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The Returners

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#1 Xien Pk

Xien Pk
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Posted 21 February 2004 - 08:29 AM

We're recruteing deticated members (meaning that this would be your main clan)... I know, I know, but we are a good clan, it's just that we're small, and we want loay members that will stick with us. We already have a few (Like myself), but we need more.

-Xien~Pk :)

#2 kar

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Posted 21 March 2004 - 01:54 PM

I was in the old 'The Returners', but i have a clan now, when i sell it i will either join ur clan or Pandion Order.

anyway, goodluck Pk
ive tasted ye blood
ive drank ye blood
ze vampires are back

#3 Oasis

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Posted 21 March 2004 - 05:03 PM

/t Xien Pk: Spellcheck.

#4 Knightkrawler

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Posted 11 April 2004 - 09:22 PM

PK i'm still thinking about rejoining The Returners and leaving The Pandion Order but i'm still not to sure i'll get back to you on that....

Edited by Knightkrawler, 11 April 2004 - 09:24 PM.

#5 sk8nbail

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Posted 12 April 2004 - 01:02 AM

I will join. Im a dwarf 'zerker. Im low lvl right now but i can easily play 1 hr per day 7 days a week and lvl up fast. just talk to me.

#6 Red

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Posted 24 April 2004 - 08:39 AM

Hey pk well i was thinking. umm i have decided (as u prob already know) that i have decided to leave the returners and start a new life. It was really fun back bout a year or 2 ago with ya guys and i appreciate u guys for helping me when i was only just a little newb.Im srry to say i cant be the great Red that Fei and others said i was. That was i nthe past i mean sure therer still lives the one Red ya guys once admired for becoming so used to the game so fast. but i have decided i needa take a new path.and further increase my knowlage about the game and mabe become the guy i was for u guys cept only for diffrent people.
legacys only last a certain amout of time and when therer done its time to start up a new one. Well tell fei that im srry for this and i hope he dosent take it to hard. who knows mabe ill cya guys around nm. well i hope ur clan sparks up like it did so long ago and ya guys get to help more newbs. :)

cya round and srry for my decision :)
As simple as a lack of communication,
can you tell me? If not the case,
Then why in the F*** did ya judge me.

#7 kar

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Posted 24 April 2004 - 11:44 AM

*sniffle- sniffle* u helped me when i was a n00b too
but i like Pandion Order
ive tasted ye blood
ive drank ye blood
ze vampires are back

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