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Sourcream, on Mar 25 2005, 07:03 PM, said:
1: hawk talon is a lvl 27 weapon.
So? It's such a powerful weapon at such a high level for a reason
Sourcream, on Mar 25 2005, 07:03 PM, said:
2:ivory dagger is a lvl 26 weapon
I still fail to see what it is that makes this such a good point. It's got a base damage of 23, with -1 AC and -1 Charisma. Obviously, thieves are only supposed to have such power at a cost to themselves.
Sourcream, on Mar 25 2005, 07:03 PM, said:
3:Katana yes but Theres a limited supply of these. only 4 in game, So it wouldnt be that bad.
This doesn't justify much of anything.
Sourcream, on Mar 25 2005, 07:03 PM, said:
6:auric staff is a lvl 30 weapon
With 17 base damage. Plus, mages aren't really wouldn't be strong enough to wield such a large weapon, or at least to be able to have it be useful.
Sourcream, on Mar 25 2005, 07:03 PM, said:
7:angelic scepter is a lvl 30 weapon
Clerics only get 21 base damage at level 30. And they wouldn't be able to use the Gretskula well either.
Sourcream, on Mar 25 2005, 07:03 PM, said:
8:Umm Rangers wouldnt use this weapon...
You have them listed.
Sourcream, on Mar 25 2005, 07:03 PM, said:
10:and staff of elements is a lvl 20 weapon
With 15 base damage. Thats a 10 base damage boost. For classes that shouldn't be able to use such a weapon in the first place (as the Gretskula, I mean).
Sourcream, on Mar 25 2005, 07:03 PM, said:
I just thought of this to conserve The halberd and rose blades honor,
I fail to see how it is that it does that.
Also, if you hide it in forests, people will go looking for it. They'll be gone within 5 minutes.
If this weapon was implimented, it would (realisticly) only be able to be used by Fighters, Berserkers, and Paladins (
I don't mean to sound like i'm on th attack. I'm just saying: "I don't think its a good idea", and pointing out reasons why I feel as such.