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I Suppose You Would Have Noticed.

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#1 Deval

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Posted 25 June 2006 - 03:45 PM

I suppose it's been a good while now, but those of you with a semi functioning memory may recall who I am. I have avoided making this post up until now because I have felt the manner with which I had been treated by JLH not even worth response to.

For several years I both played, and assisted in the development of the game, be that in descriptions, testing areas, and even as much as development of areas. (I.E Original work on Silversail alongside Havanor, Rose Garden Extension, recreation of the Temple of Giants). I was also a forum moderator, and personally believe I performed well beyond what is expected or necessary of what most would consider a casual hobby. The number of months ago that my position was confiscated I cannot even remember, but the fashion I was treated with in my expulsion was of a knee jerk fashion, ill-informed and irrational.

That's right, I've never spoken a bad word of JLH up until now, I've always maintained a respectful and considerate relationship with the game administration, and now in my final goodbye to this curse of I game I will take the opportunity to speak plainly what so many of this games butt-weasels would cry judas and bloody fury at. JLH, you are an elitist, self indulgent, self adoring, lazy, alarmist jerk. Your hideous treatment of your staff and general mis-management of the game, as well incompetent fashion of dealing with behavioral issues in the game have become laughable. Nightmist has not progressed from it's cess pool of stagnation for at least three years now, and I would be extremely surprised if the game ever evolved into anything more than the current cyber-ego masturbatiory slagging match it is today.

So it is bitter sweet fashion with wich I leave, both anger, and nostalgia as I bid my final farewell to this game. There are many people I forged strong friendships with and I do not need bid them any fond personal farewells, they know who they are, and they know I respect them and will always remember them fondly amongst the flames of what was once, a long time ago, a great game with such potential.

No doubt people will, or may have already, stolen the names Odin and Deval. They may wear those names in a desperate attempt of the acquisition of a fame faded, but know that these people will never ascertain what we stood or strove for, and what we brought to the game. No one will ever be able to emulate the legacy of Deval and Odin, of John, and Tristan.

In our passing, you now finally know our real names.

"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#2 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 25 June 2006 - 03:51 PM

Page/Memo Beatrix

#3 Ryuku


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Posted 25 June 2006 - 04:55 PM

Power corrupts, he's pretty much god over real people, just in a fictional world. Being a jerk outside the game and disowning someone? That's just lame, I'm glad I'm a nice guy.

#4 Trance

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Posted 25 June 2006 - 05:28 PM

I have no idea who any of you are....so using the name is Odin isnt a "desperate attempt of the acquisition of a fame faded". Its just a name i liked and was able to get. The ppl who know me, know who i am because i myself am my own person. And i need no name to help "boost" my popularity.

But on a different note....i'm sorry to see you left the world of Nightmist harboring such harsh feelings. Since I don't know about the circumstances, I will just say gl with life and all the great things that come with it.

Edited by Trance, 25 June 2006 - 05:30 PM.

All cars should come equipped with cleanse. Screw drunk driving!
ingame Irl

#5 Trevayne

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Posted 25 June 2006 - 05:54 PM

Twelve months ago, I would have written off this post as a rant. Now, I think I can see some of what you are saying.

Goodbye Deval. You've always spoken with clarity and insight. This place needs more people like you.
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#6 Guest_Doom_*

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Posted 25 June 2006 - 06:42 PM

I think the game needs more people like Deval and less people like Trevayne, useless staff members that police the forum WAY too much ( gonna give me 10% warning now for mentioning your name?) watever

Bye Deval ;)

#7 Piggy

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Posted 25 June 2006 - 07:05 PM

I love your command of the english language, bye.

Piggy Or Derlok ingame

#8 Deathwish

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Posted 25 June 2006 - 07:34 PM

Well put, have a good one.
Out, out brief candle. Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player who struts and frets his hour on the stage and then is heard no more.

#9 Crane


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Posted 25 June 2006 - 07:57 PM

I am sorry that it had to end this way for you, John and Tristan, and I'm sorry that I, in a way, became staff when the position was deserved more for yourself. I hope things work out for you in real life. Take care.

Gareth, aka. Crane
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#10 £EGEÑd§ ôf thë Mí§T

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Posted 25 June 2006 - 08:06 PM

Bones69, Necroking bids you farewell.

I'll never forget training in the Halls of Kings outside Pern with you and your bro, those were the days indeed.

I agree 110% with what you say, and would add more, but since degenerates is pretty much all that's left in the game, why bother.

All those who are so quick to use the word 'nuub' wish you would of played in the world that we took for granted, because after reset the world never was the same.

I, too, have left , but for different reasons. Pity be to the few 'kind' people that remain. ;)
Twisted_Nemesis or Splinter Ingame.

#11 Shaginator



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Posted 25 June 2006 - 08:51 PM

Deval for president.
Overthrow/Redemption - 1a

Existance - Main

#12 MysticStorm

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Posted 25 June 2006 - 11:00 PM

Awwwww now I have to look at old posts any time i want to see the killer kitty avatar!! That's just not right!

And it's also not right that people have to be lame to take old names without given permission from original owner.

Well, have a good life and best of luck.

#13 Trance

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Posted 25 June 2006 - 11:17 PM

MysticStorm, on Jun 25 2006, 07:00 PM, said:

Awwwww now I have to look at old posts any time i want to see the killer kitty avatar!! That's just not right!

And it's also not right that people have to be lame to take old names without given permission from original owner.

Well, have a good life and best of luck.

Karla....just silence urself plz

They didnt keep the crits active, so that's what happens. Nobody is walking around using the name saying "hi, i'm deval!" "hi, i'm odin!" tyring to use their identities.
Getting permission from ppl who dont play anymore isn't necessary either. Now they decide they're going to play again then sure....you can always work on something with them so they can get their old names back. I wouldn't mind giving back the name...just pay for the name change.

Edited by Trance, 25 June 2006 - 11:18 PM.

All cars should come equipped with cleanse. Screw drunk driving!
ingame Irl

#14 acehardware

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Posted 25 June 2006 - 11:20 PM

we need more forum moderators like deval.
chuck norris > all

#15 alone

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Posted 25 June 2006 - 11:41 PM

To our love that never really was. This is the final goodbye.
You don't need me to say it, but enjoy yourself man!

Will keep an eye out for a bloke in girls clothes if I'm ever round your parts!
"Entertain yourself with my nightmares."
- AfterAll


#16 Amy

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Posted 26 June 2006 - 12:42 AM

Deval, I have replied to you personally and I shall say my goodbyes here as well. I have known you for many years through this game, and I know that you have contributed much. I shall always remember you. In all that you do, be well. Enjoy your life, for you have much to live for. Until we meet again, journey safely!


p.s. those who wish to use this post to flame others, may as well stop now. Say goodbye to one of nightmists legends or be quiet. Thank you much. ~ amy
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#17 fallen

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Posted 26 June 2006 - 01:47 AM

Take care good luck in your endevours. :wub:

I agree with alot of what you have said ..... the appeal of the game for me has been flushed as well. I at one time couldnt pull myself away from the game and the great group of plp that were always online. The foul mouths, egotistic ass's and thievery over the coruse of the last year or more has hit all time hights. Also giving "full time Players" full run of the staff forums and the oppertunity to check boss's and hunt enemies on non mortal crits was a huge mistake although some of the recent staff additions were great. I dont think its all JHL's fault the fall of the game however, after all I am sure he has a life and other things to do with his time as well he has supported this game for a long time out of his own pocket, but perhaps alot of things werent handled properly and resulted in the great game that all of us old players known and loved to disappear. ;) :wub:
we will pass judgement on the day of your doom

#18 Exor

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Posted 26 June 2006 - 03:54 AM

deval ftw <3
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#19 Kalypso

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Posted 26 June 2006 - 04:00 AM

i believe the last time we spoke we were probably on bad terms but whatever it's the mooseing internet and it's a game..i remember you from back in the day when you chose me over mistress_sluttie and i will always be greatful to you for being able to have rubbed that in her face for a while, you're an alright guy..a bit fruity sometimes but overall you're pretty decent..stay cool, and dont fret..JLH is just a nerd. the real enemy is the other one........COUGH ;)
"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed.
"Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone just as wild to run with."

#20 Thunderja


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Posted 26 June 2006 - 05:12 AM

Later mate.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion (unless you're Cal hahaha) and you said it well. I would, however, have to disagree with most of it but that's not the point of this topic.

And finally remember the good times above everything else, goodbye and good luck.
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#21 Sneaky

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Posted 26 June 2006 - 05:14 AM

Doom, I would post something to insult you, but i don't want to tarnish this well-thought out post.

Deval, you were one of those people that stopped playing when I really started, and I always thought you'd be a pretty cool guy to talk to. Well put, sir, well put indeed.
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

combusta said

deimos the noob said no

#22 Boys Night Out

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Posted 26 June 2006 - 06:37 AM

Well.. I guess it's finally time to say goodbye. The extention on the Rose garden i was always hoping for, never came. But i guess if you feel cheated in such a way, who cares.

Good Luck. Be happy. Stick it to the man.

Tread lightly, as you tread on my dreams...

Hansol ingame

#23 acehardware

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Posted 26 June 2006 - 07:31 AM

Exor, on Jun 26 2006, 03:54 AM, said:

deval ftw <3

sry to go out of topic but...

the legendary mark posts again!
chuck norris > all

#24 Lappa

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Posted 26 June 2006 - 11:28 AM

take care deval... and btw, mark isnt legendary, he was the one that said all the garbage deval and others here despised, with his fake language and piss poor attitude...
-Lappa or Woodstock-

Property of Jessica

#25 Boys Night Out

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Posted 26 June 2006 - 12:41 PM

just like you mike?
Tread lightly, as you tread on my dreams...

Hansol ingame

#26 Raylen


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Posted 26 June 2006 - 12:48 PM

Can I get a ggpwnedkthxbainub???
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

Crane said

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#27 Momba

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Posted 26 June 2006 - 05:26 PM

I don't think there is anyone who could have made such a serious topic so funny. I would give anything to be able to use words the way you do. You are brilliant. I 110% agree with all you said. Hence the reason I log just to annoy people about once a week or so.
My inner child is a mean little f*ucker

#28 Exodia



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Posted 27 June 2006 - 04:29 AM

Primex ingame

#29 acehardware

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Posted 27 June 2006 - 05:20 AM

Lappa, on Jun 26 2006, 11:28 AM, said:

take care deval... and btw, mark isnt legendary, he was the one that said all the garbage deval and others here despised, with his fake language and piss poor attitude...

are you retarded, mark was one of the coolest ppl in nm in his time ;)
chuck norris > all

#30 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 27 June 2006 - 07:00 AM

Cya around Deval.. You were awesomely cool ;)
Disaster ingame.

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