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Poll: Are Zerkers Overpowered Only Vote If Your Zerker Is Level 28+ (94 member(s) have cast votes)

Are Zerkers Overpowered Only Vote If Your Zerker Is Level 28+

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#1 World

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Posted 02 March 2004 - 07:35 AM

choose and then state why you chose it

#2 Mia

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Posted 03 March 2004 - 07:41 PM

They are not overpowerd cause:

1. they do damage with berserk AND lose hp while they do it.

2. Depends on what weapon they have. Like any other class, they do more damage the better weapon they get.

3. They Don't have armor

4. If half orc; max dex 16 = miss ALOT, but gives alot of damage if a hit.
If dwarf 21 max str = less damage, but hit more
MEANING: half-orcs hit less, dwarf hit more, but deals almost the same amount of damage.

5. They suck without a cleric as they lose hp fast.

6. They are a class just like any else classes, good side and flaw side.
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#3 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 04 March 2004 - 12:00 AM

no they arent over powered because they drop insanely fast and w/o cleric arent really worth useing
Page/Memo Beatrix

#4 Ryuku


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Posted 05 March 2004 - 01:52 PM

Me agree, i have a lvl 19 zerker, and he only does 700 attack with smite when all spelled up (36 str) and he had a torch in swamps so that not alot.

#5 World

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Posted 05 March 2004 - 04:01 PM

to keep it fair i asked for people to have level 28+ zerkers so please dont poll or post otherwise thankx

#6 Ryuku


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Posted 10 March 2004 - 01:45 PM

I didnt vote (just posted)

#7 World

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Posted 10 March 2004 - 09:51 PM

okay sorry

#8 alone

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Posted 15 March 2004 - 12:26 PM

Well, I don't have one, so slap my wrist.. But I also don't believe them to be overpowered. As previously stated, they have their afvantages and disadvantages.. They are useless without someone to keep them healed (their biggest flaw).
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#9 World

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 06:36 PM

*slaps alones wrist*

#10 Epic

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Posted 17 March 2004 - 05:44 AM

Yes they are..the weapons they can use has to much base dmg for a 1 click 6 stamina attack hitting for 70+ no spelled up :)

#11 Oasis

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Posted 27 March 2004 - 03:12 AM

70? More like 90+. With my arch zerks spelled against a boss, it's insane.

5 stam all the way.

#12 Quark

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Posted 31 March 2004 - 03:14 PM

/nod oasis & epic

I agree they are overpowered and think they should be cut to 5 stam

#13 Mia

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Posted 07 April 2004 - 12:16 PM

/nod oasis & epic

I agree they are overpowered and think they should be cut to 5 stam

*slap Quark* my arch zerker ain't that good. its equal to all other classes. I can duel all from lvl 27+ and still get beaten (well I have a half orc arch zerker)

You of all know that even with 6 stam they can be beaten just like any arch ranger, mage or fighter...

I still wish my zerker could get an item that could gain a +1 dex... I dun like my arch zerker cause he isn't any better than anyone else. (k, so its not that bad, only trying to make my point)

Edited by Mia, 07 April 2004 - 12:19 PM.

Would you catch the glass if it was falling?

#14 gnarley

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Posted 08 April 2004 - 07:43 PM

Zerks shouldn't be brought down to five stam, but if they are, they should atleast go without losing hp when they berserk, and in the last post that mia, i think started, trauma said something about the lvl ten diference for pking, i think it should be taken out also, cause a lvl ten has no chance f surving wither ot not the person is lvl 20 or 30, so not that much of a point, but zerks may be a bit over powering, but if u bring down to five stam, they will just suck and no one will want,

#15 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 08 April 2004 - 09:54 PM

Zerks shouldn't be brought down to five stam, but if they are, they should atleast go without losing hp when they berserk, and in the last post that mia, i think started, trauma said something about the lvl ten diference for pking, i think it should be taken out also, cause a lvl ten has no chance f surving wither ot not the person is lvl 20 or 30, so not that much of a point, but zerks may be a bit over powering, but if u bring down to five stam, they will just suck and no one will want,

you dont even own a zerk with 5+ stam

how about we go back to the days when there wasnt a lvl 10 rule ?
Page/Memo Beatrix

#16 gnarley

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Posted 09 April 2004 - 02:35 AM

hey rappy, first /who draloon, second back to the old days when they didn't have the rule u couldn't pk someone ten levels lower, nightmist has turned into a cattering game, cause so many peeps b*tch bout so many things, it's rediculous just play the game how it was and just leave it alone, back when tehre was only a few archies it was always fun, but i quit and come back to find that so many noobs complained bout so many things it's changed so much, It was funner when Dis', and Gouki and Fist' were the only arches and only half hte amount of peeps that play now played then,

#17 Oasis

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Posted 09 April 2004 - 02:44 AM

Everyone here who is going for the zerks to leave them alone have there own zerk that they do not want to give up or make it feel less powered or 'Normal'. I have owned many arch zerks and yes they are overpowered, and that is exactly why I got them. But after a few weeks they became boring and unoriginal it makes you feel like your cheating when you hit 6/6 for 120+ damage every time.

Example: My old arch zerk Sativa: 21 x 18 21 17 17 on a sand spider; 124 135 142 155 121 144. This occured quit often too, maybe not that brutal everytime but the damage it was dealing was over 600 damage.

Again; 5 stamina all the way.

Edited by Oasis, 09 April 2004 - 02:47 AM.

#18 gnarley

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Posted 09 April 2004 - 05:17 AM

Meh, i guess u'r right chase, and everyone else who says five stam, draloon was rounding arch fighters in petes, the only prob is, that was with spells, without spells it was always close and lost a coulple times, but i think theyshould atleast get to wear the small armor, not liek body/head armor, but like gauntlets since they only cover hands/forearms, or AoH's since only a necklace thing, or cr's since only rings,

#19 Despair

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Posted 09 April 2004 - 05:30 AM

Im actually starting to agree that berserker stamina should be lowered to 5, however if this was to happen then their hit ratio should be raised a little as without spells they miss a lot
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#20 Dc

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Posted 10 April 2004 - 12:02 AM

i didnt vote cause my zerker is only lvl 20, but ive dueled a lvl 22 fighter and consistantly beaten him and his stats are pretty good. plus when he got to lvl 23, my vl 20 zerk was still beating him a lot of the time. this leads me to believe that zerks are over powered.
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#21 deadman

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Posted 26 April 2004 - 07:25 PM

zerks are not overpowered they have things that hurt them in what they do in action. they are balanced out like every other class. their stam should stay the same no need to be reduced.
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#22 trigger happy

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Posted 11 May 2004 - 03:49 PM

i dont think they are over powered for all they sacrifice...i mean armor special items and hp that they use when they use an ability...they hit fine..but i think we need to make em some new weapons lol

#23 ßäРߣðøÐ

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Posted 09 June 2004 - 06:44 AM

they are not over powered since they lose so much..as said many times before

#24 Insomnia

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Posted 13 June 2004 - 03:01 PM

It's just pathetic to say they're not over powered...

"They are not over powered cause they have no armor"
- Well I guess they have a little more HP than anything else anyways, almost twice as much, actually.

"They are worthless without a cleric"
- Tell me SOMEONE that runs around with 2 berserkers and no cleric! 95% of the time there's a cleric in the party, 95% of the time the berserkers are incredibly, patheticly over powered.

"They do damage with berserk AND lose hp while they do it"
- Aw, really? With a cleric (95% of the time, once again) they do what at level 30? 300-400 damage on a full round, on others players (halflings with 23 dex, for example) and loose how much? 25 hp? They hit for about 130% of the enemy's total HP and loose 5% of their own? Poor zerkers...

Anymore arguments...?

I don't care if the stamina is dropped to 5, it wouldn't make too much of a difference anyways. I usually fight with 3-4 crits in my party, and they all have above 290 HP, and they all get rounded every time I face a spelled up zerker (usually takes about 4-5 hits, with 1 or 2 misses included).

I feel like there's really no point in fighting anymore. No matter how sucky my opponent is and how good I am at healing my crits, he'll just spell up his brand new zerkers and click all my alts. You don't need to be 'skilled' in this game anymore, just get a couple of berserkers + a cleric, then go out and see who can click each others alts the fastest.

Basically everyone defending berserkers are newbs who doesn't know any other way of killing people, and want to keep feeling 'big'.

I'll have huge problems enjoying this game until berserkers are removed from the game or has gotten their HP and hit damage lowered. Simply lowering their stamina to 5 won't help very much, they usually don't need the last hit anyways.

#25 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 15 June 2004 - 09:04 PM


I have been noticeing this myself that its all about zerkers

and no matter how skilled you are or w/e you just get clicked and it isnt about skill anymore... lol
Page/Memo Beatrix

#26 Deval

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Posted 17 June 2004 - 04:15 AM

Would make more sense to me if beserkers were only limited to Half Orcs. The 1 difference in strength between Orcs and Dwarves is negligible, but the 2 extra dex leaves Orcs essentially useless. By restricting the class to just Half Orcs (and possibly humans) you validate the existence of the orc, yet still create an adequate handicap for the class by choosing between awesome strength and hideous dexterity, or average strength and average dexterity.
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#27 Evilcloud

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Posted 17 June 2004 - 07:53 PM

I don't think they're overpowered...3 reasons....
1. They have no armor (They can be rounded easily by spelled up crits)
2. Lose hp when berserking (Useless unless you have a cleric)
3. Miss alot... (They hit hard yeah... but hard to hit a 23dex ranger)

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#28 Insomnia

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Posted 17 June 2004 - 09:18 PM

I don't think they're overpowered...3 reasons....
1. They have no armor (They can be rounded easily by spelled up crits)
2. Lose hp when berserking (Useless unless you have a cleric)
3. Miss alot... (They hit hard yeah... but hard to hit a 23dex ranger)


3. Miss alot... (They hit hard yeah... but hard to hit a 23dex ranger)
Guess it's just me who always gets clicked then?

And please, gosh, god damnit, jesus christ, stop this about how bad they are without clerics. Even if they WERE bad without clerics, it wouldn't matter since they're NEVER USED WITHOUT THEM.

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#29 Evilcloud

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Posted 18 June 2004 - 03:18 PM

3. Miss alot... (They hit hard yeah... but hard to hit a 23dex ranger)
Guess it's just me who always gets clicked then?

Lol i guess so... When i have mods on zerks have a high tendancy to miss...
I'm not saying AT ALL that i have never been rounded by a zerk when i have mods on though...

But ive also been rounded by a fighter... when i have 104 armor... and they are hitting me for around 90.... would this make them overpowered also??

Edited by Evilcloud, 18 June 2004 - 03:19 PM.

~~¤*~Menelaeus/Darkalliance in NM1A~*¤~~

#30 Insomnia

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Posted 18 June 2004 - 04:50 PM

Fighters hasn't got a one click ability, thus giving you a chance to heal yourself. That's the difference. When you're playing vs. berserkers you have no chance at all of surviving, since they just click you.

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