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Inferi Dii

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#1 Charon

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Posted 11 May 2004 - 08:08 PM

The tall paladin known as Styx looks around at the people viewing the forum, before nodding a greeting and smiling warmly as she sets aside her armaments- She is not here to make war, but rather to appeal for members, to look for people willing to join her clan, for people willing to spread its good will

Okay, perhaps I just made my first mistake, I shall not know until I see some response. Despite my introduction, Inferi Dii is not a roleplaying clan... that is not to say I shall not be more than happy to roleplay with you if you wish :)

Clan house size: 15 squares. Ranking: 24 Chairwoman: Styx. Description: Once there was a time. This time was known as the Time of Troubles. During this time the gods themselves were forced into mortal form and walk the lands, where they could be killed by anyone. Inferi Dii, was created by the gods to shelter gods from those that now wished them dead. Inferi Dii, if nothing else, is a sanctuary. All who wish to be at one with the Gods, and even those who don't, are welcome to join us- Just contact a Leader or higher

Our clan has been slowly growing in the shadows of Nightmist for quite some time now, but the time has come for us to actively search for new members to join us.
  • Inferi Dii is a safe haven, a "sanctuary clan" We welcome all races and all classes, no matter what their beliefs or their situation may be
  • We have an "open door" policy. Anyone can be a member if they wish... everyone deserves a chance
  • We wish to make it aware that we are generally a peaceful clan. We like to think that we are friendly and helpful, and as a clan we value helping one another and helping others in this world... or at the very least not making the Nightmist experience an unhappy one for anyone
  • We are here to have fun, and to help others have fun.
We have some coridoors and a wide variety of facilities available:
  • Clan Inn
  • Sauna
  • Kitchen
  • Regular Bank
  • Clan Vault (shared-we have a 'trust each other, please dont take other people's items' rule)
  • Games Room
  • Arena
  • Sex Change Shop
  • Briefing Room
  • Leader Briefing Room
  • Founder(Clan) Bank
We must ask that you be respectful and civil to our Clan Allies. We are loyal to our allies and help them when possible... You do not have to like all of them, but you may not harrass any of them... or anyone else for that matter ^^

Just so you know, these are our clan allies
Clan Ally List
  • <-=-|[ Ãrmÿ Øf Allah ]|-=->
  • À®M¥ ØF "|"H€ µÑЀÀÐ
  • Bloodline,
  • Çøn§pîr㢥
  • Crÿst㣠Vïö£et £äïr
  • ÐëádÌÿ ŧ§åüÎt
  • death cult (?)
  • Dileas Gu Bas
  • DiRtY OuTLaWZ
  • Domination
  • Draco Honoris
  • Embers of Hell
  • vö|µTìöÑ
  • Eye of the Tiger
  • ~~ForBiDDen~~Gods~~
  • Forgotten Souls (?)
  • Living Dead Dolls
  • Morbid Necropsy
  • (v)ڮЀ® ÏñÇ
  • Ôßlívíòu§
  • rome
  • §anctimonious
  • Shen an Calhar
  • Silver
  • §¤©îÅ£ Ðî§t¤®tî¤Ñ
  • §õrrõwfü£ Ðrèãm§
  • Sous La Pluie,
  • the aviators
  • The Brotherhood of the Dragon
  • The Crane Temple
  • The Fellowship of Nightmist
  • °o.O The Liberators O.o°,
  • The Pandion Order
  • The Returners
  • Thê ÚñRêMôR§êFûL
  • The Warriors Of The Mists
  • Victorian Nightmares Age of Innocence
  • ~`~Warriors of Gondor~`~
  • X-treme Christians
We have some others that are, as yet, unconfirmed or one sided (on our side, unfortunately ^^)... but we shall update both the clan and forum as and when the alliances are formed.

((As a side note, anyone who wishes to form an alliance with ourselves can contact either myself or a Founder... we are a peaceful clan, and all allies are welcome. Contrarily... if you choose to add us to your ally list without making a formal alliance, please at least memo myself, Styx, telling me the name of your clan, and that you have done so... otherwise I may not notice until I perform my weekly '/clan ally' traul ^^; ))

We are (generally) a peaceful clan and we do not wish to involve ourselves in clan wars unless there is truly no other choice. It is our firm intent not to go to war with any clans... wherever possible we shall take the diplomatic approach

Having made that point, the following are our clan enemies... although they are our enemies, we do ask that you don't use all the red people for target practice, because some of them are quite nice ^^
That said... I won't run around trying to stop you unless you attack a person I know wouldn't have started a fight
Clan Enemy List
  • ÄñïMö§íTÝ
  • Disturbed Chaos
  • The Death Bringers
((As a side note, anyone who wishes to become a clan enemy... *Styx is on her knees begging* Please don't ^^
However if you really, really want to, then I lied. I'm not in Inferi Dii at all, but rather in one of the three clans listed here above :) ))

As for the blue people that remain... we do ask that you please leave them alone unless they attack you first ^^

Edited by Charon, 11 May 2004 - 08:50 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#2 Charon

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Posted 11 May 2004 - 08:15 PM

Clan Events

As of the moment my friend Maximas(Founder) has the intention of running clan moshes. To my knowledge one of these has been held so far, and everyone involved enjoyed it ;)

We are starting a 'game contest' of sorts for high scores in the games room... just for fun mind you.
We're working on ways of proving high scores, at the moment we're going to resort to either goodwill or screenshots. I havent yet tested whether the games show up on screenshots, but I would imagine they would ^^

We hope to eventually run clan outings, but at the moment have nothing specific organised... sorry :)

Extra Policies

Donations are not necessary to remain in our clan... you could be a member and never donate, we would not hold it against you :wub:
That said, we sure aren't going to turn any donations down, and any donations would be greatly appreciated... We aim to provide a lot of facilities in our clan, and while we do our own fundraising, our efforts will move a lot more swiftly if we have help :)

Leadership/Foundership Policy
I guess this... needs to be said

Leadership: To become a leader you must show you are loyal to the clan, you must be helpful to both members and non members alike, and generally be a pretty nice person ^_^
Donations, though welcome, will not necessarily make you leadership material on their own merit
Members are promoted to Leaders at the discretion of the Founders

Foundership: Fairly obviously you must first be a leader. You may or may not be promoted to Founder at my discretion. There are no true set of rules as of yet... as soon as I have some, I shall post them... until then, like I said. My discretion ^^

Edit: Got a message about this, so I figured it was something that belonged here ^^;;

Alt policy
We have no alt policy ^^ There, that was simple, hm?

You can have alts in our clan, and you may have alts in any other clan you wish, so long as that other clan doesn't mind.
If you really wanted, we might find if very suspicious, but we wouldn't mind if you had some alts in our clan, and some in an enemy ^^ The enemy might mind, but we wouldn't, so long as you didn't make trouble for the members of our clan.
So yes... feel free, if you wish, to put some alts in our clan and some alts elsewhere, we really don't mind ^^

And of course, the the joy of having no alt policy... means I don't have to bother working out who people's "secret, other clanned" alts are :)

Edited by Charon, 12 May 2004 - 12:19 AM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#3 Deval

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Posted 11 May 2004 - 11:52 PM

This clan looks very cool. If only my main wasn't inherently evil.
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#4 Squee



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Posted 12 May 2004 - 12:06 AM

I would love to see this clan go far. ^__^ Good luck to all of you!
Posted Image

#5 Charon

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Posted 12 May 2004 - 12:35 AM

Squee, Deval; Thankyou, both of you, for your words of support :)

Although... erm... Deval..? *Charon(Styx?) smiles sweetly* Please can you keep your inherantly evil main away from my nice friendly clan members, hm? ^^
However if you ever discover that you happen to have the counteracting inherantly nice less-than-main you feel might like to try the 'lets not attack everything that moves' way of life, you know where we are :)
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#6 Deval

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Posted 12 May 2004 - 12:37 AM

When I next get the chance I'll pop Ulantees into the clan :) He's not necessarily a nice or pleasant person, but he's not an evil person. :)
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#7 World

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Posted 12 May 2004 - 11:36 AM

Forgotten Souls has been sold so you can take them off your ally list if you want

#8 Evenstar

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Posted 12 May 2004 - 01:46 PM

The elven ranger, Evenstar walks around the forum welcoming all the visitors. joining styx in her appeal for new members..

As a founder of inferi dii, i feel it is part of my job to incourage new members to join our clan. our clan is definatly growing out of the shadows as it has been said and we are out to prove that the nice guys dont always have to finish last. although we have a preferred no pking policy, we dont mean you cant protect you self in an iccident of unprovoked attack. as long as you can give styx a good reason it can be overlooked.

our clan is very friendly, all members help one another and their is no rivalry for the top stop . (unless you included certain founders battling the chair :) ) and the clan moshes which is good fun.

we have a large clan house with lots of rooms, my fave has to be the special treat in the clan kitchen (have to join to find out the secret :) )

we have very dedicated founders and chair, which put there all into improving the clan and giving members the best they can.

so if you feel like joining our easy going and friendly clan please contact us and we look forward to hearing from you. (or if you are visiting the forum and have any sugestion as to how nice guys dont have to finsh last im will be happy to accept and discuss with styx)

and thanks to deval and squee nfor their support and replys :)

Edited by Evenstar, 12 May 2004 - 01:49 PM.

#9 Crane


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Posted 12 May 2004 - 04:47 PM

The human Paladin known as Crane sits back to admire his friend's ability in advertising her clan with such skill.

Your writing skill puts me to shame, Charon. I hope to see your clan go far and our alliance stay close. Best of luck, my friend.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#10 Charon

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Posted 13 May 2004 - 12:34 AM

we have a large clan house with lots of rooms, my fave has to be the special treat in the clan kitchen (have to join to find out the secret  )

Styx starts coughing and raises her eyes to look at Evenstar
"Sh-us-sh" she murmers softly as she strolls towards the elven woman with a grin.
She then nods a deft 'thankyou' to Crane "I hope the same for your clan, my friend" she smiles


Clan house size: 16 squares. Ranking: 22 with a score of 647

We have a new corridor space in our clan house. You may not think it interesting, but someone out there does, I'm sure

Styx looks around sheepishly at all the people shaking their heads...

Well it raises our rank a little more, so I'm interested :)

Ah well then, back to the real update :)
So far from this thread we have gained
  • One (soon to be) member Ulantees
  • One new clan ally The Order Of The Dragon
So far from this thread you have gained
  • Some mild amusement
  • A distinct hatred of the color purple
Come on people, you know you love us really :)

Styx goes to hunt for the cardboard and marker pens so she can start making 'Join us' signs to wave around the Nightmist world

Edited by Charon, 13 May 2004 - 01:54 AM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#11 deadman

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Posted 13 May 2004 - 01:32 AM

i hope u get some more members and make clan better mandy :)

good luck :)
Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#12 Oasis

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Posted 13 May 2004 - 02:07 AM

This clan looks very well organized. And you writing is magnificant. Almost makes me want to join. =P

#13 Vodka

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Posted 13 May 2004 - 04:08 AM

This clan looks very well organized. And you writing is magnificant. Almost makes me want to join. =P

When you do something right nobody remembers, but when you do something wrong nobody forgets.

Hump in game.

#14 Charon

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Posted 13 May 2004 - 01:30 PM

Styx smiles happily at the nice comments before she starts handing out her newly made signs and banners to her clan members

You're welcome to, you know... :)
But thankyou very much, I'm flattered ^^

  • Alliance with Broken confirmed
  • Other alliances still being worked through
  • Welcome to our new member, Slick_Four ^^
And yes, okay, I admit it... I have a strange affection for the 'list' coding :)

Edited by Charon, 13 May 2004 - 05:19 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#15 Maximas

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Posted 14 May 2004 - 02:21 AM

[COLOR=blue]Maximas appears from the middle of no where and introduces himself to everyone in the room.

My name is Maximas, a Inferi Dii founder and i also feel that it is my job to encourage for people to hear about and join the Inferi Dii. I think of many things when describing the clan such as helpful, successful, generous, caring, and many other wonderful things.

The Inferi Dii is a honorable clan that helps out everyone such as clannies and clan allies. It feels very strongly about anti-pking. Now that doesn't mean that you are not allowed to defend yourself or another, or to get revenge.

Nightmistians are finally learning of the rapidly growing clan called Inferi Dii. But we could not be where we are unless it were not for our allies and clan members helping. Our clan is like many have already said, a "Safe Haven." We do not expect donations. We do expect kindess and helpfulness. And in return we give the same back. We are open to all to join and except any alliances that wish to be made.

We are trying to hear from all about issues, questions, thoughts about the clan. Recently at a meeting, we decided to have clan moshes and a game challange to see who gets the highest score in each game. The clan moshes is about ready, all i must do is decide a conveniant day for all. I also have worked up a nice pot the the mosh winner. The game challange is almost complete and i feel that it will be very much fun. Once we are done with both the mosh and the game challange, we shall notify all and tell you about the details.

I had very much pleasure writing this and i hope that you all enjoyed it. Please leave comments, questions, and thoughts about this. Thank you for taking your time to read this.


#16 Y-DOC

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Posted 15 May 2004 - 03:26 AM


woah max u make it sound like a religion.

nameless worshiper: praise be to nightmistia.... we must all sacrifice some stupid guy.... it has been spoken in the prophesy. amen...

#17 Maximas

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Posted 15 May 2004 - 04:23 AM

well i knew i had a hard speech to follow after charon and evenstar so i tried to sound smart. =/


#18 Y-DOC

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Posted 15 May 2004 - 03:29 PM

ya ya i know cuban im just messin wit cha. u could have said "the people of nightmist" or somethin.

#19 Charon

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Posted 17 May 2004 - 06:48 PM

nameless worshiper: praise be to nightmistia.... we must all sacrifice some stupid guy.... it has been spoken in the prophesy. amen...

Tlaloc, residing in the shadows, raises his head with a somewhat sinister grin as he hears the words of worship.

"Some stupid guy..." he murmers to himself as, silently, he leans back and looks to see who posted that... and then slips towards Ydoc, standing behind him, dagger primed and eyes gleaming. Yes, he has found a sacrifice most worthy of that one requirement

Styx realises what Tlaloc is doing and gives a swift yet subtle shake of her head as she glares warily at the Minion without Morals... "We're a peaceful clan" she murmers pointedly

With a slight grimace Tlaloc rolls his eyes as he relents and tucks the dagger away
<Later> he thinks softly to himself with a slight smile, before raising his eyes and looking back at Styx, all innocence as he taps Ydoc on the shoulder and slips away into the shadows once again...

With a slight sigh, Styx turns back and nods along with Maximas, smiling softly

I actually... quite like the term 'Nightmistians' ^^;;
It also sort of fits with Fingolfin's 'Mistian, The Nightmist Language'

And Maximas... stop putting yourself down ^^ You are smart :)

Member Update
Welcome to our new members
  • Jewels
  • Stunk
Ally Update
New allies have been confirmed...
  • ~Black Knights~
  • Prophesy of Prosper
  • The A-Team X
Styx wonders... if she can get paid for being an advertising service...

For those of you who haven't seen, I'm also trying to ally with my new friend Deviant (Daywalker of «NocturnaL~ImpuritY») who's new Vampire RP thread has just started over on the forums... as has Squee's 'Alive- Stranded in the Andes' RP. I advise the nice people reading this to go and check them out :)

Styx smiles softly ... with any luck more updates and Inferi Dii fun will be coming soon

Ah, I can hope ^^

And Ydoc... I was just kidding :)

Edited by Charon, 17 May 2004 - 11:52 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#20 Maximas

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Posted 20 May 2004 - 05:55 PM

I am hoping to hold two clan moshes rounds. I am unaware of whether ill be on at either times. I will donate some money and ill memo a founder or Styx that it is for the mosh pot.Each round will have 3 moshes. One will be for lvls 10 - 20. The next one will be for 20 - 30. And then the final mosh will be for all which will be the mosh that the winner will get the pot. It will be up to those who are on at the time to choose whether there will be potions allowed and or alts will be allowed.

The first clan mosh round will be at 7 pm. (England time) and the secound clan mosh round will be at 7 pm. (U.S.A. time). All will be welcome to attend both rounds. You would have to talk to Styx, but if you would like to join our clan just for either mosh, but of course that would be up to Styx. Also if you would like to help increase the mosh pot, just donate it to the clan memoing or giving a founder or Styx.

Thanks for reading this and Ill try to inform you on the results.

~Maximas :)

#21 Charon

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Posted 22 May 2004 - 07:25 PM

Sorry I wasn't around for either of those... I do hope noone tried to contact me, as at present I am unable to log in, and can't check ^^

So Maximas... or any other founder who was online at the times in question, did either of the moshes happen? And if so, what were the results ^^

Edited by Charon, 22 May 2004 - 07:58 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#22 Charon

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Posted 25 May 2004 - 10:44 PM

Styx shifts about awkwardly from her place at a cluttered desk, slowly underlining and crossing through masses of names that appear in her 'Clan Alliances/Enemies' book. Sifting through records of varied correspondances, she begins filing them away again.
With a slight sigh she closes the tome, pleased to finally be done with the job for this week... and yet aware that she now has more to do

Translation of that: I have just performed my weekly 'clan ally' traul, and thought I'd take some time to post the results so people in the clan know whats going on at the moment

New Clan Allies:
  • ÉBöñY ÄxíS
  • The Enderun
  • The Knights of the Rose
Alliances under (re)Negotiation
These are the people who have removed us from their ally list, that I am now bothering contacting to try and reinstate our alliances with ^^
  • death cult
  • ~~ForBiDDen~~Gods~~
  • §õrrõwfü£ Ðrèãm§
  • Stròñgér Tháñ Ðéãth
  • °o.O The Liberators O.o°
  • ~~!~~The~~MçÐë§møñd§~~!~
Hmm... that's quite a lot of people who have removed us ;)

Edit: Stròñgér Tháñ Ðéãth, I understand... is being sold. If when it is sold the new Chair would like to contact me so we can discuss things, that would be appreciated ^^

Clan Enemy Update
Since Disturbed Chaos changed hands, I've negotiated neutrality with their new Chair :wub: Therefore Disturbed Chaos are not our enemies anymore ^_^

Unfortunately Hell have seen fit to add us to their enemy list in their place, although they assure me that its nothing personal...
Ah, I don't hold out much hope, but I'll be working on that one. If I happen to have any friends in Hell I don't know about... put in good words please :P

Member Update
Styx claps her hands together in sudden remembrance as she looks around, grinning happily
Oh yes, we have some new members ^^ Yey us ;)
  • Daheala
  • Fountain
  • Higher_Energy
  • Opalo
Yes, I know that some of you are the same person, or alts of already clanned people, but shush *whispers* The more names I post, the more members it looks like we've got :)

And Returned is now a leader *throws confetti*
For all those who want to join us... that means you have another person you can bother

Styx looks around at the people slowly moving away...
Aw okay, so its unlikely you'd actually hunt us out to join us... but I can live in hope ^^

Clan Event Update
As far as I know, it seems the moshes Maximas mentioned before never happened because noone was around :)
Once my exams are out of the way, I'll start trying to organise some of those myself... and I'll try to make sure they're at accessible times too ^^ It always helps to hold 'clan events' when people are actually around :)

Completely Irrelavant Sidenote
I am not Stix the druid... I am not Slyx the zerk ... I am Styx the Paladin.
Please try not to get us confused... though they may kill you, killing me because of it won't get you anywhere in the longrun ^^

Edited by Charon, 26 May 2004 - 12:58 AM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#23 Cule

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Posted 26 May 2004 - 11:55 PM

sounds like a cool clan ... and you seem very devoted to build/maintain it ...

i wish you good luck with this clan ... hope it gets far :)

edit: and btw thanks for the happy birthday ... you were only one here who wished me one. (a bit late: thanks :) )

Edited by Cule, 26 May 2004 - 11:57 PM.

#24 Maximas

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 06:05 PM

Hey, yes unfortunatley no one was around at any of the moshes. Im not even sure if they knew about them either. :) I need help from clannies to decide the times of the moshes. Happy birthday Cule. I hope to be on and to be more active being that i will be got out of school Friday. Welcome to all new members and thank you that added us to their clan ally list or agreed to a neutrality.

[COLOR=blue] Me acts as Shane and rides his horse into the sun (Im not sure if he was alive or dead though, but in this case, he is alive)

[COLOR=gray] Okay, thank you for reading this and i hope for more replies.

#25 Maximas

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Posted 31 May 2004 - 07:22 PM

Lol, apparantly im not good at adding color to my words so ill give up on it.

#26 Charon

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Posted 01 June 2004 - 11:07 AM

Lol, apparantly im not good at adding color to my words so ill give up on it.

Lol, just remember to type [/color] at the end of the thing you want to be coloured as well ^^

[color=purple]Styx smiles helpfully[/color]

Styx smiles helpfully :)
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#27 Penguin


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Posted 01 June 2004 - 04:22 PM

ya'll should really join this clan, I mean sure the PKing rule sucks majorly, but I'm in the clan (a few of my alts are atleast) so naturally it is the best :)


(o yeah and some of the other people in the clan are alright too :) )

Edited by Penguin, 01 June 2004 - 04:24 PM.

#28 Charon

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Posted 04 June 2004 - 06:41 PM

ya'll should really join this clan

Agreed, agreed :)
Styx smiles happily and nods in agreement...

I mean sure the PKing rule sucks majorly

...although she isn't so sure about that part. The pking rule isn't that bad... not really ^^

but I'm in the clan (a few of my alts are atleast) so naturally it is the best

Styx can't help but chuckle at the reasoning, but she agrees wholeheartedly

(o yeah and some of the other people in the clan are alright too <.< )

I like your priorities... lol ^^;;

Clan Update

Clan Allies
We have some new clan allies :)
  • Dirty South Georgia Boys
  • «º§åñìtârìúmº»
  • Silent Star
  • ((<<SPAWN>>OF<<SATAN>>))
Clan Enemies
With the recent addition of ÄñïMö§íTÝ to the 'clans for sale' board, they are no longer our clan enemy ^^

Truncated Alliances
As of late it seems many clans have been sold.
The following clans are no longer our allies... in most cases because of the reason stated previously- the sale, or application for sale, of the clan. In the final case because supposedly the clan no longer exists ^^;;
  • ~Black Knights~
  • death cult
  • §õrrõwfü£ Ðrèãm§
  • Stròñgér Tháñ Ðéãth
  • ~~!~~The~~MçÐë§møñd§~~!~
  • °o.O The Liberators O.o°

Member Update

New Members
  • Edian
  • Evil_Dwarven
Members moving on
Though I deplore the timing with which these particular 'Goodbye' messages reached me, I must bid farewell to Dacubanmaster and Mythical_Healer, and I wish them luck as they make their journey across to the ÉBöñY ÄxíS
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#29 Penguin


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Posted 06 June 2004 - 08:15 PM

hmm... I was just thinking we could hold clan trips to chronos or something /shrug
I go somewhat often on my own anyway, so I guess it wouldn't hurt to tote some clannies along =\
maybe it can be a monthly thing or something?

#30 Charon

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Posted 06 June 2004 - 10:13 PM

I certainly can't argue with your intentions after being 'toted along' on one of your trips the other day ^^
Thanks for that by the way :)

For sure, this is something we want to be able to do as a clan, arranging semi-regular training trips, boss trips and the like...

But we might have to start out with some places more acceptable to the current levels of crits in the clan, because in all honesty (though I hate to admit it), the average level of said crits aren't really sufficient for trips to chronos ^^;; Not yet anyway :)

Edited by Charon, 06 June 2004 - 10:14 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

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