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No Massdestruction Weapons In Iraq

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#1 jurian


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Posted 07 October 2004 - 07:48 AM

just saw the news and i saw this interesting topic that made me think about some threads on this forum where ppl (read americans) claimed saddam did have weapons of mass destruction in iraq and therefor the war was legitimate and stuff but now, the head of the search party (Duelfer) sais there have not been any weapons of massdestruction in iraq since 1991!

now i hope you thickheaded ppl stop believing everything your president sais!
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#2 two

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 07:52 AM

holy hot damn jurian, we also landed on the moon!!! we'll file both of these "hot tips" under the category "old news". please stop readin YESTERDAY WEEKLY

#3 jurian


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Posted 07 October 2004 - 07:55 AM

lol saw it this morning sorry :P just had to think about some topics where ppl said there were and that bush was correct and stuff ^_^ (i didn't watch the news last night ok)
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#4 dec

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 10:51 AM

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#5 jurian


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Posted 07 October 2004 - 10:59 AM

atleast could have posted it once :P
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#6 Zeppelin

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 12:06 PM

Why should we listen to bush? I think he's the worst president since Warren Harding, who was a total bonehead. The president for the next four years, no matter who, will most likely suck. I am voting for Kerry, to give him a shot, because he has to be better than bush.

#7 Lady_Maha

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 01:33 PM

Never would I have believed it possible that I agree with my dinner, but hey, my dinner is right!
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#8 sayadin

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 02:14 PM

just saw the news and i saw this interesting topic that made me think about some threads on this forum where ppl (read americans) claimed saddam did have weapons of mass destruction in iraq and therefor the war was legitimate and stuff but now, the head of the search party (Duelfer) sais there have not been any weapons of massdestruction in iraq since 1991!

now i hope you thickheaded ppl stop believing everything your president sais!

first of all i never believe a bush. He only wanted to start this war to take over Iraq's oil. The very same thing his father did when he was in presidency.
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#9 MCM

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 05:06 PM

it has been out for a good while that there where no weapons, and that factories where tore down and sold as scrap metal
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#10 Dan

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 05:33 PM

I'm still loving these debates. Bush says "The enemy attacked us"

When the hell did Iraq attack? and Where in the blue hell was I?

#11 jurian


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Posted 07 October 2004 - 05:55 PM

it has been out for a good while that there where no weapons, and that factories where tore down and sold as scrap metal

yeah but yesterday the official report said it so no denying it anymore for bush and his ppl. all other stuff wasn't official yet
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#12 alone

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 06:59 PM

But since when did it have to be official for someone to act on it?

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#13 MCM

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 07:19 PM

it has been out for a good while that there where no weapons, and that factories where tore down and sold as scrap metal

yeah but yesterday the official report said it so no denying it anymore for bush and his ppl. all other stuff wasn't official yet

that official report was on the daily show a good while(and yes in it's 'official' form)
The Smily Pill

#14 Night_Angel

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 08:14 PM

and about a week ago tehy fking dug one up in teh gd sand. so either read all teh fing news or stfu. gd.
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#15 two

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 08:27 PM

excellent report of the facts, angel. your citing of sources, the whereabouts of the weapon, what type of weapon it was, who owned it and who dug it up substantially seperated you're statement from all those horridly unfounded rumors.

i am personally going to write letters of recomendation to both CNN and BBC World News citing your reporting skills. not only articulate with your words, your testimony proves you are ahead of the game in fact finding. kudos to you.

#16 Lich

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 08:35 PM

and about a week ago tehy fking dug one up in teh gd sand. so either read all teh fing news or stfu. gd.

Sharon no they did not dig one up in the sand who the FK told you that. Please show me the news report that was in. They have found no weapons of mass destruction at all in Iraq. Hun i know you are republican but damn use your eyes, your ears and the brain i have always given my sister the credit of having.
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#17 All_Evil

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Posted 08 October 2004 - 03:45 AM

I think Pink summed it up well when she said "The only Bush i trust is my own"

#18 jurian


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Posted 08 October 2004 - 07:20 AM

excellent report of the facts, angel. your citing of sources, the whereabouts of the weapon, what type of weapon it was, who owned it and who dug it up substantially seperated you're statement from all those horridly unfounded rumors.

i am personally going to write letters of recomendation to both CNN and BBC World News citing your reporting skills. not only articulate with your words, your testimony proves you are ahead of the game in fact finding. kudos to you.

well done :P
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#19 Stotic

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Posted 08 October 2004 - 10:08 AM

He only wanted to start this war to take over Iraq's oil. The very same thing his father did when he was in presidency.

He went to Iraq because of its invasion of Kuwait. That war had support of the UN at the time so that statement is slightly invalid.
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#20 Lady_Maha

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Posted 08 October 2004 - 01:06 PM

That was his father.. the current Bush invaded Iraq for no valid reason other than oil. Kuwait was not invaded by Iraq again after Bush senior's term.

Bush junior first claimed his war on Iraq was waged due to weapons of mass destruction, when none were found the reasoning changed to "war on terror" which I find rather amusing since Iraq was never connected to AlQuaida. The first building secured upon marching into Bagdad was the ministry of oil, which proves more than any words I could possibly post on here.
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#21 sayadin

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Posted 08 October 2004 - 02:41 PM

That was his father.. the current Bush invaded Iraq for no valid reason other than oil. Kuwait was not invaded by Iraq again after Bush senior's term.

Bush junior first claimed his war on Iraq was waged due to weapons of mass destruction, when none were found the reasoning changed to "war on terror" which I find rather amusing since Iraq was never connected to AlQuaida. The first building secured upon marching into Bagdad was the ministry of oil, which proves more than any words I could possibly post on here.

thats pretty much what i meant. When senior bush join in, the Iraqis were after Kuwaits oil. So with the aid the Senior Bush and the U.S. Military, they came to protect the oil fields of Kuwait. When we succeed we did a trade or share by shipping some of the kuwait oil to american as we did trade with them, just like we do trade with japan by buying their vehicles and other electronics.
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#22 Stotic

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Posted 09 October 2004 - 08:26 AM

That was his father..

That was who I was referring too.

And sayadin, there's nothing wrong with a nation protecting its resources (gulf war). Kuwait's oil through trade was an important resource.
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#23 Zylia

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Posted 09 October 2004 - 01:49 PM

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#24 jurian


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Posted 09 October 2004 - 01:52 PM

that was rather gay :P
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#25 SABE

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Posted 09 October 2004 - 02:12 PM

still he couldnt invade iraq 'weak'
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#26 Penguin


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Posted 09 October 2004 - 03:08 PM

That was his father.. the current Bush invaded Iraq for no valid reason other than oil. Kuwait was not invaded by Iraq again after Bush senior's term.

Bush junior first claimed his war on Iraq was waged due to weapons of mass destruction, when none were found the reasoning changed to "war on terror" which I find rather amusing since Iraq was never connected to AlQuaida. The first building secured upon marching into Bagdad was the ministry of oil, which proves more than any words I could possibly post on here.

I don't read the forums/play enough anymore to keep up on all these rapid post, but I think it's fairly obvious we didn't go to war for oil, and if you believe that you must be crazy. Next, if you don't remember the countdown before we went to war, it was for Iraq to show what they did with the many many biologial weapons/wmds that they admitted to having. Lastly, there have been links shown between Iraq and Al Quaida, just not Iraq and 9/11 in particular.

edit: /t rappy guessed me a scoosh to young but that's fine :P

Edited by Penguin, 09 October 2004 - 03:22 PM.

#27 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 09 October 2004 - 03:09 PM

a 30 year old just got owned by like a 15 year old =(

edit: if anyones for kerry plz read unfit for command first

Edited by Rappy_Ninja, 09 October 2004 - 03:10 PM.

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#28 jurian


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Posted 09 October 2004 - 03:41 PM

if you want to get a decent view on who to vote go live outside the usa. you'll never get a fair view on things if you live there.

and rappy i'm pretty sure there are many things to read/watch that give a bad idea about bush.

just talk to that guy roger moore i think is his name i can't freaking think of it atm (and it's pissing me off) the guy that made bowling for columbine.
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#29 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 09 October 2004 - 03:44 PM

and rappy i'm pretty sure there are many things to read/watch that give a bad idea about bush.

the only diffrence is

they arent true ?
Page/Memo Beatrix

#30 jurian


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Posted 09 October 2004 - 03:48 PM

according to you not. others may say the book you read isn't true either. it's a matter of opinion.

bowling for columbine has his opinions in it but they are from facts and not complete lose statements.

i'm not having a discussion with you about something that is based on opinions.

my opinion on american ppl is that they are either democrats or republicans and they are too thick headed to look at the bad sides of their own candidate or at the good sides of the other candidate.

once again this is my opinion so no need discussing it.

edit: the guys name is michael moore, roger moore is james bond :P

Edited by jurian, 09 October 2004 - 03:50 PM.

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