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Berserker Stamina Dropped To 5

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Poll: Do you think Berserkers stamina should be dropped to 5? (177 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you think Berserkers stamina should be dropped to 5?

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#1 Malavon

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Posted 27 February 2004 - 07:42 PM

I've seen several peoples posts about this, which made me want to make a poll. It seems that some people think Berserkers should have their stamina lowered to 5. Personally I agree with this, as I feel that the class is over powered. I also think it would be a good way to help fighters become improved: they would again be the only class with 5 stamina.


-Will make fighters unique
-Will help to balance the Berserker class (i've seen several topics about them being over powered, this would solve that imo)


-None I can think of :)

If ya can please post as well as answer the poll... would be nice to know your reasons for voting.

#2 Mia

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Posted 27 February 2004 - 09:31 PM

and why should the fighter class be more unique? if you roleplay more than on nightmist, you should know that berserkers are very powerfull, and they don't feel pain when they get attacked. they will get wounded and even die. But they are still very powerfull. They are a feared class. And why should the berserkers in nightmist be any diffirence to other berserkers when the rest of the classes are almost all alike to the other classes?
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#3 Eternyte

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Posted 28 February 2004 - 09:57 AM

Zerk have a 6 stamina 1 click ability. Which is phenominal, even more so when spelled up. Almost 99% of zerk are constantly spelled so 5 stamina would make too much of a difference, especially when they usually kill people with a max of 4 hit anyway.

Fighters don't have a singe trait that makes them unique. They don't have the most stamina, and the armor is the most naturally, but rangers are about 5 behind. Which makes fighter fairly weak.

If zerks shouldn't have 5 stamina and they stay at 6, then fighter should be given 7 stamina.
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#4 Malavon

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Posted 28 February 2004 - 12:16 PM

if you roleplay more than on nightmist, you should know that berserkers are very powerfull, and they don't feel pain when they get attacked. they will get wounded and even die. But they are still very powerfull. They are a feared class. And why should the berserkers in nightmist be any diffirence to other berserkers when the rest of the classes are almost all alike to the other classes?

Yeah, but if you role play more than on Nightmist, you should know that at high level mages are ALWAYS the best class. Mages are a feared class too. Well, they should be anyway. This is not the case on Nightmist, so your reasons for berserkers being good also aren't true.

and they don't feel pain when they get attacked. they will get wounded and even die.

What does this have to do with lowering their stamina to 5 to help balance the over powered class?

Edited by Malavon, 28 February 2004 - 12:16 PM.

#5 Zapatak

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 04:07 AM

No i don't think it should be dropped. it makes berserkser unique.
And instead of doin that for zerkers to make them alitlle worse than now, why not improve fighters by giving them a counterattck? which was brought up in fighter discussion
Zapatak ingame -zAcH-
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#6 green_mantis

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 05:30 AM

they don't feel pain when they get attacked. they will get wounded and even die.

berserkers can feel pain: it drives them crazy as well as anything else having to do with battle hence:berserker but this brings an idea to mind: what if when berserkers health drops to the red zone they get a bonus on damage as they are enraged by the injury caused them and other all classes should take a accuracy penalty because of blood loss

i think it sounds sensible. it might even convince some zerker owners to keep their crits at low HP making them easier targets for others
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#7 Zapatak

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 05:35 AM

Steve......I don't think you know what your talking about.....And for crying out loud, fix your pic :)

And if ya think i should fix mine, i don't need to, cause only i need to know it's a guy blowing his head off cause he lost 1 million dollars :blink:

Edited by Zapatak, 29 February 2004 - 05:36 AM.

Zapatak ingame -zAcH-
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#8 Malavon

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 10:45 AM

No i don't think it should be dropped. it makes berserkser unique.

What? How does it make them unique? I don't even think you know what the word means.

#9 green_mantis

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 10:53 AM

No i don't think it should be dropped. it makes berserkser unique.

What? How does it make them unique? I don't even think you know what the word means.

yeah zach maybe you should spend more time thinking and less time trashing me
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#10 Mia

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 04:15 PM

Berserkers don't feel pain at once they are in berserk, but before that they do feel pain. And because I said that was just to make my point about berserkers being unique. What makes berserkers unique is that they can go on until the opponent is killed even if the berserker dies right after that. MEANING: Berserkers does have a high stamina as they can go on for a very long time. That is why I told about the pain. And if you didn't know about this, go read some rpg books.
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#11 Mec

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 06:51 PM

No i don't think it should be dropped. it makes berserkser unique.
And instead of doin that for zerkers to make them alitlle worse than now, why not improve fighters by giving them a counterattck? which was brought up in fighter discussion

ROFL Zerker's ARENT unique!

They're the STEALERS!

Rage is perhaps their only unique thing, not to mention it's USELESS..

Look, Smite = Assassinate

Berserk = Rapid fire

6 stamina = fighter!




#12 Fossae

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 07:07 PM

They shouldnt lose 6 stam becuase they are very unreliable when you don't have them spelled up. I have a couple zerks and they hit 1-2 out of a round of full stamina sometimes. Most people that want zerks to lose 6 stam is people without arch crits that get messed up by arch zerks when they get to level 20 so just quit complaining that they are overpowered because you are weak just find another place to train or maybe even make your own and train it.
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#13 newb

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 10:49 PM

I think you are all severely over-exaggerating when you say that Berserkers only hit 1-2 times out of every round. So what if they do? Obviously you know how much damage they do, which is easily made up by the low hit %

It is in my opinion that Berserk and Smite have, in general, the same hit % as their counterparts Assassinate and Rapid Fire.

Also, I agree with Eternyte.


#14 ice_cold

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Posted 01 March 2004 - 10:06 AM

i personally think gihters should be the only class with 6 stamina, i mean, it maks sense. they are the dullest class, no abilities, and people alays complain they need more, so what ya do, you bring out zerkers with 3 abilities, and give them same stamina as fighters. drawbacks, they cant wear armor, no big deal with 540hp. next problem, no dex's, now that hurts if your fighting a halfling, but isnt that big of a deal when you have a cleric spelling you up, next problem is their small ammount of damage they take from zerking and smiting, but the problem is, the damage is too small for arches. I gotta admit I've been pk'ed by zerkers and every other class for that matter...the problem is that 540 hp goes a long way even with no armor, longer then it should. Their damage and hp makes them basically a broken class when you mix them with clerics.
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ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#15 Malavon

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Posted 01 March 2004 - 01:30 PM

They shouldnt lose 6 stam becuase they are very unreliable when you don't have them spelled up. I have a couple zerks and they hit 1-2 out of a round of full stamina sometimes. Most people that want zerks to lose 6 stam is people without arch crits that get messed up by arch zerks when they get to level 20 so just quit complaining that they are overpowered because you are weak just find another place to train or maybe even make your own and train it.

Either your two berserkers are crap or your lying. The ones I had when I shared with my friend all hit most of the time, and for huge amounts of damage. And then when you spell them up... enough damage/hit rate to kill anything.

#16 Thrice

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Posted 01 March 2004 - 09:48 PM

They're overpowered, all there is to it :)

Al by any chance were you talking about my zerk? Carnarge ..cos he rocked, we had loads of fun with him lol.

#17 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 04 March 2004 - 12:01 AM

lmao I say either give fighters 7 stam or abilitys or zerkers drop to 5
Page/Memo Beatrix

#18 Monte

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Posted 04 March 2004 - 07:24 AM

Drop berserkers, I'm very opinionated tonight.


#19 Oiy

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Posted 04 March 2004 - 01:20 PM

Fighters hit more often, get hit less, have best base ac and 2nd best hp, equal best stamina and beat non-magic users 1v1 most of the time

#20 stalker

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Posted 04 March 2004 - 07:26 PM



now this idea i like
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#21 World

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Posted 06 March 2004 - 10:20 AM

The people who actually posted saying zerks stam should be dropped to 5 even got a lvl 28+zerk, they eat away at hp alot, unspelled they hardly ever hit for more than 4 out of 6 on other people, halfling rangers TOTALLY own them, Zerks are one of those classes were you NEED a cleric to train them bcoz they eat away at hp so fast. An unspelled zerker can take very few classes 1 on 1, but i agree they own with clerics but so do most other classes, rangers do about same damage spelled up and dont hurt themselves in the process.

#22 Gaddy

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Posted 06 March 2004 - 10:24 PM

Zerkers are overpowered. Even without spells they deal a bit too much damage.
Basically here are 2 things I've seen while dueling-

-Zerkers easily round my arch dwarf cleric with 3 stam. (324hp)

-Even without spells, while divine lighted and hypnoed (2 things that make people miss more) a zerkers 1 clicked my arch ling ranger with 291hp. There is no doubt that it was without spells, he had no spell casters in his party, and his other 2 crits were dead.

They do far too much damage, it basically is a disgrace for a class to be able to round anything of another class right when they hit lvl 27. I do not see how it is fair at all for anything at arch to be consistently rounded by anything at all, be it zerkers, rangers, or anything else. I have seen rangers miss more often than berserkers, much less with spells neither misses much anyway.
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#23 Epic

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Posted 08 March 2004 - 11:39 PM

Voted: Yes

#24 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 09 March 2004 - 01:10 AM

lol I notice all the people that voted they should stay at 6 LOVE zerkers or a zerker is there main :)
Page/Memo Beatrix

#25 Zylia

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Posted 09 March 2004 - 05:29 AM

I used my Arch Berserker Advocate on several of my own Archmasters just to see who he could round/hit alot and who he couldn't. Results are linked to my website because the log was really long:


My fighter was the only crit I couldn't round, but even then it was really close(2hp left afterwards lol -- Fighter has 341hp and it dealt -->62+63+36+68+67+43 = 339). All of this was done unspelled. I didn't remove rounds, I showed them in their entirety. As you can see, they do hit fairly well. Out of all the rounds that I tested, only one completely failed - which happens on any other class too.

I'm for the stamina reduction by the way.

#26 ice_cold

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Posted 09 March 2004 - 06:51 AM

I used my Arch Berserker Advocate on several of my own Archmasters just to see who he could round/hit alot and who he couldn't. Results are linked to my website because the log was really long:


My fighter was the only crit I couldn't round, but even then it was really close(2hp left afterwards lol -- Fighter has 341hp and it dealt -->62+63+36+68+67+43 = 339). All of this was done unspelled. I didn't remove rounds, I showed them in their entirety. As you can see, they do hit fairly well. Out of all the rounds that I tested, only one completely failed - which happens on any other class too.

I'm for the stamina reduction by the way.

You berserked at Selenay from your Halberd for 44 points of damage.
You berserked at Selenay from your Halberd for 52 points of damage.
You berserked at Selenay from your Halberd for 52 points of damage.
You missed Selenay.
You berserked at Selenay from your Halberd for 34 points of damage.

5 stamina with an arch zerker?
I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#27 Zylia

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Posted 09 March 2004 - 11:23 AM

I was C&Ping with a buffer rate of 1500 and there were 3 clannies on the square dueling, sue me. Lol, did you go through and just pick that right out? One round doesn't really count when I have about 5,000 others anyways. So critical. :)

Now reread my post, ignore that round, and look at the bigger picture this time, tyvm.

#28 newb

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Posted 09 March 2004 - 05:48 PM

doh, I wish I could retract my vote.

There are better solutions than reducing their stamina.


#29 trauma

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Posted 09 March 2004 - 08:31 PM

well heres my opinion, i own 4 arch zerks. destroy, duckie, hostile, brawn,.. world anytime u wanna own me with ur rangers, just page me... now thats outta the way.. and they hold 2 blade of time, 1 cobalt, and im saving up for another.. all these people i see at petes all the time,, why dont u get off ur azzes and train, maybe u would have nice alts, you have the same given chance me or anyone else has.. when i started this game, an arch could kill a level 6!!!!.. so cry me a river if u dont like zerks lol, i dont care,, THEY WILL NOT BE CHANGED CAUSE THEY BEATING UP ON U CRAZ PETES FREAKS.. if something is gonna be changed, change crazy petes, so i can kill u tykes again and take away some exp.. have a nice day.. TAKE AWAY CRAZY PETES....

#30 deadman

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Posted 09 March 2004 - 08:36 PM

no need for it to be changed to 5.only thing that needa be changed is petes wiped off map.
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