2) All towns and outposts except Nightmist will have a kill-to-pass creature at all entrances. Gate training is making experience far too easy to gain with little or no risk.
Simple idea - instead of using local monsters to protect cities, create new toll guards npcs with same stats. The differance is that instead of fighting, you may choose another option of paying guards to be allowed inside city.
As example with Windia:
You went South.
Large Forest: You are on a path in a large forest, as you look to the ground you notice a strange shadow that looks alot larger than most of the clouds in the area. The path leads off to the North and South.
A Windia Toll Guard is here with you.
You can't pass while the Windia Toll Guard is present.
Windia Toll Guard: I dont like your kind messing around here.
A Windia Toll Guard attacked you with its Feather Sword for 18 points of damage.
You gave a Windia Toll Guard 300 gold.
Windia Toll Guard: You may pass. (disappears)
You went Up.
Price could vary alot depending on city, so like 300gp for windia or resthaven but up to 2,000gp to enter Silversail without fight. Once again, its optional so you may either bribe guard or fight him normally to enter (as it is right now).