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Alternate Items

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#1 Stotic

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Posted 27 March 2004 - 08:45 PM

Item diversity is something that has been lacking in Nightmist. Recently, we've been fixing this minor problem by adding more diversity in the items that you player can equip. Us (staff) can only be so original and distinct with our item descriptions. I know if I, personally, tried making 10 items of equal value that I'd start repeating myself. I figured that I should let the creative people out there give a shot and allow the item descriptions to have a change in style. (Every writer has his/her own style).

So this is what I am asking for you. Provide an item name, description and the item that you plan on replacing. There is a rule! YOU CAN ONLY DO THESE FOR ITEMS THAT ARE AVAILABLE IN SHOPS! It should look like the following:

Name: Fuzzy Sword
Description: The Fuzzy sword is fuzzy.
Original: Long Sword

PM me any questions or comments. Leave this thread here for suggestions only!
We'll douse ourselves in gasoline and hang our bodies from the lampposts.

#2 ice_cold

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Posted 27 March 2004 - 10:04 PM

ooooh, i like this....

Name: Chain Necklace
Description: The chain necklace is a light in weight and is a shiny silver.
Original: Copper Amulet

Name: Deity Staff
Desciption: The deity staff is three feet long and is carved with symbols of a foreign tongue. Although the symbols have no definingmeaning to them, they show all around that the bearer has a good deal of status in the society.
Original: Morning Star
I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#3 Bean

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Posted 27 March 2004 - 11:46 PM


/me hugs stotic.


Ok. I'll re-post here later with some stuff.
Copying from one is Plagiarism
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It's so exciting I need to poo~Deval

#4 Deval

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Posted 29 March 2004 - 12:07 AM

*me blows the dust off his /library function.*

Let's see what I can organise. *rubs hands together*

Just to start, I'm going to quote myself from the old skool forums :)
Name: Jewelled Armor

Description: A breastplate glamorously adorned with sparkling jewels that radiate an air of finesse and style whilst still providing adequate protection for combat. Rivals may claim to be the better warrior, but there is no question as to who has the edge in style.

Original: Spiked Armor
Name: Gold Plate Armor

Description: Essentially the same as it's spiked counterpart, less the oafish spikes, the Gold Plate Armor sports an exquisite finish of plated gold. This armor favoured by nobility will leave passers-by staring in green eyed envy.

Original: Spiked Armor
Name: Midnight Armor

Description: The armor of choice for the brooding warrior, this ominous chest plate is much like it's spiked cousin, the difference being in it's sleek black design, extra spiking and somewhat intimidating appearance.

Original: Spiked Armor
Name: Crimson Plate (Used in-game - Crane)

Description Commonly known as the armor of 'The Madman', this armor is often preferred by the more irrational warriors as a symbol of their battle ferocity. A color of rich crimson accompanied by a remarkable sheen gives off an appearance of freshly spattered blood as the sun is reflected from it's plates and spiking.

Original: Spiked Armor
Name: Runic Armor (Used in-game - Crane)

Description: This black armor is adorned with weavings of enigmatic golden runes. Whilst looking impressive, the runes provide no actual function, as designed with appearance over functionality in mind.

Original: Spiked Armor
Name: Blessed Armor

Description: The ideal armor for an ambassador of the righteous, this armor is preferred by the champions of morality. Blessed by the church, this unspiked armour is not only beautiful, but efficient and light, ideal for any champion of the people.

Original: Spiked Armor.

That's all for now, they are oldies but goodies. I will be back later with some fresh ideas. Oman how exciting, I need to poop.

Edited by Crane, 26 March 2006 - 11:21 PM.

"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#5 Silverwizard

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Posted 29 March 2004 - 02:52 AM

Serrated Dagger
Description: This improvment on the basic dagger has tiny serrations all along the edge allowing it to deal more damage than its weaker counter part.
Original: Oak Staff

Description: This weapon is very common for those on a low budget. It is simply a hunk of wood taken out of a tree. It does not look like it would really hurt all that much if it was to hit you.
Original: Staff

Spiked Club
Description: This improvment on the club is also a hunk of wood but it has nails driven through it making it seem that it could damage even tougher monsters.
Original: Quarter Staff

10 Foot Chain
Description: This item was originally intended for use as a stronger replacement for the rope but many adventurers find that it is useful as a weapon later in life. It is a versitaile weapon as it can be used like a mace and chain, a whip, a garrote, or a staff.
Original: Iron Staff

Descripton: This - like most pole arms - is a blade on a stick, it is a longer blade than the spear which is curved at the end with a protruding spike off it. The funny irony of this weapon is that Edric modified this off of pruning hooks used by the farmers near Blackthorn.
Original: Medium Lance

Well there you have it folks, some new weapons for the newbs, a slightly higher level weapon and also a nice polearm thrown in for good measure.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#6 Squee



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Posted 29 March 2004 - 03:07 AM

Silver Crucifix
Description: A symbol of undying faith. Upon the flawless silver cross sits a fine, detailed figure. Nails driven through both wrists and one through both ankles are small but are undeniable.
Original Item: Silver Amulet

Auric Earings
Description: Flawless emeralds hung on a lovely chain. These two pieces of jewellery fit nicely into the ear-lobes of various casters. More convienant than conventional helms, these earings provide an auric defense while giving the wearer the freedom to cast and weave their spells.
Original Item: Circlet
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#7 Charon

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Posted 01 April 2004 - 07:35 PM

Hey, I'm gonna give this a go too ^^

Here's some weapon ideas
Posted Image
original name-hawk talon

name-Bear's Claw
desc-The long, deadly claws of a resident of the forest. This set of claws has been enchanted by the Gods to allow you to wreak the revenge of a species too often killed in the name of experience

name-Vampire's Fangs (Used in-game - Crane)
desc-Though small, to a skilled druid this weapon is invaluable. Not only do their sharp points do substantial damage, but it can drain the magic from any unsuspecting magic user who should get in your way

name-Wolf's Howl
desc-Magically captured and sealed within a staff of great power, one equiped this item allows you to summon the power of the wolfs howl to devestate your opponents

name-Scorpion's Tail
desc-The unforgiving sting of the scorpion is capable of doing substantial damage, and though this artifact may lack the paralysing power of its namesake, the ability to leech an opponents magical energy is a fair tradeoff.


original name -blade of honor

name-Maleficant Sword
desc-This dangerous double handed sword is clearly designed to be weilded by those of lesser morals. The darkened blade is sharp with many jagged protrusions, perfect for damaging a foe.

name-Blade of Sorrow
desc-The blade is dim and unwieldy. It is almost as if the weapon itself despises its purpose. The edge is blunt and impractical for a person to person fight, but may prove effective against the monsters of the realm

name-Sword of Fear
desc-The blade shines in the light, tainted by the blood of those it has slain. Those who look upon this blade will surely be overcome by fear.


original name-steel long bow

desc-For those rangers who have forsaken their calling, the shuriken, weapon of the ninja, may well be a good choice. The lightweight steel stars can be thrown with incredible accuracy at long and short range targets alike.

desc-A well crafted handheld weapon, though the loading mechanism is fiddly and delicate. Once loaded however, the crossbow is easy to aim and the bolts can be fired at great speed


original name-long bow

desc-Though small and fragile in close combat, these darts and their sharpened tips make them an ideal long range weapon for the low level adventurer


original name-pike

desc-This lightweight spear is well balanced and easy to weild. It looks although it can be thrown at a target with ease

name-Elven Lance
desc-This lance is engraved with ancient elven symbols, telling of their secret strategies. Although long, the lance is strong enough to withstand the brute force of a battle thrust


Original name-Warhammer

name-Tarnished Blade
desc-This oversized blade has been improperly cared for and left in the open air for far too long. It is still fairly trong and durable, but not very glamourous, and the edge is stained red...


original name-Quarterstaff

name-Wooden Long Sword
desc-Better than a staff but not as impressive as its metal counterparts, this weapon is perfect for the warrior in training, capable of doing substantial damage with its blunt edges

name-Candlestick stand :)
desc-Unwieldy and poorly balanced, this set of candlesticks is fixed into a stand engraved with holy symbols. It seems that this weapon originally came from inside a church

Edited by Crane, 25 August 2005 - 02:33 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#8 Charon

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Posted 01 April 2004 - 09:59 PM

Ooh... creativeness is striking me ^^
Hence, a few more.
Armour/Accessories this time

original name-crocodile skin boots

name-Stiletto heels
desc-Available in a wide range of colours, this stylish and glamorous pair of stilleto heels offers poor protection, but is perfect for a night out on the town

name-Cowboy boots
desc-Designed to look like those worn by line dancers, these boots have detailed stitching on the front and flames embroidered on the side.

name-Simple Sandals
desc-These open toed sandles offer atrocious protection from most dangers, but are, at the very least, capable of protecting your feet from the stones found on the beach

name-Snakeskin Boots
desc-Made from the shed skin of the snakes found in the Large forest near blackthorn, these boots can be bought only from tailors not repulsed by the feel of the scales...


original name-Helmet

name-Furry Beret
desc-It offers little protection, and is made from the fur of cute furry animals

desc-This thin leather headband is not good for much more than keeping ones hair out of their eyes.

name-Rusty Mask
desc-This mask, though once glorious and perhaps even frightening has fallen into a poor state of disrepair. Never the less, it is still just about capable of shielding the head from weak attacks


original name-Pirate hat

name-Embroidered Headband
desc-This headband has been covered with intricate patterns and embroidery, and looks most impressive

name-Scary Mask
desc-Aah! Just looking upon this mask... it has been carefully crafted, but the patterns engraved upon it are too frightening to look at!

name-Bandit's Bandana
desc-This simple piece of cloth bares the same symbols as the bandanas worn by the local miscreants.

name-Thistle Ribbons
desc-These ribbons both tie back your hair to prevent it obscuring your vision and symbolise your unity with nature


original name-Chain Vest/Oak Vest (not sure which is more suitable)

name-Metallic Armour
desc-This armour has been carefully sculpted by crafted metal workers and it gleams impressively when the sun strikes it. The armour is heavy, but looks although most weapons would fail even to dent it...

name-BlackThorn Armour
desc-This well crafted vest is both made by, and sold by, the skilled armourers of BlackThorn, and is emblazened with the crest of this important settlement. Not only does this guarantee its good craftmanship, but it is also a well placed advertisement!


original name- Leather Vest

name-Patched Armour
desc-This armour has been used and fixed many times before, and as such offers little protection from either the elements or the denizens of this land

name-Tarnished Breastplate
desc-This armour has not been cared for, but is suitable for those new to adventuring


original name-Plain robes

name-Casual Clothing
desc-Of little use in this world, this clothing may be comfortable, but is severly impractical for those inclined to fight

name-Simple Shift
desc-This shift has been made adequetly, but its simple design is uninspired and leaves much to be desired

name-Faded Cloak
desc-This cloak was once of bright and glorious colour but much use has caused it to become faded and dull. Still, it provides some minor protection.

desc-This garment is soft and warm, and looks much like those often worn by the older generations.

name-Patterned Shirt
desc-Suitable for wear by either gender, this simple patterned t-shirt provides some minor protection


original name-gold ring

name-Haematite Ring
desc-This shiny black stone is fragile, but worn frequently by those wishing to ground themselves to reality

name-Goldstone Ring
decs-This glittering ring is not, in fact, gold at all. Its sparkling appearance makes it a glamorous accesory or gift.

name-Celtic Ring
desc-This ring is made from gold woven into an intricate Celtic pattern


Well... not sure about this last one :s
Original name-Shroud of Awe
name-Shroud of Awe
desc-This shroud has been made from the finest silk and emblazened with impressive magical symbols and spells. Designed to attract the eyes of those with magical intuition, this elegant shroud is hard to resist and even harder to tear ones eyes away from.

Edited by Charon, 01 April 2004 - 10:03 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#9 Squee



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Posted 01 April 2004 - 11:33 PM

name-Candlestick stand :)
desc-Unwieldy and poorly balanced, this set of candlesticks is fixed into a stand engraved with holy symbols. It seems that this weapon originally came from inside a church

I heart you! XD
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#10 Silverwizard

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Posted 02 April 2004 - 02:00 AM

I've been on a fencing/Zoro archtype kick recently, lets have a fencing costume.

Name: Heavy Rapier
Decription: This weapon is a light sword that is favoured by people who employ lighter armour and prefer to rely on their dexterity to dodge hits. It is heavier than a conventional rapier and capable to inflict much more damage.
Original: Bronze Dagger

Name: Enchanted Cloth Suit
Description: This cloth is designed to be flashy and almost arrogant though it is tight fitting causing you to be easily mobile while wearing it. It is enchanted to make it much more durable than it would appear blocking attacks from opponents who will underestimate the 'idiot' wearing cloth.
Original: Oak Vest

Name: Heavy Cape
Description: This item was shunned by those who enjoyed high mobility in combat for the longest time until they learned that it could be employed to knock opponents weapon's away from them, it is not the best, but better than nothing.
Original: Steel Bracers

Edited by Silverwizard, 02 April 2004 - 02:16 AM.

Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#11 Squee



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Posted 03 April 2004 - 05:33 AM

Name: Spell Book of Frost
Description: Soon after their initial training, mages often learn to manipulate the greater elements. Through concentration and rythmic chanting, a mage can displace the heat in a specific area, dropping it into friggid temperatures. It is not rare to see a confident warrior reduced to a cowaring surf as their brilliant armour is cracked and shattered into a thousand pieces.
Original: Spell Book of Flame
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#12 Element

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Posted 06 April 2004 - 03:01 AM

Hobos Robes:

Descrip: Once a paper sack now a stylish robe. these robes offer little protection, but what they lack in protection they make up for in style no more tv boxes, with these robes! only the best tv boxes from now on!

original name-Plain robes

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#13 Gaddy

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Posted 06 April 2004 - 05:48 AM

O.o Mike = genius

...items in shops..hmm...

Dragon tooth
A rather large fang of one of the ancient dragons of the realm. It has been attatched to an ivory handle with intricate designs carved into it. The designs glow as though enchanted by the sacred tooth...
-original- hawk talon (i guess)

Assassin's Cloak (not sure on spelling of Cloak and couldnt think of diff. wordfrom assassin's)
A long black cloak which covers the whole body in darkness. It is obviously a work of the old halfling tribe of Harabec. Created for use by the most advanced thieves of the land, seeing one out of the bounds of safety often comes with death.
-original- Midnight tunic

Edit---i really need to add in some suggestions for Fireleaf tunic, it is probably the most commonly seen armor in game...
....i've tried, i've failed, please someone come up with some that'd be Fireleaf tunic alternates...i just am tired, i like the idea of a name that would be one you'd put on clerics and a diff one that you'd put on rangers, another for thieves...i just cannot think at the momment... :) -end edit

I guess i may try to think up some others, everyone keep up the work, variety is the shiznit.


Edited by Gaddy, 06 April 2004 - 05:52 AM.

Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#14 Silverwizard

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Posted 06 April 2004 - 06:56 PM

Ok some Fire Leaf Tunics coming right up, throught this post the armour is the Fire Leaf Tunic:

Name: Steel Plate
Desc: This armour is a large steel plate covering the vital areas of the body with chain armour over the less vital arms and legs, not perfect protection, but pretty good.

Name: Mesh Armor
Desc: This armor is a mesh that covers the body from head to toe being a strong steel it will turn aside alot of blows from enemies.

Name: Holy Vestments (this armour is more for Druids/Clerics/Pacifists/Paladins so it could be only useable by them it is mostly here since Fireleaf Tunic is one of the best most of those get).
Desc: These robes seem to be simple ornate robes but would-be attackers get a surprise when they try, they are infused with holy power making weapons less able to affect the wearer. (Used in-game - Crane)

I will try for more later.

Edited by Crane, 26 March 2006 - 11:22 PM.

Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#15 Deval

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Posted 12 April 2004 - 01:24 PM

It struck me that it might be cool to have a Jewelled set in Nightmist simply for styles sake, so here tis.

Jewelled Armor - As before
Original: Spiked Armor
Armor base: 48
Description: A breastplate glamorously adorned with sparkling jewels that radiate an air of finesse and style whilst still providing adequate protection for combat. Rivals may claim to be the better warrior, but there is no question as to who has the edge in style.

Jewelled Shield -
Original: Branchwood Shield
Armor base: 15
Description: A moderately sized kite shield, it is adorned with beautiful, dazzling jewels. A large red ruby set in the center acts as a magnificent focal point

Jewelled Helm -
Original: Studded Helm
Armor base: 4
Description: Lined with remarkable jewels, this brilliant skull cap is an essential accessory for any image concious warrior.
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#16 Gaddy

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Posted 13 April 2004 - 05:26 AM

Another item i really really think needs an alternate are spider gauntlets...i have no idea how alts would be put in since sgs are boss drop and i dont think it would be fair to make them store-buyable...and i also don't want to do a desc. maybe someone could do one and they could be alt of sgs drop 50/50..same item with different name...

I'm sorry, i know this should be a post where i give alternate item's desc and all of that stuff...but i honestly could not come up with anything right now..lacking creative thinking.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#17 Deval

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Posted 13 April 2004 - 06:53 AM

I suppose if nothing else, you could simply add a gender twist to the Spider Gaunts. The male being Spider Gaunts, the female being:

Webbed Gloves:
Armor Base: Same as Spider Gaunts
Modifyer: Same as Spider Gaunts (+1 dex)

Description -
Made entirely from an amazingly strong form of purple webbing, these delicate gloves glow with majesty at the hint of any breeze. Sporting a moist sheen, the gloves give off an air of feminine majesty and cunning.

Edit: I will port this to Alternate boss drops also.
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#18 Charon

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Posted 14 April 2004 - 11:15 PM

please someone come up with some that'd be Fireleaf tunic alternates

I'll give this one a go ^^

Original Name for all of the following is Fireleaf Tunic

Name: Briar Garments ~used in-game -Stotic
Description: These Briar Garments are made from the thick brambles and briars of the deepest forests, as harvested and collected by the rangers and druids who sneak through the forests. One might think that the brambles would make this garment most uncomfortable, but while the briars may scratch, the carefully woven brambles are capable of entangling even the sharpest of weapons, offering excellent protection from the majoriy of attackers

Name: Shroud of Enlightenment
Description: A light and elegant shroud woven by hand from the finest and most fragile of silks as gathered from the local spider population, and blessed by the Priests of the local church to neutralise the malintent of the silks previous 'owners'. Though fragile, the blessings of the local Priest have strengthened the shroud, enchanting it against physical weapons and offering a great deal of protection from evil intent. When worn by the righteous, these robes almost seem to glow with the sheen of good intent

Name: Reforged Chain Mail ~used in-game -Stotic
Description: A more advanced version of the regular chain vests worn by many a fighter or paladin at some stage in their training. The familiarity of the garment is enough to attract the attention of most, simply because they are already aware of the weight such a garment is likely to have. The many chain links vary in texture, some gleaming in the light as if newly reforged, others appearing dulled as if they have been used in similar garments countless times before.

Name: Crimson Doublet ~used in-game - Stotic
Description: Woven from strong natural fibres, this magnificent doublet has been died a deep crimson, giving the wearer quite a fearsome appearance. Covering most of the torso, the light weight armour is able to deflect most blows from enemy weapons, and due to the brilliant colour, the enemy shall not know the extent of the damage they do.

Name: Sandy Apparel
Description: These long, flowing robes are the rich, glorious colour of the sandy deserts near Jahanna. The robes facilitate a great deal of movement and their many folds make it near impossible to judge wherabouts within the robes the wearer resides, offering an illusionary protection from the weapons of attackers.

Name: Regal Attire
Description: Designed by the tailors of Kings Preston and King Housmeld and woven entirely of regal purples and reds, attire such as this gives the illusion that you are of royal descent. As such it offers excellent protection from those of a more jealous nature, and the material, though soft and light, is capable of blocking even the sharpest of daggers to some extent

Name: Twisted Raiment
Description: A lengthy tunic created from normal cloth and woven by hand by the locals. Emblems of protection have been sewn to this tunic using twisted threads of rainbow colours, and each of the cuffs and seams is sealed in a similar manner. These twists of colour brighten the otherwise dowdy tunic, making it much desired as an alternative armour

Name: Mountaineer's Vest
Description: A tough, warm garment which has been inspired by the clothing of the local mountaineers. Well suited for the snowy climate of Mount Fenowasty, the many pockets seem to contain small gadgets for finding ones way around, but offer little use to one not familiar with the equipment. The whitened vest almost seems to resemble the cold snow it protects against.

Hmm... I think I need to get myself a thesaurus. I ran out of words for 'clothing' :'(

Edited by Stotic, 21 June 2004 - 02:01 AM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#19 Malavon

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Posted 01 May 2004 - 08:14 PM

All these ideas are good... but some of the names are a little over the top. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of adding in new weapons... but I think as the items aren't enchanted (most of them, anyway) I don't think they should have names like Enchanted Cloth Suit, especially when they sell for around 800 gold.

A few examples of what I mean...

Shroud of Enlightenment - If it's 'of Enlightenment' I would expect it to increase intelligence/wisdom...
Dragon tooth - Someone selling a Hawk Talon I can understand... but dragons are probably going to be rather tricky to kill, so I don't think there would be many Dragon's Teeth going around.
Blade of Sorrow - This is just a bog standard level 15 weapon that is sold for like 1k... If it's called a 'blade of sorrow' then I would expect it to have some magical enchantment.
Sword of Fear - Same as above...

Apart from a very small amount of the names, I think everything is good. Even the descriptions of the 'over the top items' are good :) I especially like Charon's and Squee's descriptions.

PS. Don't take this as a flame... i'm only one person that thinks this, so I don't expect everyone to change all their item names etc. just for me :)

#20 Bean

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Posted 02 May 2004 - 12:25 AM

As we know from rune weaponry. names have nothing to do with stats. :)
Copying from one is Plagiarism
Copying From many is Research.

It's so exciting I need to poo~Deval

#21 Squee



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Posted 02 May 2004 - 01:57 AM

I especially like Charon's and Squee's descriptions.

Thank you. ^____^
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#22 Zatra

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Posted 29 May 2004 - 09:04 PM

Phantom Dagger
This beautiful dagger, of elven make, has an enscription on the blade giveing it slight magical properties.
used to be Ivory Dagger

Aluminum Knife
Small Aluminum Dagger, seems to be something a small child would use to kill rats, it would be interesting to try to take on larger monsters with this.
used to be Rubber Knife

Apocolypse Knife
Small dagger that looks like it wouldn't be very dangerous, but in the hands of a skilled thief can bring death to their enemies.
used to be Crystal Knife

Small Katana
This sword would be perfect for someone new to swordsmanship, with a short blade and a leather grip handle.
used to be Short Sword

Blade of Immortality
A holy sword only able to be used by fighters of a holy origin, may not look very strong but in the hands of a Paladin could strike down even the mightyest enemy.
used to be Justice Blade
(Thanks to Shake for the name)

ill add more later

#23 Penguin


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Posted 29 May 2004 - 10:51 PM

nvm I suck :)

Edited by Penguin, 29 May 2004 - 10:52 PM.

#24 Deval

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Posted 01 June 2004 - 11:13 PM

I urge staff to be very careful, crititive and sensible when reviewing alternate items to be placed in the game in regards to item names...
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#25 Stotic

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Posted 02 June 2004 - 04:37 AM

damn... ::scratches out Big Sharp Sword::
We'll douse ourselves in gasoline and hang our bodies from the lampposts.

#26 Deval

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Posted 02 June 2004 - 05:18 AM

I think names like 'apocolypse' for fairly mundane weapons would have been more worrysome.

However... Can we get that "Big Sharp Sword"? What about a "Hammer of Banging Heads"?? Please?...
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#27 Mec

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Posted 07 June 2004 - 05:39 PM

Weighted Saber: The blade of this mighty sword begins narrow, and shallow, but still very sturdy. The blade increases in weight and becomes broader until the tip, where the point curves.
Original: Great Axe

Branch: The branch comes from a tree and is very heavy, there are little stumps on it where twigs have been pulled off.
Original: Oak Staff

#28 Mec

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Posted 18 June 2004 - 09:48 PM

Massive Saber: Posted Image

Original: Adamant Warhammer
This blade is 7 feet long an comes to a sharp, long end. The blade is very thick, but comes to a small edge at the sides.It is very thin, but seems quite sturdy. To complete the blade, the handle is pure gold, but of normal size.

Clawed Scepter: Posted Image

Original: Hawk Talon

The scepter begins as a rather thin strip of gold, for most of the length. Near the end, the scepter broadens and thickens. On the end, there is a circular plane with deadly claws upon it, meant to suck energy out of the victim.

edit: aaargh, let me lix the images.


Those aren't very good pictures, but they at least show what the blade looks like.

Edited by Mec, 18 June 2004 - 09:54 PM.

#29 uix

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Posted 20 June 2004 - 09:00 PM


Name: Dagger of Sorrow
Description: This dull looking dagger is easily weilded and easily hidden. A dagger that would represent a dismal or dark person.
Original .: Dagger Of Shadows .:

Name: Sabre of Trust
Description: This somewhat long sword has a light white hilt, with several embedded diamonds on the front and back of the hilt. There is one red ruby located directly on top of the top of the hilt. The blade is a typical silver color, in a very curved like form.
Original: Blade Of Sacrifice

Edited by uix, 21 June 2004 - 02:03 AM.

#30 Deval

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Posted 21 June 2004 - 01:57 AM

Massive Saber: Posted Image

Original: Adamant Warhammer
This blade is 7 feet long an comes to a sharp, long end. The blade is very thick, but comes to a small edge at the sides.It is very thin, but seems quite sturdy. To complete the blade, the handle is pure gold, but of normal size.

Clawed Scepter: Posted Image

Original: Hawk Talon

The scepter begins as a rather thin strip of gold, for most of the length. Near the end, the scepter broadens and thickens. On the end, there is a circular plane with deadly claws upon it, meant to suck energy out of the victim.

edit: aaargh, let me lix the images.


Those aren't very good pictures, but they at least show what the blade looks like.

I wish you people would research the weapons you suggest. That picture doesn't even closely resemble any form of Sabre.

Saber \Sa"ber\, Sabre \Sa"bre\, n. [F. sabre, G. s["a]bel; of uncertain origin; cf. Hung. sz['a]blya, Pol. szabla, Russ. sabla, and L. Gr. zabo`s crooked, curved.] A sword with a broad and heavy blade, thick at the back, and usually more or less curved like a scimiter; a cavalry sword.
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