Silent In My Sanity
I live safe inside my cell
In the darkness that surrounds me
I see my own special hell
I let you win,you come on to me
And your so mooseing brave
A chewed out lighten candle
fell into my cold and empty grave
Somewhere in your worthy mind
Tell you this is what the people need
Doing all that nuts on me
And leave me here to bleed
Cradle falls, Unholy walls...
Silent In My Sanity
I live safe inside my cell
In the darkness that surrounds me
I see my own special hell
Comfort in my suffering
Feeling warm inside this pain
Before I was coming down on me
I come on down again
You woke me out my secert grave
you let your pretty world in
Cradle falls, Unholy walls...
Now you're in my world
Did you scream it'd be so small
My little box was perfect
'Til you destroyed it all
My Sanctity of sorrow gone
Forever in its place
The sacred sweet of you
Is all that's left to taste
Feeling claustrophobic
Now my world is closing in
Subtle retribution
Where I am and where I've been
I'll take you to a place
You never knew could be
Curled up, In my little box.
Cradle falls, Unholy walls...

Started by TórtúréÐ Ésséñçé, Oct 14 2004 03:19 AM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 14 October 2004 - 03:19 AM
I Láy Héré Bèátéñ Àñd Báttéréd Mý Lífé Thát Öñcè Wás Îs Ñów Lóst Áñd Tórméntéd Wíth Evérý Mémórý Thát Óñcé Wâs Šàcréd Àñd Púré.
Posted 14 October 2004 - 01:49 PM
what kind of music should be in the background? nu-metal with a touch of goth?? or alternative
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