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New Nm Tutorial

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#1 Squee



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Posted 31 January 2006 - 01:15 AM

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Entry Portal: Welcome to Nightmist, young one!

If this is your first time on this game, or any style of text adventure game, press the Return button on your keyboard, or press the Look Around button with your mouse.

If, on the other hand, you already have much experience with Nightmist, press the Exit Tutorial button with your mouse, which will teleport your character to the Sleeping Fox Inn in the city of Nightmist.

(This should probably be changed to Boar's Tusk; it was set to Sleeping Fox because of Crazy Pete's, but that's no longer an issue.)

Entry Portal: When you first walk into a room or area, you will get a brief description about the environment, and information on which directions you are allowed to move. Pressing the Return key or the Look Around button, as you have just done, allows you to look around the area that you are in, giving you more detail about your surroundings.

To move around, you may type one of 6 commands: N, S, E, W, U or D, and press Return... for North, South, East, West, Up and Down respectively.

Type N now and press Return to move North.

Talking: Quite often you have to talk to other players to share information or just to have a friendly conversation. To talk to the players in the same room as yourself, simply type what you want to say in the command box and press Return. Try it now and see yourself speak (but don't get accused of talking to yourself!)

But talking is not limited to the current room. You have a "friend list" and an "enemy list" that you can add (and remove) people to with /friend or /enemy followed by the name. To talk to people on your friend an enemy lists, put a ] (for friend) or a [ (for enemy) before whatever you wish to say (don't get the two symbols mixed up!)

You can turn off friend chat and enemy chat with ]off and [off respectively, and turn them on again with, you guessed it, ]on and [on.

Look around (Return key or the Look Around button) the room for more information.

Talking: If you want to talk to an individual player privately, you can talk to them with /page... to use this command, follow /page with the player name, and then your message; for example, say you want to talk to a player Inquisitor, you would type /page Inquisitor I want to talk to you.

If a player is offline, you might wish to leave them a message for when they log on. To do this, use the /memo command; the syntax is the same as /page.

Move North to continue or go South to go back to the Entry Portal.

Actions: You won't accomplish much in Nightmist by simply talking or moving around; often, you will have to pick up objects and fight monsters.

Underneath the "Look Around" button are five icons with the following pictures... a sword, an eye, a sword blade with an arrow, a sword hilt with an arrow, and a hand grasping a bottle.

Look around for more information.

Actions: The five icons represent the following actions respectively... Attack, Look Over, Pick Up, Drop, and Use. The image with a red square surrounding it is the action that will commence if the left mouse button is clicked over an object in the "People / Objects" window (more on this in a minute), and the image with the blue square surrounding it is the action performed upon a right mouse click. To change the actions performed by left and right mouse clicking, simply click the icon with the mouse button you wish to assign to it.

Move East to continue or move South to go back to "Talking."

People / Objects: To the left of this display is the "People / Objects" window. This will display yourself (unless you are invisible), other players and any monsters and items in the room with you that you can see. Notice the Priest who wanders around here, keeping an eye for injured players to heal, and also the Town Crier, who tolls his bell and yells what is going on in the realm of Nightmist and beyond (sometimes it is worth listening to monsters to see if they say anything that might be of use to you).

It is important to note the colour of the names in the People / Objects window... Green dictates that the person is friendly, or is an inanimate object. Blue is for neutral players (may be friend or foe) and is also the colour of items lying discarded on the floor (which can be collected if you select "Pick Up" and then click on the item in the window), while Red indicates that the player or monster is enemy and will likely attack you. There are some exceptions... for example, the Priest you see here is shown in red, but actually casts heal spells on you if you are injured; you often find them in churches.

If a sysop (game staff) is in the room with you, their name may appear any colour. Look around to continue.
A Town Crier and Priest are here with you.

People / Objects: To perform actions upon people and objects, simply click upon their name or symbol, and the action assigned to that mouse click will be performed on certain them. Note that certain actions will not work on certain people or objects; for example, you cannot pick up a player or monster, but you can pick up an item, whereas you can attack a player or monster (provided you are not inside a city), but you cannot attack an item. Move Down to continue or move West to go back to "Actions."
A Town Crier and Priest are here with you.


Spells / Abilities: Some classes can learn and perform special actions - spells or abilities.

Spells are used by Clerics, Druids, Pacifists, Paladins, and Mages. All spells cost a certain amount of mana, which is another bar beneath your health bar. Spells have varying effects; some will heal other players (such as with the spell Aid) while others will inflect damage (such as with the spell Flame). Others still will have mysterious effects that are best left up to your discover (such as with Vortex Gate). All spells must be bought except for Morph which all Druids start with.

All spells can be researched by typing
/library [spell name]

Look around for information on

Spells / Abilities: Abilities are a lot like spells in that they have varying effects. However, they do not require the use of mana. They are used by Berserkers, Rangers, and Thieves. Some will attack, such as a Ranger's Rapid Fire while others will have strange and unique effects such as a Berserker's Rage. Some abilities cannot be used until your character reaches a certain level. It is best to experiment with your abilities.

Fighters have neither
spells or abilities.

You can use spells or abilities by clicking on the button and then clicking on an object under People / Objects just as you would with other commands (such as "attack" or "look").

Continue the tutorial by going North or go Up to go back to "People / Objects."

Weapons and Armor: Whether a shining blade, glittering mail or a glowing staff, all characters will use equipment at some point in their career.

To equip an item, you will first need to have it in your inventory. You can sometimes find discarded weapons lying on the ground, though you will usually buy them from shops or other players. Click on the Buy Item button with your mouse and then buy the Staff so that it is in your inventory. Then, click on the icon with a shield and two arrows pointing towards the box labelled "Weapons and Armors" (this is the equip button) and then on the Short Sword in your inventory. Now you're holding your sword and are ready to fight! To unequip your short sword, click on the icon with a shield and two arrows (in the opposite direction) and then on your Short Sword. It will appear in your inventory. You cannot unequip if your inventory is full.

The same process is used for other areas such as your: armor, shield, helmet, amulet, gloves, boots, bracelet and ring (x4).

Look around for more information.

Weapons and Armor: Just like spells, weapons and armors can be researched by using /library [item name]. Base Damage refers to how much damage a weapon will inflict in general. Together with your strength, your damage is determined. You can't equip an item if your class name is not on the Can be used by: list. You must also meet the minimum level requirement. Magical weapons are more effective against certain monsters and Vampiric weapons will steal life from your victim. The Monster Damage Table refers to any multiplier applied to your damage against certain monster types.

Equipment is usually bought and sold from shops but it can also be purchased online from other characters. By typing /web, you can bring up the Nightmist Browser. It will show you the Nightmist home page. Under Trading Area, you can buy items from players or bid on player-run auctions.

You can sell items online by typing /websell [item]/[price]. You can also start an auction by typing /auction [item]/[base price]. You can check your auction /auction check [item] and end the auction with /auction end [item].

You can continue by going Up or move South to go back to "Spells / Abilities."

Training: Characters get stronger by gaining experience. You get obtain experience either by attacking and killing monsters, healing characters, or as a prize from special quests and events.

For now, you can practice on Pierre the Training Dummy! Or, you can heal Bonooru the Undead Doll for damage!

Look around to continue.

Training: After killing a monster, they will sometimes drop gold or even items. Gold and items can be stored inside Banks and the Nightmist City Vault respectively.

If you ever die (your health falls below 1), you will lose all your gold and even some of your items so it's best to exercise your depositing ability! If ever you are injured, it is best to find a Church so a Priest can heal you for free. Most large cities have one.

Once you gain enough experience points, your Experience Bar will turn red. You will need to find a Guild where you can train and hone your skills. Levelling will raise your hit points, mana (if applicable), your chance to hit, your damage and many other aspects of your character!

Head North to continue or back Down to "Weapons and Armor."

Exit Portal: Before you stands a whirling vortex. Hues of blue and azure congeal and merge as they swirl to a single point. There is a wooden sign with some exotic writing on it, driven into the ground (type /read). The tutorial lies back towards the South.

Exit Portal: The portal itself, though raging in a small, stationary torrent before your eyes, seems harmless enough. There is a strange sense of pride and satisfaction in the air, and you cannot help but feel like you have accomplished something. The tutorial lies back towards the South.


You can glance over the fancy caligraphy. In flawless handwriting, you make out: Congratulations, whomever you may be. Know now that beyond this portal lies many dangers and perils but, at the same time, riches beyond your wildest fantasies. You will meet both friend and foe in this strange realm, but remain ever vigiliant. Remember, the greatest of tales start with humblest beginnings. The sign is signed by no-one.

(This area has a button that teleports you to the Boar's Tusk in, labelled "Step through the Portal". Upon using the button, the player is reminded that they can type "help" at anytime for a list of topics.)

Stats for Pierre the Training Dummy and Bonooru the Undead Doll:

Pierre the Training Dummy:
HP: 10
AC: (Can we put a negative number here so he's very, very easy to hit?)
Says: "Ah, je m'appelle Pierre. Comment t'appelle tu?"
"Ca va? Ca va bien!"
"Bonne chance, eh! Bonne chance!"
Says (on death): "Sacre bleu!"

Exp: 10 per damage, 12 per damage on killing
Gold: 5

Bonooru the Undead Doll
HP: 20
AC: 200
Says: "Hey, baby! Dig that groovy tune!"
"Good golly!"
Says (on death): "Uncool, crazy cat - uncool!"
Exp: 10, 12 per damage on killing
Gold: 5

If possible, I'd like to keep these messages rather sparse.


And that does it for my suggestion. Any comments? Anything I missed?
(Before you ask, the rooms before first horizontal line of dashes were created by Crane, not myself.)

Edit: Added a map so you can visualize more easily.

Edited by Squee, 31 January 2006 - 04:06 AM.

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#2 Tyler

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Posted 31 January 2006 - 03:20 AM


Only suggestion I would make is:

Pierre the Training Dummy:
Says: "Ah, je m'appelle Pierre. Comment t'appelle tu?"
"Ca va? Ca va bien!"
"Bonne chance, eh! Bonne chance!"

Some people that are new to this game, whether that matters or not, may not understand the messages, although some other monsters you cannot either. So, if it stays I'm totally fine with it, just my suggestion :(

Great Work Squee :ph34r:

CEO & Founder of Twisted Tactics.



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#3 Perfection

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Posted 31 January 2006 - 03:47 AM

wow nice work Squee looks like you covered everything to get people started
Pulsar, Gremlin or Old_Dog in game. (multi alt only)

#4 Crane


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Posted 31 January 2006 - 03:59 AM

I presume the undead doll is for Pacifists, since the healing classes will not have their Heal spell at the time. It should be made obvious to new players as to which monster can be attacked.

Thanks for continuing the tutorial that I started work on.

Something tells me that it is either meant to be just a Staff or just a Short Sword in that paragraph about equipping... not both. And if players can buy them for free... well... they can buy more than one and sell them later on in the Nightmist city, so I don't really support that bit.

May I ask... is it possible to return to the tutorial after exiting it? My only small concern is bored Archmasters hogging the dummy kills!
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#5 Squee



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Posted 31 January 2006 - 04:02 AM

I wouldn't think so. You'd have to get teleported there and... well, to be honest, what staff member would do that for an archmaster?

By the by, I forgot to put that both dummies give 10 exp per point of damage.
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#6 Perfection

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Posted 31 January 2006 - 04:02 AM

have it so the dummys can't be killed? simply hitting it gives enough of an idea of what to do
Pulsar, Gremlin or Old_Dog in game. (multi alt only)

#7 Crane


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Posted 31 January 2006 - 04:06 AM

have it so the dummys can't be killed? simply hitting it gives enough of an idea of what to do

Good idea. I was thinking about the monster kill list a bit... would be unfair to make a new monster inaccessible like that.
The Crane Temple Chairman

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Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#8 Squee



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Posted 31 January 2006 - 04:06 AM

Ugh, those dummies. xD

Well, I wanted them to be able to die because I wanted players to get some gold out of it. But, you're right, having them invincible would be just as suitable.
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#9 Raylen


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Posted 31 January 2006 - 08:05 AM

Squee for staff!

-- Supported --
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#10 Thunderja


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Posted 31 January 2006 - 08:35 AM

Very nice, like a dynamic fox!
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#11 Crane


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Posted 31 January 2006 - 02:52 PM

Getting gold and new monster kills I'm not so sure on, as that will defeat the object of the arenas a little bit, but everything else I'm all up for.

Dummies that can only be hit, not killed, might be okay, as long as it is clear that they can't be killed. As for them having experience, only 1 XP per damage point at most, I'd say.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#12 Squee



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Posted 31 January 2006 - 03:48 PM

Training: Characters get stronger by gaining experience. You get obtain experience either by attacking and killing monsters, healing characters, or as a prize from special quests and events.

For now, you can practice on Pierre the Training Dummy! Or, you can heal Bonooru the Undead Doll for damage!

Look around to continue.

We can edit that to:

Training: Characters get stronger by gaining experience. You get obtain experience either by attacking and killing monsters, healing characters, or as a prize from special quests and events.

For now, you can practice on Pierre the Training Dummy! Or, you can heal Bonooru the Undead Doll for damage!

Look around to continue when you're ready.

(That'll imply that they can't be killed.)

We can scrap the whole "killing dummies" idea, as I think it's good enough that new players just learn how to attack/heal monsters for exp. 1 exp per damage sounds good to me, also. ^__^

Keep the suggestions coming!
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#13 Azza

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Posted 31 January 2006 - 08:29 PM

That is Ace work well done on that looks like you covered everything and it is simple to follow.

The colours you used for some of the writing would they be used if it was implemented? if so the spells and the abilities bit needs editing slightly, (if you put the spells in red, the abilities in green) i have a feeling you was doing that but the abilities where highlighted red in the paragraph.

As i said tho good work and hope it gets implemented. :(

#14 Matty

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Posted 01 February 2006 - 07:25 PM

Looks pretty damn fine to me.
Tio in game.

#15 Trevayne

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Posted 02 February 2006 - 02:59 PM

Wonderful work Squee and Crane.

A few friendly amendments:

1) I'd suggest moving the room on "Talking" to be after the "Training" room. Knowing about friend and enemy lists is nice, but it's not the first thing that I would teach new players about. Give them some capabilities to move, deal with objects, and give them an idea of the game ... let's teach them that the most important parts of the game are playing the game and not that it is a glorified chat server :(

2) If you happen to start out as a druid, the initial game play with morphing is somewhat confusing. The spells/abilities room points out that you start with morph. If a new druid were to try to morph once they got to that room, they would run into a confusing sequence of events that included (1) getting the message that they must use /morphset, (2) figuring out how to do /morphset, (3) being told that they don't have enough magic to morph. It might be enough to just leave mention of the morph out at this point... druids will learn about this on their own later. (But the /morphset message should be changed to be a bit more new-player-friendly.) Alternately, we could put in a room specific to each class... it would require some additional construction time but it might make new players more likely to read through this info multiple times (as they started new classes).

3) You might want to add information on the forum when you discuss the /web command. Compared to other games of this scale, NM has a very active (and even sometimes helpful) forum community. Personally, I think that /forum is infinitely more important than knowing about commands like /auction, which to the best of my knowledge nobody really uses.

4) You need to introduce the idea that healing spells can both heal wounded characters and be used to destroy undead when you discuss the training dummies. This is sometimes confusing to new players.

5) Players are sometimes confused about the NM vault being accessible only by themselves. Change "inside Banks and the Nightmist City Vault" to be "inside Banks and your private deposit box in the Nightmist City Vault"

6) New players are often confused about whether or not they will lose items that are equipped when they die. Change "you will lose all your gold and even some of your items" to "you will lose all of your gold and even some of the items in your inventory (but not items that you have equipped)"
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#16 Crane


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Posted 02 February 2006 - 03:21 PM

Very good points, Trevayne. I'll definitely note them down.
The Crane Temple Chairman

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Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#17 Squee



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Posted 03 February 2006 - 04:26 PM

Alternately, we could put in a room specific to each class... it would require some additional construction time but it might make new players more likely to read through this info multiple times (as they started new classes).

I tried doing this; I really did.

But I'm having the most trouble. See, when I write these rooms, I'm trying to be vague but informative at the same time. It's a cruel mistress to please.

I'll show you what I've written for the Berserkers' room, and you can probably see my dilemma.

Bersekrers: Berserkers are fearless warriors. Driven by bloodlust and fueled with rage, these characters are killing machines. Berserkers cannot equip anything save for some of the heaviest and most brutal of weapons.

As a primary melee fighter, Berserkers enjoy incredibly high hit points and are able to heal their wounds rather quickly.

Berserkers can attack very, very quickly and without remorse. In addition, some Berserkers are to known have the most unworldly strength, able to break down doors and bones unlike almost effortlessly.

Berserkers: Before you stands Dirge, a half-orc with long, greasy, black hair. His eyes glint with an almost madness. In one hand, he carries a club made entirely of granite almost effortlessly. His other hand is clutched around a half-roasted chicken that he takes a large bite of every so often. The berserker's build almost dwarfs you out, and the smell nearly makes you retch. He wears only tattered rags that reveal his bare skin; however, you cannot help but feel something savagely regal about this man.

(As you can see, it's not really all that helpful to new players. But I'm afraid that if I make it more "helpful," I'll elminate the need to experiment. I think we can all agree that the majority of this game should be learned through just playing.

So, I don't really know where to go with these individual rooms ^^;)

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#18 Kakarott

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Posted 03 February 2006 - 09:11 PM


Both Server's





#19 Squee



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Posted 05 February 2006 - 07:33 PM

Alright, I believe this to be my final copy. I left out individual class rooms for the reason I mentioned above. Players should be fine if they just take the time to experiment.

What I changed:
  • Made the "Action" room come first, then "Talking."
  • Fixed the "Weapon and Armors" room. Players can buy a Staff for 10 gold or sell a Staff for 10 gold, just as they can do at the Nightmist Armory.
  • Pierre and Bonooru (the dummies) give 1 exp per point of damage, and cannot be killed.
  • It is obvious that healing damages undead and hinted that some monsters require different tactics to injure.
  • Removed friend/enemy list from the "Talking" room.
  • Talk about the forum in the "Talking" room.
  • It is now more obvious that you only lose items in your inventory.
  • It is now more obvious that your Nightmist Vault is private.
  • Explained mana leech.
  • Talked about healing at Inns in addition to free priest healings.
  • Adjusted the leaving message (at the end of the tutorial) slightly.
  • Fixed some mechanics (colouring, spelling/grammar, etc.)

Posted Image

Entry Portal: Welcome to Nightmist, young one!

If this is your first time on this game, or any style of text adventure game, press the Return button on your keyboard, or press the Look Around button with your mouse.

If, on the other hand, you already have much experience with Nightmist, press the Exit Tutorial button with your mouse, which will teleport your character to the Boar's Tusk Inn in the city of Nightmist.

Entry Portal: When you first walk into a room or area, you will get a brief description about the environment, and information on which directions you are allowed to move. Pressing the Return key or the Look Around button, as you have just done, allows you to look around the area that you are in, giving you more detail about your surroundings.

To move around, you may type one of 6 commands: N, S, E, W, U or D, and press Return... for North, South, East, West, Up and Down respectively.

Type N now and press Return to move North.

Actions: Nightmist is a game of action. Heroes aren't known for their ability to lounge around. Often, you will have to fight monsters, defend yourself from bandits and, of course, collect the spoils of your adventures.

Underneath the "Look Around" button are five icons with the following pictures... a sword, an eye, a sword blade with an arrow, a sword hilt with an arrow, and a hand grasping a bottle.

Look around for more information.

Actions: The five icons represent the following actions respectively... Attack, Look Over, Pick Up, Drop, and Use. The image with a red square surrounding it is the action that will commence if the left mouse button is clicked over an object in the "People / Objects" window (more on this in a minute), and the image with the blue square surrounding it is the action performed upon a right mouse click. To change the actions performed by left and right mouse clicking, simply click the icon with the mouse button you wish to assign to it.

Move North to continue or move South to go back to the Entry Portal.

Talking: Quite often you have to talk to other players to share information or just to have a friendly conversation. To talk to the players in the same room as yourself, simply type what you want to say in the command box and press Return. Try it now and see yourself speak (but don't get accused of talking to yourself!).

Look around the room for more information.

Talking: If you want to talk to an individual player privately, you can talk to them with /page... to use this command, type /page [player name] [message]; for example, say you want to talk to a player Inquisitor - you would type /page Inquisitor Hello!

If a player is offline, you might wish to leave them a message for when they log on. To do this, use the /memo command; the syntax is the same as /page.

It is also worthy to note the Nightmist Online Forum. This can be brought up either by typing /forum or by going there through the Nightmist homepage. The forum is a wealth of knowledge, complete with a Search feature so you can easily find answers to your questions. This is also where Game Announcements are made, so it is best to check frequently!

Move East to continue or go South to go back to the "Actions."

People / Objects: To the left of this display is the "People / Objects" window. This will display yourself (unless you are invisible), other players and any monsters and items in the room with you that you can see. Notice the Priest who wanders around here, keeping an eye for injured players to heal, and also the Town Crier, who tolls his bell and yells what is going on in the realm of Nightmist and beyond (sometimes it is worth listening to monsters to see if they say anything that might be of use to you).

It is important to note the colour of the names in the People / Objects window... Green dictates that the person is friendly, or is an inanimate object. Blue is for neutral players (may be friend or foe) and is also the colour of items lying discarded on the floor (which can be collected if you select "Pick Up" and then click on the item in the window), while Red indicates that the player or monster is an enemy and will likely attack you. There are some exceptions... for example, the Priest you see here is shown in red, but actually casts heal spells on you if you are injured; you often find them in churches.

If a sysop (game staff) is in the room with you, their name may appear any colour. Look around to continue.
A Town Crier and Priest are here with you.

People / Objects: To perform actions upon people and objects, simply click upon their name or symbol, and the action assigned to that mouse click will be performed on certain them. Note that certain actions will not work on certain people or objects; for example, you cannot pick up a player or monster, but you can pick up an item, whereas you can attack a player or monster (provided you are not inside a city), but you cannot attack an item. Move Down to continue or move West to go back to "Talking."
A Town Crier and Priest are here with you.

Spells / Abilities: Some classes can learn and perform special actions - spells or abilities

Spells are used by Clerics, Druids, Pacifists, Paladins, and Mages. All spells cost a certain amount of mana, which is another bar beneath your health bar. Spells have varying effects; some will heal other players (such as with the spell Aid) while others will inflect damage (such as with the spell Flame). Others still will have mysterious effects that are best left up to your discover (such as with Vortex Gate). Almost all spells must be bought.

All spells can be researched by typing /library [spell name]

Look around for information on Abilities.

Spells / Abilities: Abilities are a lot like spells in that they have varying effects. However, they do not require the use of mana. They are used by Berserkers, Druids, Rangers, and Thieves. Some will attack, such as a Ranger's Rapid Fire while others will have strange and unique effects such as a Berserker's Rage. Some abilities cannot be used until your character reaches a certain level. It is best to experiment with your abilities.

Fighters have neither spells or abilities.

You can use spells or abilities by clicking on the button and then clicking on an object under People / Objects just as you would with other commands (such as "attack" or "look").

Continue the tutorial by going North or go Up to go back to "People / Objects."

Weapons and Armor: Whether a shining blade, glittering mail or a glowing staff, all characters will use equipment at some point in their career.

To equip an item, you will first need to have it in your inventory. You can sometimes find discarded weapons lying on the ground, though you will usually buy them from shops or other players. Click on the Buy Item button with your mouse and then buy the Staff so that it is in your inventory. Be sure to watch your gold - there are better places to spend it. Then, click on the icon with a shield and two arrows pointing towards the box labelled "Weapons and Armors" (this is the equip button) and then on the Staff in your inventory. Now you're holding your staff and are ready to fight! To unequip your staff, click on the icon with a shield and two arrows (in the opposite direction) and then on your Staff. It will appear in your inventory. You cannot unequip if your inventory is full.

The same process is used for other areas such as your: armor, shield, helmet, amulet, gloves, boots, bracelet and ring (x4).

Selling an item is a similar process. Click on the "Sell Item" button with your mouse. You can only sell items in your inventory. Just like how only some vendors sell certain items, only some vendors will buy certain items. Sometimes it takes some exploring to find out who will take what - often with beneficial payouts.

Look around for more information.

Weapons and Armor: Just like spells, weapons and armors can be researched by using /library [item name]. Base Damage refers to how much damage a weapon will inflict in general. Together with your strength, your damage is determined. You can't equip an item if your class name is not on the Can be used by: list. You must also meet the minimum level requirement. Magical weapons are more effective against certain monsters and Vampiric weapons will steal life from your victim, while weapons with Mana Leech will steal mana. The Monster Damage Table refers to any multiplier applied to your damage against certain monster types; for example, a Staff[/orange] will hit Skeletons and Skeletal monsters for 1.25 times normal damage.

You can continue by going Up or move South to go back to "Spells / Abilities."

Training: Characters get stronger by gaining experience. You get obtain experience either by attacking and killing monsters, healing characters, or as a prize from special quests and events.

For now, you can practice attacking Pierre the Training Dummy! Or, you can practice healing Bonooru the Undead Doll for damage! Remember, positive healing energy disrupts the negative energy of the undead and other vile creatures. There are different ways to attack monsters and it is best to experiment to find the best tactic to use.

Look around to continue when you're ready.

Training: After killing a monster, they will sometimes drop gold or even items. Gold and items can be stored inside Banks and your private deposit box at the Nightmist City Vault respectively.

If you ever die (your health falls below 1), you will lose all your gold and even some of your items in your inventory (but not the items that you have equiped) so it's best to exercise your depositing ability! If ever you are injured, it is best to find a Church so a Priest can heal you for free. Most large cities have one. Alternatively, you can fully heal your health and mana at Inns for 100 gold.

Once you gain enough experience points, your Experience Bar will turn red. You will need to find a Guild where you can train and hone your skills. Levelling will raise your hit points, mana (if applicable), your chance to hit, your damage and many other aspects of your character!

Head North to continue or back Down to "Weapons and Armor."

Exit Portal: Before you stands a whirling vortex. Hues of blue and azure congeal and merge as they swirl to a single point. There is a wooden sign with some exotic writing on it, driven into the ground (type /read). The tutorial lies back towards the South.

Exit Portal: The portal itself, though raging in a small, stationary torrent before your eyes, seems harmless enough. There is a strange sense of pride and satisfaction in the air, and you cannot help but feel like you have accomplished something. The tutorial lies back towards the South.


You glance over the fancy caligraphy. In flawless handwriting, you make out: Congratulations, whomever you may be. Know now that beyond this portal lies many dangers and perils but, at the same time, riches beyond your wildest fantasies. You will meet both friend and foe in this strange realm, but remain ever vigiliant. Remember, the greatest of tales start with the humblest of beginnings. The sign is signed by no-one.

(This area has a button that teleports you to the Boar's Tusk in, labelled "Step through the Portal". Upon using the button, the player is shown:

[color="orange"]At any point in the game, you can type "help" to bring up a list of help topics, including a list of all the commands.

Stats for Pierre the Training Dummy and Bonooru the Undead Doll:

Pierre the Training Dummy:
HP: 10 000 000
AC: 1
Type: Normal
Says: "Ah, je m'appelle Pierre. Comment t'appelle tu?"
"Ca va? Ca va bien!"
"Bonne chance, eh! Bonne chance!"
Says (on death): "Sacre bleu!"

Exp: 1 per damage
Gold: 0

Bonooru the Undead Doll
HP: 20 000 000
AC: 200
Type: Undead
Says: "Hey, baby! Dig that groovy tune!"
"Good golly!"
Says (on death): "Uncool, crazy cat - uncool!"
Exp: 1 per damage
Gold: 0

If possible, I'd like to keep these messages rather sparse.
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#20 Emo

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Posted 05 February 2006 - 11:15 PM

Nice, free oak staff and leather whatever it is to start with too prz. Help em out a bit.

#21 Perfection

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Posted 06 February 2006 - 03:25 AM

wish this was in game when i started :(
Pulsar, Gremlin or Old_Dog in game. (multi alt only)

#22 Trevayne

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Posted 06 February 2006 - 03:27 PM

Alternately, we could put in a room specific to each class... it would require some additional construction time but it might make new players more likely to read through this info multiple times (as they started new classes).

I tried doing this; I really did.

But I'm having the most trouble. See, when I write these rooms, I'm trying to be vague but informative at the same time. It's a cruel mistress to please.

I think that the key to doing this is to focus not as much on the abilities themselves or on the role play, but to focus on the game interface and mechanics. Imagine that I've just finished a few months playing WoW and now want something different. I try downloading this silly free game called Nightmist and want to figure out how I can run around a whomp things real gud.

Let me give the Berserker example some small edits:

Berserkers: Berserkers are fearless warriors. Driven by bloodlust and fueled with rage, these characters are killing machines. Berserkers avoid wearing any armor, either because they are too dim-witted to put it on or because they have no fear of death. As a primary melee fighter, Berserkers enjoy incredibly high hit points and are able to heal their wounds rather quickly.

In addition to their regular attack, berserkers have two special attacks (smite and berserk) and a special ability (rage). Smite is a single, masterful stroke of a weapon designed to penetrate even the most sturdy armor. Berserk is a frenzied flurry of attacks of brutual strength. To use either of these attacks, select the appropriate attack from the "spells/abilities" box in the lower left corner of your screen, and then click on your opponent.

Berserkers are also trained to harness their anger and rage to greatly increase their strength. By selecting "Rage" from the spells and abilities box and clicking on your own picture, you can increase your strength greatly. This ability can be deactivated by clicking on yourself a second time. Be warned though, that all of these special abilities come with a cost.

(I agree that we should not give specifics or give away too much information, but I think this description gives nothing more than you could find with the right 2 minutes of experimentation.)
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#23 Squee



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Posted 14 February 2006 - 02:31 AM

Sorry that I haven't touched this in a while. I'm having having an affair with Warcraft III.


I still don't think the private rooms are worth it. I've written about half of them (in alphabetical order, all the way up to Mage) and they seem kind of pointless.

Even with the improved Berserker room that you wrote up, Trevayne, I can't see the use in them.

You said yourself that after 2 minutes of experimentation, they should get it. I think they should have to take those 2 minutes.

...But that's me. I kind of want to hear what other people have to say. (Democracy and all that jazz, you know.)
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#24 MessiahX

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Posted 15 February 2006 - 05:33 PM

Good job Squee. Supported :(

#25 Scripto


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Posted 15 February 2006 - 05:53 PM

I love this idea, Supported.
For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.

Scripto (Staff)
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#26 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 15 February 2006 - 06:26 PM

Definately supported.
Disaster ingame.

#27 Guest_Doom_*

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Posted 17 February 2006 - 10:38 PM

Perhaps it should say somewhere that bunnys are rubbish exp and should be avoided when you first start the game lol..for some reason when people start they always go to the north side of the city and train of rabbits... ;)

#28 Boys Night Out

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Posted 18 February 2006 - 12:12 AM

i think he's trying to get browny points for the staff position
Tread lightly, as you tread on my dreams...

Hansol ingame

#29 Wind


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Posted 21 February 2006 - 02:59 PM

;) Very good idea Squee


And Cal get off his nutz please...
Cry me a river!

Character Name: Wind on both servers!

#30 Elrik

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Posted 02 March 2006 - 07:55 AM

I like it. Supported.

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