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Return Of The Sun

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#1 Hatrix

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Posted 26 April 2004 - 09:48 PM

(OOC: Before I start, i'd like to say I am rather new to RP'ing, so be gentle. :) . I am going to start with the story leading up to now, my char info, and then the actual RP itself.)

Story -

The town of Welhathine had gone without light for twenty days, and twenty nights now. Something had happened... Something terribly bad. King Thaon was not normally worried in situations such as this, but for some reason, he was this time. Thaon ordered his men search for the one responsible for this seemingly never-ending darkness.

Thaon's men searched the city up and down, but found nothing, or no-one out of the ordinary. The men returned after two days of searching empty handed, which infuriated Thaon. Thaon ordered one townsperson be hung every day until the culprit turned himself in, or was caught... Two more days passed... Two innocent men were killed... But Thaon's men refused to kill any more men. Thaon was infuriated again, but he knew that he couldn't kill any more innocent people without them rebelling... So he stopped. He stopped, and thought for three days... When suddenly, a Necromancer stepped forward, and claimed responsiblility for the darkness. He was taken to Thaon, and interrogated. The Necromancer, who's name was Decinfimus, told Thaon everything.

"The people of Welhathine are too greedy, and selfish. They deserve darkness, like the orcs... Because they are no better than them.", Decinfimus said.

Thaon was now mad as ever, and ordered his men to hang him, hoping his death would bring light back to the city.

Decinfimus walked in the middle of two Knights, walking towards a large 'stage', which had little more than a noose. The knight shoved him up, and the executioner tied the noose around his neck. A trick floor popped open, sending Decinfimus straight down, but just as he went down, the rope snapped, so that Decinfimus fell to the ground below. Between the people cheering, and the knights laughing, no-one had noticed the rope ripped. Decinfimus quickly fled to the Forest of Impith. - It was here that Decinfimus created an army. An army of the men, women, orc, and elves who had died during the Wars of Impith...

My character -
His name was Geratu. Little was known about him, as the people of Welhathine payed him not attention. He was a skilled warrior, both with a sword, and a bow. Geratu had a miserable past, including both his parents dying in the previous wars Welhathine had. He was almost always clad in nothing more than weak leather armor, and a long, beautiful sword. He was almost always in the Queen and Duke tavern, drinking his ale, and telling tall-tales to the children.

Beginning -
There Geratu sat... Inside the Queen and Duke tavern. He was telling the 'story' of himself defeating the Dark Lord. The children seemed greatly interested in the story.

"And it wasnt... Like the...", Geratu said, while nearly falling out of his chair. "War for darkness... Because light..", he rambled.

Why the kids were interested in his drunken tales, no-one will ever know.

Geratu stood up in the middle of his story, and walked outside the inn.

"I feel something in the air... Something lives in the air...", Geratu said softly to the bartender who stood in the doorway.

"Get back in the bar and keep drinkin', or get the hell outta here!", the bartender shouted.

Geratu turned, and looked into the bartenders face.

"Heh," Geratu replied, before pushing the bartender away from the doorway, and walking back into the inn.

Geratu walked back to his seat, and began finishing his story.

(OOC: Everyone is welcome. It will all develop soon. Have fun. :) )
You don't know peace 'til you've had suffering.

#2 rebo

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Posted 27 April 2004 - 01:30 AM

Adam was a young boy of the age of 15. He was wearing a brown robe, and carying a stout staff (im not a mage even though it sounds like it.) He came to this town searching for adventure, as there was none around his area. As he came into the inn searching for rest from his long journey, his ear caught an interesting tale. He decided on staying for a while, to here the rest of it.

#3 Hatrix

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Posted 27 April 2004 - 02:34 AM

Geratu took a small sip of his ale, and looked at the young robed man walk into the inn, then sitting near him. Geratu ran his eyes up and down the young man, then continued with his story.

"And the Dark Lord raised his giant sword, which was probably the size of the average man, and swung it down with great force, slaughtering the innocent people of Hearshire!", Geratu rambled, seeming much more serious then before. "It was pure mayhem! ... But the people of Hearshire had a secret weapon... A blade with magical powers! ... But still, the Dark Lord won. And the evils next target is this very city!", he shouted, before taking another sip of his ale. Geratu paused for a moment...

"It draws nigh...", Geratu shouted, as he stood to his feet. The children looked confused.

"Children!", Geratu shouted, "Go to your homes... Hide! Quickly!", He continued.

The children began running in state of pure fear.

Geratu sat, and began laughing hysterically. "Children provide much entertainment", Geratu said softly to himself.

Geratu lifted his mug, and took a large gulp.

Edited by Hatrix, 27 April 2004 - 02:35 AM.

You don't know peace 'til you've had suffering.

#4 green_mantis

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Posted 27 April 2004 - 06:43 PM

((Why would there be children in the pub talking to drunk people?))
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#5 Hatrix

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Posted 27 April 2004 - 07:08 PM

(They aren't talking, they're listening to a story. Who cares? Just accept it.)
You don't know peace 'til you've had suffering.

#6 Squee



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Posted 27 April 2004 - 08:19 PM

((You should be able to answer all the "Why?" questions as you have created this entire world. ^^; Although...I doubt it makes much difference.

Geratu might as well be talking to drunken hicks; it's just important to know he's telling a story and people are listening.))
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#7 Silverwizard

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Posted 27 April 2004 - 09:29 PM

((It could be a bar in which children go, there were many such places, alchohol did not have the stigma it dies today. Also, maybe the taboo did not develop in this world, too easy.))

Narin, a paladin of great ability moved into the bar, watching the fleeing children. "You should not scare the innocent, they do not need the pain that only the old and wise bring," he says to the room.

Narin is a tall man of about five and half feet, though he has a lithe and not quite skinny look. He is wearing well made armour and carries a greatsword on his back. Across his chest and on every joint of his armour is a skull on a red star-type background, and a coin stamped with the same picture.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#8 :^)

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Posted 27 April 2004 - 09:46 PM

As the paladin walks in he almost crushes Nimpous, a bunny that has been dyed pink, nimpous screeches and runs with the kids out the door.

#9 Hatrix

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Posted 27 April 2004 - 11:31 PM

((I really don't think I should need to answer questions. It's an RP. Anything can happen, really. Kids being in an Inn is too farfetched for peoples minds to grasp? I would hope not. The kids, I imagine, would be around 10-11. Abandoned by their parents, and they're in the Inn (Which they go to quite often) looking for change, when suddenly, a man calls them over, and decides to lighten up their mood with a story of heroism. Is that a good enough explanation?))

Geratu laughed a bit more.

"It's all harmless fun! Have a drink, lighten up," he shouted at the paladin.

Geratu looked at the young robed man, "What is your name, young man?", he asked.
You don't know peace 'til you've had suffering.

#10 Squee



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Posted 27 April 2004 - 11:46 PM

((Dont' take what I said offensively. ^^; Really, all you're doing is describing what's going on. You've already explained what happened in latter days (with the Necromancer and what-have-yous), so it should be second nature to describe why things are happening now.))
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#11 Hatrix

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Posted 28 April 2004 - 12:36 AM

((I honestly didn't think i'd need to explain why, of all things, kids are in an inn. I mean, there are necromancers, kings, knights, but of all things to find odd, it's kids listening to a story in an inn... I find it amazing... Please don't post if you're not going to join. Just PM me with your questions. Thanks.))
You don't know peace 'til you've had suffering.

#12 rebo

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Posted 28 April 2004 - 01:16 AM

"The name's Adam. I just arrived in this town. But anyways, is there any shred of truth in that tale? If so, it must have been terrible....."

#13 Hatrix

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Posted 28 April 2004 - 01:22 AM

"Not much truth! But some, nonetheless.", Geratu replied, before standing up abruptly.

"The names Geratu. It's a pleasure to meet you, Adam.", Geratu said loudly, before extending his arm, and shaking Adam's hand.

"So, what are you here for? Not much in this old city... Just darkness. They say it was a necromancer who is doing this... Ah, I wont believe it til I see it! What do you think about it?", Geratu said anxiously. It had been quite some time since he held a decent conversation with another 'mature' person.
You don't know peace 'til you've had suffering.

#14 rebo

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Posted 28 April 2004 - 01:56 AM

"Well, i think it would be interesting to find out more about this. That's just me though. You probably think it was foolish if I were to say that I would like to find out more about it, but I've got nothing else to do...."

#15 Hatrix

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Posted 28 April 2004 - 02:06 AM

((I assume you mean about the Necromancer, if not, correct me and i'll edit my post. :) ))

"...Well," Geratu paused slightly, "The townspeople say that the necromancer came from a land far east of here... They say that he intends on bringing war to this city... But they're just rumors. I doubt any of it's true. Afterall, how would they know?", Geratu said loudly, before pulling his wooden stool slightly closer to Adam, and sitting.

"You know, though. It'd be quite amusing if there was a war... Would bring some interesting gossip to the town... After the war ended of course... Assuming we won..", Geratu said softly, trying not to catch other peoples attention.

Geratu took another swig of his ale, before fixing his leather leggings.
You don't know peace 'til you've had suffering.

#16 Charon

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Posted 28 April 2004 - 03:09 PM

At the far end of the bar a young woman tilted her head in faint amusement as the children scurried away in terror and the knight(yes, I know hes really a paladin) reproached Geratu for his story.

Her gaze momentarily fixed itself on the sword before she took sip of whatever tasteless brew she had ordered before casting a glance around the rest of the inn with her pale grey eyes, sweeping her hair from her vision. Though once it had been a glorious mess of lavish brown waves, it was now dimmed and subdued, straightened and restrained by both her nature and her attitude. Her fringe, the same greyish silver as her eyes flapped before her vision as she looked up to see a young boy appraoching Geratu before looking back down at her drink

"Some rumours... should be listened to" she murmered to noone in particular. Her voice was hoarse, as if it hurt her to speak, even at such a low volume and only to herself. She signalled for another drink as she finished off the one she had before she continued listening to them speak, refusing to look back in their direction.

((ooc: In case anyone cares, this is not Charon ^^))
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#17 Hatrix

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Posted 29 April 2004 - 02:46 AM

((I suppose i'll need to RP as Decinfimus to get the story developing, so, here goes.))

In the middle of an enourmous field, Decinfimus stood... But not alone. With him was an army, of thousands upon thousands of undead... Creatures. The creatures all stood oddly silent.

"No pain... No fears... No emotion...", Decinfimus said softly... Just as he did, the creatures began slamming their weapons together, making a loud, terrifying sound.

"Show them no mercy!", Decinfimus shouted, before raising his staff high into the air. The undead army began running with unholy haste, with their weapons held high in the air, towards the city ahead...

Decinfimus let out a hideous laugh as his warriors ran past him, and began slowly walking forward, following his undead army.

((I'll make another post informing you when the army breaches the city.))
You don't know peace 'til you've had suffering.

#18 Charon

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Posted 29 April 2004 - 02:29 PM

As the woman sat, listening to their conversation she became vaguely aware of another voice... and the longer she listened the louder that voice became... louder and louder and

"No pain... No fears... No emotion..."

The words flooded into the womans mind. She tried so hard to pretend she didn't hear them... tried so hard...

She was in pain, she was afraid, she had emotion

"Show them no mercy!"

She clasped her pale hands over her ears as her wispy pale brown hair descended about her face, but knew the words she heard weren't vocal, knew that she would be unable to disuade the laughter that way

<Leave me be!> she screamed back in desperation at the offending voice as it swept through her mind <Leave me be!>

She was shaking as she contiued to clasp her hands behind her head, closing her eyes tightly. The face that flickered there before her vision...

"No" she rasped hoarsely aloud. The barkeeper looked at her dubiously as she continued to mutter to herself, dismissing her near silent plees as the drunken ramblings of one who's sanity had perhaps long left her as he carefully removed the drink from the counter. She had had enough

"No... don't march" Girya mumbled, trying hard to reject the words that still rang in her ears, leaving their impression on her memory. Some part of her wondered why she heard the words at all... but in her growing distress she was too busy to take notice, the words just kept repeating as she tried to wipe the emotion and fear from her face, knowing that no other could hear the words, knowing that the fear she felt had no true rationale behind it.

"Please please... don't march" she whispered

Edited by Charon, 29 April 2004 - 09:29 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#19 Hatrix

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Posted 29 April 2004 - 05:03 PM

Geratu turned his head swiftly, looking at the young woman.

"What's wrong...?", Geratu asked, with a confused look on his face... Geratu hadn't seen anything like this before. "What's happening?" Geratu shouted at the young woman.

For the most part, the people in the Inn were paying no attention, but the few that were seemed deeply worried.

The bartender stepped forward, "You know her?", he asked.

"I-Uh... No-Well... Not really." Geratu replied.

"Get 'er outta here! She's scaring off my customers!", the Bartender shouted at Geratu.

"B-But...", Geratu said softly.

Geratu looked around, his mind was filled with so many different thoughts... He couldn't function... The drinking was catching up to him.
You don't know peace 'til you've had suffering.

#20 rebo

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Posted 30 April 2004 - 01:26 AM

Adam figured he should talk to the talk to the lady, considering that if she was really drunk then maybe he could coax her out of the bar, and if she wasn't, then he could have possibly found something to do. "What's wrong, m'lady?" he said as he moved a stool that was 2 stools away from her. He didn't want to get too close, considering she might get violent if she was drunk.

#21 Charon

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Posted 30 April 2004 - 01:41 AM

"Lemme alone" she saw the man and boy moving towards her "Just... I'm none... your concern... just lemme alone"

"Wha's wrong? E'rything's wrong" Girya mumbled faintly, her voice almost failing as she spoke, her words threatening to slur as she reached for a drink to drown her sorrows that was no longer there "E'rything... ev'rything's wrong"

"They'll come... and they'll come... and they'll march... and then" she couldn't keep speaking, just couldn't "I need... I need air" she stumbled to her feet and headed for the door

"You... dun want me here... dont want... I'll go" she took each step slowly but her head was spinning, her mind alight with cries and orders from a place she wanted to forget, from a voice she'd rather never have known

"E'rything" she mumbled "all... wrong... all of it"
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#22 Hatrix

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Posted 30 April 2004 - 03:52 PM

Geratu shook his head, confused at what just went down, and returned to his seat.

Just as he sat, a loud horn sounded. Geratu recognized that sound... It was very familiar.

Geratu rose from his seat quickly, and drew his sword. The people inside the Inn began to panic and flee.

Geratu payed no attention to anyone, and ran through the crowd of drunken townspeople, and stopped just as he got outside. He looked around. There were creatures running into the city, slaughtering innocent townspeople... Welhathine's knights and archers were not prepared for such an occurrence. The horn sounded again.

A small group of the creatures rushed Geratu, and knocked him to the ground.

The creatures let out a hideous hiss, before being attacked from behind by a knight. The creatures all focused their attention on the knight, giving Geratu just enough time to get up, regain his balance, and attack.

The creatures didn't appear to be hard to kill, but the army itself seemed like it would never stop flooding into the city.

Geratu slashed the creatures with his sword, and continued to swing until the last creature had fallen... But that was just a small group of four.. Maybe five. Geratu was drunk, and weak... He wasn't sure why he was even trying... But something pushed him on.

"Thank you" Geratu said to the Knight... But the knight stayed oddly silent, and walked off, to further protect the city.
You don't know peace 'til you've had suffering.

#23 Charon

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Posted 30 April 2004 - 04:54 PM

"I told you" Girya whispered as she pressed back against the walls in the streets, trying to fade from view, trying to pretend she wasnt there, wasn't seeing the slaughter she was seeing "I told you I told you I told you I told you I tol-"

"So this... is where you got to my dear" a silky voice smirked as a shadowy figure emerged from the attackers... a half elf of superior stature, his nature undeniably dark. Cold blue eyes and pale skin, sheltered in the frame of a darkened mind, glossy black hair and a dangerous swagger... compared to the pale, frail figure of Girya he seemed to ooze confidence- his energy, his malevolence ... was undeniable. A garotte cord dangled loosely between his fingers, but in a moment his grip could have tensed. His movements had a fluidity about them that the attacking creatures lacked

Her hand flinched up her neck as a choking sensation began to overcome her, fingers tracing the faint scar which had left its mark across the front of her neck

"I was beginning to wonder... just how far you could have gone, Girya my sweet" the man murmered softly as he approached her "I don't know... how far the influence extends. I was beginning to worry. Now, Girya... come back with me, and we shall return to the one I owe my alleigance to"

"No" she stumbled away from him, tripping over scattered objects that now lay abandonned in the street. Even in her dumbfounded state she knew to trust her fear... perhaps she even clung to that fear as black and white memories flickered into her mind as she threw herself into the crowds, shielded by the Welthaine Knights and running from his view, colliding with Adam somewhere within the throng of panicking drunkards that had emerged from the inn at the commotion

The man sighed in mild annoyance as she vanished from his sights

"You want to play games my dear, we shall play them... but I shall find you" he turned back to the creatures with a grin

"You know my Lords orders" he commanded "Now attack, show no mercy!"

((ooc: /t Hatrix ... and meet... that minion I spoke with you about :P ))
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#24 Hatrix

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Posted 30 April 2004 - 10:05 PM

"Show them no mercy!" a distant voice shouted. The words seemed to send a chill down Geratu's spine...

Geratu shook the feeling off, and ran towards the city entrance. Knights were blocking the path, fighting the creatures off to the best of their ability... But hundreds of creatures were already inside the city.

Geratu wasn't sure if he should go fight with the knights, or try to rid the streets of these creatures... Before he could decide, a tall, thin, dark creature attacked Geratu from behind. The creature was much taller than Geratu. It seemed to be an orc... But parts of it's flesh was missing, and it's bones were exposed. The attack hardly wounded Geratu, but wounded him nonetheless.

Geratu quickly turned, swinging his sword with amazing force, cutting the orcs head clear off... The dead orcs already dead body stalled for a moment, before falling to the ground, lifeless.

Another horn sounded, and archers all over the city began firing at the creatures.

((OOC: Very nicely written Charon :) . Back as Decinfimus now))

Decinfimus was still walking in the middle of his army... He was walking slowly. Very, very slowly. Though at his slow pace, it would seem to take hours to get to the city, it, for some reason, only took minutes to get to the city entrance... He saw all the knights... He saw all the creatures... And he simply stopped. He stood still, a mere 10 feet from the entrance of the city... Waiting for the right time.
You don't know peace 'til you've had suffering.

#25 Silverwizard

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Posted 01 May 2004 - 09:18 PM

The paladin, quickly jumped from his chair when he hear the cries of the guards. He fought bravely for a few minutes but soon was healing the wounded and defending the city guard but he took careful note of the woman whom was approached, as soon as his work was done he would be free to talk to her, free to resume his travels if she was the key...
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#26 Hatrix

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Posted 01 May 2004 - 10:29 PM

Geratu was running... He had no idea where he was going... He was just running.

He came to a small group of creatures. They were attacking a child. Geratu quickly leaped into the air, and swung his sword down, crashing into one of the creatures, splitting it's head in two.

The two other creatures quickly turned, and swung their weapons at Geratu, but he quickly blocked them, and swung his sword down, cutting one of the creatures legs off, then spun quickly, and swung his sword at the midsection of the other creature, cutting him clear in half.

The other creature lost it's balance, and fell to the ground. Geratu quickly thrusted his sword down, into the chest of the creature.

"Stay close! Stay in the shadows... But don't leave just yet", Geratu shouted at the child, before pulling his sword from the creatures chest.

"Follow quickly", Geratu whispered to the boy, as he began walking over to a house.

Geratu kicked the small door open, and ran inside. The house was filled with creatures.

"Stay in the shadows!", Geratu shouted at the child, as he swung his sword at one of the creatures.

Geratu went into a battle frenzy... Partially because he was drunken and angered, and partially because he felt the need to keep the boy safe.

Geratu swung his sword around, mortally wounding the creatures, or killing them... The creatures were all very weak... They died with ease... But the numbers were overwhelming Geratu... There were still too many inside the city.

Geratu was standing in the house, and he waved his hand to the boy to come here, and the boy did just that.

"I'm scared..", the boy whispered to Geratu.
"Keep quiet", Geratu said softly.

A robed figure came walking down the old steps inside the house.

"Why do you prolong the inevitable...?", the figure whispered.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?", Geratu asked.

The figure stepped down from the final step, and drew a long sword. The blade alone appeared to be the size of the average man... It seemed to be the man from the story...

Geratu furiously swung his blade at the robed man, but his attack was blocked. The robed man extended his hand, and a bolt of darkness shot out of his hand, sending Geratu flying backwards, into a wall...

((OOC: Gonna stop there for now, will add more when I have time :) ))
You don't know peace 'til you've had suffering.

#27 Hatrix

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Posted 02 May 2004 - 01:05 AM


Geratu's mind was scrambled... He quickly reached over, and picked up his sword, and jumped to his feet.

The robed man quickly swung his enourmous sword down at Geratu, but Geratu leaped out of the way, and thrusted his sword through the robed man's shoulder.

The robed man let out a hideous hiss, and pulled himself backwards, and quickly swung his sword down, then up. Geratu jumped back, and was now in a corner.

The robed man slowly walked forward, towards Geratu, with his sword extended.

"You shouldn't have gotten involved...", the man whispered.

Geratu quickly reached down, and picked up his sword. The robed man quickly spun his blade around, nearly decapitating Geratu.

Geratu slashed the robed man accross his chest, and kicked him back, then quickly unleashed a massive attack, swinging his blade in every direction at the man, hitting him several times. The man leaped into the air, and glided backwards a few feet.

Geratu was exhausted... He didn't think he could continue much longer... The robed man fell to the ground, and a burst of flames shot from his hands, but Geratu dodged, and just then, another burst of flames came shooting at Geratu, sending him flying backwards.

Geratu's weak leather armor was burnt... He slowly pushed himself up, and ran at the man and swung his sword quickly, cutting the mans right arm off. The mans arm, holding the sword, fell to the ground.

"It's been so... So very long... I haven't felt pain in ages... I haven't felt my own blood running down my flesh in... Years...", the man said softly.

The arm, and sword turned to ashes, and immediatly after, the man pulled off his hood... The man looked exactly like Geratu. Every single facial feature... It was all the same.

"...What..?", Geratu asked, confused as to what was happening.

"Forgive me... Decinfimus...", the man said to himself, before turning into a pile of ashes.

Geratu looked around the room, very confused.

"...Hide in here...", Geratu said to the child.

"I'm scared...", the boy said.

"You'll be fine if you keep quiet.", Geratu said softly, before exiting the house.
You don't know peace 'til you've had suffering.

#28 Hatrix

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Posted 02 May 2004 - 07:43 PM

((OOC: Ok, just read what I posted, and i'll say in my defense, it was 2 AM, and I was medicated... Heavily. Excuse all the screw ups. :) ))
You don't know peace 'til you've had suffering.

#29 rebo

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Posted 13 May 2004 - 02:03 AM

(sorry ive been gone so long, but i was away for like 3 days and had to read a bunch...)

As Adam looks around, he notices that the city guard does'nt stand a chance, and decides to try to escape the town. As he starts to run, someone ran into him.

"What the hell's going on?" Adam asks Charon when he notices that it was her. "I gues you weren't some crazy drunk..."

#30 Charon

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Posted 13 May 2004 - 05:39 PM

"I... I'm sorry" Girya stammered as she looked up at Adam "I didn't mean to- ah" she stumbled sideways as someone pushed their way past her in their own flight from the invading army.

"I guess... I guess not" she rasped hoarsely with a pained smile as she slipped almost unnoticably behind him so her pursuer wouldn't see where she had gone "Al...Almost wish I was though eh?" she shook, eyes flickering wild with emotion as she tried to quiet the cries in her mind, swaying dizzily as she tried to... tried to...

"Now attack, show no mercy!"

Girya flinches visibly, almost seeming to shrink in size as the command continues to roar over the throng of the fight, over the throng of the battle.

"No" Girya protested desperately as she clasped her hands over her ears, sinking to her knees, doubling over in some desperate desire to hide from the words "No... no" she was shaking...

Someone cursed aloud as they tripped over the low girl as she knelt on the floor, not daring to move... but she barely seemed to notice. Gleaming metal caught the corner of her eye... a sword she presumed one of Welthaine's guards had dropped. Her eyes were blurry as she reached towards it, hand twisting itself around the hilt of the weapon and tugging violently

"No!" she shouted as she stared at her arm, that arm still drawing the sword towards her, blood staining the blade as she looked at the knight the sword had been embeded in

<Why... w-why didn't... I see him before?> she thought frantically, looing up at Adam in distress

"Get away" she shrieked as she rose to her feet, sword clasped tightly as she looked at him

"Attack" she whispered, eyes dimming "Show no mercy"

The sword cut through the air threateningly, stopping short of Adam as pain flickered yet again across her face, as she halted the movement

"It's.... getting stronger" she wept, though no tears came "I can't... I can't... Gaaaah!" with a cry of restrained agony she swung the sword again

(ooc: Sorry... she's Girya, not Charon ^^)
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

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