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What Would You Like To See In Nightmist?

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Poll: What would you like to see more of on the 1-alt server?

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#1 Stig

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Posted 21 March 2011 - 04:51 PM

This poll is not binding, but I would like to get an idea as to what players would like to see more of in terms of development on this server. I know ideally the number one answer is 'more players', but that will have to be worked on indirectly.

Options are a bit broad, but feel free to expand on your visions below. Be sensible with your answers, as joke answers or checking all the boxes might risk us producing something you don't want.

#2 Isolated

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Posted 21 March 2011 - 05:08 PM

how about a reset into the prereset map, Mark always talks about how great it was, I'd love to see it.
f uck you I wont do what you tell me

#3 Sausage


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Posted 21 March 2011 - 05:34 PM

high lvl areas. exp/gold is too boring 31+

Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.

#4 Dangerous

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Posted 21 March 2011 - 06:02 PM

1. A bigger variety of items, possibly lvl 35+

2. Devastate for higher lvl mages, i currently own Chaos (lvl 37) and i thought about lvling it higher but really whats the point, an 8 stam thief can still click me with AoP on, so yeh i really have no incentive to lvl it to 40 other than a little extra hp and mp which won't make a difference.

3. As clay stated, some higher lvl areas that maybe pose more of a challenge

4. Possibly update the player pics to something more modern and cooler :P.

#5 Autek

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Posted 21 March 2011 - 06:06 PM

Higher level areas, and perhaps with drops that can be used to level 35+, or at least components that can ultimately be combined to level. I really think that the retarded leveling costs are the biggest deterrent to players. Once they reach those levels and have to choose between equipment or leveling, they lost interest (at least I do).
Autek in game.

#6 Freek

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Posted 21 March 2011 - 07:20 PM

I think there are many things the game needs that doesn't involve more players.

The Games Playstyle - I believe that the games mindset behind "lets grind and grind and grind for a couple hp and maybe an extra stam" is pointless. Right now, whats the point in grinding all that time? Whats the difference if that guy has a lvl 40 and I have a lvl 35? Nothing.. Why? There is no where a lvl 40 can go that a lvl 35 can't. 1v1's? Who 1v1s? As far as pking goes, Nightshades make any advantage null. Other then that, there are no events.. That used to be the main reason I level'd, so that I could be the dominate person when it came to moshes, 1alt tourneys, etc.. Right now there is no point to level past 35, and the effort it takes is why people choose not to.

Either make leveling past 35 worth while or make it less time consuming. Other games don't make it near as taxing as nightmist to level and focus on "end game". Either make reaching 40 not as much as a burden and have random "level 40 quest etc etc" or make level 40 worth reaching.

Events - When was the last non mosh event? I know I used to log on at event time everyday. Now there is no reason to log on outside of grinding or trying to pk the other 3 people that are on. Events used to make me want to level so that I could be stronger than the next guy.

Bring back events.. It gives a reason to level and makes nightmist more then grind grind grind or pk.

Bosses - There are currently 3 kinds of bosses in Nighmist.. Type A, these bosses are never done due to the "worthless" drops.. Type B, these bosses are never done due to the lack of players... and Type C, these bosses are done occasionally because they either yield nice exp, drop something still needed by some players, or don't take that many players to accomplish.

Type A bosses need to have a reason to be killed, either by having random drop spawns/+exp spawns etc... Type B bosses need to be rebalanced, either make it easier to get to these bosses or killable by a reasonable number of players...

Quest - There needs to be more random quest, every 2 weeks once a month something.. They don't have to be long drawn out quest, a random roaming boss that yields 200 PoD and drops a random boss drop from current bosses would suffice. Stuff like this would make the game more enjoyable.

Class balancing - I almost forgot about this.. There needs to be a reason to play other classes then the few power houses. Hitters are far easier to do almost anything with than magic users. At level 30 classes all had there weak points and strong points and no class was really OP or UP. However, due to the spur of the moment, no testing done, hp/stamina gains, the balance of the classes shifts. Im not just talking about PvP. The main problem with the classes is PvM. Whats the point of leveling a mage that lacks in PvP end game and is one of the most painful classes to train. Magic users have to go back for mana, there is no getting around this. There is no substitute. A hitter with cobalt never has to leave unless they run out of food.. 10m item/spell that makes spells leech mana (and still be reliant on pots) sure.

PvM has to be balanced PvP can wait till 40 but PvM needs to be fixed now..

Race balancing- This is nothing serious but it would be nice to see if the underdog races got buffed some how.

Nightshades - Deleted.

TL:DR - Make 40 worth reaching in one way or another (either by areas quest etc), Bring back events, Revamp bosses, Balance classes (mainly PvM) and Delete Nightshades.

Edited by Freek, 21 March 2011 - 07:40 PM.

Freek ingame.

#7 Apocalypto

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Posted 21 March 2011 - 08:27 PM

Like Jordan post... was gonna say something challenging yet possible for a person or small party to do just randomly... like depending on the amount of people on just put a mob somewhere random and give a clue to where it lift be.. not really hard to do and would be entertaining... do it enough and make the prizes value pretty random and I think it could pick up the players significantly

#8 Hansol

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Posted 21 March 2011 - 10:27 PM

Advertising? More players please. Cause you guys propa suck for conversations.

#9 Sausage


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Posted 21 March 2011 - 11:14 PM

2. Devastate for higher lvl mages, i currently own Chaos (lvl 37) and i thought about lvling it higher but really whats the point, an 8 stam thief can still click me with AoP on, so yeh i really have no incentive to lvl it to 40 other than a little extra hp and mp which won't make a difference.

lvl 38 thief > lvl 37 mage

Makes sense to me....

Some good ideas out there but idk if Devastate is the balancer that we need. Balance the classes that have no chance (Fighters & Pallies).

Just an opinion.

Ideas, w00t.

Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.

#10 Dangerous

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Posted 21 March 2011 - 11:24 PM

Yeah its just an idea, could probably be tested by staff easy enough, i still figure you a lvl 40 thief and a lvl 40 mage thief will always win, especially since nearly everyone and their dog have a cobalt these days, mages have...... a lvl 25 spell :P win.

Edited by Dangerous, 21 March 2011 - 11:25 PM.

#11 Sausage


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Posted 21 March 2011 - 11:28 PM

lol you dork.

lvl 25 weapon and a lvl 25 spell. I'd say they're pretty evenly matched.


Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.

#12 Dangerous

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Posted 22 March 2011 - 12:02 AM

Yeh but im saying mages have nothing offensive after beam, and i'm saying high lvl thieves have cobalts, no comparison really, so going back to jordans idea for mana regen items or even devastate things like that would be cool.

#13 Freek

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Posted 22 March 2011 - 04:56 PM

Balance isn't revolved around just pvp.. How much easier is it to train a thief than a mage and how much stronger are they?
Freek ingame.

#14 Shera

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Posted 22 March 2011 - 05:45 PM

New areas for both high and low lvls would be nice. It does get uber boring going to the same places, bar a few, that have been around for years and years. Stig's area is a great example of a new area that works well and is fun! People that do not have alts 28 and under could lvl something and utilize the area more.

Crafting-I've always liked the idea of being able to craft more stuff on nm. I'd craft my own armor even if it was just say a renamed Oak Vest, or a renamed Fireleaf Tunic. I dont mean just the crafting that can be done with the colored gems either. Honestly I wouldnt mind having to mine ore and smelt it to make my own shield.

I like the idea of new player pics, it would be a way to at least make the game "look" a little bit different and updated.

You could make the argument that thieves dont get anything offensive after lvl 1. I dont see anything wrong with the way mages are now. Technically there are 4 magic using classes: clerics, mages, druids, and paladins. Out of those 4 classes, paladins are played the least, and it seems to be because they are harder to level then the other magic using classes. The mana ponds being made l2l pretty much negated the need for a mana leech anything for mages imo. You can have someone make some mana for you from the pond, and then when you are out of the say lodestones and mana waters then you can just l2l and run back. If mages were given Devestate I think all that would happen would be the ppl that use mages would complain that the extra damage done is not worth it extra mp cost. If it was put back to where it was when John first had it on Old_fart back in the day, mages would be OP! Thieves also fail a lot on AOP mages, they always will. Now druid mage battles would be far more interesting, woot! :P

As far as the nightshades go, say a lvl 36 thief goes to kill a lvl 27 thief and the lvl 36 fails. Pretty much no way is the lvl 27 going to be able to kill the lvl 36, UNLESS it can shade which just makes things a little more interesting imo. This did happen and I didnt have a shade so my lvl 27 was not able to pk the lvl 36, shocking I know. I say leave the shades alone, why not keep the game slightly more interesting.

Events could be fun again but a lot of ppl would just log on for them and log off once they were done so I think they would only be a temporary solution to getting more ppl to log on more.

Quests should be special!! If quests were run on an even weekly basis some people would stop logging on for them, and complain about them once they got bored of them or got all of the items that they needed. Yes quests slightly more often then they happen now would be more fun.
IMO the random quest idea is a much better one. An ongoing quest that would take killing a lot of say bunnies to get a bunch of bunny furs to make say a bunny fur set (I'm just using bunnies as example since it's almost easter), to just have a lower lvl all bunny furred would be something that at least some ppl would do just to have something different. Something not quite as hard to do on 1a as say the staff of light plz.
The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory. - Paul Fix

#15 Silk

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Posted 22 March 2011 - 06:18 PM

Alright ive read about everypost on here a couple of times, and as always people seem to be pulling for their own personal gains, I personally have a 34 thief which is easily rounded by a 37 mage (right chris?) everything is based on level versus level, if its not the same you arent gonna get balance, for example i dont care if you have 10 str if you are lvl 35 youre still gonna click my lvl 25 unless say its a zerk.

-That aside what i see everyone on here pulling for also is variety, variety over the next few years is going to make or break the playerbase of this game, wether its new items, or just the same items with new and unique names, more customization allows people to stand out from the norm, for example Rob's thief with custom scrip and pic, bar none it sets that crit apart from all other thieves.

-Balancing classes? Thats gonna be impossible without an entire revamp so i dont see the point in mentioning it, yeah mages suck to train, but not moreso than a fighter, and lets not talk pally or ranger, all races/classes have their bonuses thieves yeah they can go almost anywhere and be unmolested while training but the training is Slow, the reason you see thieves "shooting" up in lvl is because people dont try to find them like they did in the old days, and with 14-20 hours sessions of clicking the same 5 mobs youre gonna get alot of xp, druids are the same way aside from needing a town fairly close.

-Crafting? yeah i like the idea of crafting it doesnt have to be brand new stuff either, i think alot of people would agree that there just has to be more of it and it has to be easy enough and more worthwhile. Customization again let people play more of a role because thats what roleplaying is for yes?

-Quests yes the more the merrier as far as im concerned but i dont think they should flood the market with high priced shineys, there are already alot of quests imbeded in nightmists storyline, all you have to do is search for them a bit, there are also alot of bosses imbedded in nightmist, a ton of which have never been done and even more have been done occasionally, doing some of these bosses is going to be impossible until the playerbase becomes strong again. but while we cant control who plays or how many of them there are we sit and watch it (the playerbase) diminish. nightmist is a textbased 1D game in a fast paced 3 and now 4D world

-Nightshades take away nightshades wont change anything, only a couple of people use them effectively and if nightshades didnt exist people would be more apt to just rape you with 5 or 7 people all nightshades do are allow one guy to kill 1 for sure maybe 2 people by himself that sounds like nightshades are an equilizer not an OP item.

-Race balancing i agree that after lvl 31 bonuses become a moo point (it's like a cow's opinion and who really cares about that) increase the bonuses maybe a little and since races arent balanced anyway and people want variety why dont we open up all race/class combos, i mean i would seriously love to level a gnome fighter or say a horc mage :P ling zerk scares people im sure but if they are so great that everyone has to have one and everyone is the same, thats just good balance same goes for gnome druids or maybe even gnome rangers, lets just make it a gigantic variety and extend the possibilities of this game.

-New areas 29+ i say no its gonna take a revamp of existing areas get it to where people can go places we dont normally with 3-5 people and train not new just improved areas open every area in the game where it can be trained in by 3-5 people you dont have to make the bosses easier just make it more possible to get to them and i assure you they will get done.

P.S nigtmist forim neds spellchek

#16 Freek

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Posted 22 March 2011 - 06:33 PM

Alright ive read about everypost on here a couple of times, and as always people seem to be pulling for their own personal gains, I personally have a 34 thief which is easily rounded by a 37 mage (right chris?) everything is based on level versus level, if its not the same you arent gonna get balance, for example i dont care if you have 10 str if you are lvl 35 youre still gonna click my lvl 25 unless say its a zerk.

-That aside what i see everyone on here pulling for also is variety, variety over the next few years is going to make or break the playerbase of this game, wether its new items, or just the same items with new and unique names, more customization allows people to stand out from the norm, for example Rob's thief with custom scrip and pic, bar none it sets that crit apart from all other thieves.

-Balancing classes? Thats gonna be impossible without an entire revamp so i dont see the point in mentioning it, yeah mages suck to train, but not moreso than a fighter, and lets not talk pally or ranger, all races/classes have their bonuses thieves yeah they can go almost anywhere and be unmolested while training but the training is Slow, the reason you see thieves "shooting" up in lvl is because people dont try to find them like they did in the old days, and with 14-20 hours sessions of clicking the same 5 mobs youre gonna get alot of xp, druids are the same way aside from needing a town fairly close.

That makes no sense at all... Thieves shoot up in level because they can run places hidden and stay there forever what other class can do this? Mage cost mana to go there and then relys on mana to train.. Druid can do this almost as well but do they pk near as well as thieves and they are still mana dependant... There are things that can be balanced without a revamp....

-Crafting? yeah i like the idea of crafting it doesnt have to be brand new stuff either, i think alot of people would agree that there just has to be more of it and it has to be easy enough and more worthwhile. Customization again let people play more of a role because thats what roleplaying is for yes?

-Quests yes the more the merrier as far as im concerned but i dont think they should flood the market with high priced shineys, there are already alot of quests imbeded in nightmists storyline, all you have to do is search for them a bit, there are also alot of bosses imbedded in nightmist, a ton of which have never been done and even more have been done occasionally, doing some of these bosses is going to be impossible until the playerbase becomes strong again. but while we cant control who plays or how many of them there are we sit and watch it (the playerbase) diminish. nightmist is a textbased 1D game in a fast paced 3 and now 4D world

-Nightshades take away nightshades wont change anything, only a couple of people use them effectively and if nightshades didnt exist people would be more apt to just rape you with 5 or 7 people all nightshades do are allow one guy to kill 1 for sure maybe 2 people by himself that sounds like nightshades are an equilizer not an OP item.

So you would rather 1 guy have a lvl 35 thief dedicated to be his shader crit than a group of people coming to hunt you down? That doesn't make any sense.. If your not supposed to be able to kill the guy then an easy farmed fairly cheap item should not grant you this power.. This is one of the reasons leveling is pointless.. Who cares if that guy is a lvl 40 thief if my lvl 33 mage can shade him twice and kill him and only risk losing 1.5m exp..

-Race balancing i agree that after lvl 31 bonuses become a moo point (it's like a cow's opinion and who really cares about that) increase the bonuses maybe a little and since races arent balanced anyway and people want variety why dont we open up all race/class combos, i mean i would seriously love to level a gnome fighter or say a horc mage :P ling zerk scares people im sure but if they are so great that everyone has to have one and everyone is the same, thats just good balance same goes for gnome druids or maybe even gnome rangers, lets just make it a gigantic variety and extend the possibilities of this game.

-New areas 29+ i say no its gonna take a revamp of existing areas get it to where people can go places we dont normally with 3-5 people and train not new just improved areas open every area in the game where it can be trained in by 3-5 people you dont have to make the bosses easier just make it more possible to get to them and i assure you they will get done.

P.S nigtmist forim neds spellchek

Freek ingame.

#17 Silk

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Posted 22 March 2011 - 07:00 PM

You're getting it all twisted, i didnt say training a mage was as easy as training a thief, and it shouldnt be, mages require much study and training to master their spells, thieves just take hands on learning and refinement, im sorry you chose a profession that has such drawbacks, the world isnt fair, even if the world is fantasy.

that being said thief isnt my favorite class, i play one because its efficient. and yes if one guy has the calzones enough to go toe to toe with 2 people because he dabbles in high end poisons, thats just good business, alot of you people forget that this is a ROLEPLAYING GAME if you dont like your "role" pick a different one.

devetstate is not gonna be a cure all for mages, nor will mana leech its still gonna cost you stam to mana leech and you still cant heal yourself so you still need town close by. so unless you plan on running a mage with a cobalt instead of a broomstick and mana leeche that costs mana and or stam, youre gonna hit a mob with cobaltx2 mana leechx2 and be out of stam regen, meanwhile youre gonna take dmg cause your mana leech will not be enough to cover AoP if it was thern mages would be OP hands down. Mage was a severely hindered class long before nightmist existed, and not much has changed in the fantasy world as far as classes go

Edit: what im sayin is that at lvl 30 everything was pretty balanced, i think the same will go when everyone is 40, you just have to get there before you notice it.

Edited by Silk, 22 March 2011 - 07:07 PM.

#18 Sandy

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Posted 22 March 2011 - 07:32 PM

I Voted For Higher Lvling Areas. I'm just hoping that it will also include higher lvl cleric places as well. :P

#19 Shera

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Posted 22 March 2011 - 07:39 PM

[quote name='Freek' date='Mar 22 2011, 11:33 AM' post='237345']

That makes no sense at all... Thieves shoot up in level because they can run places hidden and stay there forever what other class can do this? Mage cost mana to go there and then relys on mana to train.. Druid can do this almost as well but do they pk near as well as thieves and they are still mana dependant... There are things that can be balanced without a revamp....

Honestly I'd rather go pking on a druid any time rather then a thief because if you fail or dont hit for enough damage, a lot of ppl will run and/or log. On a druid however you hit track, and are spelled so you have great armor and oh ya some ppl still have crappy wiz, and then wrath some ppl and they try to run and then they die. Yes ppl may log but well...... :P Druids are MUCH better pkers imo then thieves. +armor, +damage, +track = better then thieves imo. Oh and morph and hit with cobalt woot! But again this is just my opinion and I've always loved pallies, rangers, and druids best. Oh the days of tracking ppl on an arch ranger and watching ppl try to break tracking. Makes me want to train a ranger again, tracking ftw :)

So you would rather 1 guy have a lvl 35 thief dedicated to be his shader crit than a group of people coming to hunt you down? That doesn't make any sense.. If your not supposed to be able to kill the guy then an easy farmed fairly cheap item should not grant you this power.. This is one of the reasons leveling is pointless.. Who cares if that guy is a lvl 40 thief if my lvl 33 mage can shade him twice and kill him and only risk losing 1.5m exp..
The forums used to be filled with people complaining about how ppl would jump them and wouldnt fight 1v1, so now that more ppl are 1v1 but with a shade that could kill them you want ppl to jump you again?

We can debate class vs class until the end of time but it's not going to really get us anywhere. People like different classes and see different ways of playing them, perhaps we all should just agree to disagree and focus on being productive and making this thread what Stig wanted to make it, about what good things we can do to make nm a better game.
The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory. - Paul Fix

#20 Freek

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Posted 22 March 2011 - 08:17 PM

It's not about "liking or disliking your role". It's about "why should I play X class when Z class does everything and more and is easier to level".

Anyways, what I posted in my original post is what I feel needs to be done to the game. I don't know if stig wants constructive debates or not but until then I'll just leave it to my initial post..
Freek ingame.

#21 Dangerous

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Posted 22 March 2011 - 09:27 PM

1. Druids would be good pkers on maybe a zerk if you morphed, other than that the chances of rounding any non zerk with stormwrath are slim, very slim. (taking into consideration i've used high lvl human/elf/ling)

2. Jase you did make the point if a 36 thief misses a 27 can shade it which in theory would be hilariously funny and lucky but given todays playerbase and everybody's advancements who the hell even has a 27 thief, shades in my opinion have always ruined co-op amongst players, i remember a time on 1a when a group of pande would go pking and find you in dessy, I'm pretty sure that hasn't happened in a while. The only impact shades have anymore is that easy to make 5k you get from the shop which has been utilized to the fullest (not naming anyone :P).

3. I think the main thing that should be a priority is the higher lvl areas, and i don't mean lvl 31-35, i mean 35+, too many of us sit and do nothing, sell crits back and forth, monotonously click moderns because lets face it theres nothing else to do, no incentives, so having higher lvl areas and maybe some new FUN items (instead of boring old cobalt) would be a start. :)

#22 Silk

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Posted 22 March 2011 - 09:51 PM

1. Druids would be good pkers on maybe a zerk if you morphed, other than that the chances of rounding any non zerk with stormwrath are slim, very slim. (taking into consideration i've used high lvl human/elf/ling)

-yes it is widely known that assassins are good pkers, but as an assassin they better be or they are unemployed

2. Jase you did make the point if a 36 thief misses a 27 can shade it which in theory would be hilariously funny and lucky but given todays playerbase and everybody's advancements who the hell even has a 27 thief, shades in my opinion have always ruined co-op amongst players, i remember a time on 1a when a group of pande would go pking and find you in dessy, I'm pretty sure that hasn't happened in a while. The only impact shades have anymore is that easy to make 5k you get from the shop which has been utilized to the fullest (not naming anyone :P ).

-i agree to the hilarity of that happening, also ima drop piddys name

3. I think the main thing that should be a priority is the higher lvl areas, and i don't mean lvl 31-35, i mean 35+, too many of us sit and do nothing, sell crits back and forth, monotonously click moderns because lets face it theres nothing else to do, no incentives, so having higher lvl areas and maybe some new FUN items (instead of boring old cobalt) would be a start. :)

-35 plus isnt a terrible idea, a mojority of the server isnt 35+ (that includes people who arent so active) but i agree it would give people something to lvl for and as far as new items, i agree with the FUN idea if it means like i think it does, where it isnt uber powerful or uber rare, or take 35 people to get it but new and exciting

#23 Shera

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Posted 22 March 2011 - 09:53 PM

1. Druids would be good pkers on maybe a zerk if you morphed, other than that the chances of rounding any non zerk with stormwrath are slim, very slim. (taking into consideration i've used high lvl human/elf/ling)
I disagree, but that's just my opinion. I've pked ppl by wrathing, yet granted i knew they had like 10 wis but still. A morphed druid with cobalt is very beasty and fun.

2. Jase you did make the point if a 36 thief misses a 27 can shade it which in theory would be hilariously funny and lucky but given todays playerbase and everybody's advancements who the hell even has a 27 thief, shades in my opinion have always ruined co-op amongst players, i remember a time on 1a when a group of pande would go pking and find you in dessy, I'm pretty sure that hasn't happened in a while. The only impact shades have anymore is that easy to make 5k you get from the shop which has been utilized to the fullest (not naming anyone :P).
I'm not Jase, I'm Mary. Jase hasnt used my forum account in quite some time chris and I have a bunch of low lvl crits. I like to roll my own crits and it was not that long ago that I started over. I like the Einon area so I'll have crits that stay lvl 28 too. I get bored with crits and roll new ones. You shade people..........Hasnt the shade issue been beaten to death? They have been around FOREVER, and why not give the lower lvls a chance to try and fight back?

3. I think the main thing that should be a priority is the higher lvl areas, and i don't mean lvl 31-35, i mean 35+, too many of us sit and do nothing, sell crits back and forth, monotonously click moderns because lets face it theres nothing else to do, no incentives, so having higher lvl areas and maybe some new FUN items (instead of boring old cobalt) would be a start. :)

I agree some lvl 35+ areas would be nice. I hate clicking moderns, or healing them, done it too many times.

The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory. - Paul Fix

#24 Autek

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Posted 22 March 2011 - 09:56 PM

Like I said before, take away the ridiculous cost of leveling and people wouldn't need any special areas for incentive to level their characters, they'd do it on their own.

If it was reasonable at all people would level their stuff rather than just starting a new alt or sitting afk waiting for people to do bosses.

EDIT: And I think it's important to remember that a lot of the stupid changes that were done and implemented on this server (which now bite the server in the ass) where done when it first came out and was overseen by the quite obviously bias and butthurt over people leaving his main server staff member.

Edited by Autek, 22 March 2011 - 10:09 PM.

Autek in game.

#25 Sausage


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Posted 22 March 2011 - 10:52 PM

3. I think the main thing that should be a priority is the higher lvl areas, and i don't mean lvl 31-35, i mean 35+, too many of us sit and do nothing, sell crits back and forth, monotonously click moderns because lets face it theres nothing else to do, no incentives, so having higher lvl areas and maybe some new FUN items (instead of boring old cobalt) would be a start. :P


Question answered.

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#26 Prototype

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Posted 22 March 2011 - 10:58 PM

I still have an area I started somewhere which was focused to smaller tactical parties. Mechanics are a bit limited for it to be truly tactical, but could easily be added to make it more interesting. Like damage multipliers on mobs per class/race (ranger/mage big advantage against flying mobs, fighter disadvantage etc). Which would force you to get a diverse combat team to traverse through areas made for this. I've had a list of these things which would open up tons of interesting and actually completely different areas by combining these mechanics in various ways.

Thinking about the story behind it and the way it would be released I still feel like finishing it. But I just didn't want to work with broken tools anymore. You can make so much more with the game, with just a little bit more imagination (as far as new mob stats, and equipment stats go). Coding wise it shouldn't be hard to realize, but yay for closed source.
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#27 Sausage


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Posted 22 March 2011 - 11:04 PM

I like it.

Do it for 31 or 33+ plz.

Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.

#28 Cadabra


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Posted 23 March 2011 - 08:38 AM

Autek has the right idea.

Main problem is leveling, fix that and people can level alot more comfortably.

35+ Areas next.

Events can be thrown in randomly.

JLH needs to be addressed about anothr Staff member been added to help do this.

I dont know if Jase or Maarten is active or not lately but i only see Stig doing stuff.

Edited by Cadabra, 23 March 2011 - 08:40 AM.

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#29 Wanted

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Posted 23 March 2011 - 04:30 PM

gee...i dont even have an incentive to lvl my mage to lvl 35, let alone lvl 40 lol. there is no incentive to lvl my mage to 35 because i can pk just fine with a lvl 34 mage with a shade as a lvl 40...i would take the chances of 1/10 deaths rather than putting the time into lvling. the only time i had an incentive to lvl was to lvl was to win events. with no signs of events, all my motivation to play is gone.

#30 Freek

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Posted 23 March 2011 - 07:34 PM

i agree with wanted on this. w/o events no reason to play lvl or do anything but use the most efficient characters ingame.(thieves)

This this and more of this.. Why level anything else when golding/leveling is so much easier on thief/zerk
Freek ingame.

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