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Something Is Corrupt

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#1 Peacemaker

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 03:23 AM

I have crits with the names of Jase and Khemere in my old account. Just recently i checked and they have been renamed. Out of curiousity i looked up their deleted crits and noticed all the gold is gone from them now. Im not sure what else may have been gone. Last i knew staff had locked that acct and its goods. So something has been done wrong or someone got access to stuff they shoudnt have.


Just to clear up. I recently noticed them coming up as able to be restored the other day as well. They had over 5 mil gold on them that is missing now. So someone found a way to get that gold.

Edited by Peacemaker, 21 May 2013 - 03:26 AM.

Peacemaker both servers.

#2 Stig

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 10:49 AM

That seems a little suspicious - I would e-mail JLH with the details and see who has been accessing the account.  Sometimes the restorer can cause conflicts with existing characters, especially with /websell, which can be exploited in some situations.

#3 Gnarkill



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Posted 21 May 2013 - 06:33 PM

I'd agree 100% with the fact that if someone is caught cheating and banned that everything they have in thier accounts is destroyed and the account should be pass changed. Even if other's borrow them stuff it should be deleted along with whatever else is in thier account. That might deter people sharing and having cheaters train thier stuff a bit too then.


I don't know why its not this way already as we have had a couple/few instances of things being restored from "banned" accounts over the years.


I do like the option of being able to delete/restore stuff ourselves in the general idea it keeps my account clean and easy to manage until I am ready to restore and work on something.


I would go as far to say that accounts should be locked to 1 user and characters shouldn't be able to be traded(just gold and items).. roll your own, train your own... but thats another discussion thats been rehashed over and over.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#4 Stig

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 08:16 PM

I can't change passwords or take possession of accounts - I can only lock them.

#5 Migraine

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 10:48 PM

Yeah name Chaos was restored out of my acct too, and Loki, and Liquify.


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#6 Peacemaker

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 01:12 AM

Someone else beat me to it on mine lol. So i didnt have them for that purpose.

Peacemaker both servers.

#7 Gaddy

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 07:05 AM

As Stig said, staff cannot control this or extort it. Staff cannot access passwords or change account emails.
In my experience, JLH wasn't available to answer questions about updates or staffing rules, much less to help with bans.

It is weird though...
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#8 Cadabra


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 10:18 PM

I thought the account wasnt banned? 

Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#9 Peacemaker

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Posted 23 May 2013 - 12:24 AM

It was. Since april 27th of last year it was banned. Or locked after the cheating allegations.

Peacemaker both servers.

#10 Peacemaker

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Posted 24 May 2013 - 11:54 PM

Anything gonna come of this staff? I brought this up so yall can look into it as yall are the games moderators and stuff. Im JLH will listen to more of what yall have to say then what i have to say.

Peacemaker both servers.

#11 Peacemaker

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Posted 28 May 2013 - 12:53 AM

I just did a check on a couple more characters and i noticed that there used to be a dwarf fighter i sold them, it had the name Dangerous on it. It seems to be missing now from restore. Yet everything else is there in restore. The berserker James has been restored as well and some other stuff.

Peacemaker both servers.

#12 PureMourning

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Posted 28 May 2013 - 04:18 AM

0% surprised at this.   :lol:

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#13 Peacemaker

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Posted 28 May 2013 - 05:33 AM

i owned the berserker james i renamed it cocoa and its now gangster

 they never wanted the name back

Nah they had a lvl 32 zerk named James. I remember it. That was one of their last crits. This one has been restored.

Peacemaker both servers.

#14 Ste

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Posted 31 May 2013 - 05:03 AM

Someone has definitely been in that account, I used to have the name static on a fighter in the account and when the account got locked I lost it, when the characters got deleted I got the name static in my new account.. other day I logged in and seen static_renamed in my account so I /who'd to see who had it since I was the only person to ever have that name.. oh.. and character was not found in database meaning someone restored it.. and deleted it again.. BOOM! Jase is back! More cheating!

#15 Justice

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Posted 31 May 2013 - 01:23 PM

same happened to me with the names trojan, galaxy and violence. restored then deleted. what the hell is going on? anything goin to be done?
...Añd Jústícè Fòr All

#16 Peacemaker

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Posted 31 May 2013 - 02:39 PM

I did notice some things are missing off of restore. The cleric Bane is not there. The fighter Dangerous is not there. I havent checked the others but this should be looked into. Also as i said before Jase crit had over 5 mil on it and its gone. Im sure cobalts and rings and etc have been taken if you would just look into it.

Peacemaker both servers.

#17 Kakarott

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Posted 31 May 2013 - 06:06 PM

all i can say is  .. why isnt there more protection to Deleted/Locked crits from staff ..if perhaps Jase is back how the hell did he access these acct/s  if he was "PERMBANNED" something is fishy here

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#18 Justice

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Posted 31 May 2013 - 06:30 PM

No offense to any of the new players but does seem bit fishy when 5+ new people suddenly start playing a 10+ year old game. Which come out of nowhere. With "friends and girlfriends" lol
...Añd Jústícè Fòr All

#19 Gnarkill



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Posted 31 May 2013 - 08:45 PM

the sudden appearance of new players and "friends and gfs" thing has always been a dead giveaway to me that someone is hiding under a new persona or multi pcing.. I mean in all reality.. who here over the years has asked thier friends and gfs to play nm? and how many of them obliged after knowing it was text based and as old as it is with the limited playerbase? now, how many of them actually stuck around more than a couple days once they saw how repetitive it is? and even out of those how many are die hards that enjoy it, know thier way around the game that fast and excel quickly? I've probably invited 30ish friends to play this over the years, set them up with nice starting stuff and showed them around and not one stayed longer than a month and most of them were invited in the game's hayday when it was packed. nothing against nm itself as I find it fun and relaxing but it takes a special breed to enjoy nm.. with all of the new games out not everyone in a group of friends/gfs is going to want to play let alone group up and be on all the time.


Its a shame that JLH isn't a bit more hands on these days because there is alot of bs that flies under the radar.. especially when its so low pop. I didn't agree with the  unbanning of permed banned people before and i definetly think people sneaking back just to amuse themselves, cheat, screw things up for others and make staff/admins life harder is a show on thier character or lack thier of.. some people just don't have lives outside of nm so they get thier kicks by trying to grief and screw things up for others just to get attention and feed thier e-go.


My guess is 1 of 3 things


1. it's summer break and someone got bored and decided it was time to be a dbag again.

2. someone sold thier old stuff for irl $$ once they figured out they could restore it.. who would buy it in this day and age is beyond me but I've gotten e-mails from people who were quitting asking if I wanted to buy thier stuff for irl $$ and when I e-mailed jlh with a forwarded e-mail of it and filled out a ticket I got no response so I really don't know if it was handled or he even saw it.

3. someone found out how to get into that old account and stole the stuff for themself and renamed it or deleted it to restore later on.


Hopefully this gets resolved sooner than later.


Sidenote: alot of the cheating, multi pcing, quality players quitting, thefts ect. that I have noticed came AFTER perm banned players were let back.. not to say all of them stay that way and haven't changed but a good portion of them are still thorns in NM's side wether the people who unbanned them want to admit it or not. To me its not worth all of that just for the thought of having a few more online users each day.. when in reality the numbers kept dropping they didn't vastly improve with the banned players back like people thought they would.

Edited by Gnarkill, 31 May 2013 - 08:59 PM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#20 Element

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Posted 31 May 2013 - 09:03 PM

I'm found out... Jk I am really an old player returning somewhat. I would be on more but I've been attempting to roll a Druid for the past week.

Rolling while playing isn't considered against the 1 alt rule is it?

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#21 Gnarkill



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Posted 31 May 2013 - 10:18 PM

I'm found out... Jk I am really an old player returning somewhat. I would be on more but I've been attempting to roll a Druid for the past week.

Rolling while playing isn't considered against the 1 alt rule is it?


Sorry, I didn't mean all new players lol i should have specified! I meant the "new players" that just randomly show up and bring 2-4 "people"(i.e friends, gfs, roomates ect)  with them and seem to pick up on things extremely fast that end up being the initial person with a false identity on other pcs or devices.


Rolling while playing is perfectly legal.. using loopholes such as a 2nd pc to tag along another crit with yours on 1alt that you are in control of is not. The hard thing to prove is if its a roomate, gf, sibling, friend ect or the same person on another pc.. but monitoring thier attack/spell/movement/training patterns, holding convos with both people at once(even if you aren't talking to them both at once most times they will make the same grammar errors while trying to be someone else), or monitoring log on/log off times to see if they're constantly logging at the same time will normally tell you if its 1 or 2 people controlling them.


Its usually only a matter of time before players or staff catch them when that is attempted.

Edited by Gnarkill, 31 May 2013 - 10:26 PM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#22 Ste

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Posted 11 June 2013 - 06:19 AM

So everyone can agree something is going on yet no staff has bothered to check yet.. Seems obvious to me that jase has somehow got access to that account, took the 5mil gold, renamed all the old crits to something crazy but yet staff wont check. Another classic example of JLH not giving a flying Jaffa cake.

#23 Exor

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Posted 14 June 2013 - 01:59 AM

Why are there staff in the game if they don't even check on this sort of thing? When this many people on Nightmist can come together to agree on something you know its worth checking out, lol.

-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#24 Freek

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Posted 16 June 2013 - 08:49 AM

Uh oh.

Freek ingame.

#25 Exor

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Posted 16 June 2013 - 01:23 PM

Hrm I know Staff in the past have been able to track down things like this before. I guess due to 70% of the former staff being cheaters perhaps most of their abilities were revoked.

-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#26 Stig

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Posted 16 June 2013 - 05:42 PM

When it comes to directly tracking items, we require JLH's assistance.  We can see the contents of account vaults if we have the name of the account or a crit in it, we can view the items on an individual crit, and we can search an account and its characters for a specific string.  Note we cannot change the state of an account other than banning it or changing a comment - the only item removal we can do is directly taking an item off a character, and they have to be online for that to work - usually that command is used to take things like the Champions Belt off people once their week of glory has expired.


Separately, we can do a search of the realm for a specific item (if it's sitting in a clan vault, for example), although problems occur if the item is relatively common, because once 20 or so matches pop up, they stop displaying and we cannot see the rest.

If, however, we have no clue who currently owns an item or which account it's in, tracking it down is no easy feat.

#27 Sublime

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Posted 28 June 2013 - 04:52 AM

Looks like Jase really was the clear cut choice for staff over me, lol. I am so happy i don't play anymore :o

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