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Areas Under Development

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#1 joanna

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Posted 27 January 2005 - 11:33 AM

any staff wanna speak out?

#2 Stotic

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Posted 27 January 2005 - 05:53 PM

We'll douse ourselves in gasoline and hang our bodies from the lampposts.

#3 Crane


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Posted 27 January 2005 - 06:07 PM

If there are any areas under development, the area designers might want to remain silent and anonymous until it is near completion, at least... I guess to avoid too much anticipation amongst the players and to avoid too much pressure towards the designers to finish the job quicker.
The Crane Temple Chairman

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Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#4 Lifeless Void

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Posted 28 January 2005 - 05:57 PM


How the hell would I know?

#5 joanna

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Posted 30 January 2005 - 03:33 PM

Awww i like new areas :unsure:

#6 Ë£ Mëxíçåñø

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Posted 02 February 2005 - 04:41 AM

Isolation/Furio in game

#7 Guest_Simon_*

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Posted 02 February 2005 - 05:36 AM

yeah right dont waste your time submitting one either staff wont even look because of the soon to come Nightmist 2

Edited by Simon, 02 February 2005 - 05:37 AM.

#8 Sneaky

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Posted 03 February 2005 - 02:35 AM

NM2 is still in very early stages... so suggesting an area is not a total waste, staff just does not want to put too much time and effort into something that will be replaced in the near future.

Also...you may think some of your suggestions are being ignored. Just remember... the map of Nightmist 2 will be completely different. Different cities, areas, and hey... maybe some of those areas that you read about on forum and think "dewd, that area like totally pwnzors!" will be around somewhere.
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#9 joanna

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Posted 03 February 2005 - 06:45 PM

And nm2 might just be a hoax to scare people... well at least I hope it is :unsure:

#10 Bun

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Posted 10 February 2005 - 11:56 PM

i was speaking to jlh about nm2 today

he said it runs smoothly there are new areas(whole map is different none of the citys will be the same) there are new races and classes and best of ALL IT WILL BE 1 ALT! i asked if it would come out soon and he told me to stop asking questions so i cryed

I never went to asia this year i fly by and gave them a big wave.

#11 Crane


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Posted 11 February 2005 - 12:08 AM

It's a big project, Nightmist II, so you should stop pushing him so much. There will be less bugs and a lot more features if people allow him to create it at his own pace. Just be patient!
The Crane Temple Chairman

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Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#12 Thunderja


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Posted 11 February 2005 - 12:32 AM

Best thing will be if it is pay to play so we can loose all these thieving little American ghetto kids thank God.
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#13 Bun

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Posted 11 February 2005 - 12:42 AM


bill ed rob and jose gone that will be so damn great

I never went to asia this year i fly by and gave them a big wave.

#14 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 17 February 2005 - 10:05 PM

I remember a project going on a while ago called Castle Zama or something... was this in production?
Disaster ingame.

#15 Sourcream

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Posted 02 April 2005 - 10:37 PM

When Nm2 Comes out will regular nightmist still run or will it go down??

#16 Crane


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Posted 03 April 2005 - 12:04 AM

When Nm2 Comes out will regular nightmist still run or will it go down??

This has been answered a few times in Game Discussion. The answer is Yes, but updates and such will not be as common, and most of the server power will be directed towards Nightmist II (for us, it can mean more lag!)
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#17 fallen

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Posted 04 April 2005 - 04:08 AM

insert 2 cents here:
we will pass judgement on the day of your doom

#18 Jarin Deshoul

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Posted 04 April 2005 - 08:46 AM

insert 2 cents here:

ok, heres my 2 cents: while i realize the budget for running nightmist II dictates it to be p2p, i still think it sux that those of us too poor to get highspeed must pay to play the game that is catered to our alt loading abiliies(I.E. 1 alt) while the more wealthy get to pwn us in he free game because they can load 10 or 12 alts to our 2(and even then we have mad lag) theres my poor boy's 2 cents, and I should point out it was my last as well. can i havea change for the bus home? i realize it will be inexpensive, but i live in dialup land, where everyone gets to crap on you because you dont see it till its done, so im a little bitter. forgive me. i will be fine after i get some sleep.

Edited by Jarin Deshoul, 04 April 2005 - 08:47 AM.

#19 Jarin Deshoul

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Posted 06 April 2005 - 04:02 PM

I appologise for my earlier crabbiness, the manager had frozen on me four times then I got kicked offline, so when I got back on I was pissed (for no good reason) at everyone who doesnt have to deal with dialup. I then did the only logical thing, trolled the forums for a chance to vent. At least it seemed logical. I have now slept since then. My appologies to all. May my rampant flames be eaten with soy sauce and rum!

#20 trigger happy

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Posted 14 April 2005 - 08:21 PM

this is prolly my usual dumb self coming out...but rofl ive never heard of nm2...like iam sure it does exist and all...but like whats the info on it?...like will we have to pay to play?...when will it come out, like not an exact date but like in the near future to me means like 1week or so....which i dont think thats the case...

#21 Lifeless Void

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Posted 15 April 2005 - 05:03 PM

this is prolly my usual dumb self coming out...but rofl ive never heard of nm2...like iam sure it does exist and all...but like whats the info on it?...like will we have to pay to play?...when will it come out, like not an exact date but like in the near future to me means like 1week or so....which i dont think thats the case...

It exists? no info as of yet, we will pay for it, prolly near future but farther than a week.
How the hell would I know?

#22 trigger happy

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Posted 15 April 2005 - 06:45 PM

nnooo.....i can't afford to pay to play....lol

#23 SABE

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 02:27 PM

i was speaking to jlh about nm2 today

he said it runs smoothly there are new areas(whole map is different none of the citys will be the same) there are new races and classes and best of ALL IT WILL BE 1 ALT! i asked if it would come out soon and he told me to stop asking questions so i cryed

i remember some1 said it will be 0.5dolar for each alt and if it will be 1 alt still be 0.5?

Edited by SABE, 03 May 2005 - 02:30 PM.

ñøt tø s€rv€ îñ HeÂv€n øñ€ dÂY ruL€ îñ H€LL

#24 plugwash

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 04:28 PM

NM2 is still in very early stages... so suggesting an area is not a total waste, staff just does not want to put too much time and effort into something that will be replaced in the near future.

are there plans to shut down nightmist when nm2 comes out then?

#25 Trevayne

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 04:35 PM

1) Do not bump old posts. This one is more than a year old.

2) Post in the right place.

3) Read the FAQ. Your question is the very first one answered there.
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

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