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#1 Vër§íðñ 1.0

Vër§íðñ 1.0
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Posted 23 February 2005 - 08:37 PM

I was wondering who all played. This is for US and EU servers, because when they make it to where US people can play on EU servers, i'm going to drop a crit on a few of my friends EU servers.

Anyways I know me and Mark(Exor) play on Burning Legion, i am Hormel, 38 Night ElfDruid, and mark is Drain, 53 Human Pally.

Edited by Vër§íðñ 1.0, 23 February 2005 - 08:41 PM.

I only log on to check memos, and rare chat. See you all on the other side.

#2 Charon

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Posted 23 February 2005 - 11:39 PM

I play, I'm on EU servers and playing Horde at the moment when I get time:
Elexin, lv32 Troll Shaman on ShadowSong

Also, when I get around to playing them a little more;
Lucnala (lv3 NE Rogue) and Eirinoforos (lv1 Human Pally) on Earthen Ring
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#3 Vër§íðñ 1.0

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Posted 24 February 2005 - 12:30 AM

I play, I'm on EU servers and playing Horde at the moment when I get time:
Elexin, lv32 Troll Shaman on ShadowSong

Also, when I get around to playing them a little more;
Lucnala (lv3 NE Rogue) and Eirinoforos (lv1 Human Pally) on Earthen Ring

you gonna make a alliance crit when youc an play us server, on mine and Exor's server right? :unsure:
I only log on to check memos, and rare chat. See you all on the other side.

#4 Exor

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Posted 24 February 2005 - 06:01 AM

Make that a level 55 paladin ^^

And Charon better make a character on our server! ;P hehe
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#5 Charon

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Posted 24 February 2005 - 12:14 PM

Oh you guys know you want me to be Horde really... that way you could kill me multiple times, just like Nightmist in the good ol' days :unsure:

But yep. I have three servers noted down to invade when all goes ahead (because I'm wierd, and I plan on playing multiple servers then ^^)
Yours is definately there, though it might take me quite a while to catch up with whatever levels you are once this thing goes ahead... but I'd be alliance there B)
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#6 Vër§íðñ 1.0

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Posted 17 March 2005 - 04:02 AM

play wow it wins

Marks 60(highest)
and i'm a mere 47(i think) ^_^
I only log on to check memos, and rare chat. See you all on the other side.

#7 Vër§íðñ 1.0

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Posted 04 May 2005 - 02:41 AM

Mark(Exor) is still level 60 Human Pally on Burning Legion(US) server, and Im
Hormel Level 60 Ne Druid on Burning Legoin(Us)

Play wow it wins

Play with me

plz ^_^
I only log on to check memos, and rare chat. See you all on the other side.

#8 Tom

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Posted 04 May 2005 - 02:54 PM

yeh got it now, troll rogue 32 atm. EU server vashj named ravage. (course)
Feck Off

#9 Exor

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Posted 05 May 2005 - 06:48 AM

Horde is for loser pants !!!
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#10 Malavon

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Posted 05 May 2005 - 12:27 PM

I'll be getting it in the summer holidays and i'll play either a human warlock or orc warlock ^_^

Edit: Or possibly a mage... :P

Edited by Malavon, 05 May 2005 - 01:18 PM.

#11 Teh_Fluff

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Posted 05 May 2005 - 01:15 PM

looks like I have no worries of running into any of you on WoW then. I play on Feathermoon, Zellish level 30 Human Warrior, Kuras level 24 Night-Elf Hunter, Zicdeh level 10 Human Mage.
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#12 Aidon

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Posted 05 May 2005 - 01:57 PM

Guess no one plays Alleria besides me and Medora lol

#13 Exor

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Posted 06 May 2005 - 07:15 AM

I'll be getting it in the summer holidays and i'll play either a human warlock or orc warlock :P

Edit: Or possibly a mage... :)

I thought you werent gonna get WoW? =p

Pretty lame they never made it so people who bought Euro wow could move to US servers and vice versa :[

Eh FYI im a 60 paladin with 6/8 pieces of Lightforge(the paladin set) using Blackhand doomsaw as my 2h, and Some lame 1h Axe/Sacred Protector shield as my tank items =D. Hoping ill get my quel'serrar forged from onyxia soon ^_^.

Posted Image

^^^^^^^ Pic of Drain(my pally) atm

Posted Image

the brood mother onyxia.This battle was legendary. Very exciting!
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#14 Charon

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Posted 06 May 2005 - 02:50 PM

I'll be getting it in the summer holidays and i'll play either a human warlock or orc warlock :)

Edit: Or possibly a mage... :D

Orc :wub:
Come to Shadowsong ^^

Senior Sergeant Elexin reporting for duty... hit level 60 on 23rd April (yes, I remembered... sad eh? :D)
Sadly I have discovered that people don't really want 'another' shaman most of the time, so I'm alting to mage and priest at the moment... the mage looks promising ^_^

Yeah it is a shame they never worked out the EU --> US thing like I hoped though :D

Exor... wearing lightforge with pride?
McPaladin... can I have fries with that happy meal? :P

Congrats on fighting Onyxia though... looks fun :wub:
Hope my guild get a chance to arrange that soon... probably will require another guild to help us though, we're not quite large enough for a full raid just yet alone ^^

Edited by Charon, 06 May 2005 - 02:51 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#15 Exor

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Posted 06 May 2005 - 04:44 PM

Bah mcdonalds hat = lose. I miss the old LF helmet look so much =P

I do know the feeling about not being wanted because of your class.Paladins on my server are a dime a dozen so yeah its kinda rough for me to get in a raid =(. When I get my last two pieces of LF and finish my epic mount quest ill have to level up a priest =D

GL on onyxia btw! the battle takes a good 30 minutes or more. Id suggest ya bring alot of warlocks for the DPS curses ^_^.

Heh I tried Molten Core last week...That crap is HARD! We couldnt even make it to the 2nd boss.Got wiped on the ancient core hounds >_<
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#16 Bean

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Posted 11 May 2005 - 06:26 AM

I play on doomhammer. 43 orc rogue ^_^

I also play windrunner, 12 dwarven pally on that one.

Takin a break from it right now, then ima come back and get my rogue to 60, and that damn pally to 40. haha
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#17 Pandilex



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Posted 11 May 2005 - 06:35 AM

I play on Dragonmaw PvP.
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#18 Malavon

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Posted 12 May 2005 - 12:27 PM

Gah, I don't really want to go warlock anymore. I read a bit of the forums and apparently they are the worst and hardest class for pvp at level 60 :S

So, to help my decision I have a "few" questions...

Which class is the most effective at PvP at low, mid and high level?
Which class is the most effective at PvE at low, mid and high level?
Which classes/races are most in demand for raids, instances and... other stuff? lol
What race goes best with Mages?
What spec is best for Mages?
What race goes best with Warlocks?
What spec is best for Warlocks?
What are Warriors like to play? (I have an odd urge to wear plate armour :S)
Alliance or Horde? ^_^

ty :P

Oh, and I notice how Pandilex doesn't want to tell us his name on the server :)


I thought you werent gonna get WoW? =p

Yeah, I wasn't planning on but I'm getting so stressed and annoyed from my exams that I intend to just buy WoW at the summer holidays and "rest" :D My problem was I played the beta too much and did the same levels too often - reached level 20 ish with most classes, then got bored lol

So, are you able to join any UK server? coz I'm hoping they release some new ones at the summer holidays so I can start at level 1 with everybody else. If that doens't work, I'll probably join one of the servers that was released last month... less chance of having tons of level 60s :D

Edited by Malavon, 12 May 2005 - 12:30 PM.

#19 Exor

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Posted 12 May 2005 - 05:43 PM

So, to help my decision I have a "few" questions...

Which class is the most effective at PvP at low, mid and high level?
Which class is the most effective at PvE at low, mid and high level?
Which classes/races are most in demand for raids, instances and... other stuff? lol
What race goes best with Mages?
What spec is best for Mages?
What race goes best with Warlocks?
What spec is best for Warlocks?
What are Warriors like to play? (I have an odd urge to wear plate armour :S)
Alliance or Horde? :D

Nope it will not allow US people to switch over to UK Servers yet.slightly sucks lol. I think you should just order an american copy of WoW and play on Burning Legion with me! =p

K Ill answer em ^_^

Which class is the most effective at PvP at low, mid and high level?: Rogue for PVP at all levels lol

Which class is the most effective at PvE at low, mid and high level?: Well 1-40 Paladins dont seem to have much trouble leveling.Can take mobs higher level than they are, have little downtime as well. Maybe im just being biased though ;p. High level PVE uh you will most likely always be grouped with someone at high levels so it isnt really a problem =D.

Which classes/races are most in demand for raids, instances and... other stuff?: Dwarf Priest for sure. Priest as the most needed class easily and dwarf because as their racial spell they get Fear Ward. It is very helpful for Onyxia and Magmadar and other mobs who use fear in the high end raid instances =D. Second most wanted would be a warlock or druid. Warlocks are needed for soulstone mainly and druids for healing hoes. lol

What race goes best with Mages?: Eh prolly Undead i dunno hehe.

What spec is best for Mages? Eh some in Arcane to get a few needed spell/abilities like Clearcaster then the rest in fire. Fire mages fooking hurt =p.

What race goes best with Warlocks?: Eh IMO race doesnt matter for warlock or mage but Will of the Forsaken is pretty nifty on the Undead..

What spec is best for Warlocks?: NO IDEA AT ALL! lol

What are Warriors like to play? (I have an odd urge to wear plate armour :S) Go pally! hehe j/k. Ive never played a warrior past like 20. from what ive heard they kinda suck balls until 50+ when they start getting their end game equipment... A warrior with Arcanite Reaper(Look it up on thottbot.com :P) is just too godly. However I hear blizzard may be nerfing it soon.I reaalllllyyy hope so lol.

Alliance or Horde?: ALLIANCE FOR TEH WIN! Hehe well IMO your faction doesnt matter that much when you hit 40+. you do the same neutral areas. Its all about the look i guess. (And if you ever have plans on going paladin or shaman then that would matter :))

Edited by Exor, 12 May 2005 - 05:45 PM.

-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#20 Charon

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Posted 12 May 2005 - 05:50 PM

You read the forums? You poor poor fool ... do you still have your sanity? :)

Warlocks not good at PvP?
Heph complains about that all the time and you know what? He rocks at pvp... no question. Yes you need bags full of shards... but in the latest patch on test realms you get shards for pvping anyhow, so locks will be better.
If you're a lock and plan on pvping it would seriously help to be good friends with a priest/druid/(shaman... depending on the shaman). A healer is necessary (same goes for mages unless you plan on being a suicide striker)

Best for PvP...

Are you talking one on one or mass-en-mass?

If we're talking mass... anything with range should be better.
Mages, Warlocks... they have area of attack spells and awesome range which puts them at a huge advantage.
Hunters too, simply because they can set their pets on people and hit them from damn far away.
And Shadow priests for damage... are hard to beat.

That said, going by the rankings, it seems rogues are best. Ignoring the current anomaly of my friend azurous (hunter) being ranked 2nd on the server, all the others at the top are rogues.
I guess stunlock, stealth and major damage work for picking at the edges of masses as well as one on one.
Rogues also stand the best chance of surviving when jumped for varied reasons which I had explained to me at great length... (I miss my beta rogue :D)

For PvE?
Hybrid classes tend to be better. Druids have amazing lastability, shamans also but there are a lot of us, paladins are good at pve they just take ages to kill things, rogues I find excellent at pve...
Actually everything is good at pve... if you play it right :wub:

Warriors at the moment... are cookie cutters. Nearly every warrior you meet will have the same build (give or take a point or two) because at the moment two of the three talent trees are ... well honestly they just don't work that well.
They're fun to play, not that great at pvp... but then again thats just because they're melee, and at the moment pvp is geared towards range. Maybe that will change with battlegrounds
(battlegrounds is, apparantly, the cure to everything :P)

Classes in demand;
Well classes that aren't in demand seem to be shamans, paladins, and NE hunters. As there are lots of them ^^
Hunters also seem to struggle to get groups for instances (dont know why... Ive found hunters most useful in instances myself :x) ... same can go for rogues, but doesn't tend to; sap is too useful to say no to rogues.

Anything that can heal (namely priest, but druids included) is wanted for healing... instances, raids... all these things need healers and healers can be pretty hard to find.
(priests, druids and shamans also help increase chances of wipe recovery in instances)
Mages are wanted now people realise the damage they can do.
Locks are wanted for their healthstones and soulstone ability (soulstone also used to prevent instance wipes where possible)

For mages/warlocks many many will give praise to the undead ability 'will of the forsaken' which can free you from fear, stun... and varied other negative attributes (on a timer but... hey ^^) ... especially as the pvp trinket for mages and warlocks doesnt seem... very well suited.
Humans with their perception bonus are also somewhat useful... means that you're more likely to spot a rogue coming it seems (doesnt help them survive the rogue though).
NE of all classes ... can hide in times of trouble. Shadowmeld isn't perfect but unless someone is really set on finding and or killing you it saves lives. Useful for priests (and hunters) who are the only ones I've actually caught using shadowmeld

But there are lots of NE and humans :D

Horde :D

And americans cannot yet join any uk servers, and we can't yet join any american servers.
But.... you could join me ^^
Still plenty of non-level 60's, and a lot of the level 60's are alting now anyhow, so you'll fit right in ^_^

Edit: mage specs...
Frost mages used to be godly, but apparantly there was a nerf and pretty much every mage I meet now seems to be specced arcane.
I therefore assume arcane is a good spec.
Frost can slow and freeze, fire can stun, arcane... well, havent yet worked out the true bonus of arcane appart from mana and damage... but I'm working on it ^^
It's all down to choice and play style... you'd have plenty of time to work something like that out in game.

Locks... in the latest test realm patch they seemed to be trying to fix demonology locks who are currently a bit worse for wear. I havent yet asked the friendly neighbourhood warlock what he thinks of the changes though.
I don't know much about warlock specs really :x

Edited by Charon, 12 May 2005 - 05:54 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#21 Vër§íðñ 1.0

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Posted 13 May 2005 - 04:03 AM

Boss in MC DOWN BABY!!
Posted Image

Posted Image

Completing the quest "The Archivest" where me and Mark/Exor 5 man Strat Living b/c were pros like that
Posted Image

After we beat Bal(Main boss in Strat Living) teh loot
Posted Image

Edited by Vër§íðñ 1.0, 13 May 2005 - 04:04 AM.

I only log on to check memos, and rare chat. See you all on the other side.

#22 Exor

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Posted 13 May 2005 - 03:41 PM

Pfft Charon, Paladins may be a dime a dozen but paladins who actually HEAL are a rare breed ;-).

Seriously most paladins think they are warriors with an aura.They NEVER buff and NEVER heal loller.
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#23 Malavon

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Posted 13 May 2005 - 04:04 PM

Those boss mobs look cool :P

I've decided (for now at least hehe) that I'm going to play a mage. I'm still not sure on race, though it will probably be human. I didn't really like the undead area, and trolls are boring... gnomes are tiny and just irritate me. I don't think that leaves anything else ^_^ Basically it's between undead and human.

Onto my next question which I forgot about earlier... I'm thinking of going tailoring/enchanting, is that a good combo? If not, what should I replace and with what?

Thanks for the help so far though :)

#24 Aidon

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Posted 13 May 2005 - 05:24 PM

I hate tailoring/enchanting b/c it is wayyyy too expensive. On a mage i have I did herb/alc which helps out alot b/c there are many potions which can increase your mana, INT, Spirit, spell damage etc, and its alot cheaper and easier.

On a side note, what program do you guys use for all your extra buttons and styff? I have cosmos, but it just gives me those 2 extra toolbars right above my packs. And my shaman is getting way too many skills for those bars.

#25 Exor

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Posted 13 May 2005 - 05:30 PM

Well enchanting will cost you alot to get the skill up.I wouldnt go that as your first profession tbh. Id go with a money maker.Mining is really good for gold. Id go Tailoring/Mining and when you get higher and have lots of gold you can always drop mining and go with enchanting :).

Human > Undead. Undead look so ugly in cloth seriously. Torn robes are nasty looking :P.

Id post more cool boss pics for ya but im on my parents PC so i dont have any stored here cept Garr (which ill post later ;p) Playing on this pc really sucks too lol.500MB Ram is horrible. My laptop is getting repaired atm so im screwed >_<.

Tonight we'll be going for Onyxia and hopefully we'll kill her ^_^. Wish us luck =D. Poor Ronnie doesnt have his key yet so hes yet to experience teh l33t battle =(.

Edit: To Aidon. I think Versionone is using the new interface blizzard gave us a month or so ago. Thats what im using as well.

Edited by Exor, 13 May 2005 - 05:33 PM.

-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#26 Aidon

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Posted 13 May 2005 - 05:41 PM

How do you use it, have never seen it.

#27 Exor

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Posted 13 May 2005 - 05:43 PM

Posted Image

crappy pic i guess but the only Garr one i have stored here. He was HARD! It was great when we finally dropped em though =D

Edit: to Aidon again. Well under options theres an Interface Option that allows you to turn on side bars and two bottom bars lol.

In the above pic im using ctmod.its a very nifty UI like cosmos and it comes with extra bars as well.I use it for the raidassist mainly though. You can get it at www.ctmod.net btw.

Edited by Exor, 13 May 2005 - 05:45 PM.

-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#28 Charon

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Posted 13 May 2005 - 06:00 PM

Tell me about it, I've played my (highly stereotypical) nightelf rogue a little, and my dwarven priest over on one of the pvp servers... okay I didn't get her far yet but ^^;
I know good pallies who know what they can do... I also know paladins who are complete idiots.

On my main server I talk with a few of the allies regularly... we're friendly rivals (that meaning that simply because they know my name they go for me whenever possible, and I reciprocate in kind)
Many, many of them get infuriated by paladin's who think themselves warriors, paladin's who forget how to use seals correctly... paladins who don't realise how effective their heals can be...
I mean come on, an unkillable healer should rock... and yet its very rare that it does ^^

A paladin who knows the class can be a challenge for sure, I've fought a few of them... but they're outnumbered by far by the ones that don't... Even with the shield they go down far far too fast... and I suck at one on one pvp, and one on one duels XD
((god... tedious duels after raids when the allies have decided to let their pvp go off before they rez... and try to stall you while they call for backup ... THAT is when you most desire a pvp server, let me tell you :P they need to die. More than they already did ^^))

But hey- I based my "what classes are in demand" on what I know... I play horde, we don't want paladins in our groups ^_^
I have no problems admitting that paladins who actually heal or have a bit of skill might well be wanted on alliance side... its just that I'm sure their name gets tarnished by the many who haven't a clue.

About the undead; no way! the spine sticking through the robes looks cool :D
Its the fact that most undead lack a jaw that bothers me. And that some of them spend most of the time drooling over my troll because of their lack of jaw >_<

Speaking of which, how are trolls boring? :)

I also use the blizz interface. I find it highly effective for my shaman and I've never needed (or used) anything else, but I must admit that my mage is demanding a bit more bar space.
Edit: Seeing the above post, I do use CT_RaidAssist, but thats the only other thing I have installed. Don't have the rest of CT mod ^^

As for talents, my mage has gone herb/alc also, my shaman went gatherer with skinning and mining. As the majority of my stuff went to my guild I didn't make a great deal of money from it though. Same with the fact that most of my greens went to guild members or the guild enchanter...
Although the combination of the above did mean that I get free armor and enchants, free pots... and varied other things because I'm such a nice giving person :D
Unfortunately for the nice dragonscale thing I want at the moment I have to go out and collect my own scales first, then hunt down the guy to make it as he left our guild (:D although he did promise he'd still make me my armor because I gathered a lot of the stuff for his with him) ^^

I don't have my nice key yet either, which is why I haven't made it there yet. We're slowly building up our number of keys but at the moment (I think we have 10-13 in our guild at the moment... don't know how other guilds are faring on that front. I know the alliance haven't got there yet either though)
Anyhow, at the moment I still don't have time to get online for long periods, and won't till after my exams. Many of the others in the guild have the same problems, but in a months time... well, in a months time we'll all be around a bit more, and then (we hope) Onyxia is going down >: )

Good luck tonight though :wub:

[/end rambling and poorly organised text]

Edited by Charon, 13 May 2005 - 06:01 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#29 Vër§íðñ 1.0

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Posted 14 May 2005 - 12:26 AM


Thats where you go to get Every UI mod for WoW

I only use Self Cast, and Party Health, and the Ct Mod's myself though...

I'm using the bars taht blizzard gave us a few patches ago. Push Esc and go to interface, and its at the bottom..

The game just starts at 60... And instances is a hell of a lot of fun. I"ve been playing the Test Servers here lately, to test out battlegrounds. 40vs40 is pretty fun. But what really is fun is 10vs10 Capture The Flag. It takes strat and everything. Its where its at.


Also if any of you nightmist people play on Us Servers, check out the "Burning Legion" server and msg Hormel(Me 60 ne Druid) or Drain(Mark/Exor 60 Human Pally).. and let us know where abouts you are..
I only log on to check memos, and rare chat. See you all on the other side.

#30 Malavon

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Posted 14 May 2005 - 11:24 AM

ROFL, I expect you may have seen this already but omg...


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