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There have been 7 items by speedy (Search limited from 28-July 23)

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#263993 Question For Anyone Who Can Possibly Answer

Posted by speedy on 13 February 2023 - 07:03 PM in Game Discussion

Considering the player base I'll just give up on 4ac rings then as it's usually only person on at almost any given time

#263991 Question For Anyone Who Can Possibly Answer

Posted by speedy on 12 February 2023 - 05:12 PM in Game Discussion

My question is why isn't there a 4ac ring in blackthorn or somewhere easily accessible on 1a like on main?

#263989 Question For Anyone Who Can Possibly Answer

Posted by speedy on 12 February 2023 - 02:30 AM in Game Discussion

Where do you purchase white ring on 1a server?

#263984 Anyone Got Any Low Levels On Main? Looking For A Few Clerics Rangers And Mayb...

Posted by speedy on 07 February 2023 - 03:38 PM in Wanted

Still looking

#263983 Anyone Got Any Low Levels On Main? Looking For A Few Clerics Rangers And Mayb...

Posted by speedy on 05 February 2023 - 11:23 PM in Wanted

Hit me up on here or on dark on main or drexil/Eros 1a

#263982 Anyone Got Any Low Levels On Main? Looking For A Few Clerics Rangers And Mayb...

Posted by speedy on 05 February 2023 - 11:23 PM in Wanted

Hit me up on here or on dark on main or drexil/Eros 1a

#263593 Hello

Posted by speedy on 14 March 2022 - 08:44 PM in Game Discussion
