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Im New On Forum...

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#1 Con

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Posted 21 May 2004 - 08:33 PM

ya, im not new 2 nm, im not that new 2 forum either, but im som1 who decided 2 start up another identity in the game and on forum...
i just want to know, who should i dislike and who should i try to make friends with?(on forum, ofcourse)

Edited by Con, 21 May 2004 - 08:33 PM.

#2 Vodka

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Posted 21 May 2004 - 09:11 PM

You shouldn't have to ask us that. If you decide to run across these people and talk to them... then you should decide whether or not you like their personality... and then decide whether to become friends with them. Everyone of us.. has our opinions.. so why don't you go out and make yours.

Oh, and... Welcome to Nightmist! :)
When you do something right nobody remembers, but when you do something wrong nobody forgets.

Hump in game.

#3 Angelus

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Posted 21 May 2004 - 09:18 PM

You should watch out for Vodka, she acts all nice till you start to like her and then she flames you and laughs...
Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#4 Ryuku


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Posted 21 May 2004 - 10:01 PM

Heh.......well, im always your friend.....contact Unrestrained_Hatred or The_Dark_Side in the game.

#5 Con

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Posted 21 May 2004 - 10:09 PM

im not new 2 game, im over 10 months playin, im just startin' a second identity

btw, my main atm is Galbatorix

Edited by Con, 22 May 2004 - 12:49 AM.

#6 Squee



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Posted 22 May 2004 - 12:48 AM

You should be able to figure out who you should be assosciated with just by how they act on the forums. Someone who triples posts, flames and is just a down-right jerk is probably someone who you'll want to avoid on the forums and in-game as well.

And...err...happy second identity? o_O
Posted Image

#7 Con

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Posted 22 May 2004 - 12:50 AM

ill be avoiding u Squee
i can tell a jerk when i see one
iv seen how u treat ppl, even ppl who r trying 2 have fun...i read all new posts u no, so dont think i havent seen u act a jerk

#8 Bean

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Posted 22 May 2004 - 12:54 AM

Hello Kar....
Copying from one is Plagiarism
Copying From many is Research.

It's so exciting I need to poo~Deval

#9 kar

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Posted 22 May 2004 - 01:36 AM

im kar, hes con, R U BLIND?

were notin alike, o wait...we r clannies though...but otherwise, im n00bier

Edited by kar, 22 May 2004 - 01:38 AM.

ive tasted ye blood
ive drank ye blood
ze vampires are back

#10 Caesar

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Posted 22 May 2004 - 02:19 AM


#11 Bean

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Posted 22 May 2004 - 02:43 AM

You both have the grammatical talent of a 4 year old, Con continues to stick up for you in every damn one of your topics, AND you both have the same mindset.

Your the same person.
Copying from one is Plagiarism
Copying From many is Research.

It's so exciting I need to poo~Deval

#12 kar

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Posted 22 May 2004 - 11:57 AM

so...r u trying 2 say that he is somehow getting in2 my mind?

wut a loada bs

besides, every1 nos that squee (if thats rlly who he is) is a jerk
also, Con did say he was not new on forums, therefore, he must no something about whos a jerk...im guessing, just guessing, that he wanted 2 get a fresh start and have ppl tell him who 2 be friends with.

Edited by kar, 22 May 2004 - 11:59 AM.

ive tasted ye blood
ive drank ye blood
ze vampires are back

#13 alone

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Posted 22 May 2004 - 11:58 AM

I'm shocked..

Squee's one of the coolest forum members there is, he's right up there with Deval and Stotic. Pfft, calling him a jerk.

Oh, and you can trust me. I'm completely different on the forum to in-game...

Edited by alone, 22 May 2004 - 11:59 AM.

"Entertain yourself with my nightmares."
- AfterAll


#14 Con

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Posted 22 May 2004 - 12:05 PM

You both have the grammatical talent of a 4 year old, Con continues to stick up for you in every damn one of your topics, AND you both have the same mindset.

Your the same person.

im obviously not kar
i score way more chicks then him

#15 Con

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Posted 22 May 2004 - 12:54 PM

Conversion, software version 7.0
looking at life through the eyes of a tired hub
eating seeds as a pastime activity
the toxicity of our city, of our city
Now, what do you own the world?
how do you own disorder, disorder
Now somewhere between the sacred silence
Sacred silence and sleep
somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep
disorder, disorder, disorder
More wood for the fires, loud neighbours
flashlight riveries caught in the headlights of a truck
eating seeds as a pastime activity
the toxicity of our city, of our city

Now, what do you own the world?
how do you own disorder, disorder
Now somewhere between the sacred silence
Sacred silence and sleep
somewhere between the sacred silence and sleep
disorder, disorder, disorder
Now, what do you own the world?
how do you own disorder, disorder
Now somewhere between the sacred silence
Sacred silence and sleep
somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep
disorder, disorder, disorder
When I became the sun
I shone life into the man's hearts
When I became the sun
I shone life into the man's hearts

#16 Con

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Posted 22 May 2004 - 12:59 PM

More wood for the fires

edit:i dont suport that, i think ppl should leave the creatures that we share the earth with alone...its just part of the song...

srry for triple posting

btw, my main crits r Galbatorix, Iconnu, and Baa
i will post som others l8er

Edited by Con, 22 May 2004 - 08:21 PM.

#17 Bean

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Posted 22 May 2004 - 11:39 PM

I seem to remember those being Kars main crits....

And you triple post just like him...

And you spell just like him...

And you hate squee just like him....

And you (kar/con) are constantly sticking up for... yourself?!?

Therefore. You are him. End of story.
Copying from one is Plagiarism
Copying From many is Research.

It's so exciting I need to poo~Deval

#18 Lady_Maha

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Posted 24 May 2004 - 06:26 AM

Alright, I'll attempt to type in a way that Kar/Con can understand it too, so bear with me for a moment:

U been found out con. peepz no who u r an they dun like u. Now stop pretending cuz itz sad enuff when sum1 has 2 give himself backup.

Thanks for your attention everyone, dismissed!

Edited by Lady_Maha, 24 May 2004 - 06:27 AM.

Social Engineering Specialist - Because there is no patch for human stupidity

#19 Amy

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Posted 24 May 2004 - 06:35 AM

(Just had to post.. LMAO Lady_Maha, is hard to type like that isn't it?)

Whoever you are Con/Kar or whatever, No reason to flame someone else in a "who should I be friends with post". Squee rocks. And, regardless of who you are, in response to your original post, people should be looked at as individuals and opinions made by what you see in them yourself. I would have missed out on alot of really great friendships if I had only taken the opinions of others into account.

Good day,
Amy of Draco
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#20 archmaster

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Posted 24 May 2004 - 09:05 PM

no, im quite sure that kar is kars main crit
You and me, We'll all go down in history, With a sad statue of liberty, and a generation that didn't agree

#21 dec

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Posted 24 May 2004 - 09:22 PM

so now kar has 3 forum acc's now
Roses are red
Violets are blue
In Soviet Russia
Poem write you!

Belzabar in-game

#22 Xcelon

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Posted 25 May 2004 - 04:43 PM

rofl... i may as well make 6 crits and make them all say 'Xcelon is the greatest!'
Dimensia~Xcelon~Vajin~Death_slayer~Remake~Ajimoo~Ingame-Shares with eddy

#23 Prophet

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Posted 25 May 2004 - 05:05 PM

One way to tell properly get staff to compare IP's.

(thats if its not set to only admin to see them)

Edited by Prophet, 25 May 2004 - 05:05 PM.

Si Senior!

#24 Xcelon

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Posted 25 May 2004 - 08:44 PM

I think we should congratulate Bean on his good detective work :)
Dimensia~Xcelon~Vajin~Death_slayer~Remake~Ajimoo~Ingame-Shares with eddy

#25 Consumed


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Posted 01 June 2004 - 01:02 AM

i decided to check out the detectives case...


"name: Galbatorix
weapon of choice: mace
hobby(s): killing enemies
class: fighter

"I am Galbatorix!The world before me shall burn! But first harabec...my power will destroy the forces of NightMist, you could be killed next!"

lol, i actually made him in2 a character on nm"

its true...and now we can stop arguing :) lmao...better try harder next time u make new ego
-Alias ingame-

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