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Removal Of Nightshades

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#1 Dangerous

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 04:56 AM

Ok i think i have a fair idea of how this post is going to go but why the hell not. My reasoning behind this? well how easy is it to press two macros back and forth and pretty much be guaranteed a kill given that most ppl would carry more than one nightshade, i generally just had some ideas which i feel would improve the current condition of nightmist. I feel this would make way for one or two things; for example it would mean that trying to pk someone would be more challenging and take more thought and possible team work. I also feel this would make way for some strategy also, like if the person being attacked had say a vampire blood potion in their inventory, they could change the fight around and have a fighting chance and possibly kill the pker.

I know anyone who reads this will probably think i'm biased but ask how many times you've been pked by the tapping of a few macros and not had a fighting chance at surviving (i'm talking about before the poison was implemented)

So please indulge me with ideas/thoughts or just simply flame, we're all used to it by now. xD

#2 Autek

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 05:02 AM

Maybe not remove them, but make it like a 50%+ poison rate rather than whatever it is now. It sure seems like most of the time people are able to drink several without dying. (Shows how often I've used them and had them used on me eh?)
Autek in game.

#3 Dangerous

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 05:09 AM

With the poison it's been there done that and they just got changed back probably due to whining who knows but this is why i'm asking for removal, i jus think it's about time those 3 overpowered keys on the keyboard were changed to give players some fighting chance, not everyone has the lightning fast pot macro reflexes like me ;D

Edited by Dangerous, 02 March 2012 - 05:10 AM.

#4 Apocalypto

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 05:50 AM

i wouldnt complain if they were removed. but then again, using them when bossing with a party that isnt quiet adequate is gonna prolly be an argument... /shrug...

#5 Cadabra


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 10:52 AM

Didnt Nightshades get restored to how they originally was?

I dont suport removing them.
Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#6 Silk

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 12:26 PM

i believe they should stay put and remain unaltered, and i believe that while it is easy to tap shade tap, thats about the only chance anyone stands vs a zerk or a mage for that matter. also they are used frequently by a couple of us while on clerics, im sure everyone agrees that a cleric with stam at the right time is completely necessary(nod to apocalypto) nightshades imo are a played out debate, and noones really pking anyone unless that anyone happens to be disliked

#7 Dangerous

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 07:54 PM

Well vs a zerk that makes way for another discussion but for the simple fact i can press a few buttons and kill someone instantly it seems a little overpowered in my opinion, but hey thats just nightmist right, only this playerbase would tolerate somethin like that.

#8 Tietsu

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 09:13 PM

The problem with that is, no one hardly uses Nightshades for bossing. I've done it, but I'm not entirely sure how often they have been used. Clerics being able to use them during bosses would certainly help. I'd say make a poll and see what people think with a more valid argument to remove them.

As far as PKing taking thought... It's a lost art. I think we can all agree that Walt was beast when it came to PKing. He's probably consumed more Nightshades than anyone ever will. Lappa was pretty decent as well, but I believe he quit right around the time I started playing, but I did see his record.

It's a double edged sword. I say keep them in for bosses. But like I said, it's used 95% of the time as a PK tool and rarely used for bosses.

#9 Shera

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 09:42 PM

I disagree with the removal of nightshades. They have been ig since forever. If you removed them completely, you'd have to remake recipes that use them which would be a waste of time. If i want to take the chance to go and try to pk a lvl 35 with a lvl 30 and try to even out the fight using a shade, why not? If 3 ppl come jump me and I have a shade, I might be able to even up the odds and use a shade and maybe kill two of them, I think I should have that option.

If pking is a lost art form, why remove something from the game that is "primarily" used in pking?

Party pking takes less strategy then pking someone with a shade imo. Especially when some ppl that pk in parties take 3 ppl, two of them hit and the third one runs them away if the other 2 fail to pk 1 person. Taking 2 thieves to pk a party of 5 takes more strategy then pking 2 people with 5....

Edited by Shera, 02 March 2012 - 09:46 PM.

The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory. - Paul Fix

#10 Dangerous

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 10:48 PM

I see that arguement "yeah but it means a lvl 30 can kill a lvl 35" but heres the kicker not name dropping on anyone but when i see a lvl 33 thief that dosen't train and purely pkz with shades i just wonder to myself will that person ever level that thief? i mean he or she dosen't really have to, they've probably got a few dozen shades at their disposal at any given moment so i assume they have no incentive to ever level that thief other than to wear that shiney cloak of the avenger.

#11 Dangerous

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 10:49 PM

As for the cleric stam regen aspect of bossing, i'm sure staff wouldn't have any problems modifying nightshades to cater clerics and only clerics alone for the purpose of bossing.

#12 Apocalypto

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 11:35 PM

Id vote to have them removed if it came to it.

#13 Dangerous

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 05:24 PM

I was trying to keep names out of it so gg Piddles but anyway no matter what argument you try and put up against this post my minds made up. I'm just hoping people will see how retardedly overpowering nightshades are in comparison to anything, i mean in no other game would people tolerate such a retarded concept, so please keep typing those defensive posts because these are my last words on it and until issues like this one are fixed Nightmist can go moose itself :lol:

#14 Woodstock

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Posted 07 March 2012 - 06:49 PM

i agree with fixing the exp lost at 1-1.5m...

thats probably the biggest issue is that you lose days of training in 1 death, people dont like exploring let alone getting pk'ed because if they die, they lose a huge amount of exp. highest level ive lost exp on was only 32, and i still lost 6m...

and sorry to change the subject so ill stay on topic, leave nightshades alone.

Edited by Woodstock, 07 March 2012 - 06:49 PM.

When life slips you a Jeffrey, stroke the furry walls.

Lappa/Woodstock on Multi
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#15 Cadabra


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Posted 07 March 2012 - 08:33 PM

Leave them how they are, theyve been made harder to obtain so i say theyre fine.
Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#16 Chronic

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Posted 07 March 2012 - 08:46 PM

Leave them how they are, theyve been made harder to obtain so i say theyre fine.

Exactly. Also 5 lvl pk range, Shades are fine.

Wasnt like they just changed them back to how they were, there was other changes that helped balance them out aswell.

Sooner or later ppls supply of shades is gonna run out or thier bank account from buying at shops. there is tons of ways to get shades thou from crafting,sdg,herrics examine,boss drops and the two most important (sdg, and herrics examine) was both nerfed to hell lol. Id say if you killed armoire 5 times a day for a week you might walk out with 2-3 shades, would prob be about 30-45mins spent per shade..

I think shades are right where they need to be or will be eventually.
Solstice 1a

#17 Apocalypto

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Posted 07 March 2012 - 10:51 PM

Or you can spend your time making gold and buy them for 7.5k.. 5 lvl rule is irrelevent to shade issue in my opinion.. if it was a 10 lvl rule a lvl 30 could shade a lvl 40 when they arent ready and kill them.. thats the only difference... still op and kind of dumb...

#18 Apocalypto

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Posted 08 March 2012 - 02:14 AM

i got several with shades with a mage... so if people cant do it with a thief then thats their problem, not the games.... still shades need removed..

#19 Cruxis

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Posted 08 March 2012 - 07:04 AM

"point is noones running around owning everyone and even if a few people decided to be a$$holes and go pk everyone as much as they can in zeum dungeons etc they run out of keys. then u get to go pk them back while they try to farm......its simple pk da a$$holes."

I'd agree with this, there isn't always 2-3 people on hunting like a few years ago. The potential is indeed there though.

Really, I liked the huge wars that would go down. Risking exp was easy to when it was 20-30 minutes of training. When it's 1-2 hours, eh, not so easy. I log on about 1-3 hours a week, getting pk'd would definitely piss me off, but that's never an issue for me, so whatever :lol:

1) Exp Loss Cap at 2m
I believe the exp cap, is what made Nightshades never seem so bad (well, pking in general too!), and aswell, it'll allow people to use less caution, take more risk, and hopefully bring a bit more life to this game.
No chance of victory plus 3 hours of training to get back is just..ew. If it's gonna stay no chance at poison, atleast make the training easier.
Though this doesn't really fix the problem of Nightshades, people will hate them less.
Somehow this is my most perferred choice, only because the "less caution, take more risks" applies to everything that could lose exp, and people need to get out and do more risky stuff, like Coldmonger!

2) 5 second cooldown.
My second, or maybe a tie for first, I like this one alot as well. It doesn't give attackers the potentiel to do 10k+ damage in seconds for chump change, and clerics can use them at bosses without risk of death, the only ones butthurt are the ones who wanna be OP and use 2 to 3 to 436874367046 shades in one go. I feel 2 rounds of stamina is okay, and isn't so OP that it should have any risk of death. I believe the inability to use 3+ in a row makes no risk okay, you'll often get your mark, but if 3 were required before, it'd be impossible with this.

3) Stamina rework.
I could suggest many possible things that wouldn't be as strong as instant stamina, but still be useful PVP and PVM.
One such is 1 stamina regain every second for 10 seconds. This would cancel your normal stamina regain, hopefully automatically the way regain rate works.
Change either of those 2 numbers (with good judgement of course), or that concept of reworking (x stam every x seconds would be the concept), and there's so many combinations it's funny!

4) 50%+ poison.
Poison was a good idea to stop excessive use of shades, but of course, some of the pkers who never even log on a cleric are gonna the class as an excuse to keep them the same. Poison was a good idea, but low poison was a bad idea. Pkers rarely die, and cleric will not take the risk. If poison is added back, it needs to be 50%+. Clerics will still not use them, and pkers will be a tad more defferred. A small change, but an improvement none the less. (Don't do it!)

Off topic: Piddy, I have a serious question for you. With all those sharers and shades, and a few zerks, you could dish out 16k+ per zerker per invent. If you can carry enough mana to GET to kunal on as few as you'd bring, I suggest super farming Kunal or Imhotep, they'll die in less than a minute or two, with only 200 shades (kunal may be extremely smaller amount, with less hp and healing, ya know)

I would throw two hundred potions to TK in old days, and yes, key doors can be overcome! Piddy, I want you, to use those 2 shades you own (or was it 2348756238?) and go pwn every boss ingame, cause seriously, you could easily do it alone, and be quick before shades (probably) change!

#20 Cadabra


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Posted 08 March 2012 - 04:52 PM

Its the same with token bosses, he could farm them.
Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#21 Apocalypto

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Posted 08 March 2012 - 05:42 PM

I do like the delayed log of time.

And if it were possible(highly doubt the time it would take to do will be devoted to the idea) to make people ktp for maybe 30 seconds after they attacked you i think that might be a good idea too...

#22 Arsenal

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Posted 12 March 2012 - 06:05 AM

to be fair if we were to "NOT CHANGE THEM" that would mean they would revert back to how they used to be, 10% chance on death per use. KTHXBAI. ps. i hope your baby has more of a life than u and doesnt train 24/7784562784623784623874682

Edited by Arsenal, 12 March 2012 - 06:06 AM.


#23 Apocalypto

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Posted 12 March 2012 - 06:15 AM

lol at you pking me not knowing it wasnt RoS.. made my day.

#24 Arsenal

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Posted 13 March 2012 - 09:38 PM


#25 Shera

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 01:04 AM

to be fair if we were to "NOT CHANGE THEM" that would mean they would revert back to how they used to be, 10% chance on death per use. KTHXBAI.

If I remember correctly shades didnt have any chance of death way back when, but it was way back when so I could be remembering incorrectly.

Edited by Shera, 14 March 2012 - 01:08 AM.

The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory. - Paul Fix

#26 Arsenal

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 08:21 PM

great. over 500k in my saving account and im only 23! LOL hows that minimuuumm wage working out fer ya?

#27 Shera

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 09:19 PM

Eric you do realize that all you are doing trying to insult piddy is putting your own foot in your mouth? You tried the same thing with Walt, trying to insult him using his family, it didnt work then either and it's not gonna work with piddy. Part of me would love to ream you a new one, not because you'd upset me but because I'm pregnant and quite frankly I can be a biotch, but at least I have an excuse for doing it, what's yours?

I'm happy that you have money in the bank, it's a good thing to have but it's true it does not buy happiness, just stuff. If I had to chose between my baby being healthy or being rich, I'd chose my baby being born healthy. One day you may understand that, I hope that you do. I hope that if you dont have one already that you find a woman, or a man depending on which you prefer, that loves you for you. The world would be a better place if everyone had someone that loved them for them.
The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory. - Paul Fix

#28 Apocalypto

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 09:30 PM

I hope that if you dont have one already that you find a woman, or a man depending on which you prefer, that loves you for you.

Lol at that. Whether it was meant to be 100% real, a subtle jab, or anything else.

Either way, you are downing almost everyone that plays the game. And if that is your goal, that 500k isn't going to do much good.

edit:second line was addressing eric.

Edited by Apocalypto, 14 March 2012 - 09:31 PM.


#29 Tietsu

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Posted 19 March 2012 - 12:14 PM

I hope you get addicted to heroin with that 500K, overdose and die. And if you ever get that bad on it, share that 500K with the other players of this game so they can get addicted, OD and die. You know, if you actually take my idea seriously, I can probably be charged with accessory to assisted suicide or something. So you can f*ck me too, if that's a little extra motivation.

#30 Arsenal

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Posted 19 March 2012 - 09:30 PM

nah aleKKXC your life is shi* enough. i dont need to help dumb you down anymore lolol

Edited by Arsenal, 19 March 2012 - 09:32 PM.


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