Berserker Stamina Dropped To 5
Posted 09 March 2004 - 08:58 PM

Hide your clerics, covert your gold holders!
Posted 09 March 2004 - 09:02 PM
people dont seem to be thinking about the reasons that berserkers have 6 stam in the first place
Posted 09 March 2004 - 11:12 PM
Btw, honestly, I could care less if it actually does gets changed. I like the idea because I'm annoyed with how fighters (as well as other classes) are being ignored. Fighters should be well rounded - it seems that berserkers are more well rounded than a fighter (good hp, decent hit rate (below average, but still decent), nice damage, better skills) Yes they have no armor, yes they take more damage for this reason, but their hp makes up for it.
All of the classes need to be balanced and this is all im trying to say. Leave berserkers as they are, but some of the other classes are in dire need of balancing.
Posted 09 March 2004 - 11:57 PM
Posted 10 March 2004 - 12:51 AM
Posted 10 March 2004 - 03:41 AM
I agree with one of the 2 or both lol
Posted 10 March 2004 - 03:43 AM
and for the record I have used a Arch Zerker before was a 4 statThe funny thing is that every person who voted "yes" or is argueing the fact that they should have 5 stam is a person who has been owned by serkers and does not own any to know what it is like to train/play a serker.
Posted 10 March 2004 - 01:32 PM
So why not make it so spells ie enhance/righteous fury dont effect berserkers or their performance
Posted 11 March 2004 - 03:49 AM
Posted 11 March 2004 - 03:52 PM
I'd go against that, because if you've tested it, you'll notice that having 350 hp and 100+ armor is a hell of a lot more effective than having 0 armor and 500+ hp.
In testing, I can pretty much round a zerker with spells using a fighter everytime - If I were to try rounding another fighter I may get lucky 1 in 5, but probably not even that.
Having armor allows for partial blocks, full blocks aswell as the posibility of dodging a blow, where as having 0 means your either going to get hit for a lot or your going to dodge, but as we all know, zerkers don't dodge well usually.
Posted 11 March 2004 - 04:35 PM
The funny thing is that every person who voted "yes" or is argueing the fact that they should have 5 stam is a person who has been owned by serkers and does not own any to know what it is like to train/play a serker.
Voted: Yes
Ah, Epics been owned by zerkers and doesn't own any then?
Rick (pretty sure thats you) it seems that the only thing your interested in is keeping your characters top, even if its by making the game unbalanced. You really are the most pathetic person i've ever had the misfortune of meeting.
Edited by Malavon, 11 March 2004 - 04:36 PM.
Posted 11 March 2004 - 09:05 PM
you have some suppressed emotions i think you should see a specialist aboutwell if they take away 1 stamina from zerkers, i say do away for GOOD with these gay azz pacifist, they are nothing but lil worries in my azz.. if u hide behind a paccy, cause u cant take ur alts to get gold, then ur not training enough to take up for yourself
Posted 19 March 2004 - 03:29 AM

Posted 19 March 2004 - 03:53 AM
i couldn't agree w/u more.The funny thing is that every person who voted "yes" or is argueing the fact that they should have 5 stam is a person who has been owned by serkers and does not own any to know what it is like to train/play a serker.
Hey epic, would u be posting on here if u hadn't gotten rounded by my zerker twice in first round of prof tourney?
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Posted 19 March 2004 - 04:08 AM

Also lets recap..zerkers arnt to powerful? ...your 18 dex zerker(WHILE HE WAS DIVINE LIGHTED) rounded 2 23 dex rangers

Edited by Epic, 19 March 2004 - 04:10 AM.
Posted 19 March 2004 - 06:15 AM
My point is that if it was u on a zerker that rounded my ranger would u be here complaining about how overpowered they are?
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Posted 19 March 2004 - 07:33 AM
"My point is that if it was u on a zerker that rounded my ranger would u be here complaining about how overpowered they are?"
How gd retarded are you, i just got done saying i have zerkers and dont use them so yes..even tho i do have good zerkers i still dont like them hints me not using them and yes i am still "complaining about how overpowered they are"
Posted 19 March 2004 - 10:35 AM
Maybe add something new to fighters but nothing needs to be nerfed. And not only that, but get a berserker and a fighter.. neither spelled and duel them... ill tell you right now theres a damn good chance the fighter will win... possibly even round the zerker.
It amazes me how much people whine about things they dont have.. nerf this nerf that... ive seen it happen to just about every class and well someone is always gonna be whining. Train your own stuff, buy your own stuff, own your own stuff and im sure youll eventually see what im saying when you watch every other week somoene is whining about this race/class being overpowered or underpowered .. blah blah get over it.
Posted 19 March 2004 - 11:10 AM
Zerker vs Fighter , A fighter is the ONE class that can MAYBE round a zerker not spelled up..MAYBE.. And i do have everything i make a comment on so its not some un-educated words that are comming outta my mouthMaybe add something new to fighters but nothing needs to be nerfed. And not only that, but get a berserker and a fighter.. neither spelled and duel them... ill tell you right now theres a damn good chance the fighter will win... possibly even round the zerker.
It amazes me how much people whine about things they dont have..
Also, maybe dont do anything to them as far as taking away stam or making them hit weaker..maybe just completly take away "berserk" but leaving them "smite" for their 1 click ability making people use it and sparingly
Edited by Epic, 19 March 2004 - 11:30 AM.
Posted 19 March 2004 - 01:27 PM
Except Mages, Fighters and Zerkers.Personally i think every class is fine right now.
Posted 19 March 2004 - 09:53 PM
Posted 19 March 2004 - 11:44 PM
Posted 20 March 2004 - 12:43 AM
I do appreciate your usage of the word "gay" in this. Could be concidered hate speech and is not forum appropriate.well if they take away 1 stamina from zerkers, i say do away for GOOD with these gay azz pacifist

and uh...
The funny thing is that every person who voted "yes" or is argueing the fact that they should have 5 stam is a person who has been owned by serkers and does not own any to know what it is like to train/play a serker.
Wrong. I have a zerker. In fact, i have several. And i voted yes.
Dont assume things about people that you dont know.
What the what?
Posted 29 March 2004 - 07:03 AM
wow, im even more delayed. Anyways, i have had use of an arch zerker, and voted yes. i know from using it myself, that i actually dodged well enough as long as i wasnt fighting a 23 dex crit. obviously 18 dex vs 23 anything will have troubles winning. when i had access to the zerker, (21 x 18 21 17 x) i used my arch fighter (19 x 19 19 18 x) to test them out. every single time, i rounded my arch fighter who had 329 hp. zerker had a halberd on it and arch had full armor, including 4 cr's, spider gauntlets, andts of time. i can say with the utmost confidence, that zerkers are overpowered.The funny thing is that every person who voted "yes" or is argueing the fact that they should have 5 stam is a person who has been owned by serkers and does not own any to know what it is like to train/play a serker.
ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am
Posted 29 March 2004 - 08:38 AM
I have 2 Arch Zerkers a human and a dwarf, both with full str con and dex, I can safely say that they can't even round my arch mage without spells.when i had access to the zerker, (21 x 18 21 17 x) i used my arch fighter (19 x 19 19 18 x) to test them out. every single time, i rounded my arch fighter who had 329 hp. zerker had a halberd on it and arch had full armor, including 4 cr's, spider gauntlets, andts of time. i can say with the utmost confidence, that zerkers are overpowered.
So saying that your arch fighter fully equipped with decent hp was rounded each time with your Zerker is either bs, or it was way back when Zerkers seriously were over powered. If you haven't used Zerkers since back when they could round anything without spells then your opinion doesn't count here so please move along.
Personally I agree with whoever said that the class that over powers everything is a cleric, I say remove righteous fury, we managed before it using champs and enhance.
Posted 05 May 2004 - 03:31 PM
Posted 08 May 2004 - 08:38 AM
Sure they can click any class with RF and enhance, but at the end of the day it rounds itself out by been not too good at 1 vs 1 and high maintenance and so on.
Posted 08 May 2004 - 08:00 PM
Vegas 1a....formerly known as Memphis ¨¨*:·(^.^)·:*¨¨
Posted 10 May 2004 - 12:36 PM
You do realize that the whole point in dropping the stamina is to balance the class, don't you? Dropping it and then giving them extra HP just makes the process pointless.if zerkers got dropped to 5 stam then ./reset fr them should be re-enabled so they can gain an extra 100+hp to counter the fact that 1 less stam could be life and death.
Posted 24 May 2004 - 07:37 PM

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