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Useless Posts

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#1 PureMourning

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Posted 21 February 2004 - 05:53 PM

Foremost, on the old forum there is an unbelievable amount of posts that were absolutely not required!

-When you crave to say something to someone in particular that does not concern the rest of the members, please use PM’s!

-If you compose a thread/topic/reply and you realize after creating it that you forgot something, don’t make a new reply! Just simply ‘Edit’.

-Not only should ineffectiveness be limited to PM’s, in some cases eliminated completely.

-Think about it, all the useless posts just consumes space.

Bottom Line: Don't post if it doesn't have a meaning!
Cogito, ergo sum; I think, therefore I am.

#2 Pandilex



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Posted 21 February 2004 - 06:06 PM

Anyone that posts simply to get their post up will have their post count reduced to 0 :-)
If you build it, they will come.

#3 Phobos

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Posted 21 February 2004 - 06:09 PM

all off a sudden, Abj posts like 4 crits for sale, posts on a Wanted post saying he doesn't have what the guy wanted. that's kinda raising the post count. :)
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#4 Sausage


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Posted 21 February 2004 - 06:12 PM

Everyone should try there hardest to avoid double posting as well. Granted there are times when you don't have much of a choice. But the 'Edit' function is there for a reason.

Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.

#5 alone

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Posted 21 February 2004 - 06:14 PM

Oh geez.. Lets wait and see the accusing posts of people saying someone else just posts poo to get their post count up.

If possibly, can the post count be taken out of this forum also? That's something I liked about the previous one.
"Entertain yourself with my nightmares."
- AfterAll


#6 dognapot

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Posted 21 February 2004 - 06:18 PM

it's useless to tell a crowd to stop being stupid. way to consume space there chief.
wouldn't it be funny if rich had registered this name first, and you were bickering with him?

#7 Squee



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Posted 21 February 2004 - 06:25 PM

At The Gaia Forums, there is actually a whole board set aside for spammers and the like to post their useless crap.

Not sure if this could really apply here, though. I think that might actually make the situation worse. >_>
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#8 Thrice

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Posted 21 February 2004 - 06:36 PM

Um, Ok. lol. :)

#9 Silverwizard

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Posted 21 February 2004 - 07:09 PM

It is possible to remove a post count entirly from a forum I believe which would be useful because then there would be no point to spam to raise a post count. Sometimes an aknowledgement in a post is useful so that people stop posting the same stuff over and over or just to thank a bunch of people but I do agree with the edit thing though do not go overboard with it and have entire things were there is one post per person lol :)
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#10 JLH



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Posted 21 February 2004 - 07:16 PM

this forum does have options to set certain boards as not contributing to the post count.
the post count idea overall is good, as it provides a reasonable guess to how "useful" that person is on the forum, another board, phpbb i think, has rep points, but that would just be abused on here.
Anything i post on here is subject to change at any time without notification to the board.

#11 PureMourning

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Posted 21 February 2004 - 09:54 PM

/t dognapot Isn't it better to have 1 thread as a 'warning' opposed to having it absent and a lot more useless crap later? Seems perfectly logical. Think.
Cogito, ergo sum; I think, therefore I am.

#12 alone

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Posted 21 February 2004 - 11:07 PM

this forum does have options to set certain boards as not contributing to the post count.
the post count idea overall is good, as it provides a reasonable guess to how "useful" that person is on the forum, another board, phpbb i think, has rep points, but that would just be abused on here.

Ugh, you're useless on this forum then :)
"Entertain yourself with my nightmares."
- AfterAll


#13 Thrice

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Posted 21 February 2004 - 11:37 PM

Can't you just remove the post count like before?? it was so much better.

#14 Aidon

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Posted 21 February 2004 - 11:39 PM

The post count was always there, you just had to click on someone's name to see it.

#15 Thrice

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Posted 21 February 2004 - 11:42 PM

I knew that, but the point was, you couldn't just see it, which is what people wanted to see, (the person doing it) they thought they were special by having a huge post count...can't you do it like that was then JLH?

#16 alone

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Posted 21 February 2004 - 11:45 PM

The post count was always there, you just had to click on someone's name to see it.

Mhmm, but out of sight out of mind (or at least, in most cases).

Maybe I'm just set in my ways.. Or maybe I just don't want to be accused of posting to get my count up :)
"Entertain yourself with my nightmares."
- AfterAll


#17 Throwback

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Posted 21 February 2004 - 11:46 PM

lol ill end my useless posts

Vegas 1a....formerly known as Memphis

#18 Stotic

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Posted 22 February 2004 - 12:11 AM

Down with Jurianism!
We'll douse ourselves in gasoline and hang our bodies from the lampposts.

#19 Mastah_Fluff

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Posted 22 February 2004 - 12:54 AM

Do our titles change after we've posted a certain amount of times like before? If not, posting seneslessly is useless to me, even though I gave that up.

Edited by Mastah_Fluff, 22 February 2004 - 12:55 AM.

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#20 JLH



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Posted 22 February 2004 - 01:04 AM

i turned the title system off
Anything i post on here is subject to change at any time without notification to the board.

#21 Mastah_Fluff

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Posted 22 February 2004 - 01:20 AM

Sneaky lovable companion o.o I'm onto you John! You and your secret conspiracies
Love long lost, never to love again, forever to be alone.
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#22 dognapot

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Posted 22 February 2004 - 02:41 AM

/t dognapot  Isn't it better to have 1 thread as a 'warning' opposed to having it absent and a lot more useless crap later? Seems perfectly logical. Think.

yes, makes perfect sense if the post has an observable effect. however, in this case it surely won't. as a matter of fact, unless this thread is hijacked by an idotic fight, it aught to be right at the bottom of a stream of inane teenage banter (and triplex posts). it's just nightmist, and it's just forums. that's how it goes.
wouldn't it be funny if rich had registered this name first, and you were bickering with him?

#23 ice_cold

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Posted 22 February 2004 - 02:53 AM

this topic actually seems really useless to me, well, at the present time. just because YOU say something puremourning, doen't mean people wont do it.

Edited by ice_cold, 22 February 2004 - 04:18 AM.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#24 PureMourning

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Posted 22 February 2004 - 03:52 AM

Yes, as that is true, does that defeat the purpose of trying? Blainless people can't be changed...
Cogito, ergo sum; I think, therefore I am.

#25 surkillalot

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Posted 22 February 2004 - 04:25 AM

Yes, as that is true, does that defeat the purpose of trying? Blainless people can't be changed...

you sure r right about that one

:) -brainless
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#26 dognapot

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Posted 22 February 2004 - 04:27 AM

alls i'm saying is your post is counterproductive to it's intent (so yeah, it does kind of hurt to try this time). the only way to curb moronic posting, that i've thought of, would be a literacy test. however, that's unfair to the english-as-a-second-language folks and the 'all ages' clause of the game. so maybe a critical thinking test would be a good addition to the registration form... but it'd be mighty lonely...

Edited by dognapot, 22 February 2004 - 04:29 AM.

wouldn't it be funny if rich had registered this name first, and you were bickering with him?

#27 Simulation

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Posted 08 January 2005 - 01:31 AM


#28 Crane


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Posted 08 January 2005 - 01:35 AM


I'm afraid that is one such example - and you realise that you just dug up a topic nearly a year old.
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#29 Simulation

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Posted 08 January 2005 - 01:35 AM


#30 Darklin

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Posted 08 January 2005 - 01:53 AM


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