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#1 deadman

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 06:21 PM

So what this basically means is that the game is going down the tubes and not many people will try and play it now.. all bosses kill to pass? means unless you get lucky enough to get enough people there to kill it no bosses will be killed such as the hedge lord, demonic general, etc..

Kill to pass monsters at entrance to every town? that is absurd we are going to either get pked or killed by the monster most of the time depending on the difficulty of that monster.. only one that i could possibly see needing that is the silversail gates..

And moving all the armor and weapons around is not even necessary either just going to make it even harder to find things when we have to kill a monster just to enter any one of the towns?

What are we trying to do here ruin the game or make it better?
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#2 eclypse

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 06:23 PM

i agree some of the changes are fair but most are not. and players wont stand for it. there were many different things staff could have done to make game better. but they made it worse instead
Adultery/Pistol Ingame

#3 Autek

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 06:24 PM



*Starts rolling a druid to sit at ktp squares!* /snicker

Edited by Autek, 13 April 2007 - 06:26 PM.

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#4 Champion

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 06:33 PM

I agree with the principles behind every one of the changes depending on the KTP monsters at the gate could be iffy, i have suggested to stop gate training at SS for example make it every sqaure within 10 sqaures of the gates gets nerfed in exp major...I think that would solve it alot more then making a KTP monster. KTP bosses is excellent the server starts off saying "This is the 1-alt server, please co-operate with other players to achieve your goals" Now some bosses are going to be impossible atm and even self healing bosses are still pretty much impossible i dont know if those are going to be changed but should be.

#5 Redheart

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 06:47 PM

I do not agree with the Kill to pass monster at Town Entrances.
Everytime you want to travel to a different area you will get stuck on a pkable square.
I Don't think this is an improvement to the game, at all.

When you people make changes you need to keep in mind the benefits and drawbacks, obviously this was not done when that change was made.

As a new player how would one possibly be able to reach a guild to level up?
They would either die fighting a kill to pass monster or be pked while trying.

Keep in mind not everyone gate trains and to be honest if they do
its usually on a low level crit that cannot survive in these areas solo.
" For lunch we can have cupcakes until our little fairy tummies are content. We can all stay up to watch the sunset, then go to sleep in our little fairy beds.”

#6 Foxie


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Posted 13 April 2007 - 06:49 PM

I have a few questions, having thought about this.

1. Are ktp monsters going to be placed on squares and then set to /grid 81:1 (so no other monsters can be dragged onto the square)?
2. Are the demonic general existing ktp monsters going to be removed if the dg is going to be made ktp? (30 minutes killing them to get to the dg just to die is going to be stupid).
3. How does this fit in with the storage cabinet if the dg is going to be ktp?
4. If ktp monsters are going to be placed at ss gates is the refresh cost going to be dropped back to 100gold (Stotic increased it to 300gold when gate training became popular)?
5. What impact is this going to have on the airship, if the captain becomes kill to pass, this stops the airship becoming a skip point to towns?
6. With vortex gate (i know there is only one portal), but does this give mages extra power to skip running into towns?
7. Are armour prices going to be dropped? (prices in multi are fairly expensive - especially in newer areas - with less gold in the game people are running around with no armour.. with ktp bosses, armour is going to be critical).
8. Do hourly spawning bosses count as bosses? eg. 3-eyed jack, bandit leader, bigfoot.
9. With 36 playes maximum (as i've seen) how is anyone going to kill gsw, goblin elder, tirantek bosses, and self healing bosses?
10. If equipment is getting into the game too fast... why not reduce spawn times instead?
11. If bosses are going to be ktp and everyone is going to spend far too long dying to get the eq they need is jlh even going to need to extend the level cap?
12. If these changes are essential to nm1a (why the hell is it not being placed into nm multi too)?

I know thats alot of questions... but i'd also like to add, i agree with rejigging shops in towns and guilds and also with the undead monster xp being reduced.
On main Azure/Foxie in game.
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#7 Sourcream

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 06:54 PM

I do Agree KTP mobs into towns will serve as Pk Ambushing points for the more dominate clans and make Life as a Newbie Miserable. This should not happen. But KTP on Certain Bosses imo needs to happen.

If Any boss Drops a 1mil+ item it needs to be ktp. and not HnRable.

This is For nm 1a I assume

#8 Champion

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 06:54 PM

9. With 36 playes maximum (as i've seen) how is anyone going to kill gsw, goblin elder, tirantek bosses, and self healing bosses?

We killed GSW with 3 pally, and we did not Hit and Run on it we stayed there the whole time just needed a mage to run us there and run us mana since dragging scorpians etc is istant death!

#9 Autek

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 06:54 PM

9. Tragedy, Jimbates, and I killed the GSW without leaving the square. . . Just takes like 2 1/2 hours lol

When I look at this harder I'll post more.
Autek in game.

#10 Zapatak

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 06:59 PM

It all makes sense to me. With certain other things implemented also to keep things fair and enjoyable.
I like it.
Zapatak ingame -zAcH-
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#11 vex

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 07:20 PM

If everyone is so worried about bosses being ktp than i suggest removing the entire guild system which would promote more cooperaton between players since making a clan enemy condems more than just the single bad seed in the clan to death continuously and the ammount of players on at a single given point is more than suffecient to kill most of the bosses, but seeing as there is no cooperation between enemys about the only items that are going to drop ingame are hallys sg's and swh since everything else is pretty much unobtainable by a single clan oh and what about the coliseum what the hells the point of keeping the same entrance fees as multi if gold is a million times harder to come by in the 1a
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#12 Snoopy


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Posted 13 April 2007 - 07:21 PM

haha ktp boss's...
the game is fairly popular at present...when its down to a 10 orso people online and active at a time it will be inposible to kill any thing lol

Makes it far to ez to pk...sit at gates and wait for people to get stuck... lmao

making clerics harder to train now is a little late with several over 200million exp some with 340+
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#13 eclypse

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 07:23 PM

id love to make a suggestion... id really love to see a staff member or 2 try to kill a boss without hitting and running while useinng mortal crits... its impossible... though none of them would know that cause the only staff member who does play is mark. and he has no say in anything changed on nightmist.
Adultery/Pistol Ingame

#14 Foxie


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Posted 13 April 2007 - 07:24 PM

9. Tragedy, Jimbates, and I killed the GSW without leaving the square. . . Just takes like 2 1/2 hours lol

I understand that, but remember your pallys who trained without the expected modifications to undead monsters.
On main Azure/Foxie in game.
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#15 Evilcloud

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 07:25 PM

how are clerics supposed to kill "kill to pass" monsters at gates?
~~¤*~Menelaeus/Darkalliance in NM1A~*¤~~

#16 MessiahX

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 07:33 PM

1. ktp mobs at gates is the worst thing you could possibly do. Nerf the xp for a few squares at the gates. How could we ever hold nm races with ktp monsters? Would it be an undead monster so clerics would have a chance to kill it? Or would all clerics have to be rolled with perfect str?

2. The healing undead bonus gone I don't like personally, but it'll just make clerics take as long to arch as anything else.

3. Only make certain bosses ktp. Take some time and think about which ones deserve and which ones don't. (Btw has a BB been dropped yet?)

This really makes me think seriously about just going back to multi.

#17 Champion

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 07:38 PM

Eclypse Wes plays also, as far as i know they both agree. Messiah rumor is epic got a BB not sure.

#18 Consumed


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Posted 13 April 2007 - 07:41 PM

/nod meneleaus... expecially before a camo druid drills your ass...

only thing i agree with is the 20 pod damage...rest is pretty lame...
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#19 Throwback

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 07:42 PM

/nod evilcoud.....there is no way to run back to town for more mana w/o having a friend along just to kill gate monster.....this monster has to be weak to allow all chars access to town but by implementing a weak monster it has basically no point being there except to waste stam on....where is Gaddy when you need him to stick his nose in and point out how unbalanced the new changes are, ktp bosses i dont care about, i dont have enough high lvl friends to kill any anyways.....guild and armor will not be so bad, once the guilds are switched how hard will it be to simply go there instead of say bt or arilin......as for the ss situation i agree there should be ktp or half exp there....

Vegas 1a....formerly known as Memphis

#20 Crane


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Posted 13 April 2007 - 07:46 PM

I've been an avid fan of rearranging the shops and guilds of Nightmist, since I always felt that Blackthorn was too far afield for level 10. Some players might have already noticed the Branchwood Tunic already being for sale alongside the other Branchwood items in Arilin, which makes perfect sense to me since all the items come from the same tree (which grows in the Large Forest, I presume). Certain items like, say, Oak Vest, Iron Shield and Red Robes, I would still like to see in Blackthorn though, as they are quite nice items, yet quite cheap, so a player should work to reach them.

I think kill-to-pass monsters outside the cities is overkill though and will seriously encourage PKing and might actually make it more unfriendly to newer players, for reasons stated already, with the kill-to-pass monsters acting as Grasping Vines. Imagine you are a new player who has collected a thousand gold around the Large Forest... you run back to Arilin, hit the kill-to-pass monster, a covert thief assassinates you before killing the monster to bank the gold they picked up from your corpse, before waiting for the monster to spawn and returning to the square to await their next victim; not very friendly if you ask me. Having a kill-to-pass monster guarding the entrance to Silversail I am okay with, since that is the problem area with gate-training (as the monsters there have between 80 and 90 XP).

Most bosses don't need to be kill-to-pass, I feel, unless they were originally set up to be that way. The Demonic General doesn't need to be because of the area behind it. I can't remember if the Spider King was originally kill-to-pass, but it has a locked door behind it, so hitting and running won't get you very far. The only boss I would have made kill-to-pass is the Hydra Body.


New players might also have poor strength and/or dexterity on their crits, and want to run to town to find a church or fountain/sauna to heal up, or to level up... kill-to-pass monsters at the gates will make it all the more frustrating for them.

Edited by Crane, 13 April 2007 - 07:52 PM.

The Crane Temple Chairman

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#21 Freek

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 08:41 PM

Ktp monsters at entrances makes no sense.. Hard enough a Solo cleric go's to dessy to lvl up, but then might need mana because all of the excessive healing hes going to have to do dragging monsters all the way next to Silver Sail. Then trys to go to Silver Sail to get more mana but has to solo a scorpion because it has to be kill to pass? Fair?
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#22 Consumed


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Posted 13 April 2007 - 08:44 PM

/nod freek.... he could be the guy to own the cleric at the gate too heh... if the scorp didnt beat him to it...
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#23 Freek

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 08:50 PM

True that :)

04-13-2007 21:49:53 [Clan] Lappa: i think the changes are great, well needed, and the level cap being removed will further make it better. as for the ktp part, yes i believe there should be a ktp, but in the process, make the ktp like how gnoll guards are- you can go one way but not the other, not like a grasping vine effect where no one can move. encourage people to actually kill it to leave, or stay in town and hide for them big scary pkers (me for the most part). and i whole heartedly agree with the healer exp part, it doesnt unbalance anything other than making healers a little more difficult to level, and as for str on a cleric, you have spells that make clerics able to possibly round mages, i havent seen it yet but apparently jamie claims to have rounded lappa solo style when serg was on him. clerics should have no problem seeing they can add 7-10 str to themselves at any given time. and their weapons are stronger than pikes at arch... so yeh, clerics are good to go. pallies needed the drop in exp gain

04-13-2007 21:49:56 [Clan] Lappa: as well. well done staff, last thing you need is something in effect of changing up exp the ability to drag even more ktp on a gate guard sq. i saw 5 ogres being ktp at once, making them almost impossible for lower levels. well done.
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#24 Consumed


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Posted 13 April 2007 - 09:00 PM

kpt is retarded... with drows and lions and scorps... plus bears are a big deal for lower lvls...rediculous if you ask me... and look at the realistic aspects of the game... why the hell would you have to kill an animal that was there to get by... if you can kill it im sure you can go past it...

anyways....alot of players came back for one alt and i can garantee that these changes will make alot quit...
-Alias ingame-

#25 Jphattyjr

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 09:21 PM

This situation is a lot like cars nowadays. The people who create them, don't have to work on them, so they don't care how much of a challenge it is (staff who don't play, making changes to how the game's played) to those who do work on them.

Ktp is completely retarded for reasons that have been listed numerous times already. Most bosses won't die if they become ktp. Unless you have numerous people on numerous laptops. Even then it'd be a pain in the ass. The undead healing exp drop is reasonable I suppose. Clerics/Pallys are way too over exped as is, and it wouldn't be a bad change.

Moving the eq and guilds around...Could possible be good, but more than likely won't. A lot of people are used to the way things are and have been for the past forever, and making a change to that will only call for some disgruntled players. And honestly, without players, the game is nothing. I only see these changes encouraging people to start playing nm1 again for the most part.

#26 Dark


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Posted 13 April 2007 - 09:42 PM

Some of the staff do play,
Ktp on all bosses could prove stupid though quite a few of them need it,
Movement of the items makes sense, although will be lil confusing at first, but otherwise all for it...
But the ktp on all citys.. unless its somthing like a mob called City Gate with no attack and low hp, i dont like it.

Edited by Dark, 13 April 2007 - 09:45 PM.

#27 Foxie


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Posted 13 April 2007 - 09:47 PM

[Clan] Mistry: think this is some sick warped friday the 13th mooseed up joke
[Clan] Barkie: haha i hope so
On main Azure/Foxie in game.
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#28 joanna

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 10:07 PM

So, weve seen what changes are coming and it seems staff have a vendetta against a certain way of training

as much as staff want to make players cooperate to kill the main bosses, most people *train* solo most of the time, in this game and in every other online game ive seen/played. since most monsters are too hard to kill one-on-one, and even if they can be, you spend more on over-priced pots/mana than you earn from it (if you were to kill a vulture/sandspider for example, a druid needs 4 adv manacrystals for sw alone, not counting healing and armour spells. 4 adv crystals = 800 gold, drop = 500 gold), making hit and running to train the only really viable way. Basically without hit and running the game would still have l15 crits running round with oak staves, taking diggy deaths to get thier mana back.

And what about those that go to rax/it, train till they run outta mana and then run back to town for refresh? They will be screwed over too! You HAVE to be able to get your mana back somehow!!!!!!!!!!!

If adv pots and mana are made 20gp each, and stackable in tens like saltpetres (you buy a pot-10 then when you use it, it adds 100 hp and turns into a pot 9 ect) then training in far off places MAY be viable...

And the other thing people are suggesting... 'train off something easier then what are you doing training off hard monsters'... Well i think most people would rather quit than train to arch off rats/bears while 10 or so people who got high level alts off the old system are the only ones capable of actually doing anything....

Then theres the in-character reason. Theres these little things called town guards mentioned in gate profiles... if they saw a bear, vulture or rat preventing traders entering their town, they would do all they could to mow them down

As for the 20 pod I cant really oppose it since it was my suggestion to begin with, but to be fair a 20% retrospective reduction in all current clerics XP and 10% in pallahdins might be a fair way to compensate current clerics who have to train without the bonus. And i dont think anyone who actually owns a cleric would want that.....

(BTW why is it whenever i find a training area noone else uses for aaaaages, staff try thier best to screw it up, Sentant base (orcs) IT (bats), Gendaras (ankhegs) and windy path (vultures) were all my training areas before they got popular! )

Why not increase the benefits for training in areas far away from town, instead of nerfing the benefits of monsters close to town?

So to sum up... Why prevent people using pub refreshes???? Just HOW are you supposed to get your mana back?

Edited by joanna, 13 April 2007 - 10:54 PM.

#29 Autek

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 10:20 PM

If my experience is messed with (Like Joanna suggested) I'll quit. These changes are so stupid and outrageous that I wouldnt be surprised if this were the last straw for a bunch of players. Also, perhaps staff from nightmist multi who don't even play this nightmist shouldn't be making changes to our game?

Don't fix something that isn't broken. I don't think Nightmist was 'broken' at all.
Autek in game.

#30 Eamon

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 10:29 PM

This is the 1-alt server, please co-operate with other players to achieve your goals

Maybe that means you shouldnt try to kill that ktp by yourself?
Maybe its another way of encouraging you to work together.

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