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Dhw Vs The Crypt Rp Battle

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#1 Raylen


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Posted 20 April 2006 - 05:04 PM

OOC:(( (rules kinda)

This forum is very under-used, so I thought I'd try and start something different. Basically, the idea is to extend the current in-game war onto the RP forum.

You don't have to be in either clan, anyone can post here, as long as you do it nice and rp-like. But you'll need to be on one side or the other. Don't "God-mod" (i think thats what its called lol) - i.e. DON'T control someone else's destiny with your posts, let them choose what will happen to them.

I'd like very much for a large number of people from either side to post. Try and play just one of your characters, so it can be like a 1-alt battle hehe ;)

And as this is my first real try at RP'ing, please bear with me lol.

PS. If it gets good enough, we could maybe arrange for someone nice like Amy to judge who's a winner etc...and I might give out a prize to the best player, or something...so get writing! Be creative! Let it flow baby!))


Stella gazed into the dense woodland. They were there, she could feel their presence, like a bad smell on an otherwise beautiful day. She gripped the smooth handle of the broomstick that effortlessly supported her above the ground, serving to lend her a quicker turn of speed than most would expect. The air was cool and still: such is the calm before the storm.

Glancing round at her band of comrades, she wondered if they numbered enough to take on their one-time allies in this tricky terrain. But fear did not dampen her spirits - if indeed she even knew the feeling. Numerous battle with many a ferocious adversary had left her wise in the ways of battle, and she knew the ways to best use her speed.

Silently, she waited for reports from the scouts sent on ahead.

Edited by Raylen, 20 April 2006 - 05:04 PM.

+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#2 Jigsaw

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Posted 20 April 2006 - 09:06 PM

A wise old man, going by the name of Jigsaw, stepped out of a little hut which he had made out of tree bark and branches. For even though he was far older than many, he was still as fit and agile as most skillful warriors, with the power to heal on his side also.

He turned back inside a second and took in hand his Scepter. Circling it above his head it began to glow a bright white.

"They will be here at dawn" he informed Stella.

"Call the scouts back, my judgement never fails me; They will be of more use foraging for food. We will need all the energy we can get for this fight."

Creating a Spring for nourishment along with the soon to be foraged food, Jigsaw leaves and returns to his hut.

#3 Boys Night Out

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Posted 20 April 2006 - 11:41 PM

Hansol wakes from his quarters, late as usual hearing the news that The Crypt plan to attack.

A man of few words he nods to his side man Bayside who recruits the troops. Standing guard in full view of the war they are to begin, fear runs down their faces. Shot down from never having the chance, they finally have the chance to prove themselves worthy.

Hansol yells "They'll regret the day they crossed us Wives. They'll never see another sun rise once we've finished burning their corpses. Along side Jigsaw and his men we'll lead this clan to glories and riches. Our futures lie here today. Lets show them what we're made of!"

An up roar grows from the troops. As if to let them know we're waiting, They work themselves up for the battle ahead.

Whilst this goes on the Wife on duty starts dishing out food to the soldiers. Chiquita is wearing an old white apron covered in stains, she looks very happy in the kitchen.

Hansol stands at the lookout post awaiting the first sign of the most memorable battle Nightmist will ever see.
Tread lightly, as you tread on my dreams...

Hansol ingame

#4 Snoopy


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Posted 20 April 2006 - 11:50 PM

Snoopy sniffed the air through his tuned nostrils, blood had been spilled recently and not to far away. Standing at his full hight he surveyed the surrounding forest for signs of a battle, the forest was to thick to get a good view heavily matted with layers of vines and carnivouras plants. At full hight he looked a fearsome creature, an unusual 7 feet and built like a dwarf, most who met with him struggled to catergarise his speciese at all, truth be told he was the result of a freak pregnency when a horde of orcs pillaged a halfling village.

"hmm the rest of my party should be close" He grunted to himself

Slinging his blessed bow over his shoulder he pulled a mechete from a side pouch and began hacking a path through nearby brush in search of his lost companions.

Edited by Snoopy, 20 April 2006 - 11:53 PM.

If smoking 1 cig takes 30 seconds from my life, but laughing adds 5 minutes, if I get stoned every night do I live forever?

#5 Jigsaw

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Posted 21 April 2006 - 12:38 AM

Standing alongside Hansol, Jigsaw notices the two scouts that had been sent out earlier, limping and clutching wounds as they return.

"What has happened here?" Jigsaw exclaimed.

"We... were ambushed, 8-9 of them, javelins and bows, we barely escaped"

Jigsaw summened up his magic strength and cast a restoration spell on the two scouts, healing them fully.

"They'll regret this. Go find food close to camp; are men are hungry. Remember to keep your guard up."

As the night draws on Jigsaw becomes more and more concerned about Snoopy's whereabouts. For without such a warrior, he feels a lot more DHW blood will have to be shed to triumph in this battle.

Edited by Thunderja, 21 April 2006 - 05:22 AM.

#6 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 21 April 2006 - 02:47 AM

Suddenly, almost out of no-where a swirling vortex appears, and a tall, thin blue figure steps out placing himself infront of the party. As you examine the figure in more detail, you see that his facial features are long and stern, and he has an eerie glow around him. He holds in one hand a blue staff of Cobalt, and on his fingers are many rings, all with emblems of thunder and fire on their faces. The appearance of this wizard is truly frightening.

"They are near, my lady. Cleric Jigsaw found two of my scouts seriously injured in an ambush... It seems The Crypt have decided to play dirty.." The wizard snickers to Stella, somehow absorbing a crystal into his body while doing so.
"So I have heard, well done Disaster, you have done well. I have told Jigsaw to round up the scouts, but you may be lighter on your feet. Bring them back, and round the infantry up for battle!" Stella says, in a voice so deep the nearby houses on Wisteria Road shake uncontrollably, but her facial features show no change.
"As you wish. May I ask you one thing, my lady?"
"Of course, but ask with haste, every second is needed to prepare the infantry to their full extent." Stella retorted, glancing at the ground.
"Thank you madame, where was I again? Ah yes, the question, of course... Do we know the whereabouts of Lord Sno..."
The wizard was about to finish his sentance, when a tremendous rumbling came from the ground they were standing on. The two men stared at the ground, and suddenly a devestating blast shot out of the ground, disintergrating the house around them, and knocking Disaster to the ground. Stella however, stood tall.

"It is Deimos!" Stella roared! "Gather the troops, THE BATTLE HAS BEGUN!"

Edited by Äññöÿäñcë, 21 April 2006 - 03:06 AM.

Disaster ingame.

#7 combusta

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Posted 21 April 2006 - 02:53 AM

Zero steps out of his 2 story house on Wisteria Lane, being one of the only Berserkers of the group. Clutching his Mithril Claws he goes out to meet his comrads meeting at the end of the paved road leading in to the woods. Ready for battle.

"When shall we start, im getting anxious" he says to the group.

After being enhanced by Jigsaw he goes to the front, awating the ensueing war.

Edited by combusta, 21 April 2006 - 02:54 AM.

ah the intelligence of combusta, the envy of all nightmist players...

o shut up tony

#8 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 21 April 2006 - 03:56 AM

Disaster slowly picks himself up, automatically casting a protecting sphere around himself until he can become certain of his surroundings. He remembers vaguely what happened before, but nothing in detail. With his shield around him, he puts himself into a trance, reaching into the depths of his mind, attempting to remember what happened, where he was, and how he got there.

After a few minutes of meditation, Disaster feels a tap on his left shoulder. He cautiously turns around, and starts to conjure a beam of light at the shady figure.
"Put your magic away, you will not need it. Can you walk?" The familiar voice of Chiquita whispered in his ear.
"Wh-wh-where am I?" Disaster stammered, attempting to stand up.

"You are where you were before - in Stella's hut. We were attacked by Deimos, the blast he conjured -luckily- wasn't very well aimed, the power he attempted to use had little control behind it, yet it caused an unbelievable amount of damage. Can you walk?" Chiquita repeated, looking cautiously at Disaster's legs.

"Yes, I believe so..."

The blue wizard leant against Chiquita, and slowly rose to his feet.

"Okay good," Chiquita remarked. "now you must follow me and keep quiet, Deimos escaped our wrath but it is possible that he is still lurking in the shadows somewhere."

Chiquita cast a spell on Disaster and then himself, causing them to go invisible for a short length of time. He then used one of his many crystals, and with Disaster behind him, started to head for the front lines.

OOC: I am not too good at this RPing stuff, the extent of my capabilities are much less than those of many of you, so feel free to slow things down / change what i'm doing *blushes*

Edited by Äññöÿäñcë, 21 April 2006 - 04:02 AM.

Disaster ingame.

#9 Thunderja


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Posted 21 April 2006 - 06:22 AM

The sound of leaves crumbling and twigs breaking make nearby birds fly away, weary badgers and other fauna scamper off the path as less than graceful footprints materialize out of nowhere as someone or something thuds along the woodland path unseen, but quite easily heard. As it approaches a guard wearing the symbol of the crypt, it's pace begins to quicken..... with a flash of blue then a splatter or red, a mighty figure appears!

A grim smile spreads across Pharlap's face. The mightiest of dwarves stood like a horse, broad, tough and muscular. Rumour says he was also hung like one... Whatever that means. He stood only wearing bloodstained rags on his bottom half. A Desperate Housewife insignia was carefully tattoo 'd on his huge scared chest from many past battles, all won. His huge arms and hard-worked hands held the weapon not many mortals have the class or experience to use, the might cobalt staff of the winds! It's glowing blue aura only dulled by the deep red of his victims blood.

A true legend at the art of berserking his name is known and feared throughout the land. His rare grandmaster status is proof of his true skill and discipline. In status, he is only matched by a few of his housewife peers.

He gives the body one final disrespectful kick, then bellows.

"That's four for me! Hahaha!"

A mysterious voice heard but unseen nearby grunts....

"Grrr I'm still on two, lets return to the mistress, and let the healers restore our energy and make our muscles bulge twice as big again."

The mighty Pharlap heads back to camp in the same manner he came, loud, proud and uncaring. When he reaches the camp he collects his prize from Zero and Renegade whom he had placed a blood-bet with. All the housewives seem to be TOGETHER around a bonfire as night approaches. The sparse warning attacks will be nothing compared to what awaits the crypt tomorrow.
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#10 Spectra

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Posted 21 April 2006 - 06:56 AM

from a distance of 2-3 miles of the dhw campfire and approximately 5 miles from that of tc camp
a sexy figure appears walking in the night on the grassy path looking for his missing brother

"Dracon..." he whispers...
"where are you, noob?"

after walking a few hrs, he abruptly stopped on the middle of a destroyed area.
"hrm there's been a huge battle in here" he ponders...
"someone or something uses a spell that has been branded for centuries...a devastate spell"

he sees blood all over and flesh scattered on the ground
"could this be from my brother?" hrm...

Though the gruesome sight may break ordinary man's spirit....it doesnt even flinch this young man's valor
for he too is one of the few who has held a grandmaster title in this realm...
he shakes his head once "cant be dracon...he can take care of himself"

he continues walking toward a smoke in the distant
while pondering "smoke!a camp ......dracon are you there??" as he walks forward, his shield of faith reflects the light from the moon to reveal the name "Spectra" on the shield

Edited by Spectra, 21 April 2006 - 06:57 AM.

"For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light-for the fruit of light consists in all Goodness, Righteousness and Truth"

#11 combusta

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Posted 21 April 2006 - 07:15 AM

Sitting around the bonfire, Zero looks around seeing his many fellows, discussing what tomorrow holds.

Cleaning his bloody Mithril Claws, he is sitting with Pharlap as they plan for tomorrow's impending battle, being the Berserkers of the group.

Edited by combusta, 21 April 2006 - 07:15 AM.

ah the intelligence of combusta, the envy of all nightmist players...

o shut up tony

#12 Raylen


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Posted 21 April 2006 - 09:26 AM

Stella gazed around at the ruins of her makeshift hut. The attack had been unexpected, and caused such damage that some of the less experienced soldiers were visibly panicking. She had seen the aptly-named mage Disaster (for he could just as equally bring disaster upon himself as he could upon his foes) flicker into invisibility, and she knew that the impetuous character would storm The Crypt encampment by himself if left unchecked.

She spoke two clear words, which rang true through the trees, and at once, all hidden creatures were revealed for all to see. Seeing the mage limping off into the trees, she yelled after him. "Disaster! Come back here NOW! You are unfit for battle, and in any case, you are playing right into their hands! Don't you see they WANT us to attack now?"

She thanked Jigsaw for his wise counsel regarding the scouts...indeed their job was done - the enemy were nearby, and in good number too. She turned her healing skills to the wounds of the three berserkers round the fire, who seem to be forever in need of attention. They grunted protestingly, yet they allowed her graceful hands to tend them, and in a matter of minutes you would hardly have guessed they had ever had so much as a scratch.

Wondering as to the whereabouts of Snoopy, Stella gazed into the fire, and pondered the things that were yet to come.

OOC ((You need to read other posts carefully before making your own ones...we're in woodland, not clan town lol. Kieran...try and only refer to what your own character does, not anyone else's ;)

Looking good so far, can we have some account of the crypt's battle preparations?))

Edited by Raylen, 21 April 2006 - 02:52 PM.

+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#13 Snoopy


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Posted 21 April 2006 - 11:53 AM

After traverling for some time through the brush following the sweet smell of blood, Snoopy reaches the battle site. Crouching behind a large Oak tree he asses's the scene using a strange optics device taken from a slain enemy to get a a good view. The scene that confronts him fills his heart with life, a great battle has taken place here and quite recently. The ground was blackend and smeared with fresh crimson blood, rising from the northen side was a pillar of thick black smoke and at almost regemented intervals body parts of both man and beast are laid.

"If only i was here but a few hours earlyer" he sighd

Suddenly from behind the smoke walked a young man wearing clerical atire, the young man apeared to be mumbling somthing, leaning round and focusing on his hearing, Snoopy hears only one word "Dracon"

He would not alow a cleric to leave to support enemy troops, readying his bow he fired a volley of arrows at the young man making a strike on 4 of the 5. Pulling out his machete he strode over to finish the job

"Friend or foe young man"

He raised the machete to take the mans head

Edited by Snoopy, 21 April 2006 - 12:05 PM.

If smoking 1 cig takes 30 seconds from my life, but laughing adds 5 minutes, if I get stoned every night do I live forever?

#14 Raylen


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Posted 21 April 2006 - 12:23 PM

Stella quickly dodged the axe swung with venom at her head. Quickly dodging out of harm's way on her bloodstained broomstick, she surveyed the scene. The battle was not going well for her friends - they had suffered heavy losses at the hands of the enemy, and were being forced back into a corner. She saw the two mighty berserkers, Zero and Pharlap, beset on all sides by howling foes. Their blood flowed freely from wounds too numerous to count, yet they raged on, oblivious to their almost certain impending doom.

She swooped forward into the heart of the melee, using nearly all her strength to restore the two warriors. Too late she saw the Blade of Time of an enemy warrior, swinging down from above...


Stella awoke with a start. The embers of the fire still glowed with warmth as she muttered a prayer to the gods, and fell back into a light doze.

OOC: ((^^Lol...shoot first, ask questions later))
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#15 Jigsaw

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Posted 21 April 2006 - 12:35 PM

Jigsaw sat in deep thought, toking on his pipe. He was still wondering about Snoopy and how someone with his kind of woodland skills could be missing for so long, unaware of his ever-so near presence and capture of Dracon.

With that, he heard a twig snap just outside his hut.

He had secluded himself a bit from the rest of the clan you see, with his hut being at the very back of the encampment. This is how he liked it however, an old man likes his space, and time to contemplate.

The first twig snap turned into a bump on the side of the hut. Jigsaw stood tall, took hold his staff and starting powering up with spells such as Holy Might, Enhance and Righteous Fury. He knew already that his foe were to be a Half-Orc Berserker. No other race/class would be so clumsy as to give their presence that easily.

Jigsaw was ready. The door flew open and before the massive, disgusting orc like creature could get a berserk off, he thrusted forward his Angelic Scepter casting a Divine Light.

The unknown Berserker was blinded. He berserked and attempted to smite all over the place.

Jigsaw smirked.

"You have much to learn creature."

He raised his hands and summoned a wrath upon him. Each blow was very affective due to the lack of armour on the enemy.

The berserker laid in a mortally wounded state, gasping for air.

With his palm on the Half-Orc's forehead. Jigsaw looked into his soul...

"You are a very messed up creature aren't you", he said sympathetically.

He took his staff and placed it on his heart.

He had been taught this spell whilst trekking up Mount Melior for mana supplies. A Paladin known as Lotus had taught him it. The spell of 'Conversion'.

Although he had never used this spell before, he was very confident in his ability to not let the spell fizzle out.

The staff glowed a bright white again and the Half-Orc's chest thrusted out forwards. His health was restored also and the Half-Orc berserker stood up tall staring at Jigsaw.

"Where, do you want me, Sir."

Jigsaw smiled.

"Go over to the one they call Hansol just through them trees. He will take you into his party."

Edited by Jigsaw, 21 April 2006 - 12:44 PM.

#16 Dark


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Posted 21 April 2006 - 12:52 PM

Meanwhile in the shadows of the forests, Entropy runs quickly through the forest, his tracking skills being perfected he does not need to stop for even a second to find trails. Hearing the words "friend of foe" he stops revealing himself to Snoopy, as he notices him holding a bladed weapon to another man Entropy puts his Beryllium Sword away and swings his Composite Long Bow from his back, being a halfling the bow looks larger than him.

shouting suddenly "im here to help"

Edited by Dark, 21 April 2006 - 12:53 PM.

#17 Sneaky

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Posted 21 April 2006 - 02:47 PM

A brilliant blue spiral of matter appears in the outskirts of the Desperate Houswives camp, and Deimos steps out of the 'Vortex Gate.'

The short, young man gazes attentively through the heavy brush. The dreary gray robes he wears make no sound as he walks, but clash horribly with the surroundings. The gold relic around his neck, which he claims is an extra source of power, glows momentarily. Realizing how much he stands out, Deimos pulls the sleeves of his robe up. With a momentary rub of his hands and a loud clap, Deimos vanishes in thin air with his 'Invisibility' spell.

The powerful mage wanders through the brush, making his way towards the enemy camp. When he reaches the trees immediatley outside the field of Desperate Houswives, he claps his hands one more time to become invisible.

Making quick, keen observations, Deimos spots an old man sitting in a giant rocker by a large cabin. The man stares intently at a group of young, confused warriors and smirks as he puffs away at his pipe. Content with his observations, Deimos walks back into the woods and begins searching for his target, not wanting to linger to long so that the hunter Snoopy will pick up his scent.

After a few minutes of walking through the woods, Deimos finally reaches his target and grins. A rock on the ground floats into the air, Deimos's invisibility wears off as he grabs the rock. Laughing to himself, Deimos touches the carving in the tree to make sure it isn't an illusion. He examines it slowly, and notices that:

The tree had the markings:
Posted Image
engraved on it.

Setting to work, Deimos drops the rock and prepares the attack. Because this tree is immediately outside the camp, he must cast all his spells quickly as to not be detected. They will know who did this, though, that he was sure of.

Closing his eyes and humming, Deimos holds his hands up in the air and begins to glow orange (OOC: like a fox!) as his spell of 'Haste' takes affect. He then raises his hands in front of him, focuses, casts Devastate, and an enormous blast of energy connects with the target, completely uprooting the tree and splintering it into a thousand and one pieces.

Satisfied with his work, Deimos turns his back on the camp. A mob of yells can be heard, but before they even begin to approach, Deimos creates another brilliant blue vortex with a swirl of his hands and steps off into it

OOC: Stick to the actual equipment/skills you have. Dark, there's no such item as a Composite Long bow, and I certainly don't mind you making it up-- but rangers can't use swords as well lol))
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#18 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 21 April 2006 - 03:09 PM

Disaster was sat in his hut, depressed and in intolerable pain. The clerics had come in and said even though the blast had no appearent damage, it had caused destruction to his brain, and required a cleric of higher standards, maybe a Grandmaster cleric to heal it.

He could hear the sounds of battle from his hut, even though he had a full inventory of the legendry Nightshade Elixir, he had been told by his highers that he had to stay put. The spell had done something to him which they couldn't imagine, and if he attempted to fight the spells would either backfire, causing potential damage to himself or just fizzling out, or even maximizing their potential. This could be looked as a good thing, but if the beam he conjured was too powerful for him to control, it could cause unbelievable strife to his surroundings, and indefinately killing himself.

Disaster waited patiently, waited patiently for furthur orders.

OOC: Sorry Alan, got a bit carried away there. Didn't have to shout at me though!! ;) hehe jk

Edited by Äññöÿäñcë, 21 April 2006 - 03:10 PM.

Disaster ingame.

#19 Raylen


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Posted 21 April 2006 - 03:16 PM

Stella awoke to the sound of a huge blast less than fifty feet away. She cursed herself sliently for falling asleep again, for she knew it would be too late to catch the intruder - the blast had all the hallmarks of the mighty spell Devastate, held to her knowledge by only two...and one of those being in her camp. She ran forward and repeated the incantation to reveal those things unseen, but it was too late. Deimos was gone, leaving only the charred remains of a large tree behind. She called for order.

"They are trying to unsettle us, friends. Deimos is clever, he would not allow himself to be caught by us so soon before the battle."

She paused, reflecting upon the words of encouragement she would like her friends to hear.

"Take heart, for we are strong as long as we are united. Tomorrow the high and mighty Crypt will fall, and a new era - our era, will dawn."

With these words, she walked over to Jigsaw, and asked:

"What do you think the enemy's first move will be? Will they wait for our strike, or pre-empt it? The fact that they have tried to lure us away from our camp indicates to me that they will sit tight and try to ambush us as we move...but what are your thoughts?"

Edited by Raylen, 21 April 2006 - 03:17 PM.

+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#20 Jigsaw

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Posted 21 April 2006 - 04:25 PM

Jigsaw takes one big puff on his pipe, and looks at Stella.

"My thoughts are that of yours, my lady. Do not doubt your judgement, you are a very skilled individual. There gorilla warfare tactics have given them the upper hand it seems at the moment, but we will not fall for their bait, let them come to us."

In a burst of sudden rage, asif he had seen something in the depths of his mind, he lept up and grabbed Stella by the arm.

"We must leave for the North, we must leave now!!"

Stella, surprised by the sudden outburst went along with this and thought best not to even question Jigsaw. For he was often wrong about certain commands.

Whilst Stella raced around shouting at the clan to get ready to move camp, a fiery Jigsaw was stopped in his movement by a sudden headache. Holding his head in discomfort, more of the previous image appeared.

Fire, all through the encampment, bodies scattered and in pieces, few survivors. A group of empowered Dark Gnomes had come through the area, in hatred of all who came into their parts, casting a Scarlet Blaze through all who tried to defend thereselves. This was not an attack from the enemy, this was an attack from the forest.

"Dark Gnomes are coming, gather all you can, we move in one hour", he shouted to Stella.

"There is no way we can conquer the attack I've seen and continue to triumph over The Crypt, let us move swiftly."

#21 Raylen


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Posted 21 April 2006 - 05:01 PM

Stella moved quickly and directly through the camp. She knew that Jigsaw would most likely be right about the coming attack - even if he were wrong, they had little to lose by shifting their position. With any luck they might even throw the greater enemy off their scent for a short time. She walked over to the small hut where supplies were stored. With her ability to create a spring of purest water, and the foraging ability of others in her group, she had no need for food or water - it was the precious mana crystals she was after. She slipped fourteen of the more potent ones into her pack, for that was all that would fit, and left the hut.

Her next move was to trot across the camp to the dark hut where the mage Disaster was being rested. She entered the confined enclosure, and rested the palms of her hands on his forehead. The injury was there, she could feel it lingering inside, but she knew not how to remove its unknown effects. For a fighter or berserker, this would hardly be a problem, but to have a wizard with a damaged mind...she shuddered. "May as well have a live cannon behind us" she thought quietly to herself.

"Hey." she whispered to the wizard. "Time to move, this place is no longer safe." She left quietly, keeping one ear open to hear what he was doing. Scanning the hurried movements of those in the camp, she could sense their concentration as they gathered all they could carry, and prepared to move North. An attack now, while they were unprepared, could prove deadly. She climbed onto a branch of a nearby tree, and watched carefully for any signs of hostile movement in the woods.

Edit: OOC: ((Ryan.....you can do better than that lol))

Edited by Raylen, 21 April 2006 - 05:02 PM.

+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#22 Mentos

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Posted 21 April 2006 - 05:33 PM

Mentos stealthfully hides under his invisibilty spell while he patrols the grounds between both camps, waiting intentivly for the war to start. He realizes a few battles have happen, but he waits patiently for the War to begin. During all the small duels he watches closely as TC and DHW members battle each other try to figure out each others exact fighting style, so when the war does start he will know each and everyones weakness. Still the great gnome wizard remains neutral awaiting an invitation from either camp so bloodshed can begin to the unlucky party.

#23 Spectra

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Posted 21 April 2006 - 05:53 PM

the arrows from snoopy's bow were fast and swift....they have hurt him terribly
never has he seen such a move before.....let alone such a race.....

he looked up at the dark figure and questions him "whaaat... are... you?..your race... it's neither a human, orc, hling nor dwarf" are you immortal
"I am Spectra, i'm not a foe...i'm a traveling cleric searching for the sacred ceramic javelin..(long story)...I travel with my brother 'Dracon'. urgh..i guess the sound of my whispering has greatly troubled u"

"we both went separate ways after a bit of argument and now i realize i need to find him"

hoping snoopy would spare his life...he pauses and waits for a min...
"perhaps we could help each other in both of our quests?"

he asks while noticing there was also a man behind snoopy carrying a rare Beryllium sword

Edited by Spectra, 21 April 2006 - 06:01 PM.

"For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light-for the fruit of light consists in all Goodness, Righteousness and Truth"

#24 Dracon

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Posted 21 April 2006 - 06:00 PM

Dragging himself upon a rock, he wonders where all the deers and bunnies have gone to. He could only manage to cast a spell that that brings up fresh, spring water that satisfies his thirst, but he always seems to lack in food supplies. He has left his ignorant brother for a while, off to find some tasty deer meet, and maybe some fruits and berries.

'Food...deer or rabbit meat, give me anything...' he murmured to himself.

Because of his status of starvation, he was not aware of his whereabouts, and finds himself nearby a village, with the insignia hanging atop, waving the tC.
It's not how hard you punch, but how deep that matters! ¤»IñÐømîñåߣ뫤


#25 combusta

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Posted 21 April 2006 - 07:23 PM

Waking up and still dizzy, Zero saw his body was some how completely restored from the battle, astonished he asked Jigsaw nearby how they got him back to normal.

"We did all the healing spells we could, but we also constatly cast Enhance on you, hoping the extra strength would help you recover, and it has."

Coming to full conciesness, noticing his extra strength, he begins to remember the battle. All he could think of was himself and Pharlap being surrounded and then he was lieing on that bed. Remembering the battle put him in an intense Rage, he began storming through the camp and in to the woods. Upon entering the camp of The Crypt, the raged blood was coarsing through all of his veins. He ran through the camp, arms held to his side, claws out, clawing at anything his mighty Mithril Claws could grab ahold of. In his rage however, he did not notice his many wounds and cuts. His extra strength was wearing off, and he was surrounded by members of The Crypt, and behind he saw the mayhem he caused, trees, flesh, huts, all on the ground, scatterred. In the crowd he saw Deimos as he was going to lunge at him, in a final attempt to take one down with himself, a spiraling vortex opened, and Disaster appeared, grabbed ahold of Zero and jumped back in to the gate.

Appearing back at the Housewife camp, many were shouting at Zero for his attempt that could have cost him his life. But through all the commotion he heard "So, how many did ya get?" coming from Snoopy. Laughing, and his rage ending, Zero fainted from his battle wounds, but clerics were already by his side, hoping to have him at full health for the next battle.

ah the intelligence of combusta, the envy of all nightmist players...

o shut up tony

#26 combusta

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Posted 22 April 2006 - 09:05 AM

OOC: just noticed what was happening with Stella was a dream lol (i really have to start reading whole posts and not the part involving my name ;) ) and it wont lemme edit, so i guess imagine i did all of that, some time in middle of the night, pissed off at Tc cuz well, theyre TC....got hansol or Jigsaw to enhance me then did all of that stuff. As a wise man once said "shoot first, ask questions later"

ah the intelligence of combusta, the envy of all nightmist players...

o shut up tony

#27 Raylen


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Posted 22 April 2006 - 09:19 AM

((OOC: This is all going on behind Stella's back then...I'm just standing watching for attacks and you crazy zerkers are running off kill people, and having to be rescued by Kieran, who don't forget is mentally injured. On top of that, we have to evacuate camp because Dark Gnomes are coming! Have fun!))
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#28 Dark


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Posted 22 April 2006 - 10:15 AM

(OOC: in most games movies and books rangers are able to use swords so i didnt see a problem with it since its all rp anyway, ill stick to nightmist stuff if it bothers ya tho, also ill keep to all standard stuff in future posts ;))

Edited by Dark, 22 April 2006 - 10:25 AM.

#29 Sneaky

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Posted 22 April 2006 - 12:09 PM

(OOC: Well if just bothers me because if you do that, why can't every mage use Devastate lol))

Edit: (thinking about it more, I do stuff that you can't do in game-- like use magic to move objects and throw them at opponents...i consider that inside my characters bounds. So I guess you could use a sword...but I think the Devastate argument i said above still holds up so might want to use a sword that you have [maybe smaller, because a ranger wouldn't have the swordsman skills to weild such a blade]))

Edited by Sneaky, 22 April 2006 - 12:34 PM.

Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#30 Snoopy


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Posted 22 April 2006 - 01:21 PM

Snoopy smiled chearfully at spectra thrusting a healing potion into his hand
"I feel we can come to an arangement young cleric, and dont take offence to the attack... only a mild flesh wound" Chuckling to himself he began to asses the situation... "how to get back to the camp with the least amount of effort"

Noting the large pillar of black smoke he unhooked his sleeping mat and sent a series of signals high into the sky to call for aid from his kinsmen.

Turning to his new allies he began to explain the situation with there enemys, and about the forthcoming battle. Upon the final point he spoke of rewards for loyal service to the house wifes

Our leader Chiquita is wise, she will know of the weapon you seek, tho it puzzles me why a man of faith would want a weapon of such distructive power?"
If smoking 1 cig takes 30 seconds from my life, but laughing adds 5 minutes, if I get stoned every night do I live forever?

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