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The Kill List

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Poll: /Toggle Kill List (30 member(s) have cast votes)

Should the list be made /Toggle'able?

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#31 Eamon

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 02:47 AM

I'm sorry Chris. I must have been mistaken, thinking this was a poll. I didnt realize that it was only a poll for people that would vote yes because they agreed with you. I'll go start my own topic.

#32 Tietsu

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 02:52 AM

The kill list is fixed. Find a new problem that requires attention. Like the stick up Chris' ass. We could solve that pretty quick x.x

Humor intended.

#33 Apocalypto

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 03:10 AM

The arguement that the kill list being removed makes the game easier is foolish. The kill list existing makes pking easier. Thus, making the game easier.

To use your brain and map knowledge ect. for a pk, rather than checking what area somebody is in based on what monsters they kill makes the game easier? Seems to me it would do the opposite.

The fact of the matter is, using the kill list to pk has always been something i have thought was really stupid. And because of that, i think it should be toggleable.

Edited by Apocalypto, 21 April 2010 - 03:10 AM.


#34 Autek

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 03:17 AM

Like I said, if it was something that you could still see, but only from the character you are looking at it from, and if there was an option to reset it before you moved it to another account, I would support it.

If you're that worried about it, don't sell it to someone who would use the information against you or send it to someone else. That's really a very very small issue in comparison to kill lists as a whole.

Is it really that hard to move the spot you train in occasionally?

No, but you shouldn't have to because someone is using a website to track you down.

I like the kills list because it can show suspicious activity. Which does make cheating more difficult.
I'm sure staff would be able to look at your list if they suspected cheating and needed to.

If you come up with an idea that is fair, I'll support it.
This is across the board, everyone feeling the same effects of it, thus being fair.

Autek in game.

#35 Eamon

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 03:18 AM

In your eyes Cody, it makes the game easier for the pker. Which makes it harder on the person that's trying to train.
Me not being a big pker, it wouldnt make the game easier for me. Having it there makes it more difficult for me.
Why should something I like being able to look at, of my own, be changed simply because someone else abuses it?

I'm pretty sure that abusing the mechanics of the game is bannable. And didn't Chris admit that he has done it himself?

With the kill lists only updating every 24 hours, as long as you don't sit in the same spot for an extended period of time, where's the problem?

So what, if I use an autoclicker, and sit there and have it clicking small snakes for 3 straight days, I could toggle my kills list so that noone would be able to see what I've been doing right?
Why make it easier for cheaters to cheat?

#36 Tietsu

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 03:37 AM

The problem has been fixed. Find a new problem that requires attention. Like Walt needing an age reduction syrum. We could solve that with alien technology. And how would we go about that? We find us an alien. Probe it. Find out how long they live. Then take their genetic makeup and clone one to mate with a human. Soon after, probing the Humien and altering the genetics into a liquid agent which he would then shoot up like heroin.

Sorry, just making a joke, just like this topic is.

Edited by Tietsu, 21 April 2010 - 03:46 AM.

#37 Dangerous

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 03:39 AM

You're saying using the kill list to pk is bannable? in that case i think they'd have to ban 99% of the game because i'm sure we've all used it at some stage to see what ppl have been killin.. (oh and Apocalypto = Ryan not Cody) and Alec stay off this post if you have nothing to contribute.

Edited by Dangerous, 21 April 2010 - 03:40 AM.

#38 Eamon

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 03:50 AM

I'm just pointing out that Chris said it was abusing the kills list.

Why should something some people like be changed because someone else abuses it?

And apparently its not across the board, as there are people that disagree with it.
Its fair because everyone has a choice of whether or not to toggle it?

What suggestion comes next? Mobs do triple damage if the first letter of your clan name is a P?

You have been saying lately Chris that DA has been pwning Pande. Then why make it harder to pk?
I don't see a single person from Pande on here supporting.

So why would Pande not support something that would make things easier on us? We are the big bad guys after all, right?

#39 Tietsu

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 03:51 AM

Learned contributing was outsourced in NM around a year ago. Point is, nothing is going to be changed. Why? Because THE PROBLEM HAS BEEN (DUN DUN DUN) FIXED! And all this is doing is going back and forth with people, much like 90% of the forum posts anyway.

#40 Shera

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 04:12 AM

Ok we've all been down this road before and given the recent changes i think it's the most positive solution to it. Some people like the kills they have acomplished over time and have the right to keep them and i'm all for that but the other argument is that it's abused to find pkz and compromises training spots which i admit have abused also.

So there it is, please keep this post respectable and give a reason for your choice, Thanks in advance.


No supported. I dont have a problem with someone trying to figure out what crit I'm training where. It makes things more interesting afterall. A lot of people are very protective over their exp and do not like to die, well if they die doesnt it make it that much "harder" for a person to level? I play almost all classes, and yes does it suck a little bit more to die on a cleric who has less places to gain good exp then say a thief, sure, do I care? Nope cuz the people that are going to train will keep training even if they get pked, and getting pked has never stopped me from training. Imo even with people being able to see your kill lists, it's a lot easier to train then when lvl 1's or even lvl 5's could get pked by lvl 30's.
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#41 Autek

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 04:14 AM

I still think making kill lists toggle-able would be a better solution. Most of my posts have been quoting because I'm just refuting ridiculous reasons it shouldn't be changed. I think I've stayed on topic fine.
Autek in game.

#42 Autek

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 04:31 AM

I'm just pointing out that Chris said it was abusing the kills list.

Why should something some people like be changed because someone else abuses it?

The only people who don't want it changed are people who use it to pk. If people like their kill list but don't use kill lists to pk, then they can leave theirs untoggled.

And apparently its not across the board, as there are people that disagree with it.

If you look at the context of where I used across the board, I mean that this will affect everyone across the board. As in every single character in Nightmist will have the same option to toggle or not toggle. What I had said had nothing to do with people agreeing or disagreeing with it.

Its fair because everyone has a choice of whether or not to toggle it?

Yes. Fair means every party involved is subject to the same set of rules etc. In this case they would be.

What suggestion comes next? Mobs do triple damage if the first letter of your clan name is a P?

No, that would be ridiculous.

You have been saying lately Chris that DA has been pwning Pande. Then why make it harder to pk?
I don't see a single person from Pande on here supporting.

So why would Pande not support something that would make things easier on us? We are the big bad guys after all, right?

If everyone were honest about why they support or don't support something involved with 1a these days, 95% of it would be because one clan or the other suggested it. I don't think this situation is any different, based on the logic and reasoning behind most of the posts.

Aside from that though, refer back to my previous posts. Think of the role playing aspect (yeah, I know 99% don't, and even I don't but this is essentially an RPG), an outside website shouldn't be able to help you ingame.

It's not impossible for people to develop trends for where people train simply by where they regularly find someone training. Talks amongst clanmates on how they've seen so and so clicking bears in the royal forest in different spots each day is a pattern developed as it should be. Without kill lists!

All this does is bring sport into the game and makes it be played as it should be.

Edited by Autek, 21 April 2010 - 04:38 AM.

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#43 Autek

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 04:37 AM

No supported. I dont have a problem with someone trying to figure out what crit I'm training where. It makes things more interesting afterall. A lot of people are very protective over their exp and do not like to die, well if they die doesnt it make it that much "harder" for a person to level? I play almost all classes, and yes does it suck a little bit more to die on a cleric who has less places to gain good exp then say a thief, sure, do I care? Nope cuz the people that are going to train will keep training even if they get pked, and getting pked has never stopped me from training.

That's the beauty of making it toggle-able rather than just removing them all together. You could leave yours untoggled so that it's more interesting for you.

Imo even with people being able to see your kill lists, it's a lot easier to train then when lvl 1's or even lvl 5's could get pked by lvl 30's.

Just because it's not as bad as something else doesn't mean it's good. The 24 delay helped but doesn't solve the problem completely.

Edited by Autek, 21 April 2010 - 04:37 AM.

Autek in game.

#44 Pureza


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Posted 21 April 2010 - 04:43 AM

I voted no. My reasoning is simple. In all the years Nightmist has been around, and alot of us have been playing. Kill lists have been used as a means to track someone to pk. It was never a problem before. So enlighten me as to why it's a problem now.

I like my kill list. I like looking at my kill list to see what i've killed and how many. I also like checking out other peoples kill lists to see who has what. I don't use it to try and track pk's. I'm a main player, I don't hunt for pks. I either come across them naturally or it's someone hunting me. And by all means, hunt me by my kill list. Lets see how much gold you waste in the process.

Edited by Pureza, 21 April 2010 - 04:51 AM.

Jaded ingame.

#45 Autek

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 04:56 AM

I voted no. My reasoning is simple. In all the years Nightmist has been around, and alot of us have been playing. Kill lists have been used as a means to track someone to pk. It was never a problem before. So enlighten me as to why it's a problem now.

You would have to play 1-Alt to understand that. It has gotten to the point now that people won't even go look for a pk without first referring to the website to get an idea of where they should go. On main it was never such a big deal because kills were spread throughout and entire party, and quite frankly I don't think people hated one another so bad as to pinpoint their location before going out to look for them. They'd just be for example, in the museum and come across a red party and attack. It was never them watching the other players kill lists on the website each day to see where they've been training and developing a pattern. This is far easier to do on 1-Alt because obviously kills are all on a single kill list. Also the hatred between the two clans is clearly great enough that people are willing to sit and study kill lists each day and see which monsters' numbers have been changing so that it will increase their odds of killing the player once.
Autek in game.

#46 Arsenal

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 05:02 AM

Well put Alan ^^ supported

#47 Aktar

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 08:21 AM

So, when can we expect to see some action now, since that is resolved :P

#48 Eamon

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 11:03 AM

So, if I want to see my list, i leave mine not toggled. But the whiney kids dont want to be pked, so they toggle theirs.

How can you possibly see that as across the board?

And I don't go to website to look where people train. The majority of the time, I'm sitting and training on something or another.

And, Autek, I'm sorry, I thought I got the point across that nowhere does anyone call NM an rpg, or essentially an rpg, but yoiu so far.

If you want to be technical, playing this as a role playing game, what are you, some midevil guy swinging your blade of time, then calling your clannies on your cell phone and saying "SOMEONE MAKE A FORUM TOPIC ASKING FOR TOGGLETRANSLATE BACK."

#49 Freek

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 11:15 AM

Well Nightmist isn't a FPS thats for sure. I don't know what else to call it then a RPG?

Anyways, to get back on topic.

"So, if I want to see my list, i leave mine not toggled. But the whiney kids dont want to be pked, so they toggle theirs"

Um, that is.... YOUR CHOICE... If you want to flaunt your kill list then go ahead, but its the risk your taking by wanting to show off your BA kill list. However, other people might CHOOSE to hide there kill list? Same thing as /toggle loc if im not mistaken. You could leave your loc open so that when you page people they can see where your hanging out, but you CHOOSE not to. Same thing applies, am I right?
Freek ingame.

#50 Prototype

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 11:17 AM

I will rename all the mobs to carry the same name.


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#51 Eamon

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 11:28 AM

Well Nightmist isn't a FPS thats for sure. I don't know what else to call it then a RPG?

Anyways, to get back on topic.

"So, if I want to see my list, i leave mine not toggled. But the whiney kids dont want to be pked, so they toggle theirs"

Um, that is.... YOUR CHOICE... If you want to flaunt your kill list then go ahead, but its the risk your taking by wanting to show off your BA kill list. However, other people might CHOOSE to hide there kill list? Same thing as /toggle loc if im not mistaken. You could leave your loc open so that when you page people they can see where your hanging out, but you CHOOSE not to. Same thing applies, am I right?

This is different. I still don't know where you are if you don't toggle your loc, and dont page me.
If I leave my kill list untoggled, anyone can see it. But since you want to togge yours, it makes it so that you can abuse it still, but someone can't abuse it against you. And you see this as fair?

#52 Freek

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 11:32 AM

Well Nightmist isn't a FPS thats for sure. I don't know what else to call it then a RPG?

Anyways, to get back on topic.

"So, if I want to see my list, i leave mine not toggled. But the whiney kids dont want to be pked, so they toggle theirs"

Um, that is.... YOUR CHOICE... If you want to flaunt your kill list then go ahead, but its the risk your taking by wanting to show off your BA kill list. However, other people might CHOOSE to hide there kill list? Same thing as /toggle loc if im not mistaken. You could leave your loc open so that when you page people they can see where your hanging out, but you CHOOSE not to. Same thing applies, am I right?

This is different. I still don't know where you are if you don't toggle your loc, and dont page me.
If I leave my kill list untoggled, anyone can see it. But since you want to togge yours, it makes it so that you can abuse it still, but someone can't abuse it against you. And you see this as fair?

Freek ingame.

#53 Dangerous

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 11:34 AM

I think someone needs to renew those prescription glasses. :P

#54 Eamon

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 11:41 AM

lol. No. I can read. I've read every word any of you have said. Including the pages in game I have gotten from some of you.

I disagree with you. You state that the only people that dont want it changed are the people that use it to pk.
I dont pk for the most part, until I am pked. And I havent used to website to pinpoint where I should look for those pks.

So therefore, you are wrong. Some of the people that dont want it changed arent people that use it for pks.
And as I have said, all it would take is a better suggestion that was fair to be brought up, and I would support it.

But You sit there and attack me because I don't agree with you.

Make it toggleable that you show up in the /who like they do on main, so that other players can't see if youre online or not, combined with the amount of experience you are at, and the mob kills all only updating once every 24 hours. Noone would know when you're on and killing things if you didnt want them to know.

OMG!!! Another idea that could solve the problem. You mean the way DA wants things done isnt the only way things could possibly work?

Edited by Eamon, 21 April 2010 - 11:43 AM.

#55 Dangerous

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 11:44 AM

It's just when jordan uses words like "choose" and "choice" and you completely disregard what he says it suggests that you might need a pair of glasses, that or its ignorance, take your pick..

#56 Dangerous

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 11:49 AM

Oh and just a quick reminder this is in the "Suggestion" part of the forum so don't have a hernia k?

#57 Eamon

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 11:53 AM

Choice or no choice, I don't see how its fair. Some people in DA know where I train. I don't go to the furthest corners of the map to sit and click the same thing for hours on end. I move around so that I don't get pked for sitting in one spot too often.

I understand that you're saying its an option whether or not to toggle it, but I don't see the point in changing something that has been like this for 10 years because someone gets pked too much.

How much easier would you like nightmist to get?

Next we can have staff make a boss with 1hp, no armor, and 1bil exp pod right? Set said boss to a 5 second spawn in the large meadow. Is that easy enough for you?

#58 Dangerous

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 11:57 AM

Thats your personal opinion, couldn't you have mentioned that in your first post and spared us all the long and tiring read?

#59 Arsenal

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 11:58 AM

Clearly a silly sugestion Eamon. However whats wrong with keeping kill lists and only limiting to 1 monster? gotta get to 40 killing something.... :P

Edited by Arsenal, 21 April 2010 - 11:59 AM.


#60 Eamon

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 12:03 PM

40 Can be reached with kill lists the way they were before they were already changed.
/who Devotchka

And I posted my opinion once. I only answered the comments you all gave back on it.

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