->Clerics in 1a-As we all know the 20% bonus to clerics has been removed for some time now.This was done under the understanding that clerics where training to fast at one point in time.How ever, due to the lack of the healing bonus, and the lack of experince bod on the undead monsters i belive that some things should be changed to allow clerics room to breath once more.It is becomeing more difficult to train clerics on 1a, and as such a noticable ddecline in people training/playing clerics at any point has dropped.No one really wants to play a cleric anymore or spend the time to get there cleric to aid because truthfully...it has become a great mountian of a goal to reach.Suggestions on this topic.
-Give the clerics a 10% bonus for healing instead of the 20% <-> this being stated due to the fact that the undead monsters in nightmist are not all that great, in my meaning is that demonic soldiers and vampire bats have between 50-55 pod.Now let me pose this question.How is a cleric supposed to maintain a balanced lvl increase wityh other classess when the other classess are able to go after the higher 70-98 pod available in game?
-increase the pod of said undead monsters.Such an increase may give the clerics the little boost they need for people to start playing them more often.
-> Theives and armor issues currently in game have become a big topic amoung players.Does everyone know what the load out for a lvl 30 theif is at the moment?lets observe- Feathered helm( easy enough to acess) midnight tunic/cpa (midnight 100k/cpa very difficult to come by on 1a) Vindicato's boots/Whispering mocasions ( one is 75k in harabec not to difficult the other is 400k cloud city not easy to acess.) Steel Bracers ( here is an issue-a lvl 5 armor equip for a lvl 30 crit? I would suggest soemthing along the lines of a feathered shield be made wearable for theives.look at the armor increase of other arch crits.The ability to wear heavy shields, the only other class that has armor issues are mages, and that is do to AoP (<< discussed later on.) Ring of Astray/ Crystal Ring ( ok..look at the difference here.the rings of astray are 450k i belive it is in harabec..the crystal rings crystal giant drop.netiher of these are easy to get to for different reason.The crystal giant itself is hard to come down, but will be disscused later.) Baron's/Hope Braclets.( not to much on this topic since hedge lord has come down many times.) amulet of hades(a few in game already, but also difficlut to come by) Do you see the issue here?I know there are other armor issues that can be noticed amoung other classes...but theives do seem to catch the bag.Fo instance they are also one of the current classess that will not recievie an arch weapon due to the fact they are not able to knock down the boss, or unability for a party to reach the area required.
->Rangers in 1a also have gotten the shaft, but this is due to a hit rate issue.If you notice there is currently only one arch ranger in game.The next up on the step is lvl 27.Rangers like clerics are equally difficult to train due to a lack of hit rate.I trained a ranger to lvl 25 and found it very stressful that my 4/4 rounds where more like 0/4 -2/4.Even with a melee weapon equiped there hit rate is still far below par.This is a reason as well rangers are not being played as they should be.Alot of crits are being passed back and forth due to this issue and with the issue stated about clerics above.Suggestions.
-Increase the hit rate of rangers slightly.Not to the point that they round everything they come in contact with, but just to the point where it makes the player say.."Yeah my ranger is awsome!" and it makes them keep playing.This way they do not get upset with the facte that it never seems like they are never makeing any progress with there crit.
-> Current monster hp/healing advantages.WE took a party several weeks ago to Captain Wilson...and got owned.There was a total of 12 of us in the party 2 clerics 10 attackers, we slighted him once.I have took a party of people to the Crystal giant and clericed there.It took us $ hours with a party of 10 that got bored and slowly faded away to take him down, then a party of 5 6-7 hours to take it down then.I can understand that these bossess give rare items craved for by everyone in the game, but do to 1 alt usage...it appears to be a little much.Ideas for this.
-Lessen the hp of the crystal giant<-> Now i do nto mean drop him to the point where it take 5 people an hour to take him down, but from the massive hp he currently has it is almost impossible.there are very few crystal ring in the game as is, and i understand that staff wont to keep that down, but the crystal giant is on a list of very few monsters in the game that will be very lonley very often. As for the captain, it is possible to decrease the amount of hp he heals himself for.A fellow theif and i went to go and try malok, a lvl 29 and 27 theif where owned...massivel.I spent 60k in pots myself to attemnpt this trip and we never scratched him.Here as well..lesson the amount of hp he heals himself for, or increase the time frame in which he does heal himself.As stated above, arch theives will be made usless do to the fact they have no acess to an arch wep due to the inability to reach or take down the required boss..and lets face it, there are not enough theives with that lvl in game yet....
-> Alot of the players have noticed dead areas in nightmist 1a as well as a blank spot or two in main.The paccie pyramid is now a terrible weight in 1a.Alot of players have asked about it and not alot of information has been given.The nymph tree has been removed from kantele, that itself was a star attraction and has been removed from both servers.The algon area has been removed due to it also is a paccie only area.These spots of concern have been mentioned as a cancer groth in nm by a few players.Suggestions.
-Open the paccie pyramid up to clerics/paladins.<->There has been rumor going around that the pacifists will be returned to 1a, but it might be a while.Clerics and paladans have the ability to heal and take on the monsters in the pyramid, and a few players belive that it should be opened up to other classess due to a "dead zone".
-Algon area<-> this could also be made avalibe to clerics/paladins until paccies come back, but it could be made avaliable to lower lvl crits.
- Nymph Tree<-> this one upset me the most.I understand why the tree itself was removed.Due to the rather LARGE amount of experince received from it upon it's death.This was the star atraction of kantele besides the rare need to pop in for bows for rangers of course.Bring the tree back but with some mild changes.It is possible to reduce the experince on the tree, and lets face it..with it almost 4-5 times times more hp the the crystal giant...who in the world would be able to get a party big enough to knock it down?The thought to bring it back but with less experi8nce gain at death would solve this issue with ease, if it seemed that this would be an issue make it harder then it is to take down now by giveing it the ability to self heal some how.This will also be a deterient to people from getting any kind of wild idea about trying to kill it.
-> A side note on pacifists.Alot of the players do belive that pacifists should be brought back itno 1a sooner due to it being a true 1 alt character.I understand in itself that it is widely unbalanced and that it is an VERY good gold makeing class.Some suggestions
- remove greater pact, lesson the amount of hp/mp gained after death of a monster<-> these ideas in themselves are not much,but other players feel free to suggest more wide scopes for this class if you have any.
----Some of these ideas are my own, and others have come from many players new and old.Nightmist feels..*sighs*..like it is going no where.That there is more being removed from it then being replaced.Alot of the players feel nightmist is rottening under our feet and there is nothing to do about it.People, feel free to give your ideas on anything here, if not then expand on what i have already put into place.Thank you.----
Edited by Ghost_Wolf, 04 July 2007 - 02:02 PM.