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Oh Captiain, My Captain - A Call To Save The Multi Server

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#1 katja

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Posted 15 August 2007 - 09:38 PM

i am not one to use the forum, so you know this means something to me if i am here. we are on the verge of collapse, staff have lost interest in the main server and aparently admins as well.. the lack of staff interest has caused a lack of player interest. no moshes are being run, no games, no quests..

i am one of those that refuses to play the 1a server, we like being self-sufficient and being able to play on our own time. no waiting for clannies that you don't trust to help you kill and hope you're not going to get stabbed in the back at the same time. if the main server continues this downhill path, it will die off or be shut down and a number of the players will move on to other games.

just because there is a few more players on the new server most of the time right now isn't reason enough to give up on the loyal players on the main server. almost half of the playerbase could be lost if it fell. what happened to advertising the game? the banner contest that i spent countless hours on? you know what would be smart.. post the html for some banners here on the forum and let people use them on myspace and other blog sites. people aren't going to type in a web address from a picture on a site, but if someone can click it and be taken there it will work. people are lazy, you must hand the site to them. and use your resources, myspace is massive, those that have it like to customize it. there are even nightmist groups on there i've heard.

if those that are in charge are giving up, either we few will convince you it's worth it or you must share the load with us that are willing to help. we care about this game, the players, the staff. it is a game, it is meant to be enjoyable... staff members shouldn't have to fight to convince admins that new areas and quests are worth it, they want to keep this game new and fresh and fun. they play too you know, they do have a good view on what is happening to the game. the staff members aren't slave labor, they are players too.. they deserve to have fun on their own time. they are still coming up with areas and quests for the server, though they feel it isn't worth the fight to let it happen. someone has to keep the game breathing, if admins aren't and they aren't letting the staff.... then who will? do the players voices still count for anything?

PLEASE help us bring enjoyment back to the game for those that have given up hope.. the heart still beats.. it is not dead yet..

Edited by katja, 15 August 2007 - 09:40 PM.

i am Kelsta (Katja in game)!


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Posted 15 August 2007 - 09:39 PM

people got use to working alone you cant learn to put trust in people on a 1 alt server that you dislike from a multi server... If trev leaves it will die.. and this is a part of your own game history going to waste.. is it really worth it.. i dont think you should fully drop multi, the player base will come back. the ones that dislike 1 alt wont go there if multi falls. the split was a bad idea.. from what i hear... looking at the number's there is like 6 or 8 more players on the 1 alt server... so completely lose faith in multi lose 20+ people for a 6 or 8 person gain on a 1 alt game... wow, so much for a great change huh.. :) so do this, split staff have the ones that care for multi take control of multi and make it better for the player base. Have a completely dedicated staff for 1 alt take control of 1 alt. then its less stress on the 1 set of staff.

#3 Ghost_Wolf

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Posted 15 August 2007 - 09:46 PM

:) The reason why staff have taken more to 1a is right now everything is being attempted to balance 1a out. I have talked to a few staff about Multi and have been given the same answer from each one. Staff are currently working on 1a to balance and even out the server. Its not that staff have lost interest. Elf, Azure, Stadius they all are working on balancing out the 1a server to make it just as enjoyable as Multi. I talked to Emma earlier today and everything is being worked on right now to get the Coliseum back up and running on 1a, A new quest is starting on 1a, and Currently there is a few problems with a few players on 1a and a theft issue that they all are trying to work out. So please think on the positive side. Multi and 1a are both awesome. :)
Link-Nepharious_Niassey (Main)

Love is a 36' carbon tip chainsaw and rib spreaders....nuff said.

#4 katja

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Posted 15 August 2007 - 09:49 PM

exactly, everything is happening on the 1a server. thank you for proving my point. they are letting the main server die, they think the 1a server is the way of the future and they will lose a number of good loyal players in the process.

Edited by katja, 15 August 2007 - 09:50 PM.

i am Kelsta (Katja in game)!

#5 Swordflower

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Posted 15 August 2007 - 09:49 PM

One-alt is alright, I guess, but if multi falls I dont feel that I would play it, trust is a valuble thing that you dont put into strangers, and that is pretty much what the players are forced to do on there. Multi has been a great server and always will be as long as the staff and players stay loyal. I know i am loyal as well as Chris and Kelly. As Kelly said what about the lovely banners we made. I am sure we didnt make them for nothing.

In splitting the staff i feel that maybe after thats done maybe new staff should be hired to fill in the gaps of the other staff that went to either server.

I may not have much to say, but i feel as tho one of my homes is about to me demolished and I will NOT stand for it. Nightmist has helped me MANY times in my life. The friends I have made we have gone through alot together.

Please keep multi open and keep interest!

~Ares in game~

~Teh Jj~

#6 JLH



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Posted 15 August 2007 - 10:02 PM

No idea why people think i'll close the server, but i will not.
I have always said, that Nightmist will run for as long as there are players to play it...
Anything i post on here is subject to change at any time without notification to the board.

#7 Gnarkill



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Posted 15 August 2007 - 10:03 PM

My only thoughts would be do something to make it interesting for yourself, if staff are busy working on something then let them work on it. People can run moshes get a group of bored people together and chip in. maybe run a lil mini quest with ur friends like chip in for a prize and hold a scavenger hunt where u gotta go collect stuff from a list thats located in all different areas and the winner or winning team to bring it all first would get the overall prize. whoknows... maybe setup a clan thats set up to play lil games and quests with eachother (you could play hide and seek just as well as staff does just use clan chat instead of yelling) theres tons of stuff to do to keep from gettin bored on the game.. As for not trusting maybe just clan with peopel you do trust then or like you said don't play 1a no biggie if its not your cup of tea.. and if anyone is too terribly bored you can roll crits for me :)

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#8 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 15 August 2007 - 10:08 PM

No idea why people think i'll close the server, but i will not.
I have always said, that Nightmist will run for as long as there are players to play it...

but with you not allowing any more additions or changes being made to the multi version there soon will be no more players to play it, and if there already is a quest ready or any new areas which players seem to be spitting out i dont see why they can't be added.

no offense intended.
Disaster ingame.

#9 katja

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Posted 15 August 2007 - 10:11 PM

No idea why people think i'll close the server, but i will not.
I have always said, that Nightmist will run for as long as there are players to play it...

perhaps so, but to those of us that actually play the game. we can see it falling apart more and more lately. and when one of the few people that fight to add to the game and make it better and interesting is looking for reasons to continue... we can't help but feel like it's hitting the point of no return. someone that has done so much for the game shouldn't be left standing all on his own. so i stand too. there are things planned out that are just waiting to be implimented into the game, but sees no reason to fight to get it ok'd and then spend countless hours putting it in place to have it all go to waste. something needs to change to get people interested again. we need to prove that the main server is still worth working on.
i am Kelsta (Katja in game)!

#10 Rump

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Posted 15 August 2007 - 10:12 PM

No idea why people think i'll close the server, but i will not.
I have always said, that Nightmist will run for as long as there are players to play it...

Don't think they think ur close'n server. they jus worried about staff not loggin on multi no more running events an so on. They are also worried about nothing else getting added to nm mainserver while nm1a expands larger an gets funner

#11 Swordflower

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Posted 15 August 2007 - 10:16 PM

No idea why people think i'll close the server, but i will not.
I have always said, that Nightmist will run for as long as there are players to play it...

Not close but, no more updates to the multi server making players less and less interested. As stated before if quests/areas and such have been presented why not give an ok and add it to the game?

I will stand to the end. I am not an easy domino to tip over.
~Ares in game~

~Teh Jj~

#12 Swordflower

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Posted 15 August 2007 - 10:27 PM

Posting for Flawless

"Admins have given up on main as they believe the economy is out of control and that 1a will be a generally better game, but to be quite honest I can't see the fun in having to hit something then wait a full 10 seconds before being allowed to attack again, I mean even when running 20 alts I am able to run through them all and still have to wait a few seconds for my stamina to regain(this with attacking healing and so on) so why on earth would I want to play a game where this is made theoretically 20 fold worse. When I raised this issue with admins I was told that my actual reason was that I didn't like having to start from scratch on a new game, but my Main account would easily be enough for me to buy the neccesary things on 1a to be equivelent to the top end of players currently playing, so there goes that arguement straight out the window, the fact remains that for me and many others included the sole thing in NM that keeps this game competing with other far superior technically is the fact that you can use alts, something which I find interesting and both fun as your effectively running the statistics of 20 crits at once rather than just one so it doesn't feel quite as monotonous and continual as it does with running 1 crit where once you achieve a goal you will be waiting a long while before the next goal arrives(I.e. leveling xp) because once one crits levels chances are that there is another crit that you can now focus on that will be able to level soon enough, so running 1 alt seems a bit non-sensical and quite frankly destroys for me at least any appeal that this game has, this I know from talking to ppl is the same opinion as many others, I mean even one of the most predominent Staff members in Trevayne agrees with me on this point that running 1 alt at a time does not appeal to him, and if forced to run 1 alt and play that form of game where you can only use one character why wouldn't we opt for the more sophisticated graphical games out there where there are so many statistical things going on that it doesn't matter that your on one character at a time. Unfortunately, this 1 alt version has been heralded as the next generation of NM and most progress with Main server has been abandoned or put on hold most likely permanently, and while we as a game appreciate the time and effort staff put in for no personal gain of their own it does become somewhat tiresome whenever a decent suggestion is brought into the discussion board to hear the reply that pops up so often of 'Admins have said no major changes in main, however I will treat this as a 1a suggestion', I mean seriously why not just put these new updates into nm main and put an effort into curbing the economy somehow there must be a way to do it, I've been playing this game since it very first came out and believe me there would be no appeal to it if it became a single alt based game, I remember when it first came out with it being not alt orientated at all with although alts not being banned or prohibited other than by computer standards at the time and to be quite honest it bored me and many others with the way that it was, these new updates should be put into nm main where if you want to play single alt nm you can do that lets not forgot that the game was out for a large period of time before hand and what percentage of players actually chose to play it with 1 alt, surely if it was the way forward most of the ppl would have played one alt, and before you say they used alts in order to stay competitive with the other players this game isn't a competition its supposed to be fun and wheres the fun in being allowed to do 3 commands every 10 seconds. nm Main deserves the same attention that 1a gets as it seems ridiculous to basically tell all those ppl that have put so much time and effort into the game that nothing more will be done, when the reset happened we were all told and assured that there would be no more reset that this time we could work hard on our accounts and that it wouldn't all get reset to nothing, but effectively this is what your doing whilst not forcing us to switch servers in not running events, quests being cancelled due to lack of staff support, and generally telling everyone that nothing new will come out you are trying to force us to play this new version of nm that alot of ppl have no interest in at all. I apologise for any spelling mistakes, and there certainly won't be any grammar in it as I've had to get someone to post this for me so there goes any paragraphing, but I hope you read this and don't just dismiss it because you can't be bothered to read a chunk of text. For those who are to lazy to read everything to sum up my most important point is that nm's only fun aspect is alts due to there being more than 1 thing going on at once and thus making it fun yet with 1a only have one set of statistics and information seems boring and monotonous by a lot of players so why make updates for a game that half the the player base think is unappealing and just plain boring.

Edited by Swordflower, 15 August 2007 - 10:28 PM.

~Ares in game~

~Teh Jj~

#13 Shapeshifter

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Posted 15 August 2007 - 10:28 PM

JLH said it himself, he isnt going to close the server as long as there are players that still want it.

But you all have a point, this server does need saving, lately there have been things shot down that have been proposed for this new server, because there wasnt enough support, or it would take too much programming, or something of that sort. If it has to do with lack of staffing power, since a few staff have stepped down from their positions, like Crane and Omega, and other staff are primarily event oriented, like Scripto, maybe we need to find a way to boost moral, Kelly said it right when she said to make the banners hotlinks to post on blog pages, thats a decent positive idea that could very well boost intrest and player base in this game. Its almost like a nightmist depression, people have lost intrest. I believe there is a need for a change. Staff seem strung out from everything that they are having pilled atop them, maybe its time for new staff to be added to the regime to handle the bigger payload. even if it were to be very well where people staffed only on one server or the other, keeping those that are bi-server staff at that lvl, or if they have a prefference, to allow them to focus on one server or the other. or help out a bit on both.

That is just my idea. and no, people please dont start hollering names for election. if this idea is taken JLH will take heed of what the other staff suggest for players to become staff and post it himself. if you are still determined to post people that you think should be staff. post their main character name, and a decent description of why they should be staff. not some form of... "hes awesome" or "hes a nightmist god" give actual reasons. Dont forget, staff have to be based on many aspects of their playing. Most of all how much they can be trusted to get the job done correctly, not just throw a half-arsed patch on the problem.

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#14 katja

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Posted 15 August 2007 - 10:46 PM

the game doesn't need new staff... it needs to have the staff that are in place appreciated. stop hunting them for sport, stop harassing them for things that may or may not be their responsibility, they are people too. this 'nightmist depression' is not just affecting the normal players, it's affecting the staff as players too. we need to be able to enjoy the game.

i am not calling for new staff, that is really something for them to ask for.. if they need help then they would know better than us. the ones that are here are very good at what they do.. they just need to be allowed to do it. and for god's sake, tell them thank you once in a while... they do this because they enjoy the game, and some people are killing that enjoyment. why would they want to help a game that the players treat them so horribly in?

Edited by katja, 15 August 2007 - 10:47 PM.

i am Kelsta (Katja in game)!

#15 Throwback

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Posted 15 August 2007 - 10:53 PM

it loses intrest because main needs reset. Sucks that wont happen, btw kelly how u like my gold bracelet...:S

Vegas 1a....formerly known as Memphis


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Posted 15 August 2007 - 10:55 PM

gah stay on topic thats how things get removed from posts... and yes i agree with not needing new staff but i think it would help with set staff to each server not the stress of both server's on the same staff...

#17 Shapeshifter

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Posted 15 August 2007 - 11:03 PM

Meh, new staff may not be needed, but if you appropriate staff to each server, then there are going to be less staff to help out on each, putting more stress on the staff that take up each side, and those staff that decide to stay staff for both servers. Dividing support will only make it tougher on the staff that take each side.

Kelly has a point, if they thought they needed it they would ask for more to be added, but hopefully if they see that there is interest in people wanting to actually help them out, then they may decide that they could use the extra help. Again, as kelly said above.... Thank them once in a while, i mean for goodness sake they are people just like us, they like praise once in a while, and deserve whole lot more than they are getting. they are working their noses to the grindstone trying to balance out 1alt and make it an enjoyable place, they arent gods, they cant be in multiple places at once... and maybe praising them for what they do once in a while would help boost their moral towards helping.

Again. Staffing will be approprated by staff and the admins, i was just making the option viewable, people tend to ignore things that arent said.

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#18 Ganja

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Posted 15 August 2007 - 11:14 PM

ive been playing this game since early sept of 2000 and i still like it as much as the first day and am still going strong.

basically i feel that the player base is mostly just full of lazy people who dont wanna learn how to become better thus making them sit at ngh all the time etc or persay ive helped a few people who dont even know about the ez alt-esc to switch through alts instead of having to constantly scroll up and down screen to switch alts and attack a monster nor do they know how to use macros so most people get bored cause they cant figure this stuff out and since barely any staff are on or if they are they are cloaked for god knows why, noobs dunno who to ask which makes them get bored of having to do a number of things just to switch alts or attack monsters so they feel 1a server may be easier perhaps.

but who knows in my opinion the main server does need some new stuff basically only because they made it max lvl 40 now everything is just staying the same and all staff wanna concentrate on a 1a server which imo ive tried and it bored me to death having to work with people who i disliked or people i knew of course and then having all the whining back and forth when a boss dropped it was more dramatizing over on 1a imo than on main so i went back to main where i can do things by myself and occasionally invite a friend along and figure a way for drop thats less dramatizing as on 1a

in other words tho staff do need some kind of credit but as well we need some staff who are more willing to do something rather than sit cloaked when they log on or the occasional pop in at ngh to chat..main does need some kind of boost cause 1a wont work forever because most time people arent on at same times to do stuff ie kill a boss go on training trips so they are left with absolute boredom imo which will cause them to look for a better game with more player base imo

all in all i dont know if this makes any sense to anyone but i was bothered enough to post something thus im not as good at explaining these kind of things.

#19 Shapeshifter

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Posted 15 August 2007 - 11:23 PM

I'm not suggesting the replacement of staff... im suggesting that they need help.... they are human for god sakes. they arent gods.

Trevayne busts his butt working on keeping the game fun for everyone, and does his job very well, while people bash and bust on his ideas, and bust on him even though hes the only one that made the effort to change it. Azure is working on something for 1a, along with trying to fix the issues with the 1a Colliseum.
Elf is always doodling something for various parts of nightmist, along with being very social with the players. Scripto always runs random moshes, even if its the lvl 40 only mosh for a CSotW..... *glares at Mark* Same with Gaddy. The staff are superb at what they do. but you can only pile so much on people before they start to bend and morale breaks.

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#20 Ganja

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Posted 15 August 2007 - 11:28 PM

ya but like someone posted above i agree with the idea of making staff for 1a and a staff team for main as there would be less stress on them

quick edit btw lol

Edited by Ganja, 15 August 2007 - 11:30 PM.

#21 Shapeshifter

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Posted 15 August 2007 - 11:32 PM

thankyou, but also as i mentioned above, peeling them to one server or another will only cause more stress on the ones bound to each server, unless more are added to help them bolster the support

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#22 Ganja

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Posted 15 August 2007 - 11:44 PM

thats what i meant off your post have a seperate staff team for 1a and seperate for main so both servers are constantly progressing so there isnt as much stress for the ones now

#23 Woodstock

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Posted 15 August 2007 - 11:56 PM

id just like to point out, kelly, you are cool and all, but you dont do anything but gatesit, so who are you to say what needs saving?

the only thing really that could be done to fix the apparent staff neglect and vast overfilled economy is to find a way to pull gold and items away from people. the leveling to 40 by turning in items was a good start but more has to be done.
When life slips you a Jeffrey, stroke the furry walls.

Lappa/Woodstock on Multi
Dubs/Cold on 1a

#24 Ghost_Wolf

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Posted 15 August 2007 - 11:59 PM

The above post under this name was made by soporette in 1a this is being made by Nepharious_malhavoc from 1a now.

Ok, issues here.There are hardly any moshes or events running on either main or 1a.So dont think one side is getting more then the other there.I have donated loads of items from a small unknown brew to a halberd for moshes, and put up 50k in one grenade vengance just to breath something fresh into 1a.All we do is train.Yes there is alot more going on in 1a as far as balanceing, but that is about it.My wife and i have posted a new area for both servers, staff look for player support nd ideas about the areas before they add them...guess what..not alot of people posted on the area.The wife and i are currently working on different crafting ideas since we are the only people in 1a right now concerned with crafting to let new items flow into 1a.Staff do get help from people, some more then others.Just the other day someone yelled out in 1a that it was laggy and staff needed to fix it.I showed this to elf and told the person not to be yelling at staff since they could not do anything about the lag.This person turned and began to bash staff and myself.We have alot of rude players in 1a, but there are alot of rude players on main as well.Staff are doing what they can, and they are getting as much help as they can when they ask for it from players..emphasis on the WHEN.I am open to help staff in any way i can, i do alot of discriptive writeing myself and have come up with ideas and shown them to elf and others, not to mention i try and explain things to players that they might not understand about what it is staff are doing.Staff are haveing a hard time..as far as Nghtmist dieing i dont think it ever will, it will slow to a trickle before it flows like a rushing river.All the old players take a look, think back.Did nightmist not ebb and flow like the tide?people left and people returned.Give it some time, by all means advertise for nightmist,hell i do.I tell people all the time about nightmist if they are gamer.That idea about the banner on myspace is a good idea and i think it should be done, a website could be set up for nightmist giveing more detail of the game,class and races breakdowns, and some tips on game play.*shrugs*Here are the thoughts and ideas right here. :)
Link-Nepharious_Niassey (Main)

Love is a 36' carbon tip chainsaw and rib spreaders....nuff said.


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Posted 16 August 2007 - 12:05 AM

id just like to point out, kelly, you are cool and all, but you dont do anything but gatesit, so who are you to say what needs saving?

Actually if you new her alts she dont gate sit lol :) but for those wondering this is about multi not getting anything... not really about the 1 alt server :)

Edited by MÚÐVÃ¥ÑË, 16 August 2007 - 12:29 AM.


#26 Pureza


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Posted 16 August 2007 - 12:18 AM

Things would be much more manageable for the staff team if it were to be split. The staffers that are interested in 1a should concern themselves with strictly 1a affairs, IE Balancing, Theft issues, quests and the like.
Staff not so in tune with the 1 alt style of play should stick to working on the main server. To do this though, new staff might be needed. Because, only the staffers know which side they'd rather work on.

Running short on time so didn't read the whole post, if i was repetitive of other ideas I apologize.
Jaded ingame.

#27 katja

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Posted 16 August 2007 - 12:40 AM

this is not a place to flame on players, that completely defeats the topic (as well as proves someone right that i'm trying to prove wrong with all of this). be respectful... geez... just help me prove the server is worth saving, worth working on.......
i am Kelsta (Katja in game)!

#28 Ganja

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Posted 16 August 2007 - 12:45 AM

alright kelly just thought id stick up for you ive said what i needed to say on the matter so ill just stop posting so i dont "flame"

and just a quick edit im sure everyone knows by now the server needs saving but like JLH pointed out and the man is good on his word "the server will not shut down if there are players playing."

Edited by Ganja, 16 August 2007 - 12:46 AM.

#29 Shapeshifter

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Posted 16 August 2007 - 01:27 AM

It not being shut down is not the point of this post, the point of the post is that multi server is falling apart. without some push to refresh or bolster it. its going to fall behind the times and will eventually fall into disarray. The staff are doing the best they can. and they need to be thanked once in a while for all the hard work they put forth to make this game an enjoyable place for us!

it needs help, it needs something to stop its rapid downward spiralling... and the staff are doing an awesome job, but they are being pushed to their limits and losing interest in helping this server to grow and flourish. i mean even i would get discouraged if i put forth the effort to do something and had people bash the daylights out of me for it, even if i were the only one to do anything about it at all.

Nightmist main needs help, weather that come from an addition to the staff team, so staff can concentrate on one side or the other if they preffer to.... or if that come from a little less complaining from the players side and take what we have. not always wine and be ungreatful. this server may not be shiney and new, but it needs the same amount of attention. or it will fall into disarray.

Personally i think that there should be an addition to the staff team, NOT A REPLACEMENT, so staff may choose to work on one side or the other if they so wish to. people come up with ideas to help make nightmist a better place with areas or whatnot. but then we make the ideas, then say "here ya go, make it happen"

For the moment, until other things can be arranged and things can be calmed from all the problems with 1a. take what you have, and run with it....... run a couple player based moshes, even if you have to get people together to make the gold to run them.... have a load of people pitch in to watch the blood fest..... or maybe have a game of hide and seek over the realm instead of in the maze, i mean come on, nightmist is a maze of its own, just set boundaries and run..... like playing manhunt or whatever back when you were a kid. you picked how big of a hiding area you were gonna use, then ran like hell. if you want to hold a mosh without other people, for fear of losing something outside your own clan, make the gold to make an arena, then fight it out there, just have the respect to stay out when you die. Its not a hard concept...... and maybe if the staff see that people can do things like this.... they wont be so stressed over everything and they will be able to focus and move faster on what they are doing, and if not, entertain yourself till they arent swamped up to their eyeballs in stuff.

And for gods sake.... if staff find time to help you. THANK THEM!

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#30 Freek

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Posted 16 August 2007 - 01:29 AM

Uh yeah so... Multi has been open for how long!? They have had to add things and adjust things for that long and are still adding stuff.. And its had 7 years.. 1a's been up what around 7months? Its going to take a while before 1a is worked out espeically since..Some players.. Can't accept things the way there are and adapt. If multi is so boring to you how have you stuck it out this long... I guess a Month or two ago it was the same story everyday. Nothing to shoot for except to better your account. Now there is stuff to shoot for people are just to Lazy to try for it. So yeah if NM needs saving it needs saving from the people who play it today, that do nothing but gate sit.
Freek ingame.

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