Put a contract on someone you dont like (whoever it is).
Minimum is one week contract at the rate of-- from 10k up to 50k/day depending on who that someone is
he or she will be hunted and you will see the results for however long you wanted it to be
i will pk him/her even if he/she's my close friends or even my sharers (for the right price)
it's been done numerous times before so lol
so page or memo Spectra and talk to me in game.
p.s this is a new company it will grow might not be just me in the future so let me know in advance
first 10 customers will receive up to .7% discount
All contracts have to be done in pages not on this post else they're void.
They are strictly confidential and private so your names are safe in my hands
please note i will require a down payment of 10% of total contract.[u]
gonna get flames watch lol
so sorry in advance guys it's not personal it's just business.

Edited by Spectra, 08 December 2006 - 03:11 AM.