The ÇlöçkWõrk clan
The ÇlöçkWõrk, ranked 11, with score 2373, consists of 272 members and 32 rooms.
The Clan House is the yellow square on the map above ^.
It consists of a 3x3 Mosh Arena, Pub, Sauna, Bank, Founder Bank, Kitchen, Clan Vault, Several Member's Rooms, Trivia Maze with Treasure Chest for those who reach it and much more colourful rooms.
Requirements to Join
- Good knowledge of the game
- Respect for other members
- Respect for Clan Allies
Who to Contact
- Corrupted (Chairman)
- Aftershock (Founder)
- Dangerous (Founder)
- Metallica (Founder)
- Rumpelstiltskin (Founder)
- Grunt (Leader)
- Hanguk (Leader)
- Uninsane (Leader)
- Zetric (Leader)
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