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Crits Named After Drugs

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#1 devilswar104

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Posted 15 September 2006 - 08:30 AM

Why is it the name Kannabis and Ganja are able to be used yet Marijuana, cannabis. marijuana_jr or Cannabis_Jr can''t be its all the same. If drugs arent aloud to be used it should be placed in the rules that no one can use the names of drugs. Yet Ganja and Kannabis are names that have been around for a long time. If this is placed in the rules what should happen? Should they lose their names and have to pay for the name change? Or a free name change to whatever they would like? I think sence it wasnt in the rules before this, it shouldnt have to be changed. It's kinda like laws in real life. If its done before a change in a law, it's ok because of a change in the system. I just wanted to know what the rest of you thought about this topic.

Edited by devilswar104, 15 September 2006 - 08:37 AM.

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#2 MysticStorm

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Posted 15 September 2006 - 08:52 AM

There is a lot of names that shouldn't be used that are drug or sex related and it's not necessarily by those that have expensive accounts and such. Just no one has a problem with certain names so they don't report it. But you're right, if one crit name is wrong then everything else should be considered wrong.

#3 evilcartoon

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Posted 15 September 2006 - 08:54 AM

ok i dont know whats been going on lately but when certain ppl get stolen from they get real help but other ppl like me other friends thati know u just say well thtas what u get for sharing and now this name thing ok whats going on so i guess its true ppl do get special treatment so whats ones person account is more vaulable than others what just cuz of the stuff they have or cuz ur friends with them how about ppl that bearly start i guess they aint important ppl know the rules but ppl always break them but only certain ppl get picked on and other do it in front of u and u do nothing so what do we all have to kiss butt to get somewhere ban me from forums ban me from the game but i see nothing here thats offensive cuz all i speak is truth ppl want to flame go ahead treat everyone equal or just leave us alone btw i agree with mysticstorm theres alot of names worse than that and yet u fail to see it or do anything about it

Edited by evilcartoon, 15 September 2006 - 09:00 AM.

#4 devilswar104

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Posted 15 September 2006 - 09:07 AM

[Enlightenment Pages You from (Hidden): btw i agree with mysticstorm theres alot of names worse than that and yet u fail to see it or do anything about it oh and i would like to see the person or the person who started this topic should be able to see who reported hm if anyone did
Paged User Enlightenment: actually i asked him myself about the name
Paged User Enlightenment: he never answered me
Paged User Enlightenment: so i figured it was ok
Enlightenment Pages You from (Hidden): so someone reported u or u asked him
Paged User Enlightenment: i asked but thats not all
Paged User Enlightenment: then i did the name change
Paged User Enlightenment: about 15 min after the name change i asked again
Enlightenment Pages You from (Hidden): ahh ok well i took the part about u wanting to see who reported u lol
Paged User Enlightenment: then i showed him the crits name stateing it was lvl 23 and he goes o thats going to need to be changed
Paged User Enlightenment: 22*
Enlightenment Pages You from (Hidden): u should of never asked him
Paged User Enlightenment: figured i would be nice sence he does own the game but he could have been nice and answered me before it happend
Enlightenment Pages You from (Hidden): put that in ur post let ppl know the whole story
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#5 MysticStorm

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Posted 15 September 2006 - 10:41 AM

JLH didn't answer back because he was sleeping. He is often logged onto MSN but usually shows AFK even when he's sleeping. So just to clear that up for you. He is 5 hours ahead of eastern standard time. 8 hours head of pacific.. you get the idea right? Any other time he may be at work too!

As far as getting stolen from.. JLH has already stated that if you share and get stolen from cause your account partner got mad or just wanted to get into the account to steal, he will not return any stolen stuff and that's for everyone. So anything that happened before then, is a mute. It's what happens after he made that statement. Then it's not right.

#6 Epic

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Posted 15 September 2006 - 02:33 PM

I had a lil low lvl something when i used to play that i named Poontang ...i was in a mosh and a staffer paged me saying "hmm poontang doesnt seem appropriate" and he made me change it..told him i'd change it but i wasnt payin for it so i made him give me 100k then i switched to letters around and that was the end of it..cept thats my cats name now

#7 devilswar104

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Posted 15 September 2006 - 02:39 PM

Not to be mean but i had talked to him earlier about something else. When i did the name change and everything, he wasnt afk on msn.

This wasnt ment to make anyone made at me. Im just trying to prove the fact that it's not right for some names to be aloud and others arent,

So does this mean the staff member Scripto should lose the name Kannabis! Watch out Mark they are after your name!

Edited by devilswar104, 15 September 2006 - 04:02 PM.

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#8 Jphattyjr

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Posted 15 September 2006 - 04:02 PM

I have the name Poontang now on a little druid, and nobody finds it offensive. Hell, most people find it funny more than anything. But just because a staffer doesn't like it, or a certain person that's favored might not like it and report it, I'll eventually have to change it? And JLH did say no help for people who get stolen from BUT those who he know's or likes or whatever. Which would be a really selective way of doing things. If you won't help everybody in that same situation, don't help anybody. Only fair. And about the name thing...If more than a certain amount of people report the name, it should be forcefully changed. If not, leave it be. Regardless of personal opinion of a staffer or whatnot. My two cents, and now I'm broke again =(

Edit: And what about the crits named Crack, Meth, Hemp, etc? Can't use anything related to a drug used for medicinal purposes, but can use names of drugs with the highest overdose rates? Makes a crap load of sense to me *sarcasm*

Edited by Jphattyjr, 15 September 2006 - 04:12 PM.

#9 Piggy

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Posted 15 September 2006 - 06:17 PM

ok i dont know whats been going on lately but when certain ppl get stolen from they get real help but other ppl like me other friends thati know u just say well thtas what u get for sharing and now this name thing ok whats going on so i guess its true ppl do get special treatment so whats ones person account is more vaulable than others what just cuz of the stuff they have or cuz ur friends with them how about ppl that bearly start i guess they aint important ppl know the rules but ppl always break them but only certain ppl get picked on and other do it in front of u and u do nothing so what do we all have to kiss butt to get somewhere ban me from forums ban me from the game but i see nothing here thats offensive cuz all i speak is truth ppl want to flame go ahead treat everyone equal or just leave us alone btw i agree with mysticstorm theres alot of names worse than that and yet u fail to see it or do anything about it

Work on your puncuation and people might listen to you, OR

Read it out yourself with the current puncuation, it'll help...

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#10 alone

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Posted 15 September 2006 - 06:41 PM

Piggy's trying to kill kids. Can we address that first?
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#11 evilcartoon

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Posted 16 September 2006 - 05:36 AM

Piggy learn to spell its punctuation. Maybe you should read it out loud but i think you should get your GED or hooked on phonics first.

Edited by evilcartoon, 16 September 2006 - 05:39 AM.

#12 devilswar104

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Posted 16 September 2006 - 05:44 AM

Please stay on topic!

Edited by devilswar104, 16 September 2006 - 05:46 AM.

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#13 Thunderja


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Posted 16 September 2006 - 05:53 AM

What's the problem? You couldn't get a name you wanted so instead you drag down the people who own similar names?

What a party pooper.

Ganja and Kannabis are well established crits on Nightmist and don't really need to be tampered with, it's been like that for years. Less Hateraid please.
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#14 Isolated

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Posted 16 September 2006 - 06:13 AM

i want the name marijuana
f uck you I wont do what you tell me

#15 Thunderja


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Posted 16 September 2006 - 06:44 AM

i want the name marijuana

Wow drugs! You're so cool.

What I didn't say in my post that people walk around 24/7 talking about how wasted they are are such losers. Naming a crit after such a thing leads me to the same thought process. a) bum. B loser. c) moosewit... Are general stereotypes that spring to mind.

I am close to many people who smoke don't get me wrong... But generally anyone flaunting their smoking habbits and waving it in peoples faces are gay.
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#16 devilswar104

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Posted 16 September 2006 - 07:28 AM

Actually its the fact i own the name Cannabis_Jr and have to change it yet nobody else has too. Im just making a point and showing that there is favoritism in the game. Plus only real reason the staff would stand up for Kannabis is the fact that Its owned by a staff member!

Edited by devilswar104, 16 September 2006 - 07:35 AM.

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#17 evilcartoon

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Posted 16 September 2006 - 09:58 AM

What's the problem? You couldn't get a name you wanted so instead you drag down the people who own similar names?

What a party pooper.

Ganja and Kannabis are well established crits on Nightmist and don't really need to be tampered with, it's been like that for years. Less Hateraid please.
(the quote thing dont work)

but ok u say kannabis and ganja are well established crits/names then whats the difference between kannabis and cannabis? what the first letter? y should he have to change the name when they dont? its not that he didnt get the name he got the name but jlh is making him change it and i dont think anyone reported him either so y is jlh making him change cannabis_jr when there are names that are the same and some even worse?

Edited by evilcartoon, 16 September 2006 - 10:02 AM.

#18 Elite

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Posted 16 September 2006 - 01:59 PM

It's a bias community of speds what do you expect.

#19 MysticStorm

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Posted 16 September 2006 - 03:29 PM

Ack! Ok wasn't gonna say nothing but didn't know how long this was gonna drag on but those who are using different colors for text... PLEASE check how light it's going to look. I had a hard time reading some of text due to the light red and bright lime green colors.

Back on topic! I have to go against Jared for once :)

While it is extremely stupid to flaunt addictions that people claim to do all the time, it still isn't right to make one person change a name of a crit and not make the other do the same reguardless of how established the crit is. THis is supposed to be a game for everyone and though one person could argue "Well most kids don't know the meaning of what Cannabis/Kannabis is", it doesn't make it right and if one person has to change "Cannabis", the other should have to change Kannabis. Both sounds the same, means the same, just different spelling.

One thing! Trevayne!!! Jared used the word Gay!!! Warn prz!!!!!

Sorry had to bring up one more favortism issue.

Edited by MysticStorm, 16 September 2006 - 05:56 PM.

#20 Wind


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Posted 16 September 2006 - 03:53 PM

Cry me a river!

Character Name: Wind on both servers!

#21 Exodia



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Posted 16 September 2006 - 06:42 PM

what jared is sayin is complete bs

as jlh said in the past and made alot of ppl change thier names is that ur not allowed to use such names, now how is ganja and kannabis well established crits on nm? OR WAIT, can that be cuz thier ur clannys? i dont think thier well established or whatever ur goin on bout, i dont think thier ne different from neone else, noone else can use those kinda names so why should they be left outta the bunch and be allowed?
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#22 Isolated

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Posted 16 September 2006 - 07:27 PM

Ive got an idea legalise all drug names
---------------- Crack ----------------Class: Male Dwarf Archmaster Thief
Clan: Attitude (¤»»Mërëlÿ Mør±äl««¤)

Another drug name.

Edited by Isolated, 16 September 2006 - 07:27 PM.

f uck you I wont do what you tell me

#23 combusta

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Posted 16 September 2006 - 08:10 PM

i have mariwana and Drug lol

ah the intelligence of combusta, the envy of all nightmist players...

o shut up tony

#24 Eamon

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Posted 16 September 2006 - 08:35 PM

Crack can mean more then just the name of the drug.

If some kid went to their mother and said "Mom, whats Crystal_Meth?"

What would the answer have to be?

If some kid went to their father and said "Dad, whats Mariwana?"

Would would the answer be?

Now, if some kid went to their parents and said "Mom/Dad, Whats crack?"

I doubt the parent in question would start referring to drugs.

Not meaning to put anyone else's names out there. Just using as examples some of the last ones posted.

Edited by Eamon, 16 September 2006 - 08:38 PM.

#25 Ganja

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Posted 16 September 2006 - 10:56 PM


well ive had name Ganja for almost 2 years now and nobody has complained or said anything about it to me, i once even asked JLH to chance my custom pic to the marijuana leaf, which he then denied he never mentioned my name i see no problem with drug names. But if its a sexual name then yes theres a problem.

anyways, thats all i have to say bout this topic


Edited by Ganja, 16 September 2006 - 10:59 PM.

#26 OmegaNublet

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Posted 16 September 2006 - 11:04 PM

ex post facto or w/e it is, i dont personally see why they should ban the use of drugs as names anyways, its not like your promoting the usage of the drug, and hey who can help the fact that drugs just have cool sounding names. I think that if you want to take that route, why dont you ban RELIGIOUS names like god and all that crap??? see what im saying, its all bogus. Nightmist is a primarily closed community since the game progression is for the larger players new players cant come in and just figure stuff out. Everyone that plays the game has been around the game for awhile, i think that if you start creating areas for lower levels and making it more NEWB friendly than PRO-technical, then if you wanted to enact changing of names it would make sense, personally i think you people are just trying to find a new reason to complain, cuz your bored w/ everything else atm. :) ty gregg

#27 MysticStorm

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Posted 17 September 2006 - 12:15 AM

ex post facto or w/e it is, i dont personally see why they should ban the use of drugs as names anyways, its not like your promoting the usage of the drug, and hey who can help the fact that drugs just have cool sounding names

Sweety.. hate to break it to you like this but the drugs are being promoted on the game. I've seen just about all the drugs there is mentioned on this game because someone gets wasted on them. Religioun however is only being promoted by 1 person who has been getting a lot of flack as of late :)
But if a rule isn't going to be enforced, then it shouldn't be listed on the website as a rule.

#28 Ryuku


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Posted 17 September 2006 - 04:23 AM

I am close to many people who smoke don't get me wrong... But generally anyone flaunting their smoking habbits and waving it in peoples faces are gay.

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#29 fallen

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Posted 17 September 2006 - 10:40 AM

IF someone(staff member/game programer) told dude he has to change his name that is no differnet then the lot of names listed above, they all should have to be changed or he should be able to keep the name. Naming ur crit after a drug is kinda lame but if thats what rev's the engine letter go. I personally think all drug, sexist, racist, or antisocial related names should be banned. :)
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#30 Dark


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Posted 17 September 2006 - 02:59 PM


well ive had name Ganja for almost 2 years now and nobody has complained or said anything about it to me, i once even asked JLH to chance my custom pic to the marijuana leaf, which he then denied he never mentioned my name i see no problem with drug names. But if its a sexual name then yes theres a problem.

anyways, thats all i have to say bout this topic


Your a tosser, how can you say sex names are bad and drug names are fine, if anything it would be the other way around. :)

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