The vault contains: Alloy Studded Boots, Angelic Scepter, Bloodied Axe, 2x Boots of Time, Circlet, Climbing Gear, Conqueror's Armor, Crowbar, 3x Crystal Fragment, 3x Dagger of Spirits, 2x Fireleaf Tunic, 2x Healing Potion, 2x Hook, Ilythiiri Anth, 2x Knight's Facemask, Large Shield, Map of Nightmist City, 2x Museum Key, 2x Patron Shield, Pirate Hat, Reforged Chain Mail, Reinforced Helmet, 4x Ring of Windia, Robe of Halcyon, Rose Blade, Scroll of Aura of Protection, Shield of Faith, Silver Amulet, Silver Ankh, 2x Spider Gauntlets, Steel Bracers, Tomb Gloves, Vindicator's Boots.
contact me on Sensation.(main)
Started by krispy, Aug 16 2010 10:55 PM
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