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Poll: What should the alt limit be set at?

What should the alt limit be set at?

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#1 Abstract

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 12:48 PM


#2 Cadabra


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Posted 05 November 2010 - 12:54 PM

2 Alt.

3 Alt is too much, 2 is pushing it but 2 would make it easier given the current playerbase.

Edited by Cadabra, 05 November 2010 - 12:54 PM.

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#3 Dangerous

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 01:08 PM

I voted for 3 becuz 3 would be awesome.

#4 Tietsu

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 01:20 PM

Suggested a 3 ALT a while back. It's a pretty good idea. 1A was a great idea when the playernase was inflated, but with the playerbase now, it's not 'completel'y neccissary, but would be sweet. I would like to see 3 ALTs accessed during special periods of time, such as Quest Time, or maybe specific events. I am not against it off special times, just a suggestion though.

#5 Eternyte

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 01:20 PM

1a, and stop people multi-pcing!!!

If it was 2 alts it would be Cleric+1 and 3 would be 2xHitter+Cleric. Plus gold would be made a lot faster.

In summary keep it one alt and harsh punishments for multipc...like char deletions!!
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#6 Amy

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 01:21 PM

Although I really like the idea of one alt, as stated above, with the current playerbase it is rather difficult at times to get things going. 3 alt would be optimum if necessary to train with smaller parties without overloading the server with alts. Just my two cents. :P
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#7 Horny

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 01:30 PM

Want alts? Go to main. This was made as an 1alt server now you'd have to change everything. What about the people that worked hard with just 1alt? Not fair.
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

#8 Abstract

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 01:33 PM


Actually, this was a duplicate of the main server.

So it wasnt made as 1alt. We all worked hard with 1alt, but with the diminshed playerbase, something needs to be done.

Instead of bashing idea's, with no actual rational reasoning why other than "WAH QQ CRY", suggest other ways to improve the game.

#9 HazzA

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 01:35 PM

Open ze mindz to imrpovingz ze game
James on 1a.

#10 brewcrew

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 01:37 PM

Why does anything have to be done? Did we not kill Lag monster and countless other bosses within this week? (DA that is). I see no need for this at all considering u can log on and lately there have been about 20-25 users at a time. + WE KILLZ ALL DA BOSSES no need.
Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#11 Payne

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 01:37 PM

This late in the games life increasing the alt limit will just increase the ammount of people sharing which increases the chance of people stealing (which will happen alot) which will just waste the staffs time.

Its kinda funny to blame the playerbase for the discussion of this change... cute one.. but if staff really cared about the playerbase instead of making this huge change theyd work more on the way we lvl past 30.... Thats why alot of people dont play... But the excuse was it keeps gold out of the game... increasing the alt limit would bring SO much more gold into this game that it contradicts the current lvling system past 35..
Astinus on 1alt Only

#12 Abstract

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 01:42 PM

Do you not get, that we have listened to people complain about the leveling costs from 30+?

This would let you earn more gold, to level your characters. You would also be required to get more equipment for your characters, and level more characters.

It would also balance the classes, and lower the OP dagger of the winds people complain about.

#13 Payne

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 01:46 PM

The complaints are for a reason.... lol it was done half arsed.. and now you want to do another half arsed thing to cover it... Its not the way to do it. Look into the problem for a solution dont just make one rain from the sky.
Astinus on 1alt Only

#14 Freek

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 01:52 PM

Hmmm.. So I always thought that having a small alt limit would be a good idea, however I don't see why the sudden change to convert 1a to the small alt limit. Besides "We have a diminishing player base".

To be honest, there are only a few things that are out of reach and its not even because of the player base. It's because of the rivalry between the two dominate clans. 1a was supposed to be a server based on co-op. If you make it an alt server people will roll a cleric and one-two different kinds of hitters. Not to mention there are those people who have really STUCK to the 1a part of the game and have poured all there time and money into a specific character. And there are those who instead have a ton of alts at the 33ish range. The sudden change would give those players the upper hand. If any change was to happen there should be a while for everyone to prep for. Not an overnight switch.

However, I don't find my self for keeping it as a 1a server or changing it to a small alt server. Just my two cents. If I had to choose between the amount of alts added, I'd probably lean towards two instead of three basically for matty's reason above. And making it a three alt would make it just way to damn easy. Two would have to be the cap or instead of having to co-op to get things done, three people could load up alts and down whatever they wanted it to.
Freek ingame.

#15 brewcrew

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 01:55 PM

If it was inevitable that it was changing i would be for 2a but ...keep it 1a
Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#16 Abstract

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 02:03 PM

The complaints are for a reason.... lol it was done half arsed.. and now you want to do another half arsed thing to cover it... Its not the way to do it. Look into the problem for a solution dont just make one rain from the sky.

So yet again, make a suggestion. Dont just QQ all over the topic.

#17 brewcrew

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 02:06 PM

how about bringing cobalt bow as shop buyable and devestate into the game.....

Edited by brewcrew, 05 November 2010 - 02:07 PM.

Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#18 Abstract

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 02:08 PM

Oh yeh, nice suggestions! :P

Lets add even more powerful, OP items into the game! woooooot.

#19 brewcrew

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 02:11 PM

lawl less OP than zerks.
Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#20 Stig

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 02:18 PM

In my eyes, there's a danger that should 1-alt become 3-alt, it may work too well and draw players back to the game. If it does that, bosses like the Drow Blade Mage are suddenly not so daunting to take on, and there's a risk of a lot of Warrior Tunics appearing, for example.

Also, pinned the topic due to its importance.

#21 Abstract

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 02:20 PM

Which is why we, as staff, would have to rebalance bosses to cope.

#22 Freek

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 02:25 PM

Which is why we, as staff, would have to rebalance bosses to cope.

Why not re-balance bosses to cope with 1a? Just make current ones take 10 alts rather then the original 20 balance etc.

Shot your self in the foot there.
Freek ingame.

#23 Autek

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 02:28 PM

I just came back to 1a this week for the challenge of something new again. This'd end up being no different than how I currently play main, defeating the purpose of me coming to 1a anyways. Probably just my situation though.
Autek in game.

#24 Payne

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 02:35 PM

The complaints are for a reason.... lol it was done half arsed.. and now you want to do another half arsed thing to cover it... Its not the way to do it. Look into the problem for a solution dont just make one rain from the sky.

So yet again, make a suggestion. Dont just QQ all over the topic.

I did make a suggestion on my first post... i clearly said if you want to attract players which is your reasoning to make this poll... FIX THE LEVELING SYSTEM... is that QQ? You sound like you are QQing more trying to defend such a dumb idea when it looks like the people actually posting are more against it than for it.
Astinus on 1alt Only

#25 Abstract

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 02:49 PM

Actually, with 7 for, and 7 against its 50/50.

The level 35+ leveling system will never change. It will always require that ammount of gold to level.

You now have an alternative to using tokens for 30-35, aswell. Devotchka is level 40, so the leveling system is fine yeh? Cant change anything as it would be UNFAIR to those who have already paid to level.

#26 brewcrew

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 02:53 PM

ez to lvl with a clan of thieves and a guild that can only be used by thieves "malok"

Edited by brewcrew, 05 November 2010 - 02:53 PM.

Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#27 Payne

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 03:01 PM

Actually, with 7 for, and 7 against its 50/50.

The level 35+ leveling system will never change. It will always require that ammount of gold to level.

You now have an alternative to using tokens for 30-35, aswell. Devotchka is level 40, so the leveling system is fine yeh? Cant change anything as it would be UNFAIR to those who have already paid to level.

i said POSTING not voting.... have to cap it so you understand... Votes can always be forged ... but looking at the posts of people who we actually know... its deff not 7 to 7. But yeah your logic is about as good as my suposid QQ's. 1 Person is lvl 40 in how many years? LoL ... :P ill stop now :).. also dont u think raising the limit would be UNFAIR to those who have put ALL their time in 1 character... either way someone gets screwed but since this is your idea of course you will make yours the smarter way.
Astinus on 1alt Only

#28 Freek

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 03:02 PM

Actually, with 7 for, and 7 against its 50/50.

The level 35+ leveling system will never change. It will always require that ammount of gold to level.

You now have an alternative to using tokens for 30-35, aswell. Devotchka is level 40, so the leveling system is fine yeh? Cant change anything as it would be UNFAIR to those who have already paid to level.

First off, I don't know who's hole your digging.

From this post the lvl 35+ system will never change because devotchka hit 40 with the current system so it must be fine and possible and would be unfair to change it now. However, she also did this while the server was 1alt so would changing it to an alt server make it unfair to her?

Also since one person did it, obviously completing the journey to 40 is do-able with the current 1a system, whats the need to change it to an alt system?

I also see that your probably talking about the unfairness to try to nullify Di's post.

Anyways, Like I said before the only thing I'm -against- is making it more then 2 alts. Right now I'm not "for or against" anything other then that. But if this is to happen I want to be damn sure why its happening.
Freek ingame.

#29 Horny

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 03:05 PM

What he said^
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

#30 Freek

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 03:31 PM

Just a heads up, this is gonna be a huge post. Di's probably hunting me so I have time to do this :P.

First and foremost,


What will changing the server to a two alt server accomplish? ( I want a long list )

From my point of view:


Bosses - Current bosses like Ku'Nal that are done rarely due to numbers will become much less of a hassle and it will still require a bit of co-op.
Training - Will be "easier" for people to solo train, without making it game breaking.


Balance - Now that you can run around with a cleric at all times this would bring way more balancing issues to the game.

Example: Right now zerks are really strong, however I am not against there strength since leveling one either requires alot of clericing and/or a cobalt. Both of these either support co-op or someone really busted there ass to get a cobalt. But now that clerics are free, zerks/rangers/thieves would become ALOT stronger.

"Unfairness" - First off, if anything is changed in nightmist it will be considered unfair to someone. People are going to have to realize that when things change SOMEONE gets the short end of the stick.

Rob asked for the leveling system to be changed which will make more people willing to play. I semi-agree because the cost redic. However, you say you can not change it because 1 person has achieved it and others have spent alot of gold on the way. However, alot of people chose to get items such as cobalts instead of using there gold to level so thats on them.

Example: Gate training - One or two people "abused" this method in the begging of 1a which is the "only" reason why they leveld so quickly. This was changed and they were still ahead in exp making it unfair for those who didn't get to "abuse" the system.

Unfairness cont. - There are people who have taken the "1alt" part of the server very serious. Spending all of their time and money on 1 character. And there are those people who have 15 lvl 33ish alts. This would make those people who have 1 really high level power house character behind those who have 15 mid high level characters.


Basically I want a long, logical, and detailed post explaining why the change is needed and what it will bring to the game.

Edited by Freek, 05 November 2010 - 03:33 PM.

Freek ingame.

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