P
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#57 Malavon

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Posted 13 November 2004 - 02:51 AM

w00t :P

Unfortunately there is a slight level difference between us, which makes grouping kind of tricky hehe. I did also create a tauren warrior... but I reached level 2 with that before it got boring loll. it just doesn't as fun as my level 16 troll mage is :/

Any updates on how other people are doing?

#58 Someone

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Posted 13 November 2004 - 03:51 AM

I'm level 11 at the moment...*wishing servers were back up already*

#59 Squee



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Posted 13 November 2004 - 03:51 AM

Finally got to level 10. That means I can start using talents which look really cool. ^^

I think I'm going to try to steer towards a Paladin with auras that help the party members take a lot less damage. The Warriors/Roges and Mages/Warlocks can worry about dealing damage.
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#60 Exor

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Posted 13 November 2004 - 05:40 AM

yeh it helps for servers to come back up lol
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

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