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New Event Idea - Another One!

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#1 Raylen


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Posted 21 February 2006 - 04:49 PM

Thanks to Tony for making me think, hehe.

Ok so, you sort out two teams somehow of 8-16 players each. One team is tp'ed to the NorthEast corner of the Mosh Arena, the other team to the SouthWest. Each team has on their starting square their "flag" (Not sure on best way of doing flag, maybe have NPC holding it, or have staff give it to attackers once all defenders die). Until the event actually starts, no-one is allowed to move. The aim of the event is to have both flags held in your base at the same time.

On every other square of the arena are a load of kill-to-pass monsters. Nothing silly like Time Knights, but tough enough, maybe like Teptok Loyalists or Drider Scouts. You have to leave some numbers of players to guard your flag (you could leave none!), and send the rest out to capture the enemy team's flag.

So, you battle through the arena, hopefully losing no team members en route. You get to the enemy base, and manage to take out their defenders. You kill the NPC holding their flag (should have a few HP btw). However, by this time, the enemy team has done the same. So you have to hunt down and kill their attacking party, while they of course are trying to do likewise. The flag should have a 100% chance of being dropped when they player holding it is killed (if this is possible).


1. Monsters spawned in the arena should be somewhat dependent on the amount of players in the event. For example, if there were only 8 players per team, you could expect an attacking party of 5 or so, for which Drider Scouts I should imagine would be too tough, maybe things like Sand Spiders would be better.

2. Players leaving the game while holding a flag get automatic dayban, lol.

3. Monsters could possibly be respawned, perhaps as soon as the party leaves the square. This could however lead to drawn events, due to people not being able to make it back to their base.

4. You could possibly leave useful things like Nightshade Elixirs and Vampire Blood Potions lying around the arena. Or maybe even a special weapon with uber stats, like base damage 40 or something...


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Ok so you have the choice, do you try and grab the enemy flag as fast as you can...or do you try and grab the uber equips?

OBVIOUSLY these items would only be usable during the event, afterwards they would be given back/destroyed.

Also, if I unequip my csotw to equip the Blade of Frank, I should have zero risk of losing it.

And finally note 5: You'd be unlikely to have an individual winner of this event, so maybe there would be no weekly Band of Endurance/Triplex Amulet type prize. Maybe the monsters could all drop a bit more gold than usual or something.

Anyway, thoughts/comments please!

Edit: Took me 40 minutes solid to post this, so good feedback please! ;)

Edited by Raylen, 21 February 2006 - 04:51 PM.

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#2 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 21 February 2006 - 05:24 PM

interesting idea no clue how the items would be done though ;) so supported I guess
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#3 Dark


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Posted 21 February 2006 - 06:43 PM

Apart from the uber items in the middle i really like it, maybe give the game its own arena more like..
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No particular reason for being that shape i just dont like idea of starting in a corner.... dont know why.

Edited by Dark, 21 February 2006 - 06:47 PM.

#4 deadman

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Posted 21 February 2006 - 06:51 PM

support the whole thing Alan and you are welcome just lose the blade of frank and crap and just leave the normal event.. nice work
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#5 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 21 February 2006 - 07:42 PM

just lose the blade of frank and crap

why you always bitching about something anyways ?
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#6 Nocturnal

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Posted 21 February 2006 - 07:58 PM

Supported! Even the Blade of Frank part! Got to have some Humour in this event!

#7 Squee



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Posted 21 February 2006 - 09:34 PM

For some reason, I started thinking back to grade school when team captains were randomly selected and they took turns picking team-mates.

Anyways, I really like this idea.

However, I assume that once you die, you go back to your "home base" as an ethereal being. You sit there without being able to do anything until you're finally ready to fight again.

Methinks that if you're out once you die, some games will end with no winners.
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#8 Matty

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Posted 21 February 2006 - 09:47 PM

The weapon/armor stuff I don't like, but the event itself is awesome.

Set a time limit. This prevents the long matches nobody really wants.

You can respawn after a period of time has elapsed; you would respawn at your 'home base', but probably won't go out by yourself, so you'll wait for more of your team to fall, then re-organise and set out. Would be a team game.
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#9 Stotic

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Posted 21 February 2006 - 09:57 PM

A great idea in theory, but I don't see it working out in reality. The way I see it is that this will end up becoming a mosh with a twist. Each team will party up with everyone on their team and just hunt down the other big party. Sure, there's a twist of having players go and get the flag, but how are they going to be able to kill the flag's guard in time without being in a big party because a buncha players are sure to come checking on their flag.
The players on Nightmist travel throughout area's with lightning speed, therefore being able to cover a large amount of ground. The resolution to this is not to make the arena bigger because then it just becomes a game of hide and seek.
Sure some of these may sound fun or interested, but it truely doesn't look like a game of capture the flag.
New elements to the game engine would have to be added because this requires several features not readily available such as a player dropping inventory by 100%. I can go on and on, but I think this is all you can chew now.
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#10 Hansol

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Posted 21 February 2006 - 10:18 PM

Then have staff do randoms... Make each square kill to pass on some sort of monster... and that the teams have to at one point clash together, with this they fight for the flag maybe?

the invisibility option will have to be taken out of course otherwise a mage will join, get the flag and just stay invis'd while everyone else does the fighting...

could be a best out of 5 maybe?

#11 Hansol

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Posted 21 February 2006 - 10:20 PM

thinking about it... i cant see this kinda thing happening on a text based game...

OMG OMG OMG... xmas quest.. a moving monster.. have a monster holding the flag... first team to kill it whislt killing eachother.. gets the flag.. then after that all squares become kill to pass.. then it's a matter of who's stronger!?!?!

GET IN... I love brain storming.

Edited by Hansol, 21 February 2006 - 10:21 PM.

#12 Stotic

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Posted 21 February 2006 - 10:55 PM

Let's say the flag is captured, but the capturee is killed before he/she can make it back to their base. The flag will simply drop to the ground. There is no system in place that will automatically return the flag to the base, likewise, automatically respawn a new guard at the same instant.
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#13 Hansol

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Posted 21 February 2006 - 11:06 PM

from that point wouldnt it be a team to pick it up? and carry on? OR A REFFEREEEEEEE!?!?!?!

#14 Guest_Doom_*

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 02:06 AM

I like it..although some things need some thinking over...I think a bigger mosh arena would be in order, like jamie's map but bigger so that the 2 teams wouldn't exactly know where to go looking for the flag, there would be several different spots that the flag could be at..this is where the team that guards your own flag comes in handy, their job will be to hold off the enemy for long enough until the main party gets back to defend it. (who knows your party leader could get lost and your protectors could all be dead by the time you get back, meaning your flag is gone!).

Its probably going to be a 'last team standing' situation where both teams fight it out until theres no team to fight, so something has to be done to prevent this..

#15 Raylen


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Posted 22 February 2006 - 09:53 AM


1. When person holding flag dies, it does simply drop to the ground, ready to be picked up by the fastest clicker.

2. All monsters are kill to pass! So you CAN'T move around with "lightning speed".

As for further thoughts, well...

Once you move off a square with a monster, it instantly respawns (or is spawned by staff i suppose). Now add in the factor that your base becomes your local for the duration of the event.

Think that bit through, it will make it AWESOME.

First team to make 3 successful captures wins! ;)
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#16 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 09:59 AM

Nice ideas Alann!! I like Jamie's map too - but maybe make the flag in the centre of the map but only accessable through the sides, if you see what I mean lol.
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#17 Raylen


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Posted 22 February 2006 - 10:25 AM

Nice ideas Alann!! I like Jamie's map too - but maybe make the flag in the centre of the map but only accessable through the sides, if you see what I mean lol.

Each team has their own flag - there are two flags, not one lol.

Edit: as for the extra code required to make items have a % chance of being dropped from inventory...I don't know the nm source code but surely you just add another stat to items... ;)

Edit 2: uber items lying on floor are not a necessity for this event, just thought it would be fun :wub:

Edited by Raylen, 22 February 2006 - 10:28 AM.

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#18 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 10:27 AM

Seriously ? Good god. Cool. I like that idea better, *smiles*

I thought it was just like a race, who could kill all the KTP monsters to get to the flag and then get it first, then the other team who didnt get the flag could chase down the team WITH the flag, kill them and stuff like that, ah well ;)

Edited by Äññöÿäñcë, 22 February 2006 - 10:28 AM.

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#19 Raylen


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Posted 22 February 2006 - 10:29 AM

Just play some CTF on Unreal Tournament and you'll see where I am coming from ;)
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#20 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 10:33 AM

Whats Unreal Tournament ?
CTF = Chocolate-eating Training Facilities correct.. ?
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#21 Raylen


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Posted 22 February 2006 - 10:53 AM

Unreal Tournament is a FPS (first-person shooter) game. Kinda like Doom or Quake.

CTF is Capture The Flag.....................
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#22 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 11:33 AM

I see, interesting. Nice idea ;)
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#23 Raylen


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Posted 22 February 2006 - 11:46 AM

Any staff volunteers to run it? ;)

Will probably require some player co-operation (e.g. if you die with the flag and don't drop it, don't log off straight away, etc.)

And I suppose you'd maybe want two staffers to run this, at least for the first time. Or maybe not :wub:
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#24 Hansol

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 03:37 PM

I vote for one team flag to be green ;) the other can be any colour... But a nice illuminous colour for the green.. Cause green pwns...

Once we sort out all the kinks on the explanation of how it's gonna work... Would JLH allow the new staff to have a go at running it with guidance...? Because obviously the area needs creating first.

And would it be added to the mosh thing for 50k.. as it's similar.. the person who creates if can do the refereeing (spawning monsters) and crap... or something like that..

I'm just trying to help.. putting idea's in heads always gets the job on the roll

#25 Raylen


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Posted 22 February 2006 - 03:46 PM

And would it be added to the mosh thing for 50k.. as it's similar.. the person who creates if can do the refereeing (spawning monsters) and crap... or something like that..

That's possibly stretching it a bit Cal.

staff are free to startup events of their own at whatever time they feel like once they have settled in.
then i'll add it to the calendar

Ohh yeah ;)
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#26 Raylen


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Posted 22 February 2006 - 04:02 PM

A great idea in theory, but I don't see it working out in reality. The way I see it is that this will end up becoming a mosh with a twist. Each team will party up with everyone on their team and just hunt down the other big party.

Doubt it. Say from your team of 16, you left 3 clerics and 2 druids to guard your flag. If the other team attacked with mainly zerks and rangers, they'd have a tough time. Whereas if the other team attacked you with mages, they'd probably do better. However then, if you'd decided to leave a couple of zerks on defence, they could be screwed.

You could just do it simply by making it one of the rules of the event - you have to leave at least 20% of your force behind to defend the base.

The possibilities are endless!
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#27 Defeat

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 08:18 PM

I suggested something similar to this and got no support... soo i dont see why he should get support for it

Edited by Defeat, 22 February 2006 - 08:18 PM.

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#28 fallen

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 08:50 PM

I suggested something similar to this and got no support... soo i dont see why he should get support for it

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#29 Stotic

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Posted 23 February 2006 - 03:41 AM

you have to leave at least 20% of your force behind to defend the base.

That doesn't seem enforcable.
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#30 Raylen


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Posted 23 February 2006 - 09:13 AM

Eh? Surely the staff member running just says "leave behind 20% of your team or you get disqualified"..... ;)

has been added into the nm2 mosh system already, along with capture the flag

Interesting :wub:

Edit: for the sake of completeness, that suggestion is HERE

Edited by Raylen, 23 February 2006 - 09:28 AM.

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