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Prisoner In Tears (still Open)

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#1 Squee



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Posted 21 February 2004 - 06:01 PM

"The flame leads me to think along the lines of 'Love'," the pacifist says back to Silverwizard.

Adrian’s lips curl into a smile as Zanith’s words have struck him as funny. Before it can be stopped, Adrian lets out a soft chuckle. Then he quickly stifles the laugh. “I am amazed at such arrogance and lack of utter truth. How can ye claim to be infinite? Have ye truly fell prey to this self-delusion of yours? Yes, ye currently hold the power of the weave captive and have achieved a form of godhood. But ye have not considered one possibility. Not many of the gods are truly eternal and self dependant. In other words, the majority of the gods can be lost or forgotten and yes, they can even die. So as for ye being infinite, do nae be so naive.”

As Adrian and Zanith continue to talk, Lokey continues to watch, but has shifted some of his attention to Squee. He gently and soothingly talks with him in whispered tones so as to not allow Zanith to hear him. “Tell me small one, what can ye tell me of this book that Zanith guards. We’re going to need your help. Ye’ve the most experience with him and I fear he may be right. Can ye read the book that they have spoken about?”

Adrian steps towards the window on the opposite wall and looks out as he continues to talk with Zanith. “But ye did say something very intriguing. Ye believe the weave to be the ‘Alpha and Omega?’ What idiocy gave ye that idea? The weave is nae anything more than the stitch work which holds the fabric of the realms together. It is nae the ultimate power. Nor is it eternal. I witnessed its birth and I have witnessed its destruction in some planes. The mana stream is nothing more than a mystical energy and courses through all the planes and allows them to interact in some ways, yet remain separate, all fitting into place of the puzzle.”

“Much like the way people fit into a family.” Adrian turns to Zanith and forces a memory to emerge. Everyone watches as Zanith falls into somewhat of a trace and relives several memories of his time with his parents that were long forgotten, all relived as if they were happening now for him, but only a fraction of a second of time passes and Adrian turns his attention back out the window, allowing Zanith to recover. “Ye see what I mean? Just as ye are a part of the family your parents started, so the weave is to the planes, a part. But unlike ye, the weave holds things together, where ye have divided your family. What would your parents think if I was to take ye back as ye are now to them as they were in that memory? Would they continue to cradle the little child within their arms? Or know that it spells disaster and try to prevent this day from ever coming?”

Adrian smirks at Zanith. Without anyone’s knowledge the chess pieces have moved on their own, both sides have a strong defense, but it appears as if Adrian’s pieces currently have lodged in a hole in Zanith’s defenses and a weakness is now exposed. The funny thing is, neither of them have been at the chess board to anyone’s recollection.

Zanith just smiled as he continued to play his little game of chess.

"Heh...I should have known. It's no use arguing with the God of Truth. I can't win..."

Just then, however, the memories of Zanith's past flashed before his eyes. He quickly stood up, almost tumbling the stunning table to the ground. However, the images stopped soon enough and Zanith found himself sitting down, clearing his throat just a tad bit.

"Adrian, I'd advise you not to do that again. It would be a shame if this entire spire came tumbling to the ground. And I've yet to reinforce the foundation..." he said slyly as the spire began to tremble. Several blocks shook out of the walls and clattered to the ground. However, the tremors stopped soon enough and all was still again.

"...But worst of all, this game of ours would go unfinished...Check."


"...B-Book...? ...Book! No! B-Book! Hurt! I-I...c-can't! No! No! Book! No book! B-Book is...Book hurts! No! NO!" cried out Squee as his eyes shot open. He squirmed and struggled in Lokey's arms while beads of sweat traced strange patterns on his face. His tail whipped around violently and his eyes refused to blink.

The word "love" made the entire room illuminate itself from an unknown source. The light was warm and inviting. It made one feel calm and peaceful inside.

However, if one simply looked ahead instead of marvelling at the lights, one would see their holy grail.

The room was made of stone, just like all the other rooms in Zanith's spire. However, a single beam of light shone down from above. The light hit a golden alter placed in the direct centre of the room, giving the air around it a twinkling and mystic glow. Atop the alter, sat a book. Twas nothing special. The book was covered in leather and the spine looked almost as if it had only been opened once or twice.

To the touch, the book felt warm and strange. Almost as if something was entering the soul; tainting the soul.

Inside, the book was filled with countless runes. Impossible to translate, the runes simply laid upon their pages. They did not glow nor did they shimmer like their deceptive riddle-brothers. They simply were.

Draco stood, gathering himself after his little skirmish. He examined some of his more potent magiks and cirlced around behind Zanith. He knew he alone could not down the neo-god, but perhaps he could provide a distraction long enough for the others to finish... In case Zanith tired of his little game.
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#2 Silverwizard

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Posted 21 February 2004 - 06:54 PM

Silverwizard looks at the runes. He casts a spell to read languages trying and hoping to be able to decipher the runes. He sends a mental message to Trekkie who is still guarding the passage way that he has the book.

Trekkie looks at Draco and whispers, "If you have any knowledge of the book or the runes if you could please join Silverwizard down the throne's stair."
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#3 Squee



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Posted 27 February 2004 - 01:24 AM

((*Delete.* Thank you for getting rid of Darkreaper's post.))

Edited by Squee, 27 February 2004 - 04:41 AM.

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#4 draco

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Posted 27 February 2004 - 04:21 AM


Edited by draco, 27 February 2004 - 04:43 AM.

#5 Silverwizard

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 07:36 PM

((OOC: partly to reopen this topic, I will move a post by Draco onto this forum. If Squee would reply to my last post it would also help, thanks))

Posted by Draco:
Tis a dead language... So I can offer little assistence, but to buy you some time. Get down there and help them... I shall watch your backs... That is if Zanith grows bored of his game and tries to finnish us off. He shant take me down without a fight.
*Draco grinned and wedged a few small crystals between his fingers, and twisted the gems on a few of his rings so they began to glow.*

Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#6 Squee



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Posted 02 March 2004 - 01:33 AM

((I'm waiting on Lokey.))
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#7 Bishop

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Posted 02 March 2004 - 04:09 PM

Through the North Gate leaving Nightmist City;
Across the Grassy Meadow & into the Barrier Forest;
West down a worn path to an Ancient Keep; (ancient as in it’s one of the oldest in Nightmist)
Past a majestic, Gold Dragon & into a bright blue magical portal;
Out of the portal, proceeding across a fertile glade;
Through a quiet courtyard in the still of the night;
Beyond a pair of large, bronze doors;
Through a lavishly furnished Anteroom & a regal throne room (Conference Room);
Behind three grand thrones atop a marble platform;
A secret passageway leading to three stairways climbing to the Founder’s Towers;
Up the central stairwell...

Ascending the cold, stone stairs the faint sounds of distress begin to echo off the walls. The muffled moans and grunts of someone suffering grow louder as you climb.

Into and through, what appears to be at a quick glance, a summoning room; filled with numerous arcane texts and many scrolls of various size and composition, and a large circle of protection monopolizing the center most floor.
Similarly, up another flight of stairs, into and through a Laboratory, and then a Library. Ascending yet another flight of stairs towards the persisting sounds of distress.

You enter a utilitarian furnished bedchamber; scrap notes lay strewn about, as well as open manuscripts of ancient and magical origins, diagrams, charts, tools, magical components & unusual concoctions.
In a simple bed, little more than a cot, the figure, Bishop Dragontongue, tosses and turns in a restless sleep, wet from hours of fever-induced perspiration.

(OOC/Explanation: The recent, drastic fluctuations in the magic weave / pure magic / ancient magic / the arcane sent surges through Bishop’s spirit (his magic aura). Since, long ago, he was linked to the weave (ancient/pure magic) from the use of an ancient artifact ( see Fairy Stones ). The link to this ancient magic is a side effect of using the artifact(s) (character hindrance).

He awakens from the torturous sleep delirious, and disoriented. Nauseous, dizzy, and extremely fatigued he stumbles out of bed, descending immediately to his knees. Unable to focus enough to stand, he proceeds to crawl towards a narrow stairwell leading up.

Several hours later, after a couple fits of severe vomiting and a blackout, as the sun begins to peek over the horizon, he emerges through a hatch at the top of the stairwell and onto the roof of the tower.

The roof of the center tower of Draco Honoris Keep, Bishop’s Tower, was constructed as a shrine to the deity Lady Luck, the Mistress of Luck. Occupying the center area, 1 ft. high and approximately 6 ft. in diameter, is a silver disk; the symbol of the Mistress of Luck.

With strained effort, bishop drags himself onto the silver disk and assumes a meditative, kneeling position.

As the sun descends on the western horizon (evening), Bishop emerges from his meditative state; having succeeded in channeling his magical energies into a barrier, filtering himself from the fluctuations in the arcane (the weave / ancient magic / pure magic). This successfully protects him from the debilitating effects he was suffering. Keeping this protection up, however, requires a great deal of concentration, leaving him unable to cast any spells until it is dismissed.

Moving deliberately, though slowly, he descends through his tower and into the Audience Chamber (throne room) of Honoris Keep.

Motions over one of the several Pages that are kept on hand at the Keep.

Recruit as many of you brothers as you can, spread throughout Nightmist and seek out our Family. An urgent matter requires their immediate attention; a great evil is close at hand.
...the Thorns! Send word that I must see the Guildmaster immediately.
Also, I’m unable to scry, so the services of a seerer need to be enlisted.
Go, with all speed – Go!

With concentrated effort, sits at a large oak briefing table, awaiting the first arrivals; abandoning conscious thought to concentrate on maintaining the barrier that shields him from the fluctuations in the weave.

To whoever may arrive; or documented in a note if too much time passes, Bishop will explain:
Because of my, albeit minute, link to the ancient magic of old (the pure magic weave), I have become aware of the presence of an entity that has linked itself with the weave and is using its powers. Unlike my minuscule link to the weave, this new entity has linked itself directly with the weave; which I can only speculate would result in near deity empowerment. This ancient magic, pure magic, is very potent and volatile; not like the magic that mages link to now – no creature of the mortal plane should have such a link to this power. I fear that if we cannot undo this quickly...all will be lost...
I must go to this entity immediately.

As soon as the Seer arrives he is paid handsomely in advance, then he and Bishop work to locate this entity. Though the entity itself is beyond the Seer’s power, the structure around it is not...

Supplies are gathered: Advanced Healing Potions, a Nightshade Elixir, Advanced Mana Crystals, and rations. Bishop and Sentry (ally Winter Wolf – see /who Sentry in-game) promptly depart for Zanith’s Castle.

(OOC: font color edited; this is the problem with skins... :) )

Edited by Bishop, 02 March 2004 - 05:29 PM.

#8 Xlithan


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Posted 02 March 2004 - 05:16 PM

((OOC: darker text please Bishop, can't read it =S ))

#9 LoKey

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Posted 03 March 2004 - 04:49 AM

As Bishop and Sentry leave the their keep, a small elven figure, dressed in silver robes stands silent and nods to the approaching figures. "Master Dragontongue, please, a moment of your time if I may. I am Sau_Ron, advisor to Guildmaster La`Mace of the Midnight Thorns and I come on his behalf. I'm afraid he is unable to respond to your messenger as he is unable to recieve your message." Sau_Ron notices the look on Bishop's face. "From the pale expression upon your face, I take it ye already know why my Master is unavailable. You know the threat that plagues our realm I take it? Find this plague and you will undoubtedly find my Master. And I'm sure he would welcome your help. So I will delay you no longer. I take my leave of you and return to Thorn Manor, so that I may make preparations should my Master call upon our aid." With a respectful bow, Sau_Ron turns and begins to walk away, slowly fading into a mist and from sight.

The scene shifts from outside of the Honoris Keep, to the tower where Adrian continues to talk with Zanith. Lokey quickly quiets Squee and speaks to him in hushed tones so that only he can hear. "Shhh... it's okay. Ye don't have to touch the book. But it seems as if that book can stop him. If ye can't touch the book, we'll find another way. We'll stop Zanith."

Adrian's attention shifts to Zanith. "If ye keep shaking the tower and attempting to mimic that which I have already done, those ye wish to strike fear into will find ye to be nothing more than a 'copy cat' as it were. Besides, do ye really believe that there is anything ye can do that I can't undo? I am Time." Adrian turns his head and looks at one of the stones falling from the wall. Suddenly, the stone comes to a hault in mid air, completely stationary as time for the stone is frozen, but all else continues as it should. Then Adrian turns his attention back towards Zanith as the stone returns to the wall, following the exact path that it was taking, as if time had reversed. After the walls stop shaking, the stone then acts as if it had been happening and shakes loose, falling to the floor and shattering, with no other stones moving. Had that one stone been removed from time? reversed and then accelerated to correct the discrepency? "Such arrogance ye possess."

The chess game has continued as the threat to Adrian's king has easily been overpowered and put down, after a couple of more moves, a pawn from Adrian's side moves to the back row and takes on a new form. It forms that of a man known as Dragontongue and then shifts to the form of a bishop piece. Adrian smirks as he recognizes the irony. "Well, it seems as if there is a new player to our little game. And this one seems to possess a threat to ye... Check." As Zanith turns his attention from Adrian back to the board, he notices that this new bishop's path threatens Zanith's king with very little escape available, only the sacrifice of a key piece can save Zanith from loosing. Suddenly it clicks that this chess game is only a physical representation of what is happening with the heroes.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
~ Edmund Burke ~

#10 Silverwizard

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Posted 03 March 2004 - 07:38 PM

Trekkie relays the news of Dragontongue to Silverwizard through the usual means of mental communication between them. "Dragontongue he is back in the world, what is happening? This world is collapsing and the force of good that overpowers all others is back I am pleased," Silverwizard says thinking of the time he spent with Bishop over the years. After that he sends a message to Anturox.

Anturox goes to Draco Honoris' famous keep and tells Bishop of the situation totally and goes with him to Zanith's keep. His main concern is Bishop's vast knowledge of the the arcane and if he can read the symbols in the book.

Edited by Silverwizard, 03 March 2004 - 11:53 PM.

Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#11 Squee



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Posted 03 March 2004 - 11:17 PM

With a smile, Zanith simply made his next move. However, what he did next was strange. He did not make any spectacular move nor did he do anything earth-shattering. In fact, the move he made seemed almost ammature. His king was now out in the open, in perfect position for an easy cornering and, most likely, a win.

"You'll have to excuse me a moment, Adrian," Zanith said as he slowly stood to his feet.

With the wave of a hand, a blue, shimmering portal opened up at the end of the hallway. It glistened in the dull light and almost beckoned one to step through. The other end of the portal had found itself a few metres away from where Bishop and his asaillent were walking.

"Come in, don't be shy," Zanith called out as he took his seat back on his throne, crossing his legs as he had done so many times before.

"Oh, and Adrian, before I forget...don't make idle threats in my home. You and I both know that you would not dare directly intervene with the acts in this realm. There is a certain order that must be maintained and any kind of major interference could cause mass fluctuations throughout all universes.


"N-No! Y-You...can't twouch the book! M-Master c-can't be stopped...I-I seen people twry before..." Squee said quietly as he drew an invisible line across his furry neck.

Squee was now struggling in Lokey's grasp. Strength had finally regained itself in Squee's body and he was confident in his ability to stand on his own. God knows why but whenever Squee was touched (in any way) he began to feel extremely uncomfortable.


Eventually, as Silverwizard takes his glances at the runes, a faint but definate presense makes itself clear. Twas nothing corporeal but spiritual. It seeped into the heart of Silverwizard and began to surface any and all hate within his heart. Slowly, even images of torture, power, confusion, chaos, genocide, fire and destruction began to find their way into his mind's eye. The runes were now glowing and re-arranging themselves. Into what order? Only a master of Arcane magiks could say for sure.

If Silverwizard continued to read the runes of the book or hold it in his grasp, he would even have been able to hear a faint, tiny voice. A voice small yet so powerful. So persuassive yet gentle. Promises of power, peace, happiness, eternal life - all were spoken.
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#12 Silverwizard

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Posted 03 March 2004 - 11:52 PM

Silverwizard ignores the voice easily as it is a voice that speaks to him all through his lives. He has felt its power and he has felt more than its power knowing the way it brings power would make him like Zanith. He looks at the book with anger and picks it up. He restrains the urge to throw it across the room and sits on the floor the pacifist beside him waiting and reading.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#13 draco

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Posted 04 March 2004 - 02:43 AM

Draco begins to glow a fient blue, his illusio magiks wearing off. He had been sitting behind Zanith's throne, partway into the wall, in a small alcove he formed out of debris. Power radiated from his clothes, his skin tinging a slight red. His eyes began to flare up a bright blue, and his covering magics are clawing at his mind, no longer able to contain the power building up inside him.

"Just.. a few more.. moments..."

Grunting to himself through closed teeth, Draco sits, nearly passing out from the mental anguish and the amount of raw power coursing through him. Soon, Zanith would be able to detect his presence... And the others had damned well better have translated that book.

#14 Silverwizard

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Posted 04 March 2004 - 04:04 AM

Unfortuanatly for Draco Silverwizard and the pacifist were compeltly baffled by this language. Silverwizard had a few tricks up his sleave though, he went over to the riddles and took the symbols from them and translated them into the riddles creating and alphabet and starting to translate the book piece by piece, letter by letter.

Edited by Silverwizard, 04 March 2004 - 04:05 AM.

Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#15 Squee



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Posted 05 March 2004 - 02:13 AM

It was useless. Everytime Silverwizard translated one rune, 2 would re-arrange themselves into some other part of the book. If this truly was a language written down, twas no language a mortal had ever or will ever know.

As time passed, the voice of the book began to grow louder and louder. The hollow promises were now beginning to sound even more tempting, regardless of how foolish one knew them to be. The book was trying to change Silverwizard's very core and essense - not just his mind.
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#16 Silverwizard

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Posted 05 March 2004 - 03:15 AM

Silverwizard dropped the book on the floor with a *THUMP*. The elf moves over to the book and picked it up. He started reading it, this time not caring wether or not he could understand it, he just fell into the magics of the book calling opun the power of Cyric his diety to direct his thoughts into just learning whatever he could.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#17 Bishop

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Posted 05 March 2004 - 08:02 PM

The trio was proceeding at a rapid pace through sparsely wooded, rolling hills. In spite of having been briefed on the happenings at Zanith’s keep, Bishop repeatedly requested Anturox recap various events as they traveled. In all honesty, he is at a loss of what to do. If the book can be read...but, can it? He doesn’t know... And what place does Squee have in the equation – something significant it seems, but what?


...a blue, shimmering portal opened up ...  It glistened in the dull light and almost beckoned one to step through.

The travelers freeze in their tracks. Bishop, caught off-guard, is petrified in that initial moment that the portal appears. His breathing is still, his heart pounds like a volcano eruption, and his skin tingles. Time stops as the realization of the danger in this situation becomes very evident. He is mortal after all. Zanith wields the power to snuff the live from mortals with little more than a thought.
What method of death might come through the portal and end it all?
One of those split-second moments that lasts...too long. But, nothing came...

Bishop is quickly snapped out of his moment of fright as he senses a fluctuation in the weave contact the barrier shielding him. He closes his eyes and focuses, ignoring all else for a second; he nearly lost it there. He knows he can’t let the barrier fail; he’d be useless in the wake of the weaves current state of turbulence.

Well, since nothing come through to kill us, I guess we can take it as an invitation.
So much for showing up unexpected...

Dismounts Sentry and says to her in a casual, but hushed voice: Continue on over land, your late arrival may be of benefit.
Looks to Anturox with a nonchalant smirk.
Shall we..?

#18 Silverwizard

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Posted 05 March 2004 - 08:37 PM

Anturox who has been answering Bishop's questions to the best of his ability from what he has gained through his mental communication with Trekkie and Silver looks to Bishop and trusts his judgement in magical matters. "After you," he says somewhat darkly making a gesture to the portal, "to whatever fate we find at the end." As the step through the portal he casts spells of protection upon himself incase this portal is the danger it appears to be.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#19 Squee



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Posted 07 March 2004 - 04:40 AM

"Bishop Dragontongue..." Zanith said quietly, not taking his eyes off the chess pieces.

"I was curious as to who else would decide to show up. Who else would like to play hero today. Who else would try to take on the title of 'savior.'

An interesting turn of events, indeed...

But enough of this, please, make yourself comfortable," he said as he waved a hand slightly. A silvery liquid soon rose out of the cracks in the floor, compiling itself into the shape of a chair. The sheen of the liquid soon subsided and left a cushioned seat before Bishop. Another wave and another chair appeared for his assaillent.
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#20 Silverwizard

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 07:18 PM

Anturox pulls out a still living stick form the sleeve and grows a chair from it wihin second, "I prefer to have my own seating Zanith," he says. "So mage what is your plan? To destroy everyone and have all the people of the world bow to you as the only god? That would be counter productive it seems, even the true gods of evil know better than that, simply watch and aid is all a god should do unless an idiot like you comes along then it is their job to protect, I very well may know my dietific duties better than you weakling."
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#21 Bishop

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 07:51 PM

Bishop, dressed in coal-gray robes shrouded in an equally dark gray, hooded cloak, steps forward, as before, taking slow, deliberate steps. He seems as a frail, old man, his skin sickly and pasty white, blue veins readily visible where not concealed by his dress. Watching him move one might think he’s on his last days with the living. But not in his eyes, his deep-set, dark eyes glisten with passion.

Concentrating on maintaining his barrier and struggling to not show any outward sign of this inner strain.

He ignores the chair created by Zanith as if nothing happened at all (except for the inner sense that the weave was being channeled again), his eyes scan the room in its entirety, *pausing to nod at LoKey and Adrian*. As Anturox takes a seat in his newly fashioned chair, Bishop moves slowly into the center of the room and up to the foot of Zanith’s throne. As Anturox presents his question, he takes a step back and turns as to view both mages (Zanith & the druid Anturox) and waits silently...

Edited by Bishop, 07 March 2004 - 09:19 PM.

#22 Silverwizard

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 08:25 PM

((OOC: Sorry it was mentioned before in the Prisoner in Tears on the old forum that Anturox is a druid not a mage, I assume by both mages you meant me as the only other mage here is Draco who is hiding and drawing attention to him would be stupid.))

Edited by Silverwizard, 07 March 2004 - 08:26 PM.

Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#23 Squee



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Posted 07 March 2004 - 09:59 PM

"...Counter productive..." Zanith scoffed.

"You have no idea what goes on up here. My master plan is so complex and so diversified that trying to explain it to you would simply waste both of our time.

...But, I suppose if you must know, my plan (in its simplist form) is to completely wipe this board clean - to start anew. This world is beyond repair now. The corruption, the furisoity, the hatred, the neglect - it has all gone far enough. I will stop it all and start from a clean slate.

And before you speak, you may want to reflect. You dare not call me a liar for everything I have said is true and you know it yourself...probably all too well."
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#24 Silverwizard

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Posted 08 March 2004 - 02:15 AM

Anturox looks at the man before him with a cold calculating stare, "Yes you will try to start anew but things will stop you, you cannot create you will only destroy, you will not be able to use the weave to simply build a new world for you are not the mists, I know of one thing in all this world that could allow you to acomplish your scheme and you could never control it."

((OOC: UMM how about a little on the pacifist's progress with that book.))
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#25 Squee



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Posted 08 March 2004 - 02:51 AM

Zanith simply smiled as he reached into his robe. From one of its many folds, he fetched a rock. Twas nothing special nor magical - just a simple stone. He held it out for a moment so all could seen then clentched his fist. After a moment, he opened his palm and a green, black and blue butterfly fluttered out of his grasp.

For a few seconds, it flew around the room gracefully. However, Zanith quickly brought this to an end as he snapped his fingers. In a split second, the butterfly was incinerated - its ashes slowly drifting to the ground.

However, Zanith's little show was not over yet. Once all the ashes had collected, he snapped his fingers once more. Instantly, a white head emerged from the ashes. Then, slowly, one pure, white wing emerged. Then another. In a matter of seconds, a virgin, white dove flew forth from the ashes and perchech on Zanith's shoulder.

"Can't control my power? Don't make me laugh..."


The books voice was now becoming unbearable. Strangely, it spoke in such a tone that pure pleasure could be felt...along with unearthly anguish. The voice spoke in random tongues but the message was always clear to the reader - all could be obtained if one only let the book help them.

Edited by Squee, 08 March 2004 - 02:54 AM.

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#26 Silverwizard

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Posted 08 March 2004 - 04:22 AM

"The weakest illusionist could preform those acts of presdigitation," Anturox says, "I can turn living wood into any wooden item I want, does that make me a god able to make a world from scratch? Power is very delicate, Adrian lets see some true creation, if you would be so kind, some true god-like powers." Anturox then strides over to the throne and picks up the scroll that had fallen there and slips it into the same sleeve as the stick went into, it was strange as his hand went in with the scroll through it created no variance in the sleeve.

Meanwhile the pacifist and Silverwizard were constantly remiding each other of who they were and what their goals are. They are begining to get fed up with this book wanting to go with a slightly cruder solution though that may be disasterous. The pacifist tries to cast spells that channel positive enery through him straight into the book.

Trekkie who has been simple waiting for most of this time suddenly looks up, "My Lord Dragontongue, your presence is resquested below, please go through the trapdoor behind the throne."
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#27 LoKey

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Posted 08 March 2004 - 04:40 AM

Adrian smirks as Bishop enters through the portal. A slight nod towards Bishop catches everyone off guard as this elder god has shown politeness to all, but with the exception of Lokey, this new figure is the only one who Adrian has addressed with a hint of respect.

Lokey notices Adrian’s gesture, and is taken back a bit by it, but also returns Bishop’s nod. He then turns to look at his son wondering what this turn of events holds for the fate of this realm. Could this be a good omen?

Adrian watches the show of power by Zanith with little amusement, yet strangely a smile has crept upon his golden lips. He breaks the silence as he interjects into the conversation with a muddled laugh. "Oh... my apologies Zanith. But at times the irony just overwhelms me. Ye claim that they can nae understand your plans. Yet ye do nae understand the complexity of what ye are attempting to set into motion. And the display of 'creative' power ye have shown, it shows nae originality. Ye wish to recreate what ye have claimed has already failed? And in your mind this works? True, ye possess the power to wipe the slate clean and attempt to start again. But ye do nae possess the intellect or the foresight to see what consequences that would possess. Ye can only speculate and will make many of the same mistakes ye wish to correct, as well as some new ones. Ye see, I can see all the possibilities of what could be, and I also see what is and will be for ye all, but has already been and will be yet again for me. But enough of my ramblings, I can see from the blank stare and the begrudging look within your eyes that ye do nae understand and grow upset again and that tis nae my intention."

Adrian turns to address Anturox, “Creation is nae my domain. Do I hold the power? Aye, tis needed for my position, but I will nae break my own morals by succumbing to pride as Zanith here has. I know my place and am content to fill it. Zanith forgot his and had delusions of grandeur. Learn well from his folly. But a reminder perhaps… aye, that may be in order.” Adrian’s gaze once again falls on Zanith. In a silent flash of power and might that makes all feel small in the presence of such enormity, the dove vanishes from sight. Lokey speaks in a whispered awe, “E…Erased… from time?” Adrian merely smiles and nods politely towards his father.

Adrian hears Trekkie’s words to Bishop and his gaze immediate falls to the two. “Nae, I have not yet made my move…” As Adrian speaks, a wave of his hand towards the chessboard is made and his attention once more rests upon Zanith. "…The pieces are set and our 'little game' grows all the more interesting." As everyone turns to face the chessboard, another piece on the board starts to move slowly. For the Pacifist, his concentration for the channeling is broken and the book’s voice is suddenly drowned out all at once by an overwhelming urge to bring the book towards Zanith’s chambers. It cannot be explained, but simply is there. A peace and serenity falls over this follower of Cyric as every fiber of his being cries out to move towards the chambers. Could this be linked to the move being made on the chessboard?
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
~ Edmund Burke ~

#28 Silverwizard

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Posted 08 March 2004 - 04:49 AM

The Pacifist speaks "I must take this book to the main chamber," as he says this he starts running up to it, Silverwizard makes a dash up to the chamber close on the heels of the pacifist barely keeping up.

"Sorry Adrian, I did not presume you were like Zanith in arrogance, I apologise yes creation is not the province of Time, I should have known this," Anturox says as he moves toward the chess set to watch the game.

Trekkie looks to Bishop "Silverwizard has withdrawn the request it is ok the book is coming to you," as he finishes this sentence he is almost bowled over by an elf recognized as the pacifist.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#29 Bishop

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Posted 08 March 2004 - 07:01 AM

audible sigh, obviously becoming agitated – steps directly in front of Zanith, only a few steps before the throne
I am not here to be a hero, nor savior. I am but an old man; I have little desire left to do battle. I am here because you beckoned me here; your mortal tampering with things most divine forced my coming here.

I am curious what it is you ‘truly’ seek, and are you sure that you are progressing to that end?

Destroy the world, the universe?, and make it anew? ...and then what? Restrict its freedom to grow? Command that there be no religion, no hatred, no strife, no hunger, no poverty..? Do you think such a plan will accomplish something so much better than what already is? – as Adrian has mentioned already.

Can that be what you ‘really’ desire..? Perhaps a less broad view of things, perhaps looking inward, instead of out, would clear things up. Maybe, just maybe, what has been corrupted, and needs cleansing, is within you.

What happened to your family Zanith? How long have you been without them, without anyone; family, friends, companions, without trust, faith, love? It has been my experience that the absence of these things is what drives people to ends such as this.

Do you remember what these things are? If so, it’s not too late, you can have them again.

pauses a moment to regard Zanith’s demeanor – allows this opportunity for Zanith to stop the dialogue
OOC: about a 1.5 second pause to allow Zanith to end the dialogue, otherwise I will continue

#30 Squee



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Posted 09 March 2004 - 01:17 AM

Zanith sighed as he moved yet another chess piece, giving the druid an irritated look as he looked upon the game.

"You are both forgetting something," Zanith said, beginning to answer both Adrian and Bishop.
"How can free will, faith, religion, hatred, hunger and poverty exist if I simply do not allow them? I will tell this new world exactly what these things are and they will believe me for they will know no better. They will except what I have to teach and they will live as such. I will create a world of eternal ignorance and, thus, eternal bliss.

And, if by the smallest chance, one of my disciples does discover faith or religion or hatred for themself, I will simply silence them. Of course, this person's family and friends will be devestated but it is a small price to pay for Eden, now isn't it?"

"Oh," Zanith continued as he down at Bishop.
"Just so you know, I need not these 'friends' and 'family' you speak of. I've learned that they simply hindered me. They served their purpose in the past but now they are simply a burden to me.

As for these emotions that you claim I'm missing, I will not deny so. I do miss the love, the compassion, the sensation of doing good...but I have learned so much in the past years. I have experienced things that mortal minds cannot even begin to conceive. I have experienced things a thousand times more pleasurable than 'fun' and things a hundred times greater than 'love.'

Would I ever go back to change things? Never. Not for a second. What I have now is unique - it is salvation."
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