Alternate Items
Posted 22 June 2004 - 01:45 AM
Well, I saw saber when I was little and asked what it meant. I was told it was a sword. So I'm like, ok, all these 'blades' and 'swords' are getting annoying, lets use a saber for once.
Posted 22 June 2004 - 02:09 PM
Base Damage:5
it can be used by: paladins, fighters, berserkers
level needed to equip it: 5
original name: Rapier
The Fool's Bow is a magical bow made by the nymphs of the forest, only a fool would stand in the way of its owner.
Base Damage: 22
level needed to equip it: 30
can be used by: rangers (DUH!)
original name: Elven Long Bow
Edited by archmaster, 22 June 2004 - 02:15 PM.
Posted 23 June 2004 - 08:50 AM
Main crits:
Don't kill the
Posted 23 June 2004 - 10:25 PM
Name: Crusader's Crest
Base: Fireleaf Tunic (Armour 40)
Minimum Level: 30
Can be used by: Paladins
Description: The Crusader's Crest is a reinforced steel breastplate that has been galvanised with silver. Bonded to the front is a large golden symbol representing the faith of the Paladins that are given the right to wear this prized armour. The surface has been polished to the point where it is almost perfectly reflective.
Name: Pendant of Passion (Used in-game - Crane)
Base: Amulet of Grace (Armour 2, +1 Charisma)
Minimum Level: 30
Can be used by: all classes except Berserkers
Description: The Pendant of Passion consists of a ruby heart encircled by a golden circumference, connected to a silver necklace chain. It is rumoured that the heart emits some form of magic that causes anyone near its vicinity to feel a great sense of empathy.
Edited by Crane, 25 August 2005 - 02:35 PM.
Main crits:
Don't kill the
Posted 24 June 2004 - 03:05 PM
Original Item: Oxfords
Description: Little more than a piece of smoothed wood slipped under the foot, these sandals cannot provide the protection of other types of heavy boots. There is a black string that slips over the top of the foot and wedges in between the first and second two. Often found as uncomfortable when first worn, these sandals can eventually feel like second nature, giving the wearer a sense of light-weightedness and renewed agility.

Posted 25 June 2004 - 01:05 AM
Description: This gun will not leave anything left behind. The bullets easily tear through all of the armor ever created.
Can be used by: Hobos,Thiefs.
Original: Cobalt Staff Of The Winds
Posted 25 June 2004 - 01:34 AM
Posted 25 June 2004 - 03:10 AM
Original item, token coin of cyric.
could be bought in nightmist place where you sell furs, have it take 10 rabbit furs to trade for the Nimrod Mark.
Would be my thing to hand to people rather than calling them nOObs or whatever.
-Proverbs 4:7
Posted 25 June 2004 - 06:12 AM
I like yours the best lol
Posted 30 June 2004 - 09:09 AM
New name: Misty Robes (Used in-game - Crane)
Description: The enchanting haze of these garments hovers around the body of the mage without impeding their movement and almost seem to be a part of the mystical aura the mage projects. The mystical vapours themselves glisten and sparkle in the flickering light, obscuring the mages appearance and protecting them from danger
New name: Nebulous Cloak
Description: Lightweight and mysteriously insubstantial, the 'material' of this attire is the stuff of myth... fogs and mists darkly entwined to create a garment worthy of awe, nature itself reigned and sewn into this grand robe. Enchanted to offer great protection, this is suitable only for those enchanters and magicians who have gained true mastery of their powers.
(Please note; Nebulous= hazy/vague... has nothing to do with Nebulas in the astronomical sense)
New Name: Robe of Rime
Description: Numbing to those not used to the cold, this is a delicate robe made from a light coating of ice. Shattered patterns of frost and snowflakes have been cast into its substance like runes, and the sheen that glistens across the whitened surface keeps the robes frozen even in extreme heat.
(Please note; Rime in terms of frost, not ladders or fissures. Also not rhyme)
The Misty Robes, and hence in part the Nebulous Cloak, aren't really my ideas but rather belong to Squee and alone ... I just stole the idea and reworded it, because I do things like that when people aren't watching me closely enough

Edited by Crane, 25 August 2005 - 02:36 PM.
Posted 30 June 2004 - 02:26 PM
Popular among the more intellectual fools and idiots, what the rubber axe lacks in deadliness, it makes up for in humor.
Posted 30 June 2004 - 03:55 PM
Charon, on Jun 30 2004, 05:09 AM, said:
...I love you! *glomp*Original Name for the following: Golden Robes

Posted 01 July 2004 - 02:26 PM
Base: Cat's Eye Amulet (Armour 2, +1 Intelligence)
Minimum Level: 30
Can be used by: all classes except Berserkers
Description: The Ankh is an ancient symbol representing life. This relic is often carried by great leaders and buried with them as they pass on. You cannot help but stare in wonder and awe at this magnificent artifact, for only people with a great mind may wear it.
Name: Nunchaku (Used in-game - Crane)
Base: Warhammer (Base damage 10)
Minimum Level: 10
Can be used by: Clerics, Druids, Fighters, Berserkers
Description: This short weapon consists of a pair of tow-linked metallic rods. At first sight, it does not appear that it can cause much damage, but the rod that lashes out when the weapon is swung can easily knock someone unconscious and entangle other weapons.
Name: Three-Sectional Staff (Used in-game - Crane)
Base: Morning Star (Base damage 20)
Minimum Level: 25
Can be used by: Clerics, Druids, Fighters, Berserkers
Description: This fearsome weapon is the bigger brother of the more widely known nunchaku. Consisting of three tow-linked metallic rods which are twice as long as that of the nunchaku, the two flailing ends can easily shatter bones and dent armour with minimal effort. The weapon does take a lot of getting used to though... students training to use the weapon find they keep smacking themselves in the face!
Name: Wakizashi (Used in-game - Crane)
Base: Quarterstaff (Base damage 8)
Minimum Level: 5
Can be used by: Clerics, Druids, Fighters, Paladins, Berserkers
Description: Slightly shorter than its brother, the Katana, this weapon has a relatively sharp blade and takes little skill to wield effectively. However, its short length hinders its performance and thus the tip does not travel fast enough to penetrate reinforced armour. Nevertheless, it is one of the better short-range weapons available if your opponent breaks through your guard.
Edited by Crane, 25 August 2005 - 02:37 PM.
Main crits:
Don't kill the
Posted 01 July 2004 - 03:21 PM
I simple blade used for quick assinations.
Replaceing Dagger
a heavy curved knife with a razor sharp edge inside of the curve
replace dagger
thats all I got for now.
think of more later
Posted 01 July 2004 - 05:26 PM
Coballt staff of the winds
Description: Great for scaring people when they see a lvl 1 with a "cobalt"
Just for humor....
Posted 03 July 2004 - 02:37 AM
The waraxe is a long, cumbersome weapon capable of effectively mashing in an opponent's skull within a single blow. A thick, wooden handle, bound with straps of leather for grip and headed to an oversized crest of wrought iron serves as an ideal weapon for aspiring warriors.
Replacing Warhammer (yes the description is the same but works so if it aint broke why fix it?)
Banded Mail
This armor is made of overlaping strips of metal sewn to a backing of leather and chainmail. The strips cover vulnerable areas,while the leather and chain parts protect joints without restricting movement.
Replacing Oak Vest(?)
Locked Gauntlet
Tired of dropping your sword after a rather hard strike against it? Never again with the Locked Gauntlets. Securley fastens your weapon to your hand. Made from left-over metal from rusted helmets.
Replacing leather gloves
Posted 03 July 2004 - 03:29 AM
This divine armor shines with the fury of the heavens themselves. The crest of a winged angel covers the piece which seems to have a magical aura about it. It is said that with this armor equiped it's almost as if you had wings yourself.a small verse of a poem is written on the back. "though they tried to fight the gods they were hopeless in penetrating their armor"
original: Sand Wurm Hide
Divine Gauntlets:
These gauntlets are said to give the wearer the power of god's very fist, blessing them with the gift of having a steadier sword and rapid movement. The gauntlets themselves have crests upon them and a small verse of a poem."And the gods lifted their hands and cleansed the world, at the cost of all life".
original: Spider Gauntlets
Divine Shield:
The shield shines with the light of the sun even in the darkest of nights, piercing the darkness with an arrow of purity. There is a verse of a poem on the back. "The arrows of many were shot that day but none reached the gods as their shields blocked all attack"
original: Spiked Shield
Divine Helmet:
This helmet is made an unknown metal and shines with a bright blue glare. Gold is lined around several parts of the helmet and give it a look of extreme power. There is a verse of a poem written inside. "As the gods dawned their helmets they prepared for a battle of faith"
original: Helm of Triumph
Divine Boots:
These boots provide utterly complete protection from enemy attack. A crest of a sword and a wing is attached to each boot. There is a verse of a poem on the side. "The defiant army charged the gods but their swords could not breach the armor"
original: Boots of Time
i figured they could be boss drops or sold in a store (that wouldnt go over to well though, being able to buy something in a store similar to sgs and bot)
Edited by afireinside, 03 July 2004 - 03:51 AM.
Posted 03 July 2004 - 03:22 PM
Evilcloud, on Jul 1 2004, 06:26 PM, said:
LOL THAT WOULD BE NICE LOLOLlol i want the Haiberd so bad....
Coballt staff of the winds
Description: Great for scaring people when they see a lvl 1 with a "cobalt"
Just for humor....
Posted 03 July 2004 - 10:25 PM
afireinside, on Jul 3 2004, 04:29 AM, said:
i figured they could be boss drops or sold in a store (that wouldnt go over to well though, being able to buy something in a store similar to sgs and bot)
Stotic, on Mar 27 2004, 09:45 PM, said:
There was one rule... I hence assume that one rule means items already available in shops, not items you would like to be available in them ^^
There is a boss drops thread... maybe those alternate names of boss drops would be better suggested there?
Posted 04 July 2004 - 04:03 AM
Posted 05 July 2004 - 10:58 PM
This armor apears to have been forged from a giant crystal, It seems almost to glow as it is hit by the sun enchanting you and drawing you to its beauty, Engraved on its chest is on single black rose and the Inscription, with in this stone the rose is held safe, waiting and never failed.
Spiked armor.
To anyone charon or someone one of you could you check the spelling on this im tried and my dislexia is acting up so Shyte is bouncing around. Pleaseeeee and if there is anything repost it for me.
Posted 06 August 2004 - 08:34 PM
Bishop, on Aug 6 2004, 09:13 PM (Game Discussion, Nmhelperbeta Version 99a), said:
Sleeping, on Aug 6 2004, 02:47 PM, said:
This is what was added for Mages off-hand? How pathetic; what self-respecting mage would wear such a thing? *bows his head in shame*Mages - Wooden Bracers 1-30 (best and only shield mages can use)
*Charon grins*
All of the following are therefore based on the item Wooden Bracers though they're a little shorter than my usual offerings ^^
Name: Runic Gloves
Desc : Plain and fairly simple gloves bearing sigils of protection and safety cast by fledgling wizards of local fame.
Name: Enchanted Cufflinks
Desc : A small silver set of cufflinks that will fix to the cuffs of any garment, enchanted with some weak magical symbols
Name: Protective Gauze
Desc : Flimsy and delicate, this fine mesh can shield your fists from only the lightest of wounds
Name: Damaged Gauntlets
Desc : While once impressive, this item is now overused and in a poor state of disrepair. It would likely shatter if someone tried to use it now for defensive purposes
Edited by Charon, 06 August 2004 - 08:35 PM.
Posted 08 August 2004 - 12:57 PM
Edited by fester919, 08 August 2004 - 12:59 PM.
I am the old felicity, if i were on your friend add helius plz.
Posted 02 September 2004 - 09:23 PM
Base Weapon: Hawk Talon
Base Damage: 22
Minimum Level: 27
Mana Leech: 0.3
Can be used by: Druids
Description: The construction of this primitive-looking hunters' weapon is not widely understood. The main shaft of the javelin is made out of common hardwood, but the sharpened tip is a ceramic compound with superconducting properties. Severely disrupting the magnetic and electric fields around it and building a charge every time it is moved through the air, the tip gives its target an incredibly powerful electric shock as well as being able to pierce most armours, and it saps magical energy from its victim to recharge its sting for the next strike.
Main crits:
Don't kill the
Posted 02 September 2004 - 09:24 PM
Main crits:
Don't kill the
Posted 12 September 2004 - 02:46 AM
Charon, on Aug 6 2004, 09:34 PM, said:
I <3 you, I refuse to equip such petty armor as Wooden Bracers to my mage.Bishop, on Aug 6 2004, 09:13 PM (Game Discussion, Nmhelperbeta Version 99a), said:
Sleeping, on Aug 6 2004, 02:47 PM, said:
This is what was added for Mages off-hand? How pathetic; what self-respecting mage would wear such a thing? *bows his head in shame*Mages - Wooden Bracers 1-30 (best and only shield mages can use)
*Charon grins*
All of the following are therefore based on the item Wooden Bracers though they're a little shorter than my usual offerings ^^
combusta said
deimos the noob said no
Posted 12 September 2004 - 12:09 PM
Off hand 'weapon'
Main Gauche
armor: 2
can be used by: Thieves
the main gauche is an off hand weapon used specifically to parry blows, providing excellent defense against an enemy, while affording many swift attacks of oppurtunity yourself.
This would not be a striking weapon, merely a replacement for a 'shield' seems to be fitting to me.
Julius 1 alt
Posted 03 October 2004 - 07:55 AM
Description: This tunic is made from one of the stronger demons wondering the realm. You gaze upon it, mezmorized by it's demonic aura.
Original: Spiked Armor
Reason: I like the vest of demons, but it's not the best for my fighter.
Posted 22 October 2004 - 11:41 PM
Buckler of the Gods(Name could be changed lol)
Armor base: 20 (Spiked Shield)
Can be worn by: Rangers
Minimum Level: 30
Description: The buckler of the Gods is a golden lightweight buckler handed down to Generations of Rangers. Long ago the gods made an anchient aura of power around this buckler allowing it retain its small size and weight. Only the most skilled of Rangers are worthy to use this otherwise its useless.The buckler does creates an invisible shield around the ranger but leaves thier hands free to use thier bow.
At least thier not carrying around a heavy shield AND shooting a bow. Also maybe if it did get put in changing it to its own wepon (not a alternative) it could be made a boss drop and have +1 dex but otherwise its fine the way it is.
Posted 25 October 2004 - 06:13 AM
How bout some armor
Angelic Robes:
Armor Base: 35,
Can be worn by: Mages,
Description: Made from the highest ranking angels of the Heavens, These robes are made for battle, made to intimidate and confuse the opponent with it's hypnotic shine. Whom who wears these robes are considered holy and very powerful.
Level needed to equip it: 30
Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0.
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