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Some Things Change..and Some Things Don't.

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#1 Ghost_Wolf

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Posted 28 June 2007 - 09:27 AM

Ok..i found out something today..that really as me upset.The nnymph tree..has been removed..from nightmist.Now i found out that the reason it was removed, is because the kill shot was 50 mil exp.I can understand that the exp would be an issue,but in removeing the tree an area of nightmist has become useless.What will be the point of going to kantele now except for rangers to get there bows?You might as well cut it off of nightmist.I suggest this.Return the tree, and cut the exp on it.I mean ktp monsters have been put in, guilds have been changed, and weps/armor shops have been shifted around.Why not nerf the tree instead of removeing it?Kantele was a popular place to train due to the tree spawning 70 pod nymphs.

While we are on the subject of suggestions, lets talk about the clerics.People had issues because clerics where lvling to fast due to the 20% healing bonus they gained.I can understand the problem there.Next thing we see, the bonus is gone, and now no one wants to train clerics anymore because other classess lvl faster then them.See a problem here?On this subject i suggest this.Put back the healing bonus, but only make it 10% instead of the 20.This will give the life back to the clerics.I know there are more clerics in the game then there are druids, but how many people start a cleric and stop after noticeing a problem with it?

On to another topic.Boss hp and healing issues.Due to the 1a server, bossess have become more difficult to take down.Now bossess like the GSW go down after about and hour of hitting it, but lets look at things like the crystal giant, Atrium Monarch, Captain wilson, and Aet'Thol. This self healing monster are the extreme of the extreme.Now the atrium has been brought down...once.WE took a party of 12 to Captain wilson, and had are bloody bodies handed to us.Anyone know whyt? the Healing factor of these monster are to great for a party of co-op people to take it down.I suggest this on this topic.For a party of people on 1a to take down these bossess, specficly the healing bossess why not raise the hp on them a little more, and lower the heal rate?This would provide some kind of balance for the parties that run around.The crystal giant has been brought down 7 times since 1a has started...this is weak.It takes 4 1/2 hours sometimes for a party to knock it down.Here again if you want, reverse the process for healing monsters.Lower it's hp and make it self heal for a little.this also i belive willc ause a balance.

On to the next subject.Theives i have noticed, compared to other classess besides mages have the lowest armor rate in the game.This alot of people have found is way off balance.I am not saqying go out and make new armor for the theif, just add the theif to a shield based equip.I mean come on, steel bracers at arch while druids clerics and fighters have massive shields?this is something i belive needs to be checked into as well.If need be, make the feathered shield equipable by theives, this might ease some of the stress on them.

Rangers, some of us have noticed, are getting crappy on 1a as well.Some of us belive that there hit rate does need to be increased slightly on this server.

I am sure there are alot of things i have missed...but these things here are just a few that alot of the players have noticed and talked about.So before anyone comes bashing me, look at some players and askThis has been talked about through many players, through many hours of game play.Look it over..staff give some constructive ideas, same with players.Lets try and make nightmist all it can be.Thank you
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#2 Oracle



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Posted 28 June 2007 - 09:43 AM

Paragraph 1: I wouldn’t see a problem in re-adding the nymph tree if it were balanced first.

Paragraph 2: Most of the staff team already seem to have decided that we need to increase the exp gained by healing other people to help clerics. This seems a better way as it encourages people to be the healer in expeditions to bosses etc, although it could be open to abuse in towns/arenas.

Paragraph 3: I need to think about more and may come back to.

Paragraph 4: The weakness in of thieves has been recognised and when we add the deflect ability to shields; we intend to give thieves the best advantage of all classes in this area to try to boost their strength.

Paragraph 5: I need to find out more about rangers but increasing their power by the same method as planned for thieves may be an option.

Paragraph 6: It is good for us to see these points raised by players, don’t be afraid to voice an opinion on such matters. It is always interesting when some of them have already been recognised and brought up on the staff forum :)

#3 Terron

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Posted 28 June 2007 - 09:50 AM

to promote team play instead of a healing bonus on monsters add it to healing players. the clerics need somethin. the xxpppp roll is crrap w/o at least 15 str and i dunno about everyone else but vines are getting boring .

as for the rest of it the tree *shrugs*

the feathered shield for thieves sounds nice

the only ? i got about rangers is where and how are we ever going to get wax for them cobalt bows w/o a paci lol

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#4 Against

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Posted 28 June 2007 - 09:57 AM

Good points made, was talking to Wes about some of this stuff earlier lol. Ghost just put it together a bit better. Although didnt push the spacebar after a . lol

Aid for druids FTW!

Edited by Against, 28 June 2007 - 09:59 AM.

#5 Shapeshifter

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Posted 28 June 2007 - 10:32 AM

Agreed on all counts, cept Aid for druids, i think thats a bit much..

Personally ive never visited the nymph tree but once on my excursion to Kantele for the first time, yes i know.... im a n00b

But again, agreed on all counts made by Ghost

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#6 Redheart

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Posted 28 June 2007 - 03:13 PM

I agree with the statements in Ghosts post also.
Good ideas and suggestions.
" For lunch we can have cupcakes until our little fairy tummies are content. We can all stay up to watch the sunset, then go to sleep in our little fairy beds.”

#7 Hawk_Trinsic

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Posted 28 June 2007 - 03:55 PM

1. I say put the tree back, give a bit more HP and cut the exp down. Maybe times the HP by 1.5 and divide the exp by something like 3. (Calculator: 50000000/3 = 16666666.6666667) but round it off so its not nearly as annoying. to 15 mill. I can think more on it, but im too lazy right now. Bottom lien is he's right, tree being taken away sucks. Makes the area almost useless if not completely.

2. Yeah, I think the healing of other players should be upped. I like that. Can't staff set it up so the +10% or however much it will be for healing players won't take effect in towns to prevent the possibility of abusing?

3. The bosses that heal definately must be nerfed. If a party on 1a gets wipe by cappy, id hate to see how they would do agains something like Aet' thol that makes cappy look like a chump in comparisin. And have there been any of the Antler boss kills yet? Don't think so, I'm sure I would have heard of it. Definately either make the heals lower or take the heals away alltogether and give the boss more HP.

4. Wes and Staff apparently have it covered. no comment.

5. Increasing their hit rate might be nice considering theres only what? 1 Arch Ranger so far I think in 1a? while all the others are too busy missing shots, which means missing a lot of exp. I think hit rate should be upped atleast a bit.

I'm out.

#8 Trevayne

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Posted 28 June 2007 - 04:55 PM

While I understand that you are trying to make some constructive suggestions, let me give you some insight that might help you to actually see things be changed.

First, posts that contain a laundry list of "change this" suggesetions are often ignored by the staff and the playerbase. Address 1 topic per thread, otherwise is it both too cluttered for people to remember all of the points, too difficult to have a constructive discussion on a topic, and too difficult for staff to keep track of.

Second, give your post a title that lets staff find the suggestion later on without difficulty. Your title makes it almost certain that it will be forgotten in 24 hours.

Third, identify the server that you are using. Multi and 1a have very different balance issues and what is perfectly fine for 1a may be unbalanced on the multi server.

Fourth, avoid saying things like "this area is useless". Usually that's not true, and often just points out that you don't know the area well enough to actually make an informed suggestion. Kantele has shops, hidden monsters that drop unique keys, places involved in crafting, and a number of other things that you didn't mention.

Fifth, you will find staff more receptive to ideas when you identify yourself in game. When we see suggestions from players who have logged hundreds of hours of gameplay, we tend to pay more attention to them than from a player who does little other than sit at the gatehouse.

Finally, don't assume that things will be easy or that you will be able to do everything in 1a that you used to do in Multi. Just because nobody has beaten a monster yet does not mean that it is necessarily overpowered... if you could beat everything in game within a few months of starting the server, that would show that something is very wrong and the game would have a host of bored players within weeks. If you think a monster is overpowered, give a reasoned argument for it... but "we tried once and failed" is going to get ignored by staff.

I'm going to lock this post now because I think you have some good ideas but they are only going to get lost here. You are welcome to restart new threads with these ideas and following the suggestions above.

Edit by Stadius-
I just wanted to say that everything Trev said above is correct, and you should pay attention to it.
Also, work on using sentences still....it's still WAY too difficult to read your long posts.

I say this because ever since I started NM, I've made suggestions for it. And I was known to be VERY long winded, especially by the active staff of the time. But I organized the thoughts, and didn't tell them that their actions were always stupid...that's a bad call btw.
MANY of them were added to game, and all well before I was even an option or thought for the staff team.
Try using paragraphs, using color with different portions of suggestions, and not grouping 8 suggestions into one.
Just saying, it isn't like the staff team has not or does not listen, but it is your job to present information clearly and in the way that makes most sense.
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

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