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There have been 5 items by Wierd (Search limited from 31-July 23)

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#139852 Who Would Have Thought...

Posted by Wierd on 02 December 2005 - 05:45 PM in Leaving/Returning Forum

Ah, the classic "met a chick over summer and played tennis, then fell in love and started dating" bit. But I can tell you right now, that these things never work out. In like, 100 years, I doubt you'll both be alive - that's a relationship buster if I ever heard of one. Well, as far as earthly relationships go :ph34r:

The thing about the kids sounds a bit of a sticky wicket - I really couldn't imagine my mom dating someone 23...If she were in love, though, and if the guy wasn't a jerk (be nice to the kids!), I'd have to let her be happy. I'd personally be honored if you married my mom!

There is a bit of an age gap, and it seems like I should be bothered by that...but I'm not at all, so eh. Sing Stocky the Stocking at the wedding! It'd be great, and you know it! It is a christmas song, after all.

If I were still into NM, I'd say I'm sad to see you go, come back soon, and I'd say that I love you just about as much as a person can love someone online (of course, in a straight way :( ). Probably because you're one of my only christian friends... But I'm not still into NM, so, congratulations on finding Janet (she sounds awesome :ph34r: ), I hope her kids come around and stop plotting your death (ever seen Blackhawk Down?)..and I hope everything works out and that you have a wonderful life together, Alan, I really do, scooby doo, yeehaw!

When's the wedding!


#105735 Four-stat Halflings

Posted by Wierd on 13 March 2005 - 01:26 AM in Wanted

still need a few >.>

#101569 1 On 1

Posted by Wierd on 12 February 2005 - 11:51 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

+1 Assassin
-2 foo'

#99117 Triplex 29-01-05

Posted by Wierd on 29 January 2005 - 11:53 PM in Game Discussion

Gw Jason! I'd think it more likely for a brick of concrete to be a new airplane design than you to win Triplex

#87479 Four-stat Halflings

Posted by Wierd on 09 December 2004 - 08:28 PM in Wanted

Looking for some 4 stat (18 xx 21 18 17+ xx) halflings lvl 1-9, if you're expecting more than 50k for them I'd like to see the hp at lvl 9 or so (as a cleric/pally etc.). I'll pay a bit more for char, but I don't want to spend gold on int.

Wierd/Aquinas ingame, I'd prefer you post here though. :unsure: