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Ed Usin Real Life Money For Nm Stuff.

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#1 Tom

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 02:54 PM

could someone inform me of whats going on as ive only heard hearsay.
Feck Off

#2 Matt

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 03:01 PM

| Session Start: Friday, January 28, 2005 |
| Participants: |
| Matt (nightmistfan@yahoo.com) |
| Ed... (purplehaze06@msn.com) |
[11:01:17 PM] Ed...: hi matty. lol
[11:02:04 PM] Matt: hi eddy
[11:02:14 PM] Ed...: whats goin on nub
[11:02:18 PM] Matt: nothing
[11:02:19 PM] Matt: bored
[11:02:29 PM] Matt: been playing kal online
[11:02:38 PM] Ed...: ic
[11:02:39 PM] Matt: cant be arsed to find all my friends online to go
solo GJ bosses with our crits =P
[11:02:43 PM] Ed...: lol
[11:02:50 PM] Ed...: i can priest
[11:02:52 PM] Ed...: naked priest
[11:02:54 PM] Ed...: but priest
[11:02:54 PM] Ed...: lmao
[11:02:55 PM] Matt: lol\
[11:03:13 PM] Matt: anyway
[11:03:14 PM] Matt: what's up
[11:03:30 PM] Matt: my account on nm is un ban
[11:03:34 PM] Matt: my pc is still ban lol
[11:03:36 PM] Ed...: yeah i know
[11:03:37 PM] Ed...: lol
[11:03:42 PM] Matt: cba to restore
[11:03:50 PM] Matt: too much drama on NM
[11:03:52 PM] Ed...: still tho
[11:03:53 PM] Ed...: i am sorry
[11:03:54 PM] Ed...: lol
[11:04:15 PM] Ed...: if u wanted to play nm again, id hook ya up lol
[11:04:16 PM] Matt: lol whatever, no biggie...
[11:04:37 PM] Matt: nah i'm a lazy mooseer, even if i was un ban, id
just sit on TS chatting with halor
[11:04:40 PM] Matt: er
[11:04:43 PM] Matt: sgh even
[11:04:43 PM] Ed...: SGH
[11:04:45 PM] Ed...: lmao
[11:04:53 PM] Matt: been gone too long =P..
[11:05:08 PM] Matt: so what happened to your like
[11:05:09 PM] Matt: 60 mil gold
[11:05:19 PM] Matt: heard you was selling everything
[11:05:22 PM] Matt: and keeping it on one crit
[11:05:40 PM] Ed...: 60?
[11:05:42 PM] Ed...: i had 80m
[11:05:45 PM] Ed...: plus all MY crits
[11:05:46 PM] Ed...: lol
[11:05:50 PM] Matt: how'd you manage that
[11:06:10 PM] Matt: HAX!
[11:06:11 PM] Matt: lol
[11:06:12 PM] Ed...: no
[11:06:13 PM] Ed...: all my nuts
[11:06:19 PM] Matt: huh
[11:06:33 PM] Matt: w/e lol
[11:06:34 PM] Matt: confused me
[11:06:45 PM] Matt: i'm going over to meet al/ste/stagg/john/si/wes/ everyone
this summer
[11:06:52 PM] Ed...: awesome
[11:06:52 PM] Matt: going to be fun
[11:06:54 PM] Ed...: do me a favor?
[11:06:57 PM] Matt: yeh what
[11:06:59 PM] Ed...: slap str in the mouth
[11:07:01 PM] Ed...: tell em quit drinkin
[11:07:04 PM] Matt: lol
[11:07:12 PM] Matt: it's all they do over there
[11:07:13 PM] Matt: get drunk
[11:07:15 PM] Matt: blazed
[11:07:16 PM] Ed...: right
[11:07:17 PM] Ed...: lol
[11:07:51 PM] Matt: will have to take and post pics
[11:08:02 PM] Ed...: yes
[11:08:04 PM] Ed...: very much so
[11:08:04 PM] Ed...: lol
[11:08:17 PM] Matt: of course, only reason i'm going over there
[11:08:19 PM] Matt: is to get smashed
[11:08:21 PM] Matt: and blazed
[11:08:23 PM] Matt: for like 2 weeks
[11:08:25 PM] Matt: and go to gigs
[11:08:29 PM] Ed...: lol
[11:08:30 PM] Matt: with al/ste/rich/stagg/all them
[11:08:37 PM] Ed...: yeah
[11:09:30 PM] Matt: but yeh w/e, i was bound to get ban sooner then
later.. my account was already ban for botting. i made
this LEET museum bot, but it had a small bug in it.
[11:09:41 PM] Ed...: yeah i know
[11:09:43 PM] Ed...: it was running
[11:09:45 PM] Ed...: by sgh
[11:09:45 PM] Ed...: lmao
[11:09:54 PM] Matt: yeh the chicken diddnt work correctly
[11:09:57 PM] Ed...: lol
[11:10:20 PM] Matt: I got it all fixed, it's pretty leet.. Staff
Chicken, HP/MP Chicken, auto tributes, auto kills.. tons
of nuts..
[11:10:26 PM] Matt: but wont use it lol
[11:10:32 PM] Ed...: lol nice..
[11:10:44 PM] Matt: was really just making it
[11:10:47 PM] Matt: for a learning experience
[11:10:50 PM] Matt: was my first VB project
[11:11:01 PM] Matt: al/ste/stagg/myself are making a mud
[11:11:04 PM] Matt: you gotta come play
[11:11:09 PM] Matt: called Redemption
[11:11:12 PM] Ed...: ill try it
[11:11:31 PM] Matt: it'll be a while before it's out.. we just got the
client done.. we can log on, but none of the content is
done yet..
[11:11:48 PM] Matt: no classes, no rolling. it's a huge skill tree,
you can choose what branch you want to train
[11:11:56 PM] Matt: nuker, tank, healer, buffer etc
[11:12:02 PM] Ed...: nice
[11:12:06 PM] Matt: will be fun
[11:12:42 PM] Matt: ana is doing areas, ste is as well.. al/stagg are
coding, i'm working on development (skills, spells
etc).. working on site atm
[11:12:53 PM] Ed...: you know
[11:12:56 PM] Ed...: u share with a thief lol
[11:13:07 PM] Ed...: hell id pay rl money to get my nuts back he
[11:13:28 PM] Ed...: *yes it is a hint* lol
[11:13:48 PM] Matt: no clue, stagg has shared with him for YEARS on
nightmist and trusts him a lot. until he gives me reason
not to trust him w/e
[11:13:58 PM] Ed...: wait who
[11:14:04 PM] Matt: pete
[11:14:04 PM] Ed...: who is stagg
[11:14:07 PM] Ed...: lol
[11:14:14 PM] Matt: matt stagg, Tiomat, Angel's brother
[11:14:19 PM] Ed...: oh snap lol
[11:14:25 PM] Ed...: well
[11:14:27 PM] Matt: why lol
[11:14:29 PM] Ed...: Satan = was stolen from me
[11:14:35 PM] Ed...: along with full items.
[11:14:54 PM] Matt: by who though? pete?
[11:14:57 PM] Ed...: yes...
[11:15:09 PM] Ed...: is Satan registered?
[11:15:14 PM] Matt: yes lol
[11:15:17 PM] Ed...: crap >.>
[11:15:22 PM] Ed...: log him on
[11:15:27 PM] Ed...: come to bazaar lol
[11:15:50 PM] Matt: why wasnt he registered
[11:15:51 PM] Matt: before
[11:15:57 PM] Ed...: he was
[11:16:03 PM] Ed...: but he found out my bday
[11:16:05 PM] Ed...: via forums
[11:16:10 PM] Ed...: which = secret word.
[11:16:21 PM] Ed...: (Left Hand) Scepter of Timeless Devotion.
(Right Hand) Wisp of Shadow.
(Head) nothing.
(Neck) Timeless Sedgeway Family Seal.
(Body) Goldmail Tunic.
(Left Wrist) Grass Heart Bracelet.
(Right Wrist) Grass Heart Bracelet.
(Hands) Behemoth Hide Gloves.
(Legs) Soul Fused Leggings.
(Feet) Crystal Mail Boots.
(Left Ring) Pulsing Ring of Fame.
(Right Ring) Pulsing Ring
[11:16:25 PM] Ed...: where is CoL?
[11:16:33 PM] Matt: Oblivions COL is on Oblivion
[11:16:41 PM] Ed...: nah was my CoL lol
[11:16:48 PM] Ed...: Rob didnt sell Oblivion with CoL
[11:16:57 PM] Ed...: lol would u turnip them over?
[11:17:15 PM] Matt: why
[11:17:21 PM] Ed...: id give u irl money
[11:17:23 PM] Ed...: for my items back.
[11:17:58 PM] Ed...: or if ya want, u juss remove the items from
Satan, give me them, and ill give u access to Exodia
[11:18:01 PM] Ed...: u still don't lose out.
[11:18:08 PM] Matt: hrm
[11:19:50 PM] Ed...: so.
[11:20:25 PM] Ed...: i don't even need access to your crits. lol
[11:20:30 PM] Ed...: i only use 1 crit. lol
[11:20:40 PM] Ed...: but i lvl like 3
[11:20:48 PM] Ed...: going to have defender, wizard, priest and
chanter lol
[11:21:22 PM] Ed...: me and phreak lvl together
[11:21:25 PM] Ed...: lvl pretty fast tbh
[11:22:09 PM] Ed...: we do the best things together lol
[11:22:16 PM] Ed...: fender/wizard together
[11:22:25 PM] Ed...: gonna do chanter/assy together
[11:22:26 PM] Ed...: lol
[11:22:34 PM] Ed...: for melee bonus/RoB > RoPP
[11:22:48 PM] Matt: Well, I've heard a different story - According to
several people, you and bill attempted to turnip over Pete
on a rev to nm trade (the same thing you got me ban for?
tisk tisk).. So he admitted to me he did turnip you over
for attempting to screw him. I find it ironic that you
make a post on the nightmist forum about someone
supposedly trying to turnip over jen while you're trying
to get me to screw my true friends.
[11:23:08 PM] Ed...: lol
[11:23:10 PM] Ed...: /shrug
[11:23:31 PM] Ed...: do what ya like. lol
[11:24:27 PM] Matt: If you thought I would ever screw al, stagg or
even pete (who i don't know as well) - you're a bit
messed. But so be it, I wonder if I should 'pull an ed'
and post on the nightmist forum or possibly the rev
forum about how you tried to get me to screw them over.
[11:24:51 PM] Ed...: well
[11:24:58 PM] Ed...: i dont want you to screw over al
[11:25:00 PM] Ed...: stagg
[11:25:01 PM] Ed...: just pete
[11:25:02 PM] Ed...: lol
[11:26:32 PM] Ed...: al = one who used to share with ste?
[11:26:53 PM] Matt: yeah, myself him and ste use to share. they both
jacked me once, but I trust al with my life now
[11:27:01 PM] Ed...: oh nuts, tell em sup lol
[11:38:23 PM] Matt: btw, gj on stealing those bracelets on rev
[11:38:28 PM] Ed...: ?
[11:38:29 PM] Matt: who were they
[11:38:30 PM] Ed...: what bracelets? lol
[11:38:30 PM] Matt: like yosha's?
[11:38:36 PM] Ed...: wtf u talking about
[11:38:37 PM] Ed...: lol
[11:38:38 PM] Matt: Wraps
[11:38:40 PM] Ed...: ....
[11:38:42 PM] Ed...: i stole wraps?
[11:38:43 PM] Ed...: lol
[11:40:20 PM] Matt: Ed, I don't have a problem with you.. But I see
right through all your nuts. You stole on nightmist, you
stole on rev and that is why Granthium is deleted. In my
opinion you're two faced. The only reason you added me
to MSN was to try to use me and STEAL some more
[11:40:32 PM] Ed...: lol
[11:40:33 PM] Ed...: no
[11:40:35 PM] Ed...: not steal
[11:40:37 PM] Ed...: aqquire back.

Edited by Matt, 29 January 2005 - 03:03 PM.

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#3 Wind


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Posted 29 January 2005 - 03:28 PM

Rofl is that a perm ban for tryin to buy stuff for irl money?
Cry me a river!

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#4 Vodka

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 03:48 PM

Rofl is that a perm ban for tryin to buy stuff for irl money?

We couldn't get that lucky. :unsure:
When you do something right nobody remembers, but when you do something wrong nobody forgets.

Hump in game.

#5 Sneaky

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 03:56 PM

What song are you listening to?:

Green Day- Good Riddance

Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#6 Kazuya

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 04:02 PM

:unsure: <-- Seemed appropriate for this post.

#7 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 04:03 PM

I thought I should congrats you seeing as ed wasnt even online at that time however at least some of my fake logs in the past were more real whats more saying he logged and talked to you I dont think ed needs to pay to get petes 3 stat nm crits which he stole from ryan when with like 80m gold in bank + one of best accounts ingame he could buy whatever he wants as is

saying this convo is half real which it isnt
it seems like a rev problem and not a nm one rob cussed at me on xbl so does that mean I can get him a dayban for it ? lol

Edited by Rappy_Ninja, 29 January 2005 - 04:06 PM.

Page/Memo Beatrix

#8 Kazuya

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 04:05 PM

Hahaha Rappy i think i should congrats you for being stupid and not considering that this conversation took place when ed was on :unsure:, and yes this is a real conversation.

#9 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 04:06 PM

Hahaha Rappy i think i should congrats you for being stupid and not considering that this conversation took place when ed was on :unsure:, and yes this is a real conversation.

read my post again plz and you stole more stuff then ed ever did you loser

Edited by Rappy_Ninja, 29 January 2005 - 04:07 PM.

Page/Memo Beatrix

#10 Kazuya

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 04:10 PM

I'll make a new reply just for you crappy B)

Considering my account is full of 4-5 stats and that ryan will tell you himself that i never stole a thing from him, I believe your post is bs :). Also the idiocy of you can be proven with a simple check of logs on nm considering a friend of mine paged ed on granthium asking if he offered cash for stuffzors, and got a reply of yes.

P.S Wanna see the stats of my crits? :unsure:

P.S.S If any staff has any questions of this person who asked ed this i'd gladly tell you his name, but i haven't asked him if he wanted his name on this post so it wont be for now.

P.S.S.S Rappy your an idiot, atleast know what your talking about before you post B)

#11 Consumed


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Posted 29 January 2005 - 04:10 PM

i said trade nightmist stuff for a life not life stuff for nightmist :unsure:
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#12 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 04:10 PM

I'll make a new reply just for you crappy  B)

Considering my account is full of 4-5 stats and that ryan will tell you himself that i never stole a thing from him, I believe your post is bs  :). Also the idiocy of you can be proven with a simple check of logs on nm considering a friend of mine paged ed on granthium asking if he offered cash for stuffzors, and got a reply of yes.

P.S Wanna see the stats of my crits?  :unsure:

P.S.S If any staff has any questions of this person who asked ed this i'd gladly tell you his name, but i haven't asked him if he wanted his name on this post so it wont be for now.

P.S.S.S Rappy your an idiot, atleast know what your talking about before you post  B)

never stolen a thing ?

what about a csotw ?

I say we duel for accts on nm plz you lamer

you wont reply to this because your a little scared newb who always been a newb who has to steal to get anywhere and even a liar

Edited by Rappy_Ninja, 29 January 2005 - 04:13 PM.

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#13 Kazuya

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 04:13 PM

Holy Shizit, you are an idiot B) , the thing that happened with me and jim has been resolved and did i gain from it? uhh no :) And thats none of your business but speak ya shiz.

HAHAHAHA, i steal to get somewhere? but before i was a nub with 3 stats?. Name what i've done to gain things?, i have no secrets :unsure:

Edited by Kazuya, 29 January 2005 - 04:15 PM.

#14 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 04:14 PM

Holy Shizit, you are an idiot  :unsure: , the thing that happened with me and jim has been resolved and did i gain from it? uhh no  B)  And thats none of your business but speak ya shiz.

yso no acct duel ? still doesnt mean you didnt steal it and you knew you would look even more noobish then you are if you kept it

and you know I would dominate you and so does everyone reading this and you keep changing the subject so its obvious who the winner is

yso no reply pete or have you lost already ?

just hit that x button on this window because as far as everyone can see your done

ur saying ed would wanna steal ur crits ok he already got rangers with 297 hp why would he want yours ? 285 hp 4 stat boy

Edited by Rappy_Ninja, 29 January 2005 - 04:19 PM.

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#15 Kazuya

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 04:18 PM

Dont gamble with things you dont own considering you share with ryan :unsure: , and considering i dont even play nm it would be pointless to challenge me to a 'duel' thats like saying "i bet i'll log onto nm for 12 hours a day before you log on atleast 1 hour a week" because we all know who would win that B).

P.S Gotta love the smilies.

#16 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 04:19 PM

Dont gamble with things you dont own considering you share with ryan  :unsure: , and considering i dont even play nm it would be pointless to challenge me to a 'duel' thats like saying "i bet i'll log onto nm for 12 hours a day before you log on atleast 1 hour a week" because we all know who would win that  B).

P.S Gotta love the smilies.

share with ryan ? ryan isnt putting 1% into our current account he only makes gold on MY crits and it might interest you to know if the past 4 weeks I have logged on bm about total of 5 hours if that

ok ok how about this

my 5 crits vs your account


Edited by Rappy_Ninja, 29 January 2005 - 04:20 PM.

Page/Memo Beatrix

#17 Kazuya

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 04:23 PM

Holy shiz, your an idiot times 3. You missed the entire concept of this topic. Read it over and over if you still dont understand, ask someone else? :unsure:

P.S I figured i would post afew more posts instead of editing one like you are as this for you is obviously for some sort of 'show'.

#18 Prophet

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 04:24 PM

He has a point who would use fighters in a duel(other than against zerks)
Si Senior!

#19 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 04:25 PM

Holy shiz, your an idiot times 3. You missed the entire concept of this topic. Read it over and over if you still dont understand, ask someone else? :unsure:

P.S I figured i would post afew more posts instead of editing one like you are as this for you is obviously for some sort of 'show'.

nah isnt a show I just hate thieves liars and nubs and your all 3
Page/Memo Beatrix

#20 jurian


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Posted 29 January 2005 - 04:26 PM

stfu allready ed shouldn't be playing in the first place cuz he had a perm ban before and simon unbanned him from his perm ban cuz they are good buddies so don't expect anything to happen on this one.
Even in death my hate will go on

#21 Kazuya

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 04:28 PM

Your saying you've logged on nm 5 hours in the last 4 weeks? Yet you sit there complaining about something you know absolutely nothing about, or maybe you and ed have some kinda personal relationship?, bum buddies maybe?.

P.S Why dont you go play with your trains on something, come back when you realise what your talking about or the concept of this topic.

#22 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 04:29 PM

Your saying you've logged on nm 5 hours in the last 4 weeks? Yet you sit there complaining about something you know absolutely nothing about, or maybe you and ed have some kinda personal relationship?, bum buddies maybe?.

P.S Why dont you go play with your trains on something, come back when you realise what your talking about or the concept of this topic.

read my first reply I believe I know whats going on aimed at matt not you so you shouldent have replied to begin with

and nm isnt a sorce for punishing others for stuff they do in other games

Edited by Rappy_Ninja, 29 January 2005 - 04:30 PM.

Page/Memo Beatrix

#23 Kazuya

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 04:42 PM

A friend of mine was perm banned because of a trade being set up for NM - Rev stuff, A trade never happened yet my friend got perm banned, so why shouldn't ed be perm banned?(actually he shouldn't have be unbanned in the first place)

Exactly the same situation, they both broke the rules in the same way so I see no reason for ed not to be perm banned as my mate was.

Which is the reason why I even bothered posting on this topic. Abit've equality between players and not favourtism would be a nice thing to be seen here.

Edited by Kazuya, 29 January 2005 - 04:43 PM.

#24 Tom

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 04:54 PM

justin why fight the loosing battle,
Feck Off

#25 Jadakiss

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 05:22 PM

i think Tom needs to get his story str8...if u can read right they were talkin bout Rev u moron

#26 Kalypso

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 05:27 PM

A friend of mine was perm banned because of a trade being set up for NM - Rev stuff, A trade never happened yet my friend got perm banned, so why shouldn't ed be perm banned?(actually he shouldn't have be unbanned in the first place)

Exactly the same situation, they both broke the rules in the same way so I see no reason for ed not to be perm banned as my mate was.

Which is the reason why I even bothered posting on this topic. Abit've equality between players and not favourtism would be a nice thing to be seen here.

since you aren't a thief can i have my 400k back?
"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed.
"Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone just as wild to run with."

#27 Consumed


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Posted 29 January 2005 - 05:31 PM

:unsure: < seamed appropriate!
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#28 Horny

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 05:33 PM

Ok so why exactly should we care? this wasn't about nightmist newbs... it's about REVELATION! a game that has NOTHING to do with nightmist... REVELATION, NIGHTMIST... see the difference? ed didnt buy stuff and neither was he thinking about buying stuff on nm for irl nm so u all stfu cause he didnt do anything.

Haha u suck :unsure:

A friend of mine was perm banned because of a trade being set up for NM - Rev stuff, A trade never happened yet my friend got perm banned, so why shouldn't ed be perm banned?(actually he shouldn't have be unbanned in the first place)

Exactly the same situation, they both broke the rules in the same way so I see no reason for ed not to be perm banned as my mate was.

only problem is he wanted to trade NIGHTmIST stuff for other things, ed never said anything about nightmist

Edited by Horny, 29 January 2005 - 05:37 PM.

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

#29 Exodia



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Posted 29 January 2005 - 05:36 PM

[11:12:53 PM] Ed...: you know
[11:12:56 PM] Ed...: u share with a thief lol
[11:13:07 PM] Ed...: hell id pay rl money to get my nuts back he
[11:13:28 PM] Ed...: *yes it is a hint* lol
[11:13:48 PM] Matt: no clue, stagg has shared with him for YEARS on
nightmist and trusts him a lot. until he gives me reason
not to trust him w/e
[11:13:58 PM] Ed...: wait who
[11:14:04 PM] Matt: pete
[11:14:04 PM] Ed...: who is stagg
[11:14:07 PM] Ed...: lol
[11:14:14 PM] Matt: matt stagg, Tiomat, Angel's brother
[11:14:19 PM] Ed...: oh snap lol
[11:14:25 PM] Ed...: well
[11:14:27 PM] Matt: why lol
[11:14:29 PM] Ed...: Satan = was stolen from me
[11:14:35 PM] Ed...: along with full items.
[11:14:54 PM] Matt: by who though? pete?
[11:14:57 PM] Ed...: yes...
[11:15:09 PM] Ed...: is Satan registered?
[11:15:14 PM] Matt: yes lol
[11:15:17 PM] Ed...: crap >.>
[11:15:22 PM] Ed...: log him on
[11:15:27 PM] Ed...: come to bazaar lol
[11:15:50 PM] Matt: why wasnt he registered
[11:15:51 PM] Matt: before
[11:15:57 PM] Ed...: he was
[11:16:03 PM] Ed...: but he found out my bday
[11:16:05 PM] Ed...: via forums
[11:16:10 PM] Ed...: which = secret word.
[11:16:21 PM] Ed...: (Left Hand) Scepter of Timeless Devotion.
(Right Hand) Wisp of Shadow.
(Head) nothing.
(Neck) Timeless Sedgeway Family Seal.
(Body) Goldmail Tunic.
(Left Wrist) Grass Heart Bracelet.
(Right Wrist) Grass Heart Bracelet.
(Hands) Behemoth Hide Gloves.
(Legs) Soul Fused Leggings.
(Feet) Crystal Mail Boots.
(Left Ring) Pulsing Ring of Fame.
(Right Ring) Pulsing Ring
[11:16:25 PM] Ed...: where is CoL?
[11:16:33 PM] Matt: Oblivions COL is on Oblivion
[11:16:41 PM] Ed...: nah was my CoL lol
[11:16:48 PM] Ed...: Rob didnt sell Oblivion with CoL
[11:16:57 PM] Ed...: lol would u turnip them over?
[11:17:15 PM] Matt: why
[11:17:21 PM] Ed...: id give u irl money
[11:17:23 PM] Ed...: for my items back.
[11:17:58 PM] Ed...: or if ya want, u juss remove the items from
Satan, give me them, and ill give u access to Exodia
[11:18:01 PM] Ed...: u still don't lose out.
[11:18:08 PM] Matt: hrm
[11:19:50 PM] Ed...: so.
[11:20:25 PM] Ed...: i don't even need access to your crits. lol
[11:20:30 PM] Ed...: i only use 1 crit. lol
[11:20:40 PM] Ed...: but i lvl like 3
[11:20:48 PM] Ed...: going to have defender, wizard, priest and chanter lol

are u ppl dumb or is it the person that made this post.... noone bought nething for RL money on nm.... it was bout rev.... and jlh will soon see that
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#30 Tom

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Posted 29 January 2005 - 05:39 PM

id have to say ban him anyway, i thought he could be trusted until he robbed my vaults and booted my clan members
Feck Off

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