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New Players

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#1 Peacemaker

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Posted 23 September 2008 - 07:58 PM

We need to start inviting new people to play the game...or trying to get people who used to play to play again. Lately i have seen the server at its pretty much lowest population. I been giving out semi low lvl crits to new players and even older players that have come back just to try and influence them to stay longer.
Peacemaker both servers.

#2 Peacemaker

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Posted 23 September 2008 - 10:04 PM

Well anyways i still have extra lowbies i can give out for beginners so if you are new or are just coming back and need and extra boost to make it bit more interesting by starting with a higher lvl then hit me up and i will gladly help.
Peacemaker both servers.

#3 Bunting

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Posted 12 December 2008 - 08:34 PM

We need to start inviting new people to play the game...or trying to get people who used to play to play again. Lately i have seen the server at its pretty much lowest population. I been giving out semi low lvl crits to new players and even older players that have come back just to try and influence them to stay longer.

Like I posted before, I tried playing but it isn't worth comming to a game and having to roll 6-12 hours just to get 1 character. Yes people told me your first character doesnt have to be perfect but why do I want to put time into something crappy that wont be worth nothing resale value nor will it even be worth my time. Maybe If the roller wasn't as difficult I would play. Although I look thru the forums as I have said before all I see is just drama. If the forums are that way that basically tells me how the game is.


#4 Sausage


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Posted 12 December 2008 - 09:16 PM

Yes, rolling sucks. But in all honesty 95% of NM started out with crappy statted crit. You should give it a whirl.

Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.

#5 Thunderja


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Posted 12 December 2008 - 09:28 PM

The creators of the game no longer care, why should I? Seems so pointless to even try.
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#6 Angelus

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Posted 12 December 2008 - 11:43 PM

New people don't come/stay cause the game just sucks. Old people play because they hope/believe old times will be back again.

It's all very easy, as life is. If it doesn't make you happy, do something else that does.
Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#7 Ghost_Wolf

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Posted 13 December 2008 - 01:02 PM

Since i have returned i have brought 6 new people to the game. Out of those 6, only 3 have stayed. I gave them all decent lvled crits with 4-5 stats to troll around with for a few hours. The other 3 that left went back to guild wars or asda story. It's not just a matter of finding new people, it is a matter of showing them the interesting of nm before they bore of it. I try to keep my nibblits i brought in busy each night with something new to do, but they get bored just as everyone else does.

What we need are some new attractions, but we cant have those due to the fact the creators have given up or lost faith in the game. Nothing big will ever be added to nm again. Sorry all, but in the end we will do nothing but sit here and rot out. The legends of the game wil fade away just like everything else in the world does.
Link-Nepharious_Niassey (Main)

Love is a 36' carbon tip chainsaw and rib spreaders....nuff said.

#8 Cadabra


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Posted 13 December 2008 - 02:12 PM

Since i have returned i have brought 6 new people to the game. Out of those 6, only 3 have stayed. I gave them all decent lvled crits with 4-5 stats to troll around with for a few hours. The other 3 that left went back to guild wars or asda story. It's not just a matter of finding new people, it is a matter of showing them the interesting of nm before they bore of it. I try to keep my nibblits i brought in busy each night with something new to do, but they get bored just as everyone else does.

What we need are some new attractions, but we cant have those due to the fact the creators have given up or lost faith in the game. Nothing big will ever be added to nm again. Sorry all, but in the end we will do nothing but sit here and rot out. The legends of the game wil fade away just like everything else in the world does.

I also helped one of Cody's new players out.

Gave 1 mil gold.
lvl 29 ranger pxpppp
and like a mil in items.

Nice to see some new players that are nice so i dont mind helping them out.
Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#9 Wind


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Posted 13 December 2008 - 04:03 PM

I have helped a few noobies out in my time, I am always welcome to do it again

Cry me a river!

Character Name: Wind on both servers!

#10 Exor

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Posted 14 December 2008 - 02:04 AM

Basically as said, no one is going to come to a game where you have to spend so many hours just to have a chance at rolling a good character to start with these days. Not when so many other free games out there are casual/noob friendly.

Not to mention it feels pointless with this game having had the exact same economy for so many years due to no resets. New players feel they have no chance at becoming one of the top players due to people who have played it for years.

This is why alot of games have a reset every year or two, or they add in new content that is just so good it makes the old items worthless so new people still have a shot. These are just two of the major reasons Nightmist and games like it won't see any new comers staying.
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#11 Wind


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Posted 14 December 2008 - 11:11 AM

Basically as said, no one is going to come to a game where you have to spend so many hours just to have a chance at rolling a good character to start with these days. Not when so many other free games out there are casual/noob friendly.

Not to mention it feels pointless with this game having had the exact same economy for so many years due to no resets. New players feel they have no chance at becoming one of the top players due to people who have played it for years.

This is why alot of games have a reset every year or two, or they add in new content that is just so good it makes the old items worthless so new people still have a shot. These are just two of the major reasons Nightmist and games like it won't see any new comers staying.

I gotta say I really agree with your post.
Cry me a river!

Character Name: Wind on both servers!

#12 Ghost_Wolf

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Posted 14 December 2008 - 12:00 PM

you got to look at the big picture here. It's not all about new items or new areas. It's not just about how the roller screws you over for 10 hours before it finally makes you want to suck on the dangerous end of a shotgun.

We got to have people in the game to create our ideas. We have to have someone make those nice big juicey xp and item filled areas.

take a look at the staff here. how many do we have? Has anyone ever counted? We have 7 staff total now. I remember when we had 10+ at one point in time. Now lets break down who each staffer is and the last login times for them.

JLH- last login 12-11-08 Does he login to check on the game or just to chat?does he add new areas or does he just scan everything?

Pandilex- Last login 11-30-08 Where has Simon been? Does anyone know? Last words on him where that he has lost faith in the game. I can understand why.

Oracle-last login 12-13-08 Ive not spoke to wes in many months. I never see him out in the open anymore and he never announces he is in game. (atleast i dont see it.)

Scripto-last login 12-13-08 Mark does show up often, but i never see him stay around long enough. He does yell out to the players and lets them know he is there.

Stadius-last login 12-14-08 Stadius,to me, is the most active staffer on main. ive also not seen him in the open much, but he lets his presence be known in other ways.(*Winks at Gaddy*)

Elf-last login 12-13-08 Elf is the hot shizz on 1a. She is around any spare moment she can be, talks to all the players, and gets to know how they feel about issues.(she also has this thing about poofing people when they least expect it lol.)

Trevayne- last login 11-11-08 Trevayne is supposed to head up development of main.(As far as i have been told.) did he vanish as well?

Now dont get me wrong. Staff have a life to i understand that. is it i am trying to say they need to spend every waking minute they have in NM building,tweaking bugs,and answering our questions no matter what they are doing? no. We do need to see you guys. Staff are just fadeing in and out of our NM lives, and for the small amout of staff we have it is no wonder alot of the things that need to be done cant be done. As far as i see, only Gaddy and Elf are around. Everyone else works in the shadows or is just not around at all.

Yes we need the new areas, because we have chewed the old ones apart. we just zone out when we get in them. We run on auto pilot because we can run the area by heart.

Yes we do need new items for these new areas. A lovley vamp/mag/con wep at the end of a rather nasty monster filled area is what we would like to have when we reach the end. Make it worth the bloody fight to get there.

Finally- We need to see more of our staff, and we need more staff period. Find some fresh staff for the game you know will be active, and dont just log on and cloak. We need to know you guys are there.

I am not trying to attack anyone if it seems like this has come out that way, but people do need to see staff, and we need more staff in this game. Alot of us have played this game for many years, and we will stay here while others around us go and come. NM is not just a game to alot of us. it is a place for us to come to talk to our friends, and a game we like to enjoying playing with family. Alot of us have known each other for so long, we do consider each other family. At the rate people are declining in NM, i give it another year maybe an you will see maybe 1 person on either server/ I do understand people get burned out on the game and need a break, but when and if you come back bring someone new with you. thats what i did and i brought people with me to stay. NM will never have the glory it did so many years ago, but with a little more effort from player and staff we can keep it to enjoy a few more years down the road.

Edited by Ghost_Wolf, 14 December 2008 - 12:04 PM.

Link-Nepharious_Niassey (Main)

Love is a 36' carbon tip chainsaw and rib spreaders....nuff said.

#13 Cadabra


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Posted 14 December 2008 - 02:36 PM

I see Elf/Mark on ALOT. Gaddy ive seen quite active but not alot.

Simon was on like a week ago.
Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#14 Payne

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Posted 14 December 2008 - 06:28 PM

No point in new people playing they just get killed by the same moron over and over cuz they think they are cool. And it will always happen so dont expect to be seeing any new players anytime soon with the lvl of extreme people play this game.
Astinus on 1alt Only

#15 «¤ºxXl3úÐXxº¤»

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Posted 14 December 2008 - 07:12 PM

It is what it is get over it. Everything lives, and Everything dies. Including nightmist.
I don't care if you lick windows, take the special bus, or occasionally pee on yourself. Hang in there you're friggin special!

#16 Payne

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Posted 15 December 2008 - 05:14 AM

why are u telling me to get over it? im clearly just telling u why we dont have NEW players... moron
Astinus on 1alt Only

#17 Bunting

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Posted 15 December 2008 - 07:52 AM

I tried to roll, just not gonna roll forever to play a game. Expecially if it has as many problems as you guys make it look to have.

Do you have to roll to play WoW? nope and it has 11 million people playing it.
Do you have to roll to play Diablo? nope and look how many people play it.

#18 Angelus

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Posted 16 December 2008 - 09:37 PM

why are u telling me to get over it? im clearly just telling u why we dont have NEW players... moron

It's a forum, the posts go in chronological order, that doesn't mean he was talking to you. Why would you even think that that was directed to you.

I tried to roll, just not gonna roll forever to play a game. Expecially if it has as many problems as you guys make it look to have.

Do you have to roll to play WoW? nope and it has 11 million people playing it.
Do you have to roll to play Diablo? nope and look how many people play it.

Eureka! So the 11 million players playing WoW are playing it because of lack of a roller. What a marketing scheme.
Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#19 Isolated

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Posted 16 December 2008 - 09:39 PM

wows pretty lame mann
f uck you I wont do what you tell me

#20 Bunting

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Posted 17 December 2008 - 03:08 AM

why are u telling me to get over it? im clearly just telling u why we dont have NEW players... moron

It's a forum, the posts go in chronological order, that doesn't mean he was talking to you. Why would you even think that that was directed to you.

I tried to roll, just not gonna roll forever to play a game. Expecially if it has as many problems as you guys make it look to have.

Do you have to roll to play WoW? nope and it has 11 million people playing it.
Do you have to roll to play Diablo? nope and look how many people play it.

Eureka! So the 11 million players playing WoW are playing it because of lack of a roller. What a marketing scheme.

Exactly why I am not going to try the game, expecially if it has smartasses like you. Why would anyone wanna play? I mean seriously. *looks at a website of a game" this game could be intresting! "Looks at forums to learn more about the game" Wow all I see is a bunch of smartasses and drama! Why would anyone want to play? looks like the game is having enough problems of its own. I dont wanna get intertwined with all the drama and dumbasses. I come to play a game to get away from irl stuff "Smartass,work,Drama, life in general* not to listen to douches.

#21 rebel_blaidd

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Posted 17 December 2008 - 03:28 AM

lol i just rolled a 4 almost 5 stat zerker and buddy drama and smartasses everywhere just have a go it is a fun game and no lag atm lol try that on WoW or ffxi or everquest or whatever lol

#22 Bunting

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Posted 17 December 2008 - 03:31 AM

lol i just rolled a 4 almost 5 stat zerker and buddy drama and smartasses everywhere just have a go it is a fun game and no lag atm lol try that on WoW or ffxi or everquest or whatever lol

buddy? that's something you would call your guy friends. I am far from a guy :ph34r:

#23 Cadabra


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Posted 17 December 2008 - 03:54 AM

im just gonna LOL at this thread.

Bunting: You say theres drama but you seem to be throwing a few digs in yourslef, either play/like the game or dont at all upto you.

We all choose to play nightmist even though there is a few big headed idiots who play, we just get on with what we are doing and enjoy it.

Edited by Cadabra, 17 December 2008 - 03:56 AM.

Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#24 shomer

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Posted 17 December 2008 - 03:56 AM

i dunno why ya keep logging into the forum when you have no intention of playing
Page me on Heritage

#25 Isolated

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Posted 17 December 2008 - 06:53 AM

cause im cool like that jay
f uck you I wont do what you tell me

#26 ChiliPepper

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Posted 17 December 2008 - 01:52 PM

I'd love to give Multi another ago but am having trouble making a baby party! Might see you guys next year :ph34r:
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      \\\\     \\\\  \\\ \\\ \\\  \\\ \\\\ \\\\\\

#27 Angelus

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Posted 17 December 2008 - 10:00 PM

Exactly why I am not going to try the game, expecially if it has smartasses like you. Why would anyone wanna play? I mean seriously. *looks at a website of a game" this game could be intresting! "Looks at forums to learn more about the game" Wow all I see is a bunch of smartasses and drama! Why would anyone want to play? looks like the game is having enough problems of its own. I dont wanna get intertwined with all the drama and dumbasses. I come to play a game to get away from irl stuff "Smartass,work,Drama, life in general* not to listen to douches.

You never tried the game, but you still roam the forums fighting for a better NM? And just because your earlier comment was rather pointless, doesn't make me a smartass. It was just silly to compare WoW with NM and to only give one difference out of the millions possible. Saying thats the reason NM is struggling. Besides that, I don't even play the game anymore, although I wasn't aware that I hold that much power over your decisions, so feel free to give it a go.
Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#28 Bunting

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Posted 18 December 2008 - 01:55 AM

Only reason I keep posting is because I am "hoping" someone will maybe be nice and be like "hi here let me show you how this works' or actually be nice and explain some things to me instead of biting off my head for giving my opinion!

#29 Sausage


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Posted 18 December 2008 - 02:11 AM

All I know, if I was a newbie reading this post I sure as hell wouldn't want to dl it.

Bunting, like I said, give it a whirl. Complaining about how long it takes to roll a good crit won't get you any where. We all had to do it at one time or another. Unless you're waiting for someone to hand you a 6 stat. Then good luck. If not hit me up on Incognito on 1a and I'll help you out.

Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.

#30 Defeat

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Posted 18 December 2008 - 02:58 AM

Yeh, you can get me on Mythical on 1a. I'll help. I been wantin' me a noobie.

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1a - Rise/Mythical

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