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#1 green_mantis

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 10:16 AM

this has been posted so many times by others im sure no one wants to hear about it, but seeing as this is a forum i can freely place my ideas so here goes.

necromancer:one of a cult of spellcasters that devote their lives to the understanding of life and death.

hp gain: same as cleric
mana gain: same as cleric
spells: opposite of cleric; healing spells would be inflict spells and instead of having stat increasing spells they should have weakening spells and spells that dispel a magical effect
weapons: would have cleric weapons but would have unique weapons as well(to be added later)
armor:would have mage armors except for unique necromancer armor(also to be added later)

Contrary to popular belief necromancers are not evil, though their fascination with death makes them appear that way, they are actually neutral, as is nature, and feel that they must destroy the evil beings that would disrupt the balance of life.
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#2 green_mantis

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 10:18 AM

any input will be appreciated i want to see this class to at least get past the eyes of those who see it so that they think and with their help i may be able to make this work

info is wanted and needed opinions are not however but will be endured
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#3 Malavon

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 10:32 AM

Sounds interesting, but you need to put a little more thought into it. How much does DR cost? 8 mp a go? Well, for 8 mp you get a 110 damage spell.... a little too good me thinks.

#4 green_mantis

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 10:40 AM

i dont think that i will put the high-level cleric spells on the necromancer instead they will have some unique spells

i am sending out a plea for all known spells of clerics to be posted on my topic so i can work with them please include the effect of the cleric spell: the name is useless to me
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#5 Joppa

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 12:58 PM

i agree they need to add necromancers. Possibly they could get some hp or mana leach spells, and some damage over time spells (like poison).

this definatly would take a lot more planning and stuff, but adding necro's has always been a good idea.
It's okay. He's just admiring the shape of your skull.

#6 TheNobleOne

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 12:59 PM

they should have weakening spells

I think instead of these they should have Curses :)

#7 Megalomaniac

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 02:09 PM

Summons Would be good for them also.

Edited by Megalomaniac, 29 February 2004 - 02:10 PM.

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#8 Mec

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 03:08 PM

Aren't druids supposed to be the opposite of necromancers?

#9 Silverwizard

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 07:20 PM

First, I think this idea is a great one and the nightmist community wants it. The old forum had a suggestion for these guys every time the last one disappeared. I think that maybe spells that weaken (enhance) damage (heals) etc would be good though I agree that they should not have the highest lvl spells but their own such as: Rot: this spell starts to acctually rot away at the target causing them to move slower and weaken also die. (loss of dex and str and also poisons) this would be their high lvl spell. Also necromancers are acctually evil since they channel negative energy and animate the remains of people which would involve grave robbing usually which is seriously evil. I used to think along the same lines as you but I did more reading.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

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#10 Bean

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 09:07 PM

The third time isnt the charm. I promise you that.
Copying from one is Plagiarism
Copying From many is Research.

It's so exciting I need to poo~Deval

#11 Wolfgang

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 09:57 PM

Necromancers use bells in order to control the dead.
My opinions on this:

give them higher HP gain than a cleric, but lower mana gain. Give them a little less magic power than a cleric, but a little more physical strength. Dont let them summon. Instead, give them the power to repel undead attacks from their party. Consecrated Embrace would be a good spell. Because they have general power over the undead. They could make people more sensitive to attacks by the undead, and also more power against them. The spell just fits. *shrug*

What the what?

#12 green_mantis

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 10:33 PM

a necromancer really cant use consecrated embrace as it is a divine spell.
i am planning to have some sort of summoning spell as necromancers are not very strong and would rely on their companions to do most of the fighting

if you have any spell/ability ideas please be sure to structure them clearly so that i might be able to use them, also i still need the cleric spells so that i can work with them.
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#13 Lasden

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Posted 01 March 2004 - 06:12 AM

maybe at a high lvl they could summon ONE skeleton
like a basic skeleton u find down south of nightmist to just follow you arround and attack and stuff
possibly lvl 25 or such
If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around, and it hits a mime, Does anybody care?

#14 Malavon

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Posted 01 March 2004 - 08:33 AM

lmao... thats going to be worth it... not. When your fighting a load of level 30s, a crappy little skeleton that level 10s train on isn't going to do much.

#15 Cule

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Posted 01 March 2004 - 10:13 AM

nice idea ... but i have a better one, it gos something like this clerics that do bad things should become fallen clerics/necromancers .... ill post a topic about this one soon ... i have some really good idea coming, not just for clerics :)

#16 Lasden

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Posted 02 March 2004 - 09:02 AM

ok maybe 3 skeletons lol
i just didnt want people complaining about summons being overpowered
If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around, and it hits a mime, Does anybody care?

#17 TheNobleOne

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Posted 04 March 2004 - 12:08 PM

Even 3 is not enough unless they are pumped up. If a Necro goes up agains 1 lvl 30 those 3 skeletons will be rounded then the necro dies lol. Even monsters like a Mutant Beetle will own the skeletons. The real solution would be to allow then to raise 1 golem at a time. At different levels they get a different golem that is stronger and more powerful. Then with the combination of the curses they have to weaken / Enhance Damage on a opponent they would actually hold their own. Of course then need some kind of Armor Enhancing spell and a offencive spell. As they can encarnate a spirit that would fly and the opponent and rip away a portion of its soul. So in a way they can help the golem with curses and back up fire. This helps reduce lag from all the summons as they are allowed a golem of any the types. But this should put great strategy into playing them but still hold their own in the world of NM where pkers are everywhere.

#18 green_mantis

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Posted 04 March 2004 - 09:08 PM

you have a point. i think that summons actually would not be a good idea for a necromancer. but they should still have golems. i was thinking that they would pay for their golems at a necromancer guild and they would be limited to one golem at a time. i was thinking of having flesh golems, clay golems, stone golems, and shield guardians.

flesh golem: these golems are made from the parts of the fallen. they are irritable and fight fiercly until slain:low attck low defense, medium HP, high stamina
these would be the weakest golems and would cost the least around 8k and you can get them at level 10

clay golem:these golems are sculpted from clay and can bend and stretch their arms to attack foes: medium attack, medium defense, medium HP, med. stamina
these would be more powerful but slower than flesh golems and would cost about 12k and they would be obtainableat lv: 15

stone golem: these would be very slow and very tough golems made from stones from a nearby quarry: medium attack, high defense, high HP, medium stamina
theses would be on the high-end of golem creation costing 18k and obtainable at lv:20

Iron golem: these monstrous sized golems are made from pure iron enchanted by high-level necromancers: high attack, very high defense, high HP, low stamina
these are very high-end golems costing 25k each and obtainable at lv:25

shield golem: these are legendary golems that can only be made at a certain guild deep in the wilderness: high attack, high defense, high HP, medium stamina note: an amulet is needed to be able to command your golem otherwise it will follow whoever wears the amulet:necromancer or not
cost : 30k obtainable at lv:30

about the summons: if they were used they should only be the carcasses of monsters that you had killed
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#19 green_mantis

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Posted 04 March 2004 - 09:09 PM

again i still need the cleric: spells levels and descriptions
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#20 Bun

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Posted 04 March 2004 - 09:40 PM

poison spree

this spell posions every one on square like wrath of the gods but just poisions 10 damage a time same time rate as noraml posion damage level 25

I never went to asia this year i fly by and gave them a big wave.

#21 Deval

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Posted 04 March 2004 - 11:55 PM

For starters, why would someone who toils in the magic of the undead have any ability of golems whatsoever? That's just stupid. Have you also noticed that no players of great repute, nor staff, have posted on your thread yet? What does that tell you? As for whoever is currently reading my post, why the hell are you even on this thread? Go away, do something productive, don't waste your time on this repetitive Necromancer horse sh!t.

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Edited by Deval, 05 March 2004 - 12:05 AM.

"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#22 Silverwizard

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Posted 05 March 2004 - 12:12 AM

Deval STFU, the necromancer is a good class just the staff seem to hate it that is all, also why did you read it if it is so bad?
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

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#23 Deval

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Posted 05 March 2004 - 01:00 AM

It is not a good idea you retaded pile of Bonobo seminal fluid, which is why it has not been implemented after it's fifty million suggestions, and was not restored to the game after the reset. I swear, an ant would have a greater capacity for thought and deduction than you.

Edited by Deval, 05 March 2004 - 01:02 AM.

"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#24 Squee



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Posted 05 March 2004 - 02:23 AM

Simply put:

Necromancer's are great when RP'ing (if the person isn't a complete n00b) but wouldn't seem to fit well into Nightmist. No matter what you did to them, people would always complain and ask for more/less. I think this class would cause more problems then it actually solves.
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#25 green_mantis

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 05:10 AM

this class isnt here to solve any problems i just put this post here because i feel that necromancers are an excellent addition to any game provided they are used correctly and not stretched out of porportion

oh and by the way: necromancers can create golems because of their intimate knowledge of how life works and the rules in which life operates which allows them to animate something that would normally never ever live

on another note: this in not a discussion forum i am trying to get this necromancer into the game and need your help if it is going to work

i need those cleric spells and descriptions of what they do and when they can be used
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#26 Rattlesnake

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 05:17 AM

"Third Time's a Charm" doesn't work that way on NM. If it's disliked it may never be put in. And suggesting it over and over won't change that. If staff do decide to put it in I'm sure they'll remember about it. They're capable of remembering that without having a new thread about it once a month.

#27 green_mantis

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 07:09 AM

"Third Time's a Charm"

i wonder if people will ever read all of the posts before they say something incredibly stupid or has been said before

maybe they will stop after the thrid time...
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#28 Silverwizard

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 07:01 PM

I support your efforts because I do not care what some people say if different people post this suggestion every time is disappears people want it.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

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#29 Squee



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Posted 07 March 2004 - 08:34 PM

People would also like to see bunnies drop 10k.
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#30 Silverwizard

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Posted 08 March 2004 - 02:17 AM

Yes but try to tell me a necromancer is an unreasonable suggestion, I mean we got the paci and the zerker which sometimes can be simply hated but not the necromancer, why?
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

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