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A Real Vampire Roleplay

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#1 VampireDeviant

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Posted 17 May 2004 - 04:14 AM

Ok Here it is a real Vampire Roleplaying Thread , I request now no OOC unless it has the OOC brackets around it }} ]] )) are all satisfactory. This Rp shall be set in the Realm of Nightmist so anyplace that Nightmist has is ok , plz stick to the areas of nightmist please, Also this is also a calling out rp for all Vampire Enthusiasts, Vampires, and Mortals that wish to know the many intricacies of Vampiric Lore, RP, Fact and Fiction, I will however state that Movie Vampires are totally useless here so please leave the Slaying to Buffy and Hollywood, yes there is slayers but if you actually read and know about vampires all the hollywood glamour is a bunch of crap.......

Please Read and Enjoy and Contribute to the RP if not please just keep your thoughts to yourself Thank You

#2 VampireDeviant

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Posted 17 May 2004 - 04:28 AM

A strange fog appears, it slowly creeps closer, rolling over itself , deadly looking this fog seems, slowly it rises to a heighth of a man, 6'5'' to be exact, the mist forms the features of a darkly handsome creature, he stands before you his head slightly bowed ,eyes closed, his raven black hair in strings upon his face, his hand reaches up and brushes the hair from his face, his eyes snap open, frightening blue eyes pierce through your very soul. He smiles a peculiar seductive smile, his lips slip over his elongated canines, the sleek twin daggers of bone are white, almost blue it would seem.

He slips a piece of parchment from under his cloak , his eyes glance at the writing, black letters magnificently written upon yellowing stationary. Taking a dagger from its hiding place he stabs the Parchment into the wall of The Boars Tusk. This is what could be read upon the bulletin.................

Dark Greetings , I am the Vampire Kristian Beoulve. I hereby summon all Vampires, Mortals, Scholars, Anyone for that matter that is interested in the Darkness... We ,Together, shall shed light upon the world that has remained hidded all these long years from the eyes of mortal men and women. No longer shall we just be stories to scare little kids, nor be fantastic stories of bravado and parlor tricks. There shall be peace among our gathered group no matter what, Yet once you leave this pub may God or whoever you think may watch over you do so.

I may indeed have upset vampires that remain to stay hidden and alone. but after so many years of silence I find that it has gotten boring and unbearable...

If you fear for your eternal soul do not be afraid no one will harm you at least while your here.

Please place your signature upon this parchment as a sign of you accept these small rules........

I ,Kristian Beoulve, do hereby sign and agree to these simple rules that no one shall be harmed by myself or my guests...
Kristian T Beoulve

#3 Amy

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Posted 17 May 2004 - 06:21 AM

*She lies within the rafters, silently.. Her gaze seems almost mesmerizing to those that meet her sapphire orbs, but for now, no one even knows she is there. She likes it that way. For some time now she had been within this realm, remaining hidden but to those that she wished to know of her presence.. Even fewer knew her name. Her daughter was here somewhere, at least she had last known of her to be. But it had been some time since she had seen her face.

She watches the vampire emerge from the mist... even if she hadn't seen his olongated canines she would have known.. she could sense it in the air, sense it from his scent that seemed to permeate pub. Mere mortals perhaps would not be able to pick it up, but she could. A slow smile crosses her wine colored lips and she licks her own fangs. She would not let him know of her presence, not yet.

Once the pub is quiet she waits a few more moments, until the bartender steps out to restock. She pushes herself up on the beams and rights herself. Pushing a strand of long raven hair from her eyes her smoldering gaze seems to flitter around the place once more.. Steadily she leaps down landing in a low crouch and then walks to the notice he placed upon the wall.

A low rumbling laugh tumbles forth across her lips. "hide from mortals? I think not! I have only ever hidden from myself.. but once Pandora's box is open, it can never be fully closed can it?" her words spoken aloud yet not heard unless one is here she is unaware of.. she speaks to herself with an amused lilt to her voice.. the corner of her mouth curls up in a slight snear. "My soul is damned perhaps, but I have no fear.. " She mumbles to herself and the thought seems to cause her laughter to ring through the air even more.

Tilting her head her grin seems to widen, "Is it signatures he wants huh?".. She brings her wrist to her mouth and without thought rips her fangs across her flesh.. beads of crimson come to the surface and she licks her lips.. the sweet and yet salty taste running over her tongue causes a low growl to escape her.. taking her finger she dips it into her own blood and writes across the bottom of the parchment in bold letters..

"I follow my own rules.. ~Morbid Fears~"

She thought about taking his dagger to prove a point but she was not a thief.. instead she pulls her own dagger from her boot and stabs it into the parchment near his name.. "perhaps a battle of wills? Who in the hell does he think he is stating that 'all would be safe'.. he had no control of her or her actions.. " she thinks to herself.

They each had weaknesses that was for sure. For within their strengths lie weaknesses.. even the scent of her own blood caused the aching within her abdomen to burn through her like hot coals.. she forced herself to dismiss it. At least for now, she would feed later.. the succulant taste of anothers lifeforce would sooth the pain.. but not yet.. no.. not yet.

Tilting her head back she laughs a bit more.. yes, in time the realm would indeed know her, but it would be on her own terms.. and only when she wished it. A smirk crosses her lips as she brings her wrist back up licking off the remaining vitae with her tongue.. turning on her heel she doesn't even glance back, and she pulls her hooded cloak over her head stepping further into the night.

Edited by Amy, 17 May 2004 - 09:05 AM.

~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#4 Squee



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Posted 17 May 2004 - 09:03 PM

Tamores Merridew tore into his long dead victim. He was sitting upon her chest (though by now, gender could not be told) and tearing through using his teeth, claws and a small dirk that he carried. No skin was left upon the body and bloodied bones were starting to show their faces. The poor woman's expression seemed to be in a state of perpetual agony. Snarling loudly, he continued with his wretched ritual, finding so much pleasure in the destruction and perverse of life.

Tahmores stood a little under 6 feet tall. His brown, straight hair hung below his chin and hid his face from plain view. However, as went on with this brutal ceremony, his hair flew to and fro wildly. The cloak he wore was black, hiding his muscular body. Tahmores eyes were wild with passion, primal instinct and all too much madness. Dull and grey at times, his eyes hid a mentally unhinged being of the night, prone to strike with so much as the drop of a pin.

Though Tahmores was relishing in the excitment of the kill, he was not feasting, he was not even hungry. He craved the sound of innocents as they screamed and begged for mercy. He would lose himself in some sick high as he forced his victims to do unspeakable things just before ending their wretched lives.

He had power and it gave him things he could never have as a mortal. Power was his meaning, it was his purpose.

Suddenly, a shot in the darkness changed his attention from the disimated corpse. He got up, wiped the marks of murder from his face and walked through the dark alley of Nightmist. His boots made a terrible, rhythmic thump as he trotted along the coblestones. His motions were swift and flawless as he approached the back door to the Boars Tusk Inn.

Leaning his back against the doors frame, he watched the room with curiosity and intrigue. The parchment caught his attention a few times...but he had motivation to give it a second thought.

((This is my first Vampire RP. >_< Feed back, please? =\ ))
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#5 Charon

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Posted 17 May 2004 - 09:18 PM

Styx bowed her head lightly, fingers trailing the top of one of the few gravestones placed within Nightmist graveyard. Others, it seemed, such as Arilin and Resthaven, were frequented more often than this one. It was always tranquil here, a welcome rest from her activities in the more open world. Tranquil... and deserted.

The wind whistled around her, breezing through the trees which were lined gainst the tall iron gates, clouds momentarily crossed the sky, blocking out the moon above her sending the shadows flickering across the grveyard, shrouding the young woman in darkness

She looked upwards at the sky, waiting until the moonlight returned before looking down at the worn piece of paper which had been left to her. She didn't know who had left the message, for as far as she had known none had known where she travelled of late. She had been slowly returning to her hometown of Nightmist when she had stopepd in lofty Windia along the way, prefering its more carefree nature to the suspicion the Harabec Guards placed upon those who entered Arilin of late.

When staying in the Inn... she had discovered the message by her bedside when the morning came, as the sunlight began to stream in through the windows and caused her to stir

~If you wish to know, if you wish to meet, dark greetings take place in the Boars Tusk~

"If I wish to know..." she murmered softly "If I wish to know... what exactly? How did this message come to me?"

Her elaborately engraved blade rested in its sheath, but now as she turned toward hte exit of the graveyard her hands strayed to it. She trod softly as she entered the open and equally peaceful meadow, heading swiftly for the safety of the gates to the town, eager to get there before any attackers should appear. It was rare... for there to be little hostility around the entrances and exits to that town

"The Citadel of Nightmist" she murmered as she stepped into the town, the Inferi Dii crest which hooked her cloak around her shoulders gleaming with a pale glow as she passed through the torchlit streets, bowing her head lightly in greeting to those she knew as well as some of those she didn't as she passed them all by

"The home of my own family lies within Nightmist. I wonder if any of they... if any of them received the same message..." she wondered faintly. A dark bird fluttered past her and over the roofs of the houses that lined the adjoining streets, heading to the nearest northern corner... and she smiled... yes, those of her family would, it seemed, know of her presence sooner than she had planned. Any who now wished to find her, would

Again she looked down at the message. The script was almost familiar... almost as if she may have received a message from the person before, but as it remained unsigned she couldn't manage to lay a name to it

<Is this... a challenge of some sort, perhaps?> she wondered <Just to see... if I would come when I didn't know who bade my presence...>

"Dark greetings..." she murmered softly. She knew that phrase... she knew it, if only she knew where from... Up ahead of her the tall tower of the legendary mage, Pandilex, loomed forebodingly, casting its shadow across the eastern sidestreet, the Town crier standing at the base of that tower... the town crier strangely quiet this eve

"If you wish to know, if you wish to meet... dark greetings take place in the boars tusk" she murmered aloud, looking at the wooden sign as it creaked swayed lightly in the wind, the sign clearly engraved with the name she had just spoken... the Boars Tusk Inn. She cast a glance at the town crier, slightly intimidated by the normally loud, rowdy mans lack of voice before she opened the door of the inn slowly and moved inside, removing her cloak from her shoulders and folding it over in her arms as she swept her gaze about the room seeing who else was about, then pushing her helmet back slightly, though for once she didn't remove it.

"Welcome home" she said softly to herself... this inn held so many memories. It was the place she had received her initial tutorial in the way of the warriors before moving on to the training centres, the place she had learnt the basics of travel and exploration before her attentions had turned to matters of faith and intrigue, before she had picked a specific path to follow. A place she had met countless friends, starting on the same journet she was...

She turned her eyes to the old notice board where the instructions of old had been advertised, and was intrigued, if surprised, to see the two weapons dug into the corkened backing.

Curiously she approached the board, running her fingers along the hilt of each weapon before her eyes turned to the message
<It's the same> the thought came to her sharply <The script is the same>

"Kristian" she murmered with a smile as she read through the notice... then she stalled seeing the message scrawled on the bottom, dared to touch it, finding it still slightly sticky to the touch as red tainted her fingers "Morbid Fears..."

She swallowed... nervously? as she wiped her hand against her clothing, realising what the substance was, particularly in the context of the notice, and the message that had been left.

"I follow my own rules also" Styx murmered as, without even realising, her hand strayed to her pocket, fishing for her quill pen as she simply stood there in the pale light of the inn, reading and rereading the notice "But sometimes... sometimes that doesn't matter"

"If I wish" she smiled, as slowly, carefully, she signed her name upon the board

~I wish... Styx, §Mõðth ÐëÍù§îòÑ ~

((/t Squee... Brutal :) but well played ^^
/t everyone... Please note- Styx is mortal))

Edited by Charon, 18 May 2004 - 12:58 AM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#6 Charon

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Posted 19 May 2004 - 04:35 PM

"I wish" she repeated, raising her head slightly. The words would mean nothing to anyone who read the message after her, she knew that, but she didn't care. As her pen left the parchment she shivered slightly, a chill passing through her as she slowly took a step backwards, casting her eyes over over it yet again... and then again around the room

"I wonder..." she murmered softly "I wonder... how each who signs will know the others. Or will... we just know?"

Something strange was at work here, she was certain of it. She cast her eyes around the room once again, about to head to the bar when she spotted that the back door to the inn was open.

"That's unusual... they... they never used to leave that door open..." she tilted her head... just able to make out the figure that leant there, a tall man, straight brown hair extended past his chin, framing his face...

She blinked and turned away, glancing sideways as she continued away from the board and perched on one of the bar stools, intending to order a drink.
While she waited for the bartender she found herself twiddling the pen in her fingers nervously as she continued to glance between the doorways and the parchment, wondering who, if anyone... will venture to it next

Edited by Charon, 19 May 2004 - 07:20 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#7 green_mantis

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Posted 19 May 2004 - 06:59 PM

Mantis was a hunter, he was so good at his chosen profession that no one even knew about him. He looked average in almost every sense with curly brown hair, brown eyes, and standing at 5'10". The only thing odd about him was a sense of loss one could see in his eyes. He wore only leather, though very thick, it makes no sound as he stalks his prey. At his side is a long dagger with silvered edges, bearing runes of sharpness, and durability. He wears a cloak, day or night, rain or shine. He lives for only one reason, to avenge his family.

As he enters the boars tusk, he stops, suddenly afraid, a feeling he has not felt for quite some time. The slight scent of blood has made him afraid. He knows it isnt human, and tracks the scent to a piece of parchment on a wall. After reading the parchment he spits on it. "Vampires..." He looks around the room nervously, to see if any are still around.

((I am trying out a new character, so please be kind if I am slightly irregular in my posts.))

Edited by green_mantis, 19 May 2004 - 07:01 PM.

I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#8 Crane


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Posted 20 May 2004 - 09:09 PM

Wearing a wooden cross and an amulet of garlics and hiding in the roof rafters, Crane observes Kar's behaviour and approach to the situation, and the other vampires' reactions.

Crane, unforunately, has not yet found a vampire that he could call his friend; in fact, he has only started seeing vampires after arriving in Nightmist from his travels. By spying on them, Crane's intention is to study their behaviour patterns so he knows what to look for should he ever try to find a vampire companion.

The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#9 Squee



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Posted 20 May 2004 - 10:59 PM

((To be fair, you're not really giving Crane anything to work with. I don't think I've seen you write a proper paragraph yet. ^^;;

Kar, you're also going to have to seperate your OOC posts. Usually, you can put them in curly braces {} or double normal brackets (()) or even square brackets [].

Another thing, Kar, try using more descriptions in your posts. As it stands...I have no clue what your characters are doing.

Who's Zevil? Who's Dracule? What do they look like? Why are they here? What are they thinking? What are their hopes, goals, dreams?

Try answering those kind of questions in your posts. It helps to "paint a better picture".

You're going to have to also post in a more "professional" manner. Right now, your posts don't seem to contain any real thought. Usually, people will write RP posts in a manner similar to that in a novel...but there are other ways of RP'ing.

Here is Roleplaying Model that you should read over. Try following the "basic" tips then working your way up to expert. It may look like a lot to read but it really isn't. A lot of it is just examples.

Also, you don't need to double post (especially in an RP thread). There's a "Edit" button that you can use to modify your posts. A spelling mistake doesn't call for a double post. If anything, all double posting does is aggrivate other people and boost your post count.

I hope that helps you with your RP'ing. ^^



Tahmores scoffed as he looked away from the Inn. He didn't need this. Nothing even remotley exciting was happening and he doubt anything would begin anytime soon. He had places to go and people to maim. He had power to use and abuse.

In a swift motion, he pushed off the door-frame and back into the dark alley-ways, his clothes billowing slightly in the night-breeze. Besides the bottoms of his boots and the creak of the door, blowing in the wind, the dark-alley was completely silent...not even the usual "squee" of rats could be heard. Perhaps Mr. Merridew had scared them all away...

...Oh, well. No loss.
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#10 Amy

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Posted 20 May 2004 - 11:23 PM

*MorbidFears, although known by another name to a few continued to wander within the confines of the city.. The raven haired beauty only ventured out now and then to follow a lone mortal that happened to travel north or south of the city of Nightmist alone.. She had hurt none of them yet, rather stalked her prey in deadly silence. Her lips curled up slightly as if she was truly pleased with the current situation. Especially to her amusement was when she would follow silently until right upon them and then purposefully scrape her boot across the earth loud enough for them to hear the faint thud of debris being moved across the surface.. their heartbeats pounding harder, there eyes widening in slight fear, only to look about and see nothing as she quickly faded from sight*

*No, not nearly enough knew her yet in this land.. and even if they did, there was but a handful that knew her true nature. She was not quite sure if she would allow them to know or not. Her daughter was here, and her childhood friend was last spotted within the cities nearby. Pandora's box opened, soon enough they would realize her presence.. She had changed though. Loneliness does things to a persons mind. She had the power and she had the strength, but that wasn't enough, that was not nearly as important to her as other things. Not if she was to admit the truth anyway.. *

*She had grown weaker because of her own lack of viciousness.. It was too easy to get lost within the total choas and mayhem of her race.. Just one bite would quell the nagging aches within her.. One sweet succulant drink of either mortal or vampiric vitae ((blood for those that don't know much of vampires)) would perhaps put a bit of color back into her cheeks. As it stood now her flawless skin was almost transparent with its paleness. *

*She pauses near the Inn she had watched others in the other day. Pulling her cloak once more about her face she steps just inside the door. Her sapphire eyes glazed with crimson by now she pulls her hood further concealing her face as she leaps with ease to the wooden beams that lie near the ceiling of the pub.. Watching now and then as others step further above into a trapdoor in the attic. She can hear screams and some even fall directly onto the floor of the inn with a heavy thud. Her gaze moves to the parchment on the wall, more signatures there it seems she licks her fangs.. "Keep them coming, yes.. promise them peace Kristian.. I promised nothing.. I will wait as long as I must.." Her words are merely a whisper.. she assumes unheard by others unless perhaps they are within the shadows with her.. A low stifled feral growl escapes her lips as she leans back on the wooden beams.. the hunger burning within her growing stronger day by day.. soon, she knew that she would not be able to stop the ravage fury within her soul .*
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#11 Squee



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Posted 21 May 2004 - 11:34 PM

((...Kar, if you're going to be stupid, don't post. Plain and simple.))
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#12 Amy

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Posted 22 May 2004 - 11:29 PM

*MorbidFears had waited silently for the one who she realized from the signature of the original notice was Kristian. For some things she was very impatient, but to lay in wait for this purpose was different. She had not moved for almost a full day now, sapphire eyes rimmed in angry crimson scoured those that came and went. It wasn't that she would not give peace, it was the matter at hand instead. This man promised others peace from their race. Well, he did not control her, not in the least.. in fact, no one would control her ever again.*

*Pushing herself forward she switches positions, letting her long slender legs dangle from the rafters she swings them back and forth with ease. With a mere wave of her hand a glass of white wine appears within her grasp and her fingers curl around the stem of the goblet. Tilting the glass up slowly she watches over the edge of the crystal as the wine touches her tongue.. "mmmm" she says in a low voice, she was rather parched. Fresh blood would definately be better, more to her liking, more suitable for the raging hunger within her but she would wait. For now anyway*

*Being a woman who adored fire she let her almost hyptnotizing orbs turn slowly to the hearth in the corner of the pub. The flames seem to fade almost to the point of merely smoldering and then all at once they leap up within the confines of the fireplace and move and flare with each other. The hues blending and swaying together as if in an exotic dance that remained at her command. A devilish grin crosses her face as candles seem to light about the place and float freely about the room. All the while, she remains within a shadowed corner of the rafters, watching, waiting.. planning*

(( http://www.angelfire...layer1/bio.html ) I have had this character for about 7 or 8 years now. If anyone wishes to read more of her past))

Her childhood friend and a member of draco http://www.angelfire.../Rachelbio.html ))

Edited by Amy, 22 May 2004 - 11:43 PM.

~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#13 Squee



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Posted 22 May 2004 - 11:41 PM

"...Having fun?" came Tahmores voice from the back-door. Once again, he found himself leaning against the frame, keeping his eyes hidden from view. His hair flicked slightly and wrapped around the thin frame of his face.

His voice was low and had a mysterious suave-ness about it. His attitude seemed quite aloof and the way his pitch-black trench-coat blew in the winds seemed to even further his zen-like aura.

...However, one look into his eyes and one would realize that this state was only skin-deep...if that. His sanity, composer, self-control; they were all paper-thin and could snap in two with so much as the drop of a pin.
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#14 Amy

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Posted 22 May 2004 - 11:57 PM

*Morbid snapped her gaze toward him and stared for a long long moment. At last she lowered her glass and the grin that met his was one of a woman slightly insane herself. Yes, the things that had happened in her life, from the trip to the wylde, the reigning of a land, the loss and betrayals had hardened a portion of her very soul.. perhaps she always had the darkness within her, but to some, a flicker of fireflys and a smile would still be remembered. Unfortunately, those that knew her when were not able to be found, although she knew without any shadow of a doubt that they were near.

"I always have fun", she replied in a low sultry voice. "The question is, do you?" she added. She could see the danger in his eyes, see the brink of insanity edging closer like a sharpened blade. It made her smirk a bit more. She sits the wine glass down on the wooden beams and pulls her hair away from her face tying it in a loose knot. Her gaze moves away from Tahmores, she can tell from only his presence he is like her, in some ways, a vampire.. but, there is something else within him. It amuses her greatly and she looks to the fire causing the flames to leap out of the heart slightly before retreating to their hollow fortress. She says nothing further to him for now, if he wanted to speak, he could start the conversation.*
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#15 Charon

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Posted 23 May 2004 - 12:44 AM

As she sat at the bar Styx continued to shift about uncomfortably... perhaps it was just because she was nervous, uneasy about what she was getting into here. Perhaps...

She watched as the hunter spat at the notice... and with a slight sigh she removed her helm and shook her head, freeing whatever hair had been restrained by the headgear, and causing it to ripple and gleam as it cascaded around her shoulders

"Perhaps... not the best move in here" she called softly, arching her eyebrows in amusement "Come, have a seat... rest your weary feet and tell this inconsequential stranger what leads you to such actions... I listen well"

Slowly she was settling into place, regaining the confidence she'd had, the confidence in knowing... that this place was familiar, no matter what situations now surrounded it.

And yet despite her attentions, her mind was constantly being drawn to this thought or that, wandering and dancing between one place and another... one sound and another...

Styx looked up slowly as she heard the voices, somehow unwilling to make an action that could be deemed 'sudden'
The man she had noticed before had posed the question... but now his position in the door was prominant, the way the trenchcoat rippled in the wind which whipped through from the streets causing it to obscure that exit... for just a moment... she felt trapped

Unconsciously her deep hazel eyes flicked across to the main doorway, the one that led onto the mainstreet... the path to that exit was clear if nothing else, though the door was shut to keep out the very wind the door by Tahmores was granting entrance to

Then something else occured to her <Who is he talking to?>

She followed the voice that travelled back to him, the response... tried to trace it back to its source and found herself glancing ever upwards. Her fiddling with the pen became more insistant as she glanced away just for a moment to see if the bartender was anywhere near... and that was when her eyes managed to catch the movement, trace the location of that sultry voice...

Shifting her weight she repositioned herself on the stool to allow herself a more... natural... view of the rafters above them all, scanning until she saw the motion, yet again through the corners of her vision rather than with a direct gaze

A slight smile tainted her lips as she glanced back at Tahmores and then leant back, her shift in location causing the candelight to flicker and dance across her features, illuminating her face and causing her deep hazel eyes to adopt an almost purple glint as she finally turned back to the hunter

"Come" she nodded to the seat near her own... then shrugged simply "Or don't... your choice"

Edited by Charon, 23 May 2004 - 12:46 AM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#16 Squee



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Posted 23 May 2004 - 12:57 AM

Tahmores sucked on his teeth as he kept his eyes downwards. With his tongue, he picked off pieces of raw flesh (from who or what was anyone's guess) and spit them out in a uncaring manner to the alley-ways.

With a smirk, he shifted his body so he was now facing the inside of the Inn. With a hand, he drew a few strands of hair back out of his face and looked up to the rafters.

"Of course I have fun...If I didn't...I wouldn't be really living, now would I?" he said in a mocking tone, his face plastered with a cocky smirk.

Slowly, Tahmores began to walk into the Boars Tusk, letting the door forever waive and moan in the wind. His heavy boots clunked on the wood floors. He let his hands shift back and forth with his movement, his long, straight hair doing like-wise.

"...Now, are you going to come down or do I have to come up there?" Tahmores finished, a daring look in his eyes. It was obvious that he wanted to use this chance to intimidate and impress...but he would swallow his pride if it meant being a gentleman.
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#17 Amy

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Posted 23 May 2004 - 01:39 AM

*Morbid nods slowly still slightly amused, she is unable though to stifle the low growl that emits from her lips as she smells the fresh blood on Tahmores. She notices someone looking at her although she doesn't know the graceful woman from a table below, she does not change her gaze to meet theirs though, not yet.. "Do what you wish, I don't really care" she says offhandedly. Her eyes still stay locked with his. "Did you have a good meal?" she asks a half cocked grin crossing her lips. It was apparant to her that the blood still fresh on his face did nay come from a wandering rodent. The thought itself causes her to lick her fangs.

She motions to the woman at the table below, having watched her for a few moments, "But then again, she offered you a seat already, I have not" she states.. perhaps is her way of showing she is not intimidated by him, nor impressed.. she laughs and throws the empty wine glass into the hearth from her perch in the rafters .. it immediately shatters shards of glass flying within the hearth... then, she looks away clearly showing the conversation is over and she is in charge here, not him.. "Dishes are done" she mumbles and laughs once more as she lays among the beams.

Edited by Amy, 23 May 2004 - 01:53 AM.

~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#18 Charon

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Posted 23 May 2004 - 12:29 PM

"Hmm?" Styx looked up, seeing the flash from the glass as it passed through the air and then...

As the glass shattered in the hearth nearby, as light seemed to explode around the room as the flames flickered off the flying shards, she couldn't help but flinch back.

It took her mere moments to regain her composure as the glass settled once again, scattered across the ground and in the hearth, but by then... She raised her eyebrows again, wondering if that had been intended to intimidate her...

"You know what, I was only trying to be polite. I really don't mind" Styx excused herself with a slight grin, before raising her hands innocently "It certainly wasn't my... intention... to try and intrude on what I'm sure will be a lovely conversation for you both"

She smiled a little wryly as she glanced between them and watched the woman sink back into the beams before mumbling softly to herself

"I'll be equally happy to turn my queries and offers on the other hunter(Mantis)... At least he... is unlikely to kill me the moment he gets a chance"

Edited by Charon, 23 May 2004 - 12:32 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#19 Deval

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Posted 24 May 2004 - 01:40 AM

I have removed all of Kar's posts from this thread. I will continue to monitor this thread for his nonsense, and if it continues, a behavior report will be issued to admin ~ Deval
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#20 Amy

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Posted 24 May 2004 - 06:26 AM

*Morbid hears the woman speak and glances toward her... She hadn't seen her flinch but if she had, she would perhaps have explained the action was not meant to startle her at all, was merely something that she had done for as far back as she could remember... "There is nothing to intrude upon" she says resting her chin on her hands as she clasps them together and watches the woman a moment. She wonders if she is one that had signed the parchment. She couldn't be for sure unless she asked her and she was not about to do that.. not yet.

She starts to look away from Styx and then the words "other Hunter" catch her attention and her sapphire orbs flicker a bit as she leans forward peering at her more closely her brow lofted in question. "What hunter do you speak of?" a slightly softer voice calls out.. This woman may have information that is of value to her, no use offending her she thinks to herself. She smirks a bit at the end of the comment. "If I wanted to kill you, do you not realize you would already be dead?" there is a slight amount of arrogance in her words, but more importantly is truth. She had been unrevealed fully until she spoke, that she was sure of, and within the days she had sat among the splintered beams she is almost positive she could have caught the woman alone at least once or twice. She had other objectives though. It wasn't that she wouldn't enjoy the mortals blood, but contrary to popular belief, all vampires did not just slay innocents. She decides though that it is perhaps better for them to believe as such.

She lifts her right hand and nudges the edge of her hooded cloak over her a bit, concealing all but her deep crimson lips and a flash of alabaster skin near her chin. Her eyes shielded she could see the woman from her perch and was under the impression though, that her own gaze would be slightly concealed. She waits patiently and completely still for her response... she doesn't even glance to Tahmores purposely perhaps... she figured though, a man of his obvious arrogance would not stand by ignored for long. *
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#21 Charon

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Posted 24 May 2004 - 08:45 PM

"Perhaps" Styx admitted as she nodded simply, closing her eyes as she did so "Perhaps I would be. And perhaps not... one never truly knows"
It wasn't a challenge, it wasn't a threat, and her tone of voice would surely show that. It was simply... a statement. It wasn't even a cocky statement, just her own mild observation... things were never quite what they appeared in the moments when they mattered. Things could never be stated... so simply "But perhaps"

She smiled softly, for a moment watching the flickering images as they danced across her eyelids before she opened her eyes once again "Which hunter?" she asked as she cast her gaze about innocently, shrugging lightly as she returned her gaze to its prior positon, peering up into the darkness of the ceilings rafters. She could see the figure shifting around, but couldn't quite make out any distinguishing features, face well shielded by cloth and shadow... actions concealed by the rafters themselves

"Now that... would be telling, wouldn't it" she grinned slightly as she reached for her drink... but she still didn't have a drink. She tapped lightly on the bar to get some attention "Hey... house special" she called softly to the bartender. It occured to her for the briefest of moments... that she no longer knew what the house special was... but a drink was a drink, and she wasn't one truly partial to alcohol in any event.

But this was a 'social' situation, and when in an establishment it was generally a good idea to show some interest in their business. Anyway, when it came it would give her something to fiddle with other than the pen she had now long tucked away.
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#22 archmaster

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Posted 24 May 2004 - 08:47 PM

Snowfire of Arilin loads his enchanted bow, ready to fire an arrow.
He aims at a target, his "target" appears to be a large, yet skinny, man.
"Stay back human, you don't know what you're dealing with!" It yells with a horrible "hiss" at the end. Snowfire, too curious to shoot the arrow, drops his bow...

I think he made a mistake...

You like it? I'm new at RP.

Edited by archmaster, 24 May 2004 - 08:48 PM.

You and me, We'll all go down in history, With a sad statue of liberty, and a generation that didn't agree

#23 Squee



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Posted 25 May 2004 - 01:38 AM

"Did you have a good meal?" she asks a half cocked grin crossing her lips. It was apparant to her that the blood still fresh on his face did nay come from a wandering rodent. The thought itself causes her to lick her fangs.

Tahmores shrugged arrogantly, smiling widely. Effortlessly, he jumped into the air, his coat rippling as he neared a rafter. Soon, Tahmores was concealed under the same cloak as Morbid. The tail of his coat hung off the end of the rafter along with his left leg. His other knee was held up to his chest as he sat lazily by. Under his coat, Tahmores only wore a tight, tank top, revealing his semi-muscular build.

"...It could've been better," he whispered slyly.

He flicked some hair away from his eyes then stared down at Styx in silence. His gaze shifted slightly to Morbid and back to Styx as they conversed.

"It certainly wasn't my... intention... to try and intrude on what I'm sure will be a lovely conversation for you both"

"...You seem irritated...have I done something to...upset you?" he said, his voice peircing through the shadows like a dart. His tone was strange and daring, as if every word were asking for a duel to the death.

However, now Tahmores was noticing that Morbid did not even glance to him.

...How rude.

He shifted his position a little until he was facing her completely, tilting his head slightly to the side.

"You're a fiesty one, eh? What say you and I get out of here once you finish your lovely conversation with what's her name down there?"

A slight glint shimmered in his eyes as he spoke. He spoke in a low, subtle voice and even inched his body closer to Morbid, his mouth curling into an arrogant and proud smirk.
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#24 Amy

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Posted 25 May 2004 - 03:40 PM

*Morbid sees him leap to the rafters, his movements almost graceful, certainly one of stealth and skill.. "Yeah we have all had better" she mutters only briefly meeting his dark dangerous eyes, but rather than study him closely she then tilted her hair to Styx once more and smirks a bit nudging that hooded cloak back and over her raven locks as they cascade down her back in silky waves.

She listens to Tahmores speak to Styx and she chuckles lightly .. "I was finished speaking to her, but in light of the options.... " she lets her words trail off, was it a clear snub to the choice of speaking to him? Perhaps.. Perhaps it was only her own stubborness that kept her from even glancing his way. When he lears in front of her she reaches forward pushing herself to a sitting position as her hands clasp about the splintered beams and her gaze moves outward once more.

She can feel him staring at her, at once he is directly in front of her and she raises a brow "You are obstructing my view, Move" words challenging and full of defiance. Not that he had any control over her either, but it was a point of fact. She doesn't justify his comment 'you are a feisty one.. ' with a remark, instead she laughs a bit before directing yet another conversation to the woman below "So, what is your name down there?" she asks much earlier then she probably would have. Perhaps she only asks to keep Tahmores waiting longer. She licks her fangs briefly, their ivory razor like points gleaming in the candlelight as she moves before settling in comfortably with her legs dangling over the edge of the beams, purposely not even facing him.
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#25 Charon

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Posted 25 May 2004 - 11:46 PM

"Were you implying... that I was irritated?" Styx asked with mild amusement, trying hard to ignore the dangerous tint she heard in Tahmores' voice... the confidence, the arrogance...

<They're playing a game... and I'm not truly part of it> she thought softly to herself <I'm a playing piece... but a distraction as they bluff and outbluff each other>

"I do not know you... how could you have done anything to upset or irritate me?" she queried simply, after pausing for that briefest of moments to sip the drink that had now been bought to her

Looking into the rafters, though now it was becoming easier for her to keep looking up at them, she couldn't help rubbing the back of her neck in discomfort as she did so

"My name?" she repeated softly, an almost teasing smile tugging at her lips "I have many names. It may perhaps depend which, if any, you wish to hear. But for now at least... Styx is likely most appropriate" she nodded her head slightly, the closest she would get to any sort of bow from her current position "So I'm Styx... pleased to meet you"

Edited by Charon, 26 May 2004 - 01:35 AM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#26 Squee



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Posted 26 May 2004 - 01:02 AM

Obstructing your view?! I'll obstruct more than your view! he thought to himself but, by the look on his face, you could never tell. He simply flicked hair out of his face and smiled at Morbid. She and him were alike, he could tell now. There was something there that was so...similar. Tahmores almost laughed at this thought, turning away his attention from Morbid, refusing to reply to her. He was tempted to turn around and really give her a piece of his mind but...where would the fun be in that? How Tahmores loved this game and how he relished in the fact that it was only getting better by the second...

"...Oh, if I haven't annoyed you by now, then I take it you enjoy my company... And if that's the case," Tahmores joked mildly to Styx.

"Tahmores Merridew." With a slight grunt, he hopped off the rafter and began to descend downwards. It was rude to introduce one's self when one was over-looking the other. Tahmores would hate if Styx thought herself of lesser value than himself. Of course, he would also hate it if she thought her self to be greater than him...and he would even be mildly irritated if she thought herself equal.

Heh, he thought to himself as he glided downwards, his coat making that oh so familiar sound.

"...Of the Merridew family, son to loving mum, Nalen. Dear brother to Talellan Merridew and Gladith Merridew...

It is my... pleasure to meet you...Styx," he finished as he slowly walked to her. His heavy boots clunked across the floor boards. He spoke in a lulling voice again, putting an extra emphasis on Styx's name, almost savouring the word as it passed his lips.

((Wow, vampire RPs are fun. ^^;; A lot more fun than I originally thought. XD))
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#27 Amy

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Posted 26 May 2004 - 01:42 AM

*Morbid continued to look down from her place upon the worn wooden beams.. it amused her that she could see the flicker of almost shock at her brush off in his eyes although he gave her a smile.. her lips curl up at the corners in a sardonic grin and she keeps her eyes on the woman below. "hmm.. Styx, it fits you...she says and then adds with a multi meaning undertone "Pleasure indeed". Was she speaking of him moving? or of the woman? or of him merely not responding to her? One would never know unles perhaps they caught the low rumbling laughter bubbling within her.

She would have probably lept down to meet the woman herself properly but as she sees him hop off the beams she lays back down stretching her long shapely legs over the rafters.. "ahhh my spot is warm still, absolutely wonderful.. " she mutters low enough to make it seem like she speaks to herself, loud enough to where she is sure he will hear it.

The demonic vamp hears the man's name and takes it to memory, but does not repeat it nor give her own. So, she knows the womans name, yes, she will have to find out more about her indeed.. The man, she takes into account not only his name, but both brothers and his mothers. It surely wouldn't do for him to piss her off too badly now would it... She chuckles softly, how careless to toss out so much information in the midst of one you didn't know.. Then again, the better for her indeed.

She can hear all that is being said, and perhaps even see it as she lets her own cloak billow about her form on the beams.. a snap of her fingers brings a crystal glass of blood wyne seemingly out of no where and floating toward her from the fire itself... she adores it, almost as much as she adores the flames themselves. The glass twirls in front of her and she reaches out snatching it out of the air without spilling a drop of the crimson liquid. "Mmmm" she says to herself and lifts it to her lips taking a small sip. Her gaze moving away from them both to the fire once more as the flames flicker and dance within the hearth. Their colors changing rapidly from brilliant red to a deep majestic violet and then back again. "life, is good indeed" she says lowering the glass and licking her lips.
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#28 Julius

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Posted 26 May 2004 - 02:27 AM

The evening was utterly black, the third straight night this week. The darkness was uncanny, strange, it lingered, hanging in the air as if the surface had been smothered with a still smoke.

The streets of Nightmist were empty this eve, only a few brave or drunken souls dared venture into the ungodly night. Dim were the lights of candles burning in the windows of the houses and taverns, dark were the alleys were the rats crawled. One man walked the roads this night of nights, as if it were any other, not afraid of the supersticion, not daunted by the creeping presence. This man walked as if he owned the night, and he did.

He stood at 6'1", slender he was, his cheeks were somewhat sunken, his skin was both dark and pale at once, his hair was long and white, tied back in a tail, his bangs hung low to his eyes. He wore an elegant grey coat, it came all the way to his ankles, buttoned and fringed. He wore thin leather gloves and sturdy ye remarkably quiet boots, he made no sounds as he trode. He held a cane in his hand as he walked, and most notable was the ever present smirk he wore on his face. He seemed arogant, but no one ever bothered to know who he was.

As he walked down Viper Street he stopped infront of one of the more prosperous bars of the city, the Sleeping Fox. He reached out and pushed the door open, the room was quite crowded with patrons all sitting around drinking and carrying on conversations. None of them seemed to notice the man enter. Without a sound he walked to a table at the far corner, and sat in the shadows. The bar maid approached quite unsettled and took his order. She returned a few minutes later with a tall glass and a bottle of wine which she set on the table for him. After she left he poured the liquid, then removed a small vial from inside his coat and emptied its contents into the glass. A dark crimson liquid flowed from the vial. He took a sip and then sat back, nearly soaking into the shadows, observing all of the other comotion in the bar, choosing his next victim.

Edited by Julius, 26 May 2004 - 02:27 AM.

Julius/Juls main
Julius 1 alt

#29 Charon

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Posted 26 May 2004 - 07:05 PM

"Tahmores Merridew of heredity announced... I'm afraid you must forgive me for not launching into a list of my own... it wouldn't be worthwhile, when most... passed long ago" she smiled slightly, but the pause was painful to her, memories flickering into her mind as she looked up at him, and just for a moment that sadness of that old loss showed in her eyes, in her expression... she cast her eyes downwards, but didn't elaborate

"But any company... is surely good company" Styx smiled softly. Sadness gone now, her eyes gleamed in the shifting light as she looked back at him, seemingly unaffected by his... flamboyant return to ground level "Tis better than being alone, and far more interesting in any event. And who couldn't enjoy the.. banter hm?" she settled on the word with a grin, casually trying to restrain the hair that swept across her gaze, trying to prevent it from fluttering around her from the wind that blew in through the still swaying door

<My name doesn't sound like that> she thought distantly as she found herself leaning forwards to hear his soft, almost lulling voice through the seeming noise of those around, the tone barely audible to her... the sound of her name, as it passed those lips and rolled off that tongue... for some reason making her increasingly uneasy...

She blinked distantly... and all to quickly she realised what she had been doing. Swiftly and gracefully she turned her lean forwards into a quick rise to her feet and strolled forwards a few steps, unwilling to show that his actions had allowed him to alter her position in any way

"Mister Tahmohres Merridew" she repeated thoughtfully before looking up at Morbid, catching a glimpse of beautiful sapphire eyes before the woman reclined, stretching out on the beams and reclaiming her positon "... Both of you- the pleasure is mine, I'm sure" she finished politely, extending her hand to Tahmores in greeting
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#30 Squee



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Posted 27 May 2004 - 02:01 AM

"... Both of you- the pleasure is mine, I'm sure" she finished politely, extending her hand to Tahmores in greeting...

"...We'll see..." he murmured under his voice, taking her hand in an elegant and graceful fashion. He doubled himself over, a cocky smirk on his face, softly kissing the back of Styx's hand. It was more than possibly that he kept his lips upon her fine skin for far too long...but Tahmores couldn't care less. He shut his eyes and moaned happily as he stood back up-right.

Suddenly, Tahmores dropped Styx's hand and stared back to Morbid, his eyes narrowed and his tone a bit aggitated.

"...Enjoying yourself, I assume? I'm glad I could help keep your seat...warm..." he said, putting needless emphasis on words as he spoke them through his gritted teeth.

"...But now...wouldn't you agree that it's rude that you drink all alone? Why don't you come down from up there and join me and lovely Styx here? ...I'm sure the last thing you want to be is...rude." Tahmores voice and express were queer and odd now. His voice would change pitch and he would stress certain words in an strange fashion. He was irritated to say the least but he remained calm. He was playing the game...and he was going to play it right...that is, until it bored him.
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