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There have been 3 items by Teh_Fluff (Search limited from 21-July 23)

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#194584 Broken

Posted by Teh_Fluff on 21 August 2007 - 03:51 AM in Clan Forum

I tried to get back into the game, but its hard when 74 of your alts are gone forever. The only one I managed to get back is Zellish. I owe someone some money now as I spent some of it, and well I dunno.

These days you can find me on WoW Feathermoon server, North American server of course.

<.< I rarely use MSN these days.

I really should try and get in touch with more of the old Broken members.

I just read through the old thread we had going in the old forums, brings back a lot of good memories I had over here.

#185483 World Of Warcraft

Posted by Teh_Fluff on 07 March 2007 - 04:50 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

bump imo! :)

Zellish has been 70 for quite sometime now, and my pally is 69 atm.

One the pally hits 60 it'll be time for my hunter to get up there.

Leveling with ym guildie who dual logs. Shes moosein insane though. She'll have 4 70's when my hunter hits 70.

#182401 World Of Warcraft

Posted by Teh_Fluff on 14 January 2007 - 03:06 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

Damn has been awhile since Ip osted anything here. Zellish is 60, and has been so for quite sometime now. Been through the entirity of MC, and BWL. Only has 7/8 might, and 4/8 wrath...various dps gear from mc, bwl, and zg. Hm 4/6 epic pvp gear...some of you are probably within my battlegroup. I'm still playing on my RP server Feathermoon. Cyclone battlegroup ftw! My hunter finally hit 60 and there after got neglected. I also have a 60 paladin named Eldrarae, who has 4/8 lawbringer for the hell of it. I also have a 43 dwarf rogue Leaghugh, a 34 orc shaman Mugalka, and a 30 priest Thyne....and soon to have a Draenei mage, and blood elf warlock...and I guess thats it <.<