The Return Of A Demon
Posted 02 February 2007 - 01:54 PM
Once back at the cave he tosses his cloak at one of the small roots that protrude from the rock face inside, missing the root, the cloak falls to the ground in a heap. He lifts his oak plated vest from the ground and eyes it for a moment before adorning it. It is scratched and dented from his many fights, all of which were nothing he wanted to be part of. Shapeshifter is a druid, he has always had a fascination with the flora and fauna of life, that coupled with his distaste for unnecessary fighting is what drove him to his path. He chose at the age of 10 to morph into the honorable grizzly bear, an animal that, as he perceived, shared his thoughts of fighting, being an animal that only fights if provoked. He picked up his war hammer from the rock wall and placed it in the loop of his belt, fastening it securely enough for easy access. He picks up the robe from the ground brushing off the dust and dirt and wrapping it back around his shoulders, fastening the clasp around his neck. He turns smiling and whistles to Fang and makes his way towards town.
“I think I’ll stop by the village pub and see what news there is today.” He says as he wanders down the path towards the northern gatehouse of Nightmist. Crossing the gates he sees a few people he knows and waves to them as he makes his way to the Sleeping Fox Inn for a drink and a bite to eat.
He arrives at the Sleeping Fox Inn and opens the door with a chime of a bell; the smell of ale and foods greets his nose and only increases his hunger. He takes a seat at the bar and orders something for himself and a dish of meat scraps and one of water for Fang. He listens to the commotion and random chatter of the crowd while he eats his meal, looking down once at Fang to see that he too is enjoying his dish.
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 02 February 2007 - 05:59 PM
This is my first RP so i hope that it can uphold to the likings of those that have participated in RP's of the past, this is also a chance for many new to the RPing world to join in and get a taste of what it is about. I hope to see plenty of participation and enthusiasm from the participants, this is a chance for those who like to RP to sit back and have fun, cause there hasnt been a live RP in a while.
Thanks again... ))
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 03 February 2007 - 04:06 PM
A healer he may be, but a fighter he is not. At least that's what he was meant to be. Although causing little damage with his frail flail, he has still managed to kill when his magic he depends on fails him. But other than that, this cleric makes his living by cleansing the bodies of wayfarers and warriors alike. Not seeking war of any kind he just sits there staring his cold hearted gaze at the sun.
Drawing his flail, he sighs. So much pain caused with it. Pain the gnome does not like to bring. Grabbing his Branchwood plated Tunic, he puts it on himself. His Shield of Faith, as he grabs it makes him forget of the flail killings. Raising the gold to buy one was not easy. Alas the short gnome puts his pirate hat and grins. Having the maturity of an 11 year old he swings his flail as if a cannonball and whacks a tree.
Quickly gathering himself up, he decides he shall go into town for something to eat. Walking slowly through the large forest he sees a grape vine. Stopping to take a bite he sees a rabbit slowly hopping on by him. Continuing on his journey to town he walks. He passes through the Grassy Meadow with ease. He smiles as he looks around the meadows counting his blessings,”Whew… no Magimox today.” He walks through the inn's doors and takes a seat in the right corner under the window, away from the chatter of civilians. He orders up some food, with a drink and some corn for Night. He starts to eat while thinking of what he will do today.
Posted 06 February 2007 - 12:55 AM
Pwenf lunged at the bears and drew his halberd back, he swung and tore a deep gash into the first bear's side. The bear roared in paina s it reared back on two legs and swatted at Pwenf. Pwenf managed to dodge the first paw, but was caught on the sstomach by the second. "Oh, now look at what ye've gon and done" Pwenf said as he wiped a finger across his armor, revealing a slowly forming circle of blood on the tunic he wore underneath. "Ye've gone and made me bleed. I don't like ta bleed." He said as he swung his halberd, ending the first bear's life. The second bear turned and ran, while the third charged at Pwenf. "No No, I dinnae wanna fly!" Pwenf said as the bear rammed into him sending him flying into the air, to land with a loud THUD.
"Oh, my head." Pwenf said as he got up, shakily. He got to his feet and shook his head. "Now its my turn." He said as he charged at the bear, Halberd held at his hip, the bear reared up on its back legs, and Pwenf rammed his Halberd through the bear. The bear let out a soft growl, as it wobbled before falling down on top of Pwenf.
For a few minutes, the forest was silent, amidst Pwenf's frustrated Mumbled screams, but soon he was on his feet, wondering how he got careless and let a bear fall on top of him. Either way he had gotten out from under the bear and now proceeded to yank the halberd out of the bears back. Once he had gotten the Halberd out of the bear, he took to a knee and seemed to have problems breathing. He quickly removed his armor and inspected the wound the first bear had inflicted. As he looked at it he realized, that it was worse than he thought, the bear had managed to claw through an area of the armor and deep into Pwenf's gut. "Bloody Hell." he said as he quickly got up. He had to get to Nightmist's Church before the wound got worse. He Ran as fast as he could to get out of Arilin forest putting back on his armor as best he could. As he reached the Grassy Meadow that was north of Nightmist, he began feeling faint.
"Ah'm not gonna make it..." he thought to himself as his pace slowed. He entered Nightmist's north gate and wobbled to the nearest building, The Sleeping Fox, and stumbled through the doorway, he took a quick look around and fell unconcious, at the foot of the door, and lay sprawled on the floor of the inn.
Edited by Pwenf, 06 February 2007 - 01:04 AM.
Posted 06 February 2007 - 01:30 AM
Posted 06 February 2007 - 09:47 PM
Posted 06 February 2007 - 11:44 PM
Posted 07 February 2007 - 12:20 AM
Pwenf raised his mug and drank, and almost spit it up. "Tha' be some strange magic ye put in the ale. Bitter, but Ah can drink it none the less, in fact, Ah'm startin ta feel better already. Oh Gods, what the 'ell am Ah sayin? Damn wounds makein me all proper and whatnot, this Ale tastes like a horse's vomit! Granted Ah feel better, but it still tastes like horse vomit. But Ah thank ye fer healing me up and what not. Now that ye know about me, hows about ye tell me a bit about yerself ye wee littal Gnome fella."
Posted 07 February 2007 - 12:52 AM
Posted 07 February 2007 - 05:09 AM
"Now Ah guess Ah oughta be repayin ye fer saving mah life and whatnot, so ah'll pay for whate'er ye wants from the Sleeping Fox. But Ah warn ye, ask me ta pay fer a wench and ah'll sooner slap you across the room with this 'ere Halberd than pay fer a wench fer ye."
Posted 07 February 2007 - 02:27 PM
Shapeshifter finishes his meal and looks down at Fang. The wolf's attention seems to be flitting around the room now that he is done with his meal. Shapeshifter returns the dishes to the counter and orders a round of ale as he points to the table where the dwarf and gnome are seated. He stands and makes his way over to the table taking a seat opposite the gnome and the dwarf.
"Hello there seems that you were beat up pretty badly, and by the location of the wound, id guess by a bear none the less...” he says to the table as he takes his seat. Looking to the dwarf and gnome he continues on. “Seems like that one got the best of you, though judging by your looks, there must have been more than one… I would think that you’re not as sloppy as to get mauled to that extent by one bear.” He smiles as his order is delivered. He grins cheerfully as he passes the mead around. He tips up his own mug and takes a swig looking back at the two “Ah but where are my manners. My name is Shapeshifter.” He takes another swig and sets his mug on the table, “and this is my loyal friend Fang,” he says as he looks down beside him at the wolf that is sat on the floor.
“Now my fine friends, if I may… what are your names.?”
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 07 February 2007 - 07:08 PM
Pwenf took a deep breath and looked at Shapeshifter "Ah dinnae think an Elf should be talking to me in such a way, Ah may have a few elf friends, and ma armor may have been made by elfs i knew, but dinnae think fer a second that Ah agree with yer kind, let alone a damned druid. Prove ta me that Ah can trust ye, and maybe Ah'll tell ye my story about this 'ere wound. But if ye must know, Ah be Pwenf, champion fighter from the Mountains of Resthaven."
With that, Pwenf turned back to face Paramore, and took another swig of his Ale.
Edited by Pwenf, 07 February 2007 - 07:08 PM.
Posted 07 February 2007 - 09:45 PM
Edited by Vanquished, 07 February 2007 - 09:46 PM.
Posted 07 February 2007 - 11:02 PM
He then turns to Paramore. "Little gnome, you say your name is Paramore...", he takes another swig, ".. you seem to know very much about your trade as well, you and I seem to have more alike than me and Pwenf.. for you and i search for peace and tranquility only fighting when faced with no other options... you are of great importance to the world, and you shall grow into a great cleric..." he finishes off his ale in a swig. "You also seem to be gifted with your flail... i know your pain my friend, but sometimes we must do what we must do to survive..... it is the law of the land." He says as he looks down at Fang, "This wolf has been with me since I saved its life. He follows me like a loyal friend.. and fights with me as a loyal ally.." He reaches down and pats Fang on the head lightly and scratches behind his ears.
He looks up from Fang noticing that the wolf sharpened its attention to the other side of the table, he notices the figure in the blue midnight cloak approach the table. He stands to greet their new guest but they seem to ignore the invite and stay a good distance from the table.. He takes his seat and notices her flinch at the sight of the deer meat, seeing the hood fall away he sees the aubourn hair and face. A thought flickered through his head, well, she looks beautiful, the deep aubourn hair and.... the thought fades quickly as he catches sight of her eyes and focuses intently back to the table.. He reaches down and lays a calming hand on Fang's brow as he hears the wolf start to growl.....
Edited by Shapeshifter, 08 February 2007 - 12:05 AM.
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 07 February 2007 - 11:43 PM
"And you Dwarf, learn to take things in moderate." Paramore orders some more drinks for Shapeshifter and Pwenf. "Yeah, gimme the largest you got." Paramore grins. "And your lucky a Cleric was here, but I must say you look like you caused some nice damage to those sinister bears. I myself never liked them." Paramore begins examining his Halberd. "Very nice weaponry." Paramore grins.
Edited by Vanquished, 07 February 2007 - 11:50 PM.
Posted 08 February 2007 - 01:56 AM
He wiped his mouth with his beard, and looked at Shapeshifter. "Ah dinnae approve o' yer kind, messing with that unnatural magic mumbo-jumbo an changing yer shape into animals, it aint right, and Ah dinnae think we'll be friends fer a long while, but meybe Ah can trust ye..."
"Pwenf throws his head back and laughs heartily. "Let's hear it for this littal Gnome feller here!!! payin fer ours drinks." he said as he patted Paramore's back rather hard.
Pwenf is now feeling a little buzzed from the magic ale, and all the ale he has consumed (by now hes at his 9th or 10th mug)
"Now, Ah gotta teach ye somethin...War is a part o' Life. Ye has ta embrace it, and live with wha' ye done. See...Ah finds the real thrill in fightin many enemies at once, like 3 or 4 at a time...tha's the way ta go..some ya win, and some ye lose, and I rip them all ta shreds, but at a price Ah am willin ta give." This 'ere Halberd were given ta me by the previous Champion o' my people. 'Twas a hard earned prize, that cost him his life, and ah nearly lost mine, but it was something Ah had ta do. Ah were trained almost from mah birth ta fight and Ah dinnae regret what Ah had ta do. Ah dinne regret having ta kill during tha war. It's gatta be somethin ye enjoy, and if ye cannae get o'er the fact tha ye is gonna have ta kill, then ye'll not be livin without yer fancy magic."
Pwenf burped and raised his hand to order a nice refreshing meal of potatoes and a piece of mutton. "Ah think Ah'll get headin to the forest after this, unless ye got somethin in mind?" Pwenf said to both Shapeshifter and Paramore while he waited for his meal.
Edited by Pwenf, 08 February 2007 - 01:59 AM.
Posted 09 February 2007 - 01:20 PM
He looked back to Pwenf as he raised his hand and ordered his meal. "Yes, there was something i was going to ask you.... but now, i don’t know if...." he falls silent and looks back down at the table.... his mood seems to change as he drums his fingers wearily on the table.
Thoughts fill his mind as he stares at the table...I wonder if i will ever see them again.... i could ask these people for help... but i don’t want to put them in danger.. Paramore is so young, he has his whole life ahead of him.. then there was Pwenf.... a champion of his village.. a hero.. strong.. yet the dwarfs and elves had just started to get along peacefully... if news got back that a dwarf had died allying with an elf... he didn’t want to think of the results.... and that other person, the one that he had seen not a week back walking through the forest along side a black panther.. he followed her for a while, then left to find somewhere to stay.... A puzzled look crosses his face as he looks down at the table... Why would i think about her?....I only followed her for a little while... Why? ...... But this was a question he would think about later.....
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 11 February 2007 - 08:35 AM
"probably somethin an elf cannae do without a dwarf's help eh? Well go on, spit it out!" He said as he tore apart the mutton. He stopped for a second, thinking he had heard something.
He put down his mutton and looked at Shapeshifter and Paramore. "Did e'er ye lads hear a noise just now?"
Posted 12 February 2007 - 01:28 PM
Furthermore... Who was that lass walking around the forests with the panther? And why was the thought of her haunting the confinds of his thoughts? But all this to be answered in time.... Right now I have to focus on finding a way to get the aid of these two and explain the situation the best I can... though to sway their decision... I'll leave out a couple of things....
"Well... it would be my honor if you would allow me to pay for you all to stay the night, it is getting pretty late..." He looks more directly at Pwenf, "and in your condition I must insist... dont need you getting killed out there... if a blackbear wounded you that severely, I would hate to see what its superior brother the Brown bear would do to you.. As for myself, I will be back later.... I must go see as to something else...." and with this he turns and walks to the door and disappears into the fading evening light....
He makes haste to the gates and once through the forest morphs smoothly into a Grizzly bear as though he were just disguised as a human... He races through the paths of the large forest seeing if he might find this lady again. His mind raced with thought as he ran.. Maybe even if I find this lady just being hidden in her presence will allow me to understand why she haunts me so.... I must understand why... if I am to disperse them and accomplish my goal....
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 13 February 2007 - 08:26 PM

Pwenf had just raised his mug to his mouth for another swig of ale when he felt a piercing pain in his back, close to his spine.
"What the...gods....be..damned."
his voice was no more than a whisper as the wound began to take its toll on him immediately. He felt the darkness creeping on him and it took every ounce of his being to fight it, but it was too much for him, he had already suffered a mauling from a bear and he was not at full strength and was lacking sleep. As Recluse planted the kiss onto his neck, Pwenf fell over, limp, his life-force slowly draining away. "Is tha, ye father?" pwenf mumbled before succumbing to the darkness.
(just for reference, hes not dead)
Edited by Pwenf, 13 February 2007 - 09:50 PM.
Posted 13 February 2007 - 09:41 PM
Should I have left them there alone with her.... Pwenf is plenty capable of handling himself in a fight.... but he is weak and without rest, that near death experience with the bear..... Then there is Paramore.. I would hope that Pwenf would do his best to defend the little gnome that had just saved his life.... but even still.... not in their condition....
"Damn it all" he snarls, only a growling sound escapes from him as he turns and charges back through the forests towards the sleeping fox. He calls to Fang and tells him to go on ahead, he watches as the wolf picks up speed and dashes off through the forest. He too sharpens his pace as he clears the forest and darts across the grassy meadow, now in clear view of the gates.
He dashes down viper street to see Fang snarling at the Sleeping Fox. His smooth transformation as he ran up to Fang and looked in the window, his worst fears confirmed as he gased upon the empty pub that was teeming with jolly conversation only moments ago. Another smooth morph brought him back level with Fang as he backed up and charged at the pub, crashing through the door, the sound echoing around the quietness of the inn.
He turned to see Pwenf lying on the ground in a pool of blood,a quick shift back into his human form and a quick cleanse to rid of the poison that seemingly ran through his veins, by the site of the mark on his neck, and the paleness of his skin. He patted Pwenf's vest and found a pocket, as wishfull thinking as it was that a dwarf would carry around healing herbs of any kind, he found some herbs and stuffed them into his mouth and hoped that he would swallow in his semiconcious state.
He looked up and ensared the whole room in enchanted vines, his eyes darted back and forth looking around the room frantically for the little gnome. "Paramore, gnome where are you... PARAMORE!.." but the silence that followed along with Fang's echoing snarls and barks only seemed to further his thoughts..
I never should have left, I knew that girl was trouble the moment I set eyes upon her eyes... a demon no doubt.. eyes black as coal and piercing as a sword.. She was trouble..Demons had no place in nature.... and he had ignored it in his search for the other woman, the one with the panther.... whom he still didnt find, even in his rush though the forest...
He jumped almost effortlessly to the rafters and scanned the area, his eyesight keen, but not enough to pierce the shadows that loomed in the far corners of the room.. he could see into them.. make no mistake, but only just so far before even his elven eyes couldnt boar into them....
He made quickly to the other side of the inn looking around the rafters and spotting Paramore, he cast a quick enchantment, knowing the demon would be close by, he pointed to Pwenf and Fang stood guard as he cast another enchantment and tore Paramore's wrapped form from the shadows and lept back to the ground, he worked the wrapping loose and freed him racing back to Pwenf's still bleeding form.
"Can you help him?" he asks in a rushed tone to Paramore..
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 19 February 2007 - 02:32 PM
"Yes I think I can." Paramore begins to chant a healing spell softly. "I can't bring back the blood but if you get me some fresh water I might be able to brew his blood and the water together so I can insert it back, but i'm not sure." Paramore tries to locate the mark of the attack. "I hardly saw the attack, it was a blur all I saw was those big black orb eyes." Paramore spots the hit and gasps. "I've seen this before!! It was on some bandits at a ravaged camp... Quick fetch me some water if you want him to live!" Paramore has a sight of fear in eyes.
Edited by Hydrous, 19 February 2007 - 02:50 PM.
Posted 21 February 2007 - 01:08 PM
She remembered her childhood out cast by both sides of her family, if you would call it a family....Her elven mother had died giving birth to her, and that part of her family had always thought of the child as unpure, dirty, and tainted....her fathers side although human was no better...thinking the infant was unnatural and horrendous dispite her beauty, she had only her father to care for her and love her...he taught her the ways of nature, and everything she needed to know to take care of herself...In the begging the pair did not notice but it became more apperent as Elucid grew up that she aged slower than her father only ageing 2 years for every 3 of his...by the time she had come of age he was an old man....his death came not long after the 19th year of her life...that is when she learned that she could only count on herself...that she was the only one that would not leave or hurt her.....
The noise of the city brought her back into the present she stood before that gates to Nightmist..... hesitating for a moment she lowered her gaze once more and clutched her cloak tightly around her starting into the city....she slid her tongue across her full red lips and frowned as her stomach growled...to the inn it is then....she thought, comeing to the Sleeping Fox Inn she stoped and listened, the inn was normally very noisy but today..all she could her were the calls of a man...shouting a name..."Paramore" she cursed softly under her breath and entered the inn staying very close to the wall partially hiden by the shadows, looking around the room she saw the fat little dwarf laying on the ground, she started to his side but she spun around startled by loud shrieks and a crash, Elucid looked at the creature that had fallen vines were twisting themselves around the form, Elucid looked back at the dwarf but steped back into the shadows hearing the voices now of two men coming closer she made her way to the thing that had fallen....
Elucid leaned down and pulled the small dagger from her boot, she stood at the foot of the broken table on which...judgeing by the curves of the from and lucious lips..the female thing laid before comeing closer she studied it, its eye were huge and black...Unnatural.. was the word that came to her mind but she cursed herself realizeing that, that is exactly what people thought of her she stared at this female the chest was not riseing or falling...this poor thing must be dead..she thought and took a step forward her dagger in hand she wraped her hand around one of the vines and pulled it away from the creature not wanting the accidently nic it with her blade she cut the vine in two and let it fall to the ground, she reached for another...
Edited by Elucid, 21 February 2007 - 11:39 PM.
Posted 21 February 2007 - 06:34 PM
But who could it be, no one besides the gnome and the dwarf were here when I arrived... No... I would have sensed if someone else was here... Then again in all the comotion... I wasnt paying attention to who was or wasnt here, just that i found who I was looking for... others could have been lurking and watching... same with that beast.... but who?... No.. it couldnt be.... but who else would..
His thoughts froze on this last thought as he wheeled around on the spot searching the shadows of the room, his elven eyes penetrating the deepest confinds until, way in the back corner.. It is! Damnit this is going to complicate things... He thought as he saw what had confirmed his fears... the elf, but on closer look she wasnt an elf... well not pure that is..... the same one he had been chasing through the forests was held by the demon a dagger to her throat...
This isnt going to be easy... maybe I can use the vines.. He looked past the pair at the vines behind them that clung to the wall.. Perfect.. now just too... He focused on the vines, one slowly slid along the wall and across the roof, then within a split second it lashed out and bound the demon's hand around the dagger holding it up and away from striking the elf. He dashed forward and with a smooth transformation the Grizzly loomed infront of them, he roared at the top of his lungs, shaking the dust from the rafters above as he looked at the pair. He smoothly shifted back to his human form and looked into the eyes of the elf. "Be calm.." he muttered as his focus changed to that of the demon. "Demon, release the girl... I warn you.. no tricks, do not cross me if you wish to survive.. now.. Release the Girl!"
Edited by Shapeshifter, 21 February 2007 - 11:43 PM.
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 22 February 2007 - 07:42 PM
Posted 24 February 2007 - 12:59 AM
How foolish, to be taken by surprise by that.. that thing... though by it actions he could really no longer call it a demon.... it seemed to only react in fear.... not in anguish or hate as he had known demons to from legend... this, this girl... by her features... was different.... demon or not he had to find out for himself... but first he had to get out of this fire... before the whole building fell in around him... then there was the other girl... the one that the thing was clutching.... it didn’t seem to want to hurt her as it held her in her grasp.. more like she was using it as a means of escape... and it worked..... he had to understand the creature.... it was unlike anything he had known.... but he was starting to understand something.... it didn’t want to kill for purpose.... but it seemed that it just wanted to kill to live... to keep itself alive... like the basic order of everything...
He ran to the door while his thoughts raced and his head swam... the smoke was getting to him... and he didn’t know how much longer he could take it... his muscles screamed in pain as he forced himself on.... finding the door closed with the same strong webbing that had encased Paramore only minutes before he hammered his fist against it.. Damn... now how do I get out of here... I cant let us die... not on my hands... I will not be the end of these two.... He looked around for another means of escape... everything was ablaze... saw that the front of the building was burning.. overhead he heard the pillars and crossbeams giving way the stress of the burning building bearing down on them.. I've got to get out of here quick before the whole building collapses...
He spots an overturned chair burning away, he grabs it and throws it with everything he has left at the window. The window shatters with a deafening crash as he leaps out it, the fire plume following the fresh trail of air that billows in, moments later the building collapses... as everything goes dark and he passes out on the ground he looks around and sees that Fang and Paramore made it out ok, along with Pwenf that now lay ahead of him. The last thing he sees and hears is Fang standing over him howling up at the full moon overhead.
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 28 February 2007 - 05:52 PM
Posted 02 March 2007 - 04:30 AM
Posted 08 March 2007 - 02:25 PM
Shapeshifter stirs and snaps to attention as he sits up and looks around.. How did I get here? Last I remember I passed out after getting everyone, with Fang's help, out of the Sleeping Fox as it burned itself to the ground.. He turns to see Pwenf lying on a bed against the far wall, severely bandaged and looking worse for wear... Is he still alive? He looked around the room and spotted Paramore laying on another bed and Fang on the floor looking up at him. Fang growled almost reassuringly as Shapeshifter looked at him and continued his gaze around the room. He took to his feet and he stumbled for a moment, clutching the bed for support... still quite dazzed from the experience at the pub.
The Pub! The girl! ... The ... thing..., for calling her a demon was far past him now... she didnt act anything like a demon.. and he scorned himself for jumping to conclusions. How long have I been he wondered as he stood there... and almost as if to answer his thoughts the priest walks in mildly startled that Shapeshifter is on his feet and explains that he had been out for almost three days.
"And the Dwarf and Gnome... How are they?" Shapeshifter asked of the priest as he walked behind him and followed him around the room... "Actually, if it hadn't been for your little wolf friend there, you'd all have been dead.." the priest said, then looking at the look on Shapeshifter's face he continued on "He raised quite a ruckus he did... all that howling and baying... I came out to see what all the noise was about and saw you three with the wolf standing over you and the Sleeping Fox burning itself to the ground... there was no saving it im afraid... but had your friend here not gotten my attention, the building would have collapsed and you would have been burned alive in the smoldering rubble.."
Shapeshifter looked down at Fang and placed his hand on Fang's brow "You saved me my friend, just as I saved you... I guess our debt is nul now..." Fang stared back into Shapeshifter's eyes and growled, then let a quick bark. "He layed by the side of your bed the whole time.." the priest said jesturing to Fang, "he is a very loyal companion to have.. you are lucky to have such friends.."
Shapeshifter pressed on about the Gnome and Dwarf.. "They will both be fine...." the priest said "the dwarf will definitely need plenty of rest... and I commend the acts of the gnome... my guess is that he is a fluent healer by his garb... trying to brew the dwarf's blood into something that could be cycled back through the body was a terrific act... and we continued on it, thank goodness that it worked... there were no other options open to us.... and the gnome will be fine... he just exhausted himself working feverishly to save the dwarf.." the priest finished, sitting down in a chair and folding his hands in his lap.
"Would you mind... watching them for me that is... there is something I must tend to..." Shapeshifter asked of the priest.. "I'd be happy to watch them until they recover... that is our purpose afterall.." the priest replied smiling. Good, I can leave these two behind to finish recovering and I can leave word with the priest as to where they can find me when they wake. That will allow me to search out that thing, and find out what it is truely about.. "When they wake, tell them to wait above Boar's Tusk Inn and I will collect them after I have accomplished this task.." said Shapeshifter to the priest as he gathered his things and made haste to the door, Fang racing at his heals.
Shapeshifter made it to the northern gate of Nightmist and through the grassy meadow changing into the great Grizzly Bear as he hit the entrance to the forest he stopped and growled orders to Fang for them to split up and see what they could find, if either one of them found something to back off a ways and howl and wait for the other to arrive before making any hasty moves....
Dont let her be dead, please dont let her be dead, and hopefully i can find some trace of where they went...hopefully.. they hadnt gone too far in the time that he had been out....
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 08 March 2007 - 09:04 PM
Tears found her way to the main street, Viper by the sign. Heading north she searched for anythign to spark a recognition, anyone who knew her. She knew not her name, age, or lineage. The streets were empty, she could sense somethign dreadful had happened and felt deep sorrow but could not tell why. She kept wandering until she came upon a man, a beautiful man with long silver hair. He felt....strange....warm but..... wrong. He was staring into what appeared to be the charred remains of a house maybe. She was hesitant, but he was the only living soul around and he seemed so inviting.... but on the edge of the warmth and invitation was somethign sharp and dangerous. Taking her chances she approched him......
"Hello sir." Her voice soft. "you look forlorn, can I help in anyway?"
She didnt know what poessed her to ask, it just was said as if her very nature was to help.
Edited by Night_Angel, 08 March 2007 - 09:09 PM.
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