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Time To Hang Up My Bow And Put The Cobalts In The Shed

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#1 Snoopy


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Posted 01 May 2006 - 11:18 PM

Well the vast majority of people don’t really know me, keep my self to my self most of the time so only really clannies and the odd nublet actually know me.

This has been coming for quite some time, and really I don’t know how permanent this is going be because really I have seen lots of my friends get dragged back. But the plan would be if I could pick it, to not play again and just come on now and then to check up on how things are going.

The game has lost its appeal really, done just about everything that there is to do, and the only thing keeping me playing is habit. I mean this game is like my secret sin lol, a flat mate walks into my room so I shut it down because I really think its sad a 21 year old is sat playing some daft game lol.

This would have happened a long time ago last summer really was it not for tirentek, its kinda kept me going so for that I thank crane for making such a silky area.
Been trying to stir things up and make it interesting with this war business but all its seemed to get is people getting huffy and taking things to far.

Any how those who I like you know who you are, so in no particular order ryan ker jai jarad alan sam cal pede fudge chainy joe/ryan Justin and tony when there not being tools lol <3 I will send memos to ppl any how.

To all the crypt boys, we have had some fun over the last month orso and gg to all of those who took it in stride and played it like the game it is.
Special love has to go to sergi lol, most persistent git in nm, shame you spoilt it now and then with lame insults but either way heh.

All new staff good work and hope it continues :wub:

Anyhow to any one I have missed have fun :wub:

Lew aka snoopy/spawn

Ps: no one beg every thing that’s going any where is already gone ;)
If smoking 1 cig takes 30 seconds from my life, but laughing adds 5 minutes, if I get stoned every night do I live forever?

#2 Dark


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Posted 01 May 2006 - 11:48 PM

:'( dude you better keep in contact lol, ill miss ya man.

Peace n' Love ~Jai

#3 Thunderja


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Posted 01 May 2006 - 11:59 PM

Later bol. Was fun mate.

Alan and I don't give out our account or password to anyone unless they are the same or better skill level to use it, are trusted above and beyond a suitable limit, and will work hard and put it to good use. And Lew covered all these with ease.

Never knew you before Tirantek, but us teaming up there then you joining DHW was the best thing that could happen, always something to do. For those who don't really know Lew this drunk cracked crafting in a little over a day, he is almost too good sometimes which made me look shady as lol.

Anyway, it's a shame that you lost some mates towards the end due to our war, but meh if they are going to take it to heart and resort to petty insults and reporting our retorts let them. At the end of the day we are having a good laugh and most of them are still cool.

Anyway hope you return, you really are one of the best players on here and it was a privilage to work with you. Later bol.
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#4 fallen

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 12:05 AM

Its been fun chatting with you as of late. Good luck on everything, and take care of yourself. ;)
we will pass judgement on the day of your doom

#5 menardi

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 12:10 AM

not now lew not now!!

lol it was fun at least being in a clan w/ you for once. Ur usually 2 urself, not really in to events and showing off ur uberness. Ima miss the random times u log on drunk, typing like a retard lew.

Will miss ya, clan and a game as a whole took a big hit with u leaving. Cya round :-(
Electron/Excuse in game~~ÐÎVΧÎØÑ


#6 Raylen


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Posted 02 May 2006 - 12:11 AM

Gonna miss ya a whole lot. Made me laugh as much as anyone has, as well as being probably the best player of this daft game there is, bar none.

Will be sure to speak to you on msn from time to time.

I suppose next on your "things I need to give up" list is alcohol... ;)

+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#7 combusta

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 12:12 AM

Post on MEnardi was me, didnt even notice i was logged on his name.....

ah the intelligence of combusta, the envy of all nightmist players...

o shut up tony

#8 Spectra

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 12:16 AM

man lew man man lew oh man lew oh man lew man oh boy!

i'm 21 yrs old too and im not embarassed to play this game
it's very fun

but for you to leave nm is a big sad lost to nm community
so i'm just gonna quote your line when you've said it before to me

"Lew, You're too Cool for School" for leaving meh ;)
"For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light-for the fruit of light consists in all Goodness, Righteousness and Truth"

#9 Dracon

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 12:29 AM

err dude...wtf?...nah ah....stop it.........stop it...............stop...it....................... ah what the hell no one can stop u. grrrr better log on once in a while man u cant just leave us like that. It was really fun kicking it in DHW and hitting up monsters with you at tirantek until the whole items bs happened. But best life to you, though. You ARE one of the best players in game and it's really sad seeing them retire :wub:
Life goes on, time passes by, it is what it is. Peace
~Ryan ;) :wub: :wub:
It's not how hard you punch, but how deep that matters! ¤»IñÐømîñåߣ뫤


#10 Spectra

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 12:45 AM

lol chill ryan ;)
lew will come back!!
he <3 us too much

besides if all fails we have his crit as hostage /grin

love ya lew :wub:

Edited by Spectra, 02 May 2006 - 12:47 AM.

"For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light-for the fruit of light consists in all Goodness, Righteousness and Truth"

#11 SABE

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 05:49 AM

haha i made lew quit and i own all account alone zuhahaha

but..wut will i do with it? i already quit long ago
ñøt tø s€rv€ îñ HeÂv€n øñ€ dÂY ruL€ îñ H€LL

#12 Piggy

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 06:44 AM

Bye lewis, I'll hunt ya at university ;)

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#13 Muse

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 07:19 AM

Peace man the goat in the basement says bye also ;) .
To Live Is To Die.

#14 Spawn

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 08:09 AM

i know i am a noob and i cannot have a say in things but lew u where cool i have been to places i never thought where there and it was fun thanx and hope u have a good life and stuff hope to see u back some time


#15 Wind


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Posted 02 May 2006 - 10:32 AM

Yep Lewis you was a really good guy but with the war between clans i never really got to talk to you much. All we was doing was fighting and throwing insults at one and another, but yeh like alot of people said you will be missed, Good luck with everything in life, You got my msn.

Good luck

Edited by Tru, 02 May 2006 - 10:33 AM.

Cry me a river!

Character Name: Wind on both servers!

#16 Boys Night Out

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 10:50 AM

Well well well. what can I say? This is a time for words of wisdom but all i really wanna say is your a drunken ole Fool ;)

GL with uni. Hope it takes you to where you wanna go. With all the science crap. Name some chemical fusion after me :wub:

You were easyily in the top 5 for most "down to earth yet still owns your arse" player. where's his trophy jared?


Love Callum
Tread lightly, as you tread on my dreams...

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#17 Trevayne

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 11:54 AM

Take care... we'll see you again sometime.
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#18 Guest_Simon_*

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 01:13 PM

Good luck!

#19 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 03:26 PM

Man Lew, known you for far to long an you've been like a big bro too me ;) You are one of the few people on NM which you can actually have a normal conversation with, without saying "bt i ownd u in 3 v 3 haha" lol, great guy tho, great guy.. Also the only person I have ever trusted with over 50 mil of stuff tehehe, will probably speak to you as much on MSN as I speak to you ingame now, so yeh, talk to you.. now :wub:
Disaster ingame.

#20 SABE

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 03:50 PM

Man Lew, known you for far to long an you've been like a big bro too me ;) You are one of the few people on NM which you can actually have a normal conversation with, without saying "bt i ownd u in 3 v 3 haha" lol, great guy tho, great guy.. Also the only person I have ever trusted with over 50 mil of stuff tehehe, will probably speak to you as much on MSN as I speak to you ingame now, so yeh, talk to you.. now :wub:

wut a liar u dont even talk to me on msn :'(

ñøt tø s€rv€ îñ HeÂv€n øñ€ dÂY ruL€ îñ H€LL

#21 Prophet

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 03:54 PM

Don't do it. Thats all that needs to be said.
Si Senior!

#22 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 04:11 PM

Man Lew, known you for far to long an you've been like a big bro too me :wub: You are one of the few people on NM which you can actually have a normal conversation with, without saying "bt i ownd u in 3 v 3 haha" lol, great guy tho, great guy.. Also the only person I have ever trusted with over 50 mil of stuff tehehe, will probably speak to you as much on MSN as I speak to you ingame now, so yeh, talk to you.. now :wub:

wut a liar u dont even talk to me on msn :'(

:wub: :wub::P:P

lmao tht tolga or lew, bcuz tolga gimme your MSN ;)
Disaster ingame.

#23 Snoopy


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Posted 02 May 2006 - 04:35 PM

Much <3 lol

Will be running a small trivia event tonight at 9pm and giving out random prizes, not gona be super smashing fantastic stuff but still worth coming along to get some goodies heh.
If smoking 1 cig takes 30 seconds from my life, but laughing adds 5 minutes, if I get stoned every night do I live forever?

#24 «™®?¨CHaÏNY¨?™»

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 04:38 PM

I'll bug ya on msn when I see you Lew. Be good or be good at it. ;)

Edited by «™®?¨CHaÏNY¨?™», 02 May 2006 - 04:39 PM.

Why is it you can sue a cigarette company for cancer, McDonalds for getting fat, but you cant sue Smirnoff for all the ugly people youve slept with?!

#25 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 06:13 PM

Justin and tony when there not being tools lol <3

me ? tool ? never ;)

Edited by Rappy_Ninja, 02 May 2006 - 06:13 PM.

Page/Memo Beatrix

#26 Snoopy


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Posted 02 May 2006 - 11:45 PM

Thank you to all that came to enter the trivia, - i have to apologise for leaving early - flat mate came in really upset so i had to go sort her out.

To those who won prizes well done - i know they were not uber shiney but really better then most trivia prizes you will get hehe

Pease out people - may see you all again some time in the future <3

If smoking 1 cig takes 30 seconds from my life, but laughing adds 5 minutes, if I get stoned every night do I live forever?

#27 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 03 May 2006 - 07:01 AM

GW Lew, you will always be remembered, in our hearts. *sheds a tear*

Disaster ingame.

#28 Kenzaburokamos

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Posted 03 May 2006 - 01:23 PM

Adios Amigo....Hopefully in the months that lay ahead...NM will generate something that will spark u interest again...lol. Hope everthing works out for the best. Take Care!
Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within...
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#29 Prophet

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Posted 03 May 2006 - 07:30 PM

Any how those who I like you know who you are, so in no particular order ryan ker jai jarad alan sam cal pede fudge chainy joe/ryan Justin and tony when there not being tools lol <3 I will send memos to ppl any how.

You say no particular order but I know there in order ;)
Si Senior!

#30 Jigsaw

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Posted 03 May 2006 - 09:49 PM

Got ya memo and i'm honoured. :wub: I'll miss ya being on EVERYTIME I log on. ;) /clan loc will never be the same.

Have a good'n mate.

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