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#211795 Yay! Less Lag!

Posted by jurian on 29 November 2008 - 10:59 PM in Leaving/Returning Forum

Title sais it all.

I came back to nm to find it completely dead. I decided to experiment with a new programming language and abuse nm for it.

I've written an auto roller (damned math questions are a bi­tch (yes i can get around the filter so ban me?) to get around), an auto trainer for 1 alt, an auto trainer for multi and an auto mapper (which was slow and really just a waste of time but a good experiment)

So basicly i'm done with nm.
Maybe the worst thing is that i didn't really have to hide my programming intents. i think many players knew and i know some staff knew about it yet i could just continue doing my thing.

can't say it was fun seeing you all again because it wasn't. i'm sure it wasn't as good for me as it was for you guys :ph34r:.

GL to ELF trying to save a game that's fuc­­ked up the way nm is.

I mentioned my account name and pw in clan chat so whoever logged in first has my stuff (not much)

Elf if you miss me, log on to msn. to everybody else. goodbye and try to leave the house atleast once a year and shower atleast once a week.

@JLH small advice, use different colours for perfect stats. now reading the stat colour for perfect stats is just too easy. it won't solve much but it'll make things more interesting. Or even better make the screen move around after a math question. now i could just go by fixed location and fixed colours. Congratz on making the text of the math questions not autoreadable (is it jsut a big picture?)

#211737 The Xbox 360 Challenge!

Posted by jurian on 25 November 2008 - 01:48 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

why did i read this? give me back the 3 minutes i wasted on reading this please.

#211721 Awwwww

Posted by jurian on 22 November 2008 - 09:39 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

cute <<< link

#211680 Opal Spheres

Posted by jurian on 18 November 2008 - 09:17 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

Bump, any news?


#211640 Clan Sales On 1a

Posted by jurian on 16 November 2008 - 08:45 AM in Game Discussion

they should be sellable.

when i was founder of a clan long ago i actually kept track of the ppl that donated and got them all their share back when i decided to sell everything. but i agree donating is not mandatory so no need to give ppl their money back.

on the other hand founders should not be able to make money on donations of clan members. but yes clan hosues should be sellable.

Waka waka waka waka no more Jurian !!! *giggles and runs off*

#211604 Abilities

Posted by jurian on 12 November 2008 - 01:11 PM in Game Discussion

i'm guessing he meant costs to buy them at the guild and also mana costs for spells like heal and shock?

#211601 Shapeshifter's Return

Posted by jurian on 12 November 2008 - 08:24 AM in Leaving/Returning Forum

AWW, More LAG! :ph34r:

#211600 Neph's Return!

Posted by jurian on 12 November 2008 - 08:23 AM in Leaving/Returning Forum

AWW! More LAG! :ph34r:

#211599 Hiya

Posted by jurian on 12 November 2008 - 08:22 AM in Leaving/Returning Forum

I can't get myself to post a proper aww, more lag. message.

after losing my 1st gf i know there is nothing worse then losing the person you love most.

gl with everything.

#211598 While On The Subject Of People Making Games....

Posted by jurian on 12 November 2008 - 08:13 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

"Blackguard attacked Beamer for 117 points of damage"
"Beamer was killed by the Blackguard"
"Blackguard attacked Beamer for 112 points of damage"
"Beamer was killed by the Blackguard"


also your game has more players then nm?:ph34r:

#211562 Just An Idea

Posted by jurian on 10 November 2008 - 02:58 PM in Suggestions

Jurian, you're hardly active enough to know who is around as staff, and no players can see me online 90-95% of the time I am on.
It is far more often than I log my mortal characters, though that also varies with how I feel about playing.

Mark is also on enough to keep track of things.

11-09-2008 23:16:20: Stadius has started a mosh in the cube for levels 1 to 17, the entrance fee for the pot is 2000 gold, the winner gets the pot total, type in /mosh enter to enter the mosh. A Life Essence is the prize for the winner.
23:21:21: The following
1 people are in the mosh arena: Kermit.
The Mosh Server: Kermit won the mosh!!!
End of log.

Umm...why bother running things for lower levels?

you and mark on 1 alt? only staff on 1 alt i ever see is elf. also most of the time elf is on i'm sleeping due to time zone difference so that might be the same for you. Mark i do see alot on multi.

#211523 Just An Idea

Posted by jurian on 08 November 2008 - 11:00 PM in Suggestions

If staff deem it worthwhile, then I'm sure they'll do these or what they can to entertain you guys.

your logic is slightly flawed (sp?). you are suggesting there is any other staff active besides elf. elf does her best but she can't manage it on her own since i've heard a rumour about her having a live and work or something strange like that.

#211214 Happy Anniversary!

Posted by jurian on 29 October 2008 - 06:38 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

It has always made me laugh, and still makes me smile when I see posts of players talking about the old days, and then proceed to talk about Blackthorn and when PKing used to happen under Arilin or clan wars South of Nightmist. To me the old days was when mages Vortex Gate could take them to any city on the map (Pern Valley, Elven, Emerald, Northkeep, Cloud etc.) in the times where PKing was a true art form mastered by Ebony, not just a mass of alts, or a looking someone over from covert/invis to make sure you could win before attacking. The times when weapons such as the Stones Axe of the Ages, Sword of Sharpeness, Gorgon Spine Staff and armours like the Precise Crystal Shield and Ogre Helm were highly sought after. Back when men were men and sheep ran scared!

good old tims, good old times ;)

and hi :ph34r:

#211180 Your Favorite Rapper

Posted by jurian on 27 October 2008 - 06:56 AM in Off-Topic Polls

Based on the spanish proverb "a wise mouth only speaks when it improves the silence" also translated as, "don't speak unless you can improve the silence";

I believe all rappers are complete idiots because they can't shut up but when they speak it has never improved the silence.

#211126 Re-enable Pking?

Posted by jurian on 25 October 2008 - 05:25 PM in Game Discussion

Any news?


#211057 Re-enable Pking?

Posted by jurian on 23 October 2008 - 05:31 PM in Game Discussion

This is an actual decent topic... if I have to delete any more stupid post off it I will start handing out in-game bans for atleast a week.


I have no big problem with taking off NOPK because well.. no one plays enough to worry about it, lol....

But you also need to keep this in mind.. the original reason the server was set to NOPK was so we could expand the game and and more areas, etc, being as JLH original reason behind not letting us expand was the game was to big already for the pking part of the game so no more expanding, so we got rid of that so more could be added for you guys to do....


To Jurian;

Even if NOPK was taken off the game will not be reset. It was there choice to go to 1alt and sell of there main, now how would that be fair for the people that have been loyal to main and still play?

well then i'm pretty sure not many ppl will start playing main again so it would most likely just affect the two ro 3 players left on main :ph34r: let them decide ;)

#211047 Re-enable Pking?

Posted by jurian on 23 October 2008 - 07:24 AM in Game Discussion

imo currently the main reason for ppl playing 1a is to pk. if you make main pk again you might as well shut down 1a. and since i can log off 20 crits faster then anyone else i'm fine with that :ph34r:

just make sure you combine it with a server reset. otherwise all the 1a ppl will get screwed by having to start all over again.

#211002 Token Bosses

Posted by jurian on 22 October 2008 - 01:21 PM in Game Discussion

someone lock this?

#210994 Cheaper Clan Rooms

Posted by jurian on 22 October 2008 - 05:33 AM in Game Discussion

i agree. prices were based on times clans still existed of 250+ characters and 80 different players. times have changed. the game should change with it.

coding shouldn't be much ofa problem. only the gold values have to be changed in the code (if it's an incremental calculation then it's not hard to change either. just make the incremental value smaller). hardest will be finding a good value for the rooms.

#210968 Why Such A Low Player Base?

Posted by jurian on 21 October 2008 - 09:51 AM in Suggestions

hmm too late.

there were nice ppl on this game but pretty much the retards made them quit and now only the retards, you and me are left.

#210963 Question

Posted by jurian on 21 October 2008 - 06:10 AM in Game Discussion


I got excited thinking Nightmist was going to get some help only to find out today that the postion being filled is for Opal Spheres ;)

moose Opal Spheres. Folks have invested years of their lives in Nightmist. We have stated time and time again our willingness to pay for this game. Fix this one peez.

this one can't be fixed. let it die and everybody restart properly with opal spheres :ph34r:

#210947 Question

Posted by jurian on 20 October 2008 - 05:33 AM in Game Discussion

edit: ignore missed the post before me :ph34r:

#210862 Multi Server Reset

Posted by jurian on 17 October 2008 - 05:55 AM in Game Discussion

What Elf said:P

#210504 New 1a Staff

Posted by jurian on 06 October 2008 - 05:42 AM in Game Discussion

I agree with some of the things mentioned above to some extend but basicly i think your all wrong :ph34r:

first of all i think only Elf really knows what 1a need as staff. we don't know exactly what Elf does but i do think she doesn't really doodle as much as an head artist should be able to do.

what i think, is, that we actually need 2 staffers.

one should be someone that isn't involved with all the stupid politics in game "i hate you because my guild tells me to hate you" and all that crap. This person should be able to read through the logs and work more on the background to solve player issues. Furthermore this person should have some technical knowledge to support with the ticket system and technical questions.

The second person is just someone to keep the game going with events and maybe balance the game / build new guilds and areas.

This way Elf can actually do what she was supposed to do and probably likes alot more then sorting out player issues.

In regards to the programming knowledge. This won't be necessary because 1) nobody is allowed to touch the code and 2) Pandi allready mentioned the code is not understandable other then for JLH.

So in short, let ELF sort this out with Wes and hope we get some new staffers. 1 that is someone like me (technical knowledge and doesn't care about politics) and works on the background (i'm not an option since most of you know i've been learning a new programing language and i've been testing stuff on nm which has not helped me train alot (getting the programming stuff to work takes more time then actually train) but i do know i'm walking the line regarding the rules). the second person should just make the game fun and evolve.

edit: small details changed

#210451 Later

Posted by jurian on 03 October 2008 - 05:54 AM in Leaving/Returning Forum