Staff who will run events and quests... Halloween is approaching is there even a quest being assembled?
There needs some fun added to help the game be improved... The Staff who do nothing should just be made Main staff and have seperate staff for 1a...
We need excitement in the game... Quest time is fun... Nightmist should be fun but as someone brought to my attention today theres nothing going on really but training...
ANd no i dont wanna be staff... but theres die hard nm palyers who know alot about the game who should be if they have the time...
Heres a small list of people i think should be made staff because of knowledge..
Serge(hes a bit odd but knows his stuff) JP(he knows areas pretty well and has been playing a while) Broc(everyone knows broc and broc knows how to play the game) and of course rob(puremourning rob) but hes banned... theres others but those people dont play anymore...
with elf i think those people would be able to bring quests and events to 1alt like they used to be ran on main cuz the game died out from bans and lack of interest... so the interest needs to be created... oh and FREE ROB AND JORDAN!!!
so please everyone give your feedback
Edited by Jumpsteady, 22 September 2008 - 11:38 PM.