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Staff Effort Concerning The War

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#1 Amy

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Posted 24 April 2004 - 08:55 PM

I would like to thank both Zephie and Stotic for the effort they put in the quest "War between Harabec and Arilin". Although it was a bit chaotic due to it being the first quest as such, it was definately entertaining and much appreciated.

In my own opinion.. a few hints for those that did not enjoy it:

1. Those who are going to gripe about the actions during a quest, stay away and don't ruin it for the rest of us.

2. If you don't like how staff runs an event, you can always hit "quit".

3. Cooperation and willingness to try new things is sometimes not a bad thing! lol.

Anyway, You both deserve a round of applause for this venture.. good job and thanks again.

Amy of Draco
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#2 Tadpole

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Posted 24 April 2004 - 08:57 PM

Yea, it was a great quest...thanks :)
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#3 newb

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Posted 24 April 2004 - 09:06 PM

So, for the people who missed it, would somebody be so kind as to post a little summary of the event?


#4 deadman

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Posted 24 April 2004 - 09:06 PM

yes yes the quest was great for a spur of the moment thing hopefully if their is a next time everything wont be a big rush an maybe a lvl limit but thats for "next time"..

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#5 Dan

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Posted 24 April 2004 - 09:13 PM

I'm not really one to complain bout some stuff, but I didn't even know it was close to starting when I logged on. I yelled asking if we could still enter, and got no responce. simple yes/no would have been nice at least, or maybe if it was listed in the /system log. (I got d/c'd 3 times so entering would have been pointless for me anyway :) )

Otherwise, nice to see everyone having fun outside of thier own clan rivalies. Big up's for the effort.

#6 Momba

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Posted 24 April 2004 - 09:15 PM

An emotion filled ride.

A whole range of emotions were felt this time around.

I was a little impatient as always. I am like the 5 year old waiting in the long line at the zoo.

Got a little angry about the lag and having to log back on 3 times.

Frustrated at party members from time to time for yacking while my 5K buffer cleared my screen over and over when I was trying to find targets.

After Natura, Harabec and the dungeons I have come to exspect alot from Mike and Jen. Thier imaginations seem endless. I don`t think either realize just how talented they really are.

And once again they have lived up to thier names of area devolopers. I would vote to get thier titles changed to Master Game Developers.

/me tips his hat.

Nice job.
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#7 Kalypso

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Posted 24 April 2004 - 09:19 PM

I'm not really one to complain bout some stuff, but I didn't even know it was close to starting when I logged on. I yelled asking if we could still enter, and got no responce. simple yes/no would have been nice at least, or maybe if it was listed in the /system log. (I got d/c'd 3 times so entering would have been pointless for me anyway :) )

Otherwise, nice to see everyone having fun outside of thier own clan rivalies. Big up's for the effort.

/announcement log

and, yeah it's kinda hard to simply answer yes or no when we're teleporting 50 something people around and trying to make everyone else happy.
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"Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone just as wild to run with."

#8 Crane


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Posted 24 April 2004 - 09:28 PM

If I haven't said it enough times already, Zephie, thank you for the quest!
The Crane Temple Chairman

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#9 Squee



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Posted 24 April 2004 - 09:35 PM

This was great. Even though I couldn't participate, I'm sure it was great. If this is any hint at things to come, I look forward to the future. ^__^
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#10 Dan

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Posted 24 April 2004 - 09:42 PM

/announcement log

and, yeah it's kinda hard to simply answer yes or no when we're teleporting 50 something people around and trying to make everyone else happy.

lol, kill the tude.

#11 Kalypso

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Posted 24 April 2004 - 09:45 PM

if i added the smiley at the end would that have made it sound friendlier? :)
"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed.
"Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone just as wild to run with."

#12 Dan

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Posted 24 April 2004 - 09:53 PM

You love the attention.. admit it :)

#13 Bean

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Posted 24 April 2004 - 10:01 PM

All I have to say is this.

Looking at my clock it is currently 3:52 pm GMT, it is the 24th. And the battle that was scheduled for 7:00 pm GMT is already done...

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#14 JLH



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Posted 24 April 2004 - 10:11 PM

bean, your location is canada, so you are about 6 hours behind us, therefore it occured at 7-6=1pm your time.
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#15 Bean

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Posted 24 April 2004 - 10:12 PM


That meaning General mountain time or what? Cause looking at my computers internal clock it says im running GMT time...

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#16 JLH



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Posted 24 April 2004 - 10:15 PM

GMT is england
grenwich mean time
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#17 Zophar

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Posted 24 April 2004 - 10:15 PM

My compliments to Stotic and Zephie, twas a very fun quest, and it's nice to see that even clan enemies can work together when the occasion calls for it.

Three cheers to Stotic and Zephie on a job well done!

#18 Bean

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Posted 24 April 2004 - 10:18 PM

GMT is england.....

Crappy school systems!! *shakes fist at something to the upper left of himself*

I bet it woulda been grand, Too bad I missed it. :)
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It's so exciting I need to poo~Deval

#19 dec

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Posted 24 April 2004 - 10:42 PM

I must say this was a very enjoable quest even though i got killed. Zephie was a great General i guess the others were just better *shrug* thanks very much both of you.

side note what did the reamaning soldiers get (if anything)
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#20 Raylen


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Posted 24 April 2004 - 11:05 PM

Well, the survivors got a Medal of Triumph (though i was not among them)

The guy who ACTUALLY KILLED the Baroness got nothing extra, instead it was someone who pressed pickup macro the quickest...

Edit: Was good fun, despite lag and me dying to some archer dude :)

Thanks Stotic and Zephie!

Edited by Raylen, 24 April 2004 - 11:07 PM.

+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

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#21 Thunderja


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Posted 24 April 2004 - 11:44 PM

Well, the survivors got a Medal of Triumph (though i was not among them)

The guy who ACTUALLY KILLED the Baroness got nothing extra, instead it was someone who pressed pickup macro the quickest...

Edit: Was good fun, despite lag and me dying to some archer dude :)

Thanks Stotic and Zephie!

It was great to pull on Harabec colours, despite the fact that in a fit of lag madness i stumbled north alone into some not too friendly monsters who had free shots while my screen froze....

Excelent work to Zephie and Stotic, and specially Mike(Aeon) who got the kill but rudely had the item snatched from his grasps.

w00t Harabec guards in Arlin, very nice touch also!

Edited by Thunderja, 24 April 2004 - 11:49 PM.

I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#22 Shera

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Posted 24 April 2004 - 11:47 PM

Yes three cheers for Stotic and Zephie!!!!! It was a great war questy.

Oh and the dude who killed the Baroness gets to say that he killed her at least! Lot's of people put people they have killed in their profiles' but only he will have that one.
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#23 Ryuku


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Posted 24 April 2004 - 11:53 PM

I just have to say it was great.

#24 Opie

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Posted 25 April 2004 - 01:22 AM

Dude, staf can't do anything about the lag, it's just how it is. I go on with a T1 connection at skool, and i still get lag sometimes. It's just how it is.
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#25 Despair

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Posted 25 April 2004 - 01:36 AM

I must admit that quest was by far one of the most fun things I've ever done on Nightmist, appart from a few lag issues which couldn't be avoided it went very nicely. The idea was great it was obviously very well thought out and the staff who ran it deserve a really big thankyou for all their efforts.

So thankyou Zephie and Stotic for giving us this awesome quest :)
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#26 Vër§íðñ 1.0

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Posted 25 April 2004 - 01:46 AM

T/Y :)
I only log on to check memos, and rare chat. See you all on the other side.

#27 Sneaky

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Posted 25 April 2004 - 02:10 AM

Well, the survivors got a Medal of Triumph (though i was not among them)

The guy who ACTUALLY KILLED the Baroness got nothing extra, instead it was someone who pressed pickup macro the quickest...

Edit: Was good fun, despite lag and me dying to some archer dude :)

Thanks Stotic and Zephie!

It was great to pull on Harabec colours, despite the fact that in a fit of lag madness i stumbled north alone into some not too friendly monsters who had free shots while my screen froze....

Excelent work to Zephie and Stotic, and specially Mike(Aeon) who got the kill but rudely had the item snatched from his grasps.

w00t Harabec guards in Arlin, very nice touch also!

Thanks guys...kinda sucks that i dont get the special item for killing, but its true, i will have the recognition for actually getting the kill...

You killed Baroness_Cyssia.
Baroness_Cyssia wasn't fast enough to avoid Aeon's rapid fire!

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#28 Stotic

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Posted 25 April 2004 - 04:37 AM

Thankyou fine players! Hopefully this event is a sign of things to come. :)
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#29 Sublime

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Posted 25 April 2004 - 04:51 AM

I must say despite the lag (expected) this event was very fun indeed, and i hope to see more quests like this in the future. Perhaps the next 1 should have an alt limit though as suggested earlier since any lower lvl players who didnt know the way to harabec just joined up with arilin lol

But anyway TY Mike and Jen :)
Sublime - 1a.

#30 Thunderja


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Posted 25 April 2004 - 04:58 AM

I must say despite the lag (expected) this event was very fun indeed, and i hope to see more quests like this in the future. Perhaps the next 1 should have an alt limit though as suggested earlier since any lower lvl players who didnt know the way to harabec just joined up with arilin lol

But anyway TY Mike and Jen :)

i was talking to some Silversail Defectors and they reckon Silversail is going down.... Hint hint, nudge nudge. :)

Nah lol same nuts diff smell, im sure ya can come up with better :)
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

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