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Staff's Judgement

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#1 Sneaky

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 02:58 PM

To begin this post... If this gets deleted, I will continue to post this.

Now, lets look to the Nightmist Terms of Service.

What's a Snert?
From time to time you might see people mention the word 'snert.'  While the deepest origins of the term appear lost in time, it was contributed to the Nightmist mythology by Edix.  Definitions vary, but basically it describes someone who diminishes the pleasure of the game for others. You don't want to be a snert, in language or in deed.  Most  administrators will banish you from the server if you engage in snertish behaviour.  (I call that: 'Getting Snertified.')

Based on the definition of a "Snert," I would say theft could be considered a snert. Ed, Bill, and Tevlok, to name a few, were banned for theft. Permanently banned, at that. Darkling, rather, was permanently banned for "snerting" in general.

Now what do these people all have in common? Staff has given them a second chance. Their permanent ban was removed, to give them a second chance. Now lets focus on Ed, Bill, and Tevlok. They are proven thieves. So, in the goodness of their heart, staff decides to give them a second chance. People change after all, right?

Wrong. Since Ed and Bill have been back, what has happened? One of Nightmist's most respected, funny, and overall nicest players was stolen from. I don't care what any of you say; Kev's account was worth a whole lot. Although I didn't always see eye-to-eye with him on things, he was one of Nightmist's best. Ed/Bill/Di have admitted to this theft.

Tevlok... he's been back for awhile too, and things have been kind of quiet on his side. Wrong again. This morning, I had to remove an extremely cool guy, Sean/Stadic from the clan. Tevlok stole his account. Granted, this theft was from actually sharing, so stupid you Sean. Still, Tevlok stole his account. This is theft, I spoke to people about it, and Tevlok has been planning to steal someones account since theft has become so accepted.

My question to staff is.. What is clouding your vision? Why are you allowing proven thieves to come back to the game you have worked so hard for? Why has theft gone from something that is discouraged to something done almost every day? These people have admitted to the thefts...its not like much action would need to be taken to fix what was done. If you are going to let someone back from a permanent ban, shouldn't it be similar to parole? You screw up, you're back out? Allowing players to come back from a permanent ban has done nothing but get rid of some very good players. Quark, Lady_Maha, Hump, and Sour have all made quitting threads recently..they've been playing Nightmist since before most people. Hell, I don't even like Hump very much, but I feel for her and why she is quitting. You're sacrificing many good players, to allow thieves to play.

My alert to players is... Don't trust anybody that isn't close enough to beat. This game has changed, people befriend others just to be able to steal from them. If staff will not do anything about theft, then it is up to the players to do something about it. If proven thieves are allowed to play and ruin the game for others, why should we accept them? Why should we allow them to be in our clans? What is more important... your clan's rank, or how other players feel about you? If thieves will be allowed to play... it is our job to make them the outcasts that they should be.
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deimos the noob said no

#2 jurian


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Posted 20 February 2005 - 03:13 PM

lol i agree with you but it's not staff, i spoke to jlh once and he said that if it was up to him ed/bill would still be banend but pandi allowed them back in (this is one fo the reason i hate him so much) apparently swearing is alot worse then this game then stealing. since swearing does get you banned where stealing won't get you any problems at all.
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#3 Sean

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 03:13 PM

I wasnt going to bring this to the forums but now that its out in the open.

Yes I did lose my account due to sharing, therefore it was my fault. But the point of the matter is that Theft has become a part of the game. Alot(Not all) of the top players got their stuff from stealing and have admitted it. The staff have seen them admitting it and yet have done nothing. Now to move onto the next point, not all theft was due to sharing and those certain thieves have admitted that too. Yet staff still do nothing. The abuse in the game is also rising and the staff dont want to uncloak. Staff are monitering all chat because people break the rules so often now, the word ''pemanent'' no longer holds any meaning. And if thats the way the game is going to stay then all that will be left in the end is theves.

Most of those certain few that got their stuff due to their hard work are leaving the game. And very few of them still play. But whats even worse is when the player base supports this. I dont know about other people but i wouldnt pay to play a game thats overrun be thieves and if it stays this way thats going to be the story in NM2. Eventually NM will run itself into the ground. People like Ed/Bill will be the only ones left. Everyone plotting to steal from each other. A game ruled by hackers, thieves, liers and the list goes on. I would suggest to the staff that you try to stop these people before what i have said happens. And it will happen soon.

Edited by Sean, 20 February 2005 - 04:21 PM.

Stadic Ingame...

#4 Snoopy


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Posted 20 February 2005 - 03:15 PM

A point very well made, there has to be a point for staff to step in, and the list of good people who have been stolen from is much longer, as well as the list of good players who have quit because of the drama.
The post will prolly be blocked but its valid.
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#5 Sneaky

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 03:19 PM

I have 3 computers in my house, the key to my neighbors house who has a computer, a car, and my original post saved on notepad. I'll post this over and over if need be.
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#6 Prophet

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 03:24 PM

Undoubtebly, it will be locked as had become the usual happening on the forum when someone tries to voice and opinion; this post isn't trying to insult or cause staff grief just trying to make you aware of how the non-thief player base feels. Perhaps this should be left open so that you can see how we feel? Yes in most cases it is our fault when we get stolen from, but to be honest without sharing this game just isn't the same for most people -me being one of them- and we run the risk of theft for it. It may not be possible to stop every little theft from happening or to sort it out once it has but a different line of approach would certainly make thieves think twice before taking action and stealing. The best way to go about this is to -permanently- ban all those who have become major nightmist players or substantially increased their accounts value by stealing. Some help is better than no help.
Si Senior!

#7 PsyKotik666

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 03:30 PM

I give this string about 4 days before it is deleted....anyone want to bet about 15k on it?

see i 80% agree with what is said. though we cant always be in our accounts due to problems in our life. I mean i have a shared account with someone and that person aint ever messed me over. Its more of a matter of common sense. I admit not everyone on the server is exactly honest and many can be pricks. But not everyone is. I do support keeping known thieves our of clans because alot of clans are a bunch of friend who want to have fun. I can name a couple of them to be honest. In all this rambling i have like made no point have I. I guess i better. Be smarter on who you chose to share your accounts and keep the thieves out of our clans.

#8 Prophet

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 03:35 PM

Many times people you really trust will take your stuff, even though you would have bet your account 6 or 7 times over that he/she would never do such a thing, its these kind of people we want out and away from Nightmist forever. Even a simple ban on the known thieves would be enough to start with, the ones who have admitted it. Overall one of the key aspects is to keep permanent bans permanent. All to often they come back toe the line for a couple of months and bang they're back to their old habit like it was only yesterday. I believe in second chances for some, but quite often these second chances are given showing that JLH/Pandilex has shown trust in these people and they make a mockery of this trust by stealing again, not only do they do this, but they then get away with it. They made no effort to cover their tracks, they were caught red handed and admitted to it and no punishment was given for either the actual crime or the fact that they had betrayed the administrators trust. Let me geuss third chances?

Edited by Prophet, 20 February 2005 - 03:38 PM.

Si Senior!

#9 Deathwish

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 03:39 PM

If someone has admitted to being a thief, I believe they should be punished. But yet again we suddenly wake up and realise our coffee is cold. This is Nightmist, it will never change.
Out, out brief candle. Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player who struts and frets his hour on the stage and then is heard no more.

#10 PsyKotik666

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 03:42 PM

ok that i will agree with. Something needs to be done with the ones who have admitted to stealing. Like prophet said even starting with just that is an improvement and maybe more of the old players will pick up NM2 when it comes out. Eh NM needs a courthouse or somewhere when the parties involved can speak to JLH face to face (so to speak). Perma bans should be kep as such. I mean if a child steals a cookie and you just leave the cookie jar down the kid will do it again. but if you take the cookie jar away from him he cant.....did any of that make sense???


#11 Momba

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 04:07 PM

I am always way off on my views, but I think JLH lacks the balls it takes to override Simons decision to ban Ed/Bill and Simon is to stubborn to admit he was wrong in allowing them to come back.

Another way to look at it. They just don't give a moose. What better way to control the population on a server that is maxed out. Put it in autotheft mode and like a soap opera watch the story unfold.

I say steal what you can while the getting is good. Thier is still plenty of fresh meat out there.

2 Baron's Bracelets Me. 0 items and gold lost to other thieves.
My inner child is a mean little f*ucker

#12 Consumed


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Posted 20 February 2005 - 04:14 PM

hella agreed.... if they were perm banned still kev wouldnt be fkd over... if tev was permbanned still seans theft issue wouldnt have occured.... if darkling was banned not much difference but a lil less annoyance to some people(but if annoyance got u banned ori/david need banned alot of the time :unsure:)... and finally ICP() hasnt stolen or took anything from anyone that i know of,but also quit i think...
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#13 Guest_Guva_*

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 04:20 PM

If NM2 isn't going to be released any times soon, just reset everything, its getting out of hand... (everyone has a equal chance to get good)

I'mma be hated for this >.<

#14 PsyKotik666

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 04:26 PM

your right Guva your hated...jus playin....i personally dont want a reset...some of us have worked hard to get wat we got even if it aint much

#15 Kalypso

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 04:30 PM

I think the biggest problem with staff right now is that none of us really play the game anymore. I still have somewhat of an idea of what's going on in the nightmist community. I believe there are some players (Ed, Bill) who are just malicious and only want to cause harm to the rest of the player base. I have no idea why they are still around and don't agree with Pandilex's reasons to keep them around. I just finished having a long conversation with Simon about this and I would post it here, but I don't have his consent.

I guess I just want to say to everyone who thinks staff don't care or don't want to help. I do care, I do want to help and I know some other staff members feel the same way, there are just some things beyond our power that we cannot change.
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"Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone just as wild to run with."

#16 jurian


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Posted 20 February 2005 - 04:37 PM

I guess I just want to say to everyone who thinks staff don't care or don't want to help. I do care, I do want to help and I know some other staff members feel the same way, there are just some things beyond our power that we cannot change.

like pandilex just being biased cuz he's a buddy with ed and bill? honestly i don't think staff is the problem but pandilex not allowing them to do anything. and jlh not doing anything to change this.
Even in death my hate will go on

#17 Gaddy

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 04:39 PM

Did all of the staff quit because they just stopped wanting to deal with players giving them crap every time they logged onto mortal crits or what?

I mean....no player in Nightmist seems to be able to quit for more than a few months---why don't staff come back like that?
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-Proverbs 4:7

#18 Consumed


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Posted 20 February 2005 - 04:40 PM

y cant we just get rid of the snerting snerts... i can believe that snert wont ban theese snerts... snert snert snert snert !!!
-Alias ingame-

#19 Horny

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 04:42 PM

Dude ok, just so u know me/ed/bill didnt admit that we stole. cause we didnt steal :unsure: and just so u all know.. ed/bil didnt do anything. i did everything, i was the one who "stole" the acct. and it wasnt actually stealing, craig GAVE me the pw. i can make jlh check nm logs. so now stop blaming ed/bill they didnt do a mooseing thing. And now u can go back to ur pathetic lives, cause i'm going back to mine.

Edited by Horny, 20 February 2005 - 04:43 PM.

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#20 Kalypso

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 04:45 PM

Did all of the staff quit because they just stopped wanting to deal with players giving them crap every time they logged onto mortal crits or what?

I mean....no player in Nightmist seems to be able to quit for more than a few months---why don't staff come back like that?

I don't know why most of the staff have become inactive, I can only speak for myself. It has really nothing to do with the game itself, just life in general has kept me pretty busy for a while now.

It doesn't help that players can be complete brats at times but I have learned how to deal with that pretty much..

/dayban is awesome.
"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed.
"Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone just as wild to run with."

#21 Consumed


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Posted 20 February 2005 - 04:45 PM

di r nub :unsure: ... they stole with u cuz u gave the stolen stuff to them...and quarks profile = Kev got p0wnz0red by ed.... or sumthin like that...

i think ed wants banned again...cuz he has no self control to quit himself...
-Alias ingame-

#22 Kalypso

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 04:46 PM

If you guys start posting uselesss off topic posts, the topic will be closed.
"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed.
"Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone just as wild to run with."

#23 Horny

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 04:49 PM

just so u guys know, i dont care if i get banned. it would be a good thing. (not saying i wanna get banned) anyway, the thing is... i didnt do it for the gold, i did it cause of personal reasons. if i would have wanted the gold wouldnt have i just kept it all to myself?
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

#24 Stigmata

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 04:51 PM

I am always way off on my views, but I think JLH lacks the balls it takes to override Simons decision to ban Ed/Bill and Simon is to stubborn to admit he was wrong in allowing them to come back.

Another way to look at it. They just don't give a moose. What better way to control the population on a server that is maxed out. Put it in autotheft mode and like a soap opera watch the story unfold.

I say steal what you can while the getting is good. Thier is still plenty of fresh meat out there.

2 Baron's Bracelets Me. 0 items and gold lost to other thieves.

JLH lacks the driving ambition to bother questioning Pandilex.

They are friends in real life - and if it was the same for me i'd probably go with my real life friend's decision too.
Ste - Pengant - Stigmata

#25 Consumed


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Posted 20 February 2005 - 04:59 PM

I am always way off on my views, but I think JLH lacks the balls it takes to override Simons decision to ban Ed/Bill and Simon is to stubborn to admit he was wrong in allowing them to come back.

Another way to look at it. They just don't give a moose. What better way to control the population on a server that is maxed out. Put it in autotheft mode and like a soap opera watch the story unfold.

I say steal what you can while the getting is good. Thier is still plenty of fresh meat out there.

2 Baron's Bracelets Me. 0 items and gold lost to other thieves.

JLH lacks the driving ambition to bother questioning Pandilex.

They are friends in real life - and if it was the same for me i'd probably go with my real life friend's decision too.

driving ambition=balls...

and i disagree with that...u just gonna agree with everything your friend says?... even if it would endanger somone or sumthing(this dosnt but still lol) ... whats the big deal with challenging your friends decision?
-Alias ingame-

#26 Sean

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 05:00 PM

just so u guys know, i dont care if i get banned. it would be a good thing. (not saying i wanna get banned) anyway, the thing is... i didnt do it for the gold, i did it cause of personal reasons. if i would have wanted the gold wouldnt have i just kept it all to myself?

Your trying to make it out that your generous because you gave away some of your stolen crits? :unsure:
Stadic Ingame...

#27 Eden

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 05:01 PM

Perhaps some of the thieves could explain why it is that people steal to me, because honestly I dont get it. Getting stuff, killing things, killing people IS the game.. if ya'll are too lazy to do that, or just are not actually interested in playing the game then why in gods name are you here? Because I know i'd have absolutely no feeling of satisfaction or accomplishment in having an account full of crap that wasnt mine, and without that no reason to play eh? Not like having more stuff on NM gets you chicks, or a tax break or something.

If you really dont want to play the game then just dont -- it cant be that hard to uninstall. Maybe you could spend your time in the home invasion racket, stealing little old ladies tvs and jewelery.. at least then you have forsaken all morals/ethics and at the end of it have something to pawn for drug money.
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#28 jurian


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Posted 20 February 2005 - 05:02 PM

I am always way off on my views, but I think JLH lacks the balls it takes to override Simons decision to ban Ed/Bill and Simon is to stubborn to admit he was wrong in allowing them to come back.

Another way to look at it. They just don't give a moose. What better way to control the population on a server that is maxed out. Put it in autotheft mode and like a soap opera watch the story unfold.

I say steal what you can while the getting is good. Thier is still plenty of fresh meat out there.

2 Baron's Bracelets Me. 0 items and gold lost to other thieves.

JLH lacks the driving ambition to bother questioning Pandilex.

They are friends in real life - and if it was the same for me i'd probably go with my real life friend's decision too.

but pandi is the only person that doesn't see how this mooses up the game. i'd sure would like to know his reasoning for letting them stay.

and why aren't we allowed to read the convo between jen and simon? if he has a valid point in his reasoning for letting them stay then wouldn't it be a good thing to let the players read the convo?

not being allowed tor ead that convo just makes me think that simon knows how stupid it is to let them play.
Even in death my hate will go on

#29 Horny

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 05:05 PM

dude just face it.. more than half of you would have taken the acct if u had the chance... so stfu. i didnt take the acct, i wanted something else. and i got what i wanted so i dont give a fk about what i took.
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#30 Kalypso

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Posted 20 February 2005 - 05:08 PM

Actually I had Craigs password for a while and never touched a thing :unsure:
"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed.
"Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone just as wild to run with."

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