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Something Needs To Be Done About This...

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#1 PrimeX85

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Posted 03 August 2012 - 10:16 PM

theres a bunch of us that believe this "Sicx" character is cheating and using an auto roller to roll good stat crits to sell and get rich... hes been back playing again for a few 2-3 weeks or so and hes rolled multiple PxPPPP's, P-1PPPP-1's, PPPPP-1's and today he rollled a PPPPPP 6stat perfect elf... now if thats not pretty obvious then i dno what is. its mathmatically impossible for the roller to roll that many perfect stat crits for 1 person even sitting there clicking the roller all day long... now he got away wit usin an auto roller training his lvl 31 ranger(Nyte) up cuz staff never looked into it or was on when he was doin it... but this time, since hes abusing an auto roller like this and this badly, he should be punished for it and be completely banned from the game period on both servers... so will u please look into this and ask JLH to watch his acct or how many times hes clicking the roller or however they catch ppl using autorollers cause it really isnt fair for the rest of the playerbase that actually trains/golds and work very hard to get what they own on this game for this kid to keep cheating and abusing the roller like this to get rich quick on the game and brag bout how "lucky" his roller is. theres got to be a way for u staff to catch him in the act and i just hope u guys do cause alot of the playerbase including myself is very angry over this and u kno if this kid can do this and get away wit it, then alot of other ppl are gonna do it to and if they get caught, they are gonna wonder why he didnt get in trouble and moan bout it, so if u could, look into this and catch this fool

now even if he stops using it due to all the attention hes brought onto himself, theres still gotta be a way to check the server on all the crits hes rolled since hes been back, he claims alot of them are from along time ago from when he used to play the game, but thats bogus, cuz when he 1st came over to 1alt from main, he didnt have nothing, all he had was his ranger Nyte and a low lvl or 2, but insists he had a bunch of 5stats on deck from old days.. when he originally made the post tryin to sell the 5stats and such(alot of them he didnt even post yet), he said they were "fresh rolls"... then when ppl brought up askin if he was autorolling, he quickly posted they werent all fresh rolls and most were lvled already, then thats where the "most of these are from long time ago when i played"

the other ppl that dont care bout this or dont kno bout it yet, might say were just "hating" on the kid like he claims were doing... but its really not right he can abuse the game like this and get away with it and get all types of riches from doing absolutely nothing on the game, while others work hard day in and day out for thiers and if u feel that way, then u shouldnt play the game... other ppl were banned and had everything they owned stripped from them and deleted etc.. so same should happen to other ppl that cheat

again this post is mainly for 1alt staff's feedback on this matter... but would like the rest of the playerbase to add thier thoughts and such....thanks :lol:

Edited by PrimeX85, 03 August 2012 - 10:26 PM.

#2 Pok

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Posted 03 August 2012 - 10:34 PM


#3 Freek

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Posted 03 August 2012 - 10:45 PM

Yo i could use another 6er gnome. How can I contact this guy.
Freek ingame.

#4 Dangerous

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Posted 03 August 2012 - 11:20 PM

Where can i find the like button?

P.S I say leave the kid be, the roller is gay enough as it is, so what if he uses an autoroller, isn't the game dead anyway?

#5 Gaddy

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Posted 03 August 2012 - 11:54 PM

Yo i could use another 6er gnome. How can I contact this guy.

I was thinking the same. I could use 2 gnomes on Main.
Also 3 6er dwarves, 2 6er lings, and an elf.

Thinking what---maybe 8 or 9 people leave the auto-roller going for a few weeks for me?
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#6 Gaddy

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Posted 03 August 2012 - 11:55 PM

Also, really though - this isn't cool. Auto-rollers have caused similar problems in the past.
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#7 IXThunderDomeXI

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Posted 03 August 2012 - 11:57 PM

Haha. Gaddy you make me chuckle.

This guy is obviously cheating, /ban please
Angry_Anarch/Matityahu in game.

#8 Adultery

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Posted 04 August 2012 - 12:07 AM

matt is a nice guy... hes always friendly and always a decent dude to chat with... but hes a hardcore cheater... auto rollers and auto training...

something needs to be done about it.

ANYONE caught useing a auto trainer/roller should be perm banned with no second chances... there are better ways to get a sustainable playerbase...

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#9 PrimeX85

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Posted 04 August 2012 - 12:13 AM

Where can i find the like button?

P.S I say leave the kid be, the roller is gay enough as it is, so what if he uses an autoroller, isn't the game dead anyway?

u dont even play the game anymore cause of similiar reasons so ur input on the matter is totally uncalled for, ur a known cheater that lost all of his crits/items, so ofc u say leave the kid be... and no the game isnt dead, theres a bunch of ppl that still play... theres a difference between 1alt and main, so maybe ur confused on which server is dead

regardless of how "gay" the roller is to everyone, doesnt give the kid the right to use an autoroller and cheat to get rich, everyone else had to roll crits the right way or buy crits to play the game... just cause he wants a cobalt on the game, he cant just say "hey ill just auto roll some crits and sell them and buy myself a nice shiney balt"... no sir he can play the game and make gold for one just liek everyone else ingame that owns 1

so PS... dont troll forums for a game u consider a waste of time and call everyone that plays this "waste of time" a loser chris, cuz u kno something, for someone that always be trolling and hating on the game/the playerbase, u have more hours/months/years tied up in this game then anyone else ever did lol

Edited by PrimeX85, 04 August 2012 - 12:20 AM.

#10 Dangerous

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Posted 04 August 2012 - 12:23 AM

Well i like to show my face now and then to talk to some old friends, i don't "troll" the forums so no need to get all defensive, i just happened to read this post and think to myself "wow why is this nearly 30 something dude whining about something so dumb" and Jordans post gave me a good laugh so have fun kids, bye now.

#11 PrimeX85

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Posted 04 August 2012 - 01:04 AM

Well i like to show my face now and then to talk to some old friends, i don't "troll" the forums so no need to get all defensive, i just happened to read this post and think to myself "wow why is this nearly 30 something dude whining about something so dumb" and Jordans post gave me a good laugh so have fun kids, bye now.

lol@ nearly 30 something dude, im not even close to 30 dude but ok... go troll something else, post was made for the players/staff to post feedback on, not ppl accused/banned for same reasons basically

#12 Gnarkill



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Posted 04 August 2012 - 01:05 AM

I think its about time staff looks into the cheating(autotrainers/autorollers) hard and just gets rid of all that do it for good, All it does is hurt the playerbase/game.

When I played more often I used to enjoy sitting and rolling, I even defend the roller when people want it made easier(its like gambling to me lol)... over the course of the entire time I played I rolled:

4 or 5.. p x p p p p
1.. -1 p p p p p
1.. p p p p p -1
1.. p p p p p -2
2.. x p p p p p
a bunch of 3 and 4 stats

and ZERO 6 stats.

Thats from when I first started rolling when NM still had the "old forums"... and thats often rolling 3 hours per day or more when I was rolling for something I needed or sitting with spare time at work. The fact that someone can have that much "luck" in that short of amount of time is complete bull.

Edited by Gnarkill, 04 August 2012 - 01:07 AM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#13 Angelus

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Posted 04 August 2012 - 01:19 AM

I autorolled for a while, when I had my fun I asked why John didnt find me out yet. He said it's a manual thing he has to run. At the time I wondered if I could sneak past the detection. The detection checks not if you roll randomly (which you can fool with a simple rand() function), but if the time you're rolling corresponds with your normal playing habit.

After which I was made staff. Always felt like a thief becoming a security consultant.

Edited by Angelus, 04 August 2012 - 01:24 AM.

Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#14 The Joker

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Posted 04 August 2012 - 02:30 AM

Well haven't you've up and caused a ruckus. So, anyways, I'll upload a little something tomorrow and touch back on this. As of now though, mostly everyone that still plays has been accused of one thing or the other over the years. I never said all my crits were fresh rolls. I did roll before, your a mooseing idiot if you don't remember me rolling for a Ranger before I even bought yours, I just kept getting nuts hp gains on what I rolled. 3 of the crits I tried selling on the forum were what were at one time my would-be rangers. Rolling for a Thief before that. Rolling for a fighter now.

As stated, I do have a team of little gambling asians who look at the roller like a slot machine, and they eat it up. Which I'll have pictures tomorrow of all their little happy faces, holding a "moose you, Get stats, Bill-san" sign. Laptops and all, rolling NM. Hence most of my crits names being asian.

They were all just busy doing nails when I stopped back by on my break earlier. My buddy, Ho, has been rolling stats from his cellphone, via remote accessing. So.. maybe your computer illiterate ass needs to step up and take advantage of new technology. All you mooseing guys do is smoke weed and talk nuts about smoking weed. Hence the reason you aren't rolling any stats.

Lovely speech though. Was a good read. Although I don't particularly enjoy fiction.

"LeTs PuT a sMiLe oN tHaT fACe!"

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#15 Gaddy

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Posted 04 August 2012 - 05:07 AM

You have a team of rollers?

Pics or it didn't happen.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
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#16 Apocalypto

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Posted 04 August 2012 - 05:13 AM

This is very enjoyable.

#17 Cadabra


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Posted 04 August 2012 - 11:34 AM

Il take a bunch of pxpppp on main :lol:

JlH dont care, why should anyone else?
Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#18 IXThunderDomeXI

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Posted 04 August 2012 - 03:49 PM

Pics or it didn't happen.

Story of my life...
Angry_Anarch/Matityahu in game.

#19 The Joker

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Posted 04 August 2012 - 04:46 PM

I'll be adding new pics to this periodically. Make sure and check back, for all of your viewing pleasure.


Oh, the salon owner, Helen, is back from vacation today. I do promoting for both of her salons. So if you live in or around the Orlando area, make sure and come on by. My team of rollers aren't loyal. They go to the highest bidder. Currently accepting sushi from Omura, but not the cheaper restaurant, MaruMaru, for lunch.

Toan has also taught me a few new words, "du ma may, bill."(accent marks left out for my own convenience.) He actually wrote them out on a little sign to hold up, but it's hard to see. Just figured I'd pass along the message. You'll probably see some of these guys on from time to time. Most of them aren't proficient with English literature, so the actual game is less enjoyable then just gambling with the stats. And as far as I know, outsourcing isn't illegal.

Edited by The Joker, 04 August 2012 - 04:48 PM.

"LeTs PuT a sMiLe oN tHaT fACe!"

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#20 Dangerous

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Posted 04 August 2012 - 06:04 PM

Owned :lol:

#21 PureMourning

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Posted 04 August 2012 - 06:26 PM

Ahaha! This is the most entertaining thread to surface in quite some time.

Super pwnage.

The Joker 4 Prez.
Cogito, ergo sum; I think, therefore I am.

#22 Freek

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Posted 04 August 2012 - 07:37 PM

The thing is.. as far as I know its always been "illegal" to exchange nm properties(chars/items ect) for irl profits(of any sort) or vice versa. Atleast numerous people have been banned for it in the past. If you do actually have a team(which it looks like you do by the pic) then I am sorry for jumping to conclusions but I still think you are outside of the rules that have always been in place.. but crap.. if staff and JLH don't care about it anymore and this is judged "legal".. I would roll for people, its the only part of the game I enjoy anymore. :lol:

and I agree with the 100% that rolling is like gambling thats what draws me to it lol!

Don't think he is exchanging nm properties for irl profits since they are rolling for a character (that doesnt exist yet) and he buys them lunch.

If you get a couple buddies to roll for you when they come over and you buy them a beer because of it I dont see that as paying the guys $.

Also plenty of people on this game roll for other people for free. If the Asains enjoy rolling because its like gambling and he rewards them with lunch doesnt mean hes paying them for thier services.

Good job joker. How much sushi do i need to get me a 6er gnome.
Freek ingame.

#23 Apocalypto

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Posted 04 August 2012 - 07:53 PM

So much win.

#24 Adultery

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Posted 04 August 2012 - 09:20 PM

dear god... I married an asian and I couldnt get her to log on this thing if my life depended on it

still hope for my halfling children tho!!!!

good game dude. youve actually do have a team rolling for you... :lol: tho with all that rolling and lack of production I judge youll likely all be fired soon lol

tho if your hiring. I enjoy sushi!

:lol: :lol: :lol: NINJA VANISH :D :ph34r: :ph34r:

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#25 IXThunderDomeXI

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Posted 04 August 2012 - 11:58 PM

Am I the only one who still doesn't believe this guy? Would love to see JLH check for autorollers and see what happens.
Angry_Anarch/Matityahu in game.

#26 Apocalypto

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 12:01 AM

Sushi sucks! :lol:

#27 Adultery

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 12:30 AM

Am I the only one who still doesn't believe this guy? Would love to see JLH check for autorollers and see what happens.

lol im sure alot of us are non believers of this... I hope JLH or stig does check into this...

and even if they dont catch him for the rolling and he actually does have a team of people rolling for him. they will eventually catch him for auto training. something that even he himself doesnt deny or admit to. it wouldnt be hard to pay people 10 bucks to snap a photo of someone rolling for you at work... tho one thing he said that did catch my attention was that he pays the asains to roll for lunch. but they dont play the game cause their english lit is poor. if your working as a promoter wouldnt that require high english skills? I cant imagine they sit around click/post links all day.

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#28 Apocalypto

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 01:17 AM

He didnt say his english was poor?

#29 Angelus

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 01:18 AM

I commend you for being resourceful, i guess. But not to be mean or anything, but that's the saddest thing i've seen on here. I know NM has addicts, games like these always have, but this is one thing on its own entirely.

One could of course photograph friends in front of a NM roller, or get pics and shop them, especially ones of this quality. But I have a sense it's real. I understand it being done on WoW or similar games, but on NM, it just makes me chuckle. Nevertheless, I can flood the market with 6 stats faster than you can using your sweatshop. If one would perceive this as a challenge, consider it so.

First one to get legitimately caught (by hard evidence, as opposed to suspicion) or who does not procure the majority of 6 stats at the end of the week loses.
Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#30 Apocalypto

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 01:39 AM

I want in on this. Lets start in a week. Gotta fix my autoroller. It keeps rolling 3 stats.

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