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#169235 Anyone Remember People From Long Ago

Posted by Roidhun on 01 July 2006 - 11:26 PM in Game Discussion

I remember the the red legion from pre-reset - I was in Darkgate of Hellraisers back then and I got caught and held for ransom in your clan house at one time. Crit was Roidhun in those old days.

#154021 Champions Belt Mosh!

Posted by Roidhun on 11 March 2006 - 10:00 AM in Event Logs

I love my scroll of makemefirsttargetinmosh  :wub:

That's nothing Mike - I have one of catchthemostbeamsinmosh ;)

Anyway, grats to the merry winner.

#153955 Pking And A Day Of Respite

Posted by Roidhun on 10 March 2006 - 01:31 PM in Suggestions

less pking now than there was b4 lol b happy

I have to disagree.

what he said was a very true statement deffintly less pking 10 fold

As compared to when?

AS compaired to NM in its prime when there was always over a hundred players on .... and heated battles over ever sqaure inch of the map. The amount of times I have pk'd and been pk'd at the bandit leader would make some plps head spin. It has decreased cause the popuation has, it would be nothing before to jump on some crits and just randomly run around and find tons of pk's thats just not the case anymore.

Key word is "battles" - nowadays there is more slaughter of n00bs than battles between near-equals. Not that i've ever minded the odd bit of slaughter, but the game seems to be in a phase where people get their kicks and their status from scaring the biggest number of new players away from the game... ;) :wub:

#153872 Pking And A Day Of Respite

Posted by Roidhun on 09 March 2006 - 09:39 PM in Suggestions

Heh, for those unable to understand my point...What I am saying is since I have been here, which is not long at all, I have seen many lvl 6 and under leave. What I am suggesting to those who are open to a suggestion is to let them get a chance to get there feet wet and fall in love with the game.

People don't want that, they want be nasty and put players down and make it hard for them to ever get far in game, as sad as it is, it's the way it has been for a while suppose you just need to adjust.

Which is why I devote my spare time to other games and suggestions for DS ;)

#151799 Roleplaying Event

Posted by Roidhun on 22 February 2006 - 05:28 PM in Game Discussion

* Roidhun drinks a swig of his ale *

Hmmm.... A new event, maybe even a task set by the Gods...
I would participate if my feeble magic powers are thought to be of use..

* He smiles crookedly *

But, in light of the fact that I have not been within the borders of the realm for many a day, I will surely not be able to find my way around as once I used to.

* He shakes his head sadly *

Ahh.. the days of old, when one could face his foes in honourable combat and never fear being overwhelmed by force of numbers alone...

[OOC] I'm in if I'm on - really like the idea ;)

#151502 Desperate Housewives

Posted by Roidhun on 21 February 2006 - 03:43 PM in Clan Forum

OMG! The Porkster!!!! I really must get playing again! ;)

#151499 Restore Orcs!

Posted by Roidhun on 21 February 2006 - 03:41 PM in Game Discussion

Well said.

I too remember the Desert Fetish some staff seemed to get off on.

#151496 I Just Want To Say

Posted by Roidhun on 21 February 2006 - 03:17 PM in Game Discussion

All discussions aside, grats to the new staff - not the least Jared, with the abysmally small amount of votes you got, I didn't think you'd make it!

Back in discussion mode - basically we must trust staff to not abuse their powers, because they can abuse them and might not get caught abusing them. Using mortal crits while knowing the area inside out from the area developer who made it is just one possibility.
Personally though, I would not start out believing that the new staff are a bunch of low-lifes. Yes, staff members have abused their powers before and some probably will in the future, but hey, give these guys a fighting chance to do what they're supposed to do, before starting the flame-campaign.

#147644 Staff Nominations

Posted by Roidhun on 30 January 2006 - 09:38 AM in Game Discussion

dont pick jared, i cant have him leaving me!!!

Which is one reason to pick Jared/Thunderja. :(

Besides he's growing up of late! :ph34r:

Jokes aside, he would be good staff - fox or no fox!

#147643 Sick Of Pointless Pk'ers

Posted by Roidhun on 30 January 2006 - 09:30 AM in Game Discussion

As someone once said: Dying is part of living.

But that doesn't mean you pk'ers should sit at all entrances to training spots picking on ppl just above the level limit.

Not that I haven't done my share of killing, but I pride myself on killing worthier prey - like pk'ers :(

#147353 Sgh

Posted by Roidhun on 28 January 2006 - 08:29 PM in Off-Topic Polls

GW Stotic

#147110 Pete's: Delete, Move, Keep?

Posted by Roidhun on 26 January 2006 - 11:17 PM in Improvements

Crane had been working on creating a more comprehensive tutorial suggestion and i have helped him a lil, and we decided we would impliment it into the game north of sleeping fox inn, because of the (often) unplesant behaviour in boars. Hopefully when gareth returns he will add the finishing touches + then there would be no need 2 move petes.

For Pete's sake don't move entry point or tutorial section.

MOVE Pete's - prefrerably to RH.

#147021 Pete's: Delete, Move, Keep?

Posted by Roidhun on 26 January 2006 - 09:28 AM in Improvements

Delete and move to RH.

Basically for reasons already mentioned in other posts, but RH also at first glance, (way back when I first found it - ahh, the good ol' days), looked to be created as the city you would go to when you were just a bit too high lvl to just play in NM and Arilin.

Maybe Pete's going there could bring back a little of that lost status.

#146826 Posting On Posts Thats Not Related

Posted by Roidhun on 25 January 2006 - 02:17 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

Heartily agreed! Ban the flamers. :angry:

#146825 Sharing

Posted by Roidhun on 25 January 2006 - 02:14 AM in Suggestions

Perm ban all theft and i bet you half the playerbase is gone and it makes the game better.

Now that might even make me change my mind :(

#146715 Changing Petes A Little

Posted by Roidhun on 24 January 2006 - 03:45 AM in Suggestions


Go s of SGH instead and take the risk of losing a bit of your xp :(

#146713 Sharing

Posted by Roidhun on 24 January 2006 - 03:43 AM in Suggestions

I voted yes - with the proviso that theft that can be proven to be a result of hacking an account should be investigated and the thief permbanned.

#146698 Triplex/other Event Rules..

Posted by Roidhun on 24 January 2006 - 02:07 AM in Game Discussion

I voted yes.

For punishment kill the crit with say double or triple xp loss.

#145763 A Newbs Complaint/suggestions

Posted by Roidhun on 17 January 2006 - 11:25 PM in Suggestions

I think this guy just spoke for about 90% of the new players in 2005. Really is sad to see things this way.

If you want some help feel free to memo or message me on Momba. I'll also be posting up in the Boar's Tusk. I guess if we are going to try to attract some fresh meat around this joint we might as well help em learn to play the game.


Feel free to page Khefren for help too. My place of residence is usually the Sleeping Fox Inn, (when I'm not out training and trying to avoid being PK'd, that is) :(

#145758 Let Me Change Tr's Name!

Posted by Roidhun on 17 January 2006 - 11:08 PM in Game Discussion

Not supported, for all the reasons mentioned by Perfection.

Also I do not think T.R. merits special treatment.

#145472 Drop In Items Value

Posted by Roidhun on 16 January 2006 - 01:45 PM in Game Discussion

Alan, we have such shops, for paci's in Tirantek and for the rest of the classes in Harabec. Even RoA is a shop-bought item, and if I can get my dumb little party down that corridor, so can most anyone else with a couple of arches and gold to spare.

Those shops have done squat for the economy! If truth be told, they may even have worsened it, by bringing some, at the time, cool new items into the game, items that could be bought, not fought for.

Stat-modding and armor-enhancing items should be rareties - as it is today, nobody enters an event or goes on a trip without a full set of stat-mods on his/her crits - and if you lack a CR, an AoH or whatever for a crit, you either buy one or let the crit stay home. I don't really think that's the way most of us "oldies" envisioned the world of Nightmist, and it certainly is not the way Nightmist was back when owning a CR was owning a major shiny.

And now this rant brings me to my point: Kill those shinies ie. remove them from the game, remove their equivalent shops and set the bosses' drop rates to "once in a blue moon".
Alternatively, and if JLH wants to put in the work, use durability to make them go away - at a fairly high rate at first, then progressively slower, until a reasonable number is reached, still setting very small drop rates on bosses.
The third and final solution would be removing the "shiny-shops", lowering drop rates and do a game /RESET - not forgetting to let the newer players have their week or two's worth of fun as lvl 30 with lots of gold...

#145275 Alt Limit

Posted by Roidhun on 15 January 2006 - 02:42 AM in Suggestions

I'll have to agree with you on the scarcity of players in Tirantek at any given time, but it should be possible to organise a party as we used to do in the old days when Chronos was a novelty - the party being composed of many people from different clans.

I stick by my thesis that anything above max. 15 alts is an uneccessary army.

#145259 Thief Thread

Posted by Roidhun on 15 January 2006 - 01:09 AM in Game Discussion

Going by your own sig it should be all - past and present of course...

#145256 Alt Limit

Posted by Roidhun on 15 January 2006 - 12:59 AM in Suggestions

Tirentek would need to be altered if a 10 alt limit was enforced. The game would be no where near as fun with a lower alt limit, having to wait around for hours for people to log on to help with the insane boss'es in tirentek would turn into an even longer more frestrating wait if only 10 crits could log on.

Be a bit more eclectic in your choice of companions then - after all we still have /nokill and /nopk party - I don't see the problem.

#145254 Drop In Items Value

Posted by Roidhun on 15 January 2006 - 12:55 AM in Game Discussion

It seems to me that you are all complicating things unneccessarily. This game was developed around a player-driven economy. Now we've got player-driven inflation.

The simple answer to the situation, without bringing more gold or new shinies into the game, is and will remain to be: To forcibly lower the number of shinies ingame and controlling that number by drop rates.

I am well aware that there are players who will whine about the amount of gold they've spent and the amount of work that some at least have put in, I've worked and paid for mine too, but I'd rather see them /destroyed and replaced with the nearest equivalent standard item than see new shinies and elaborate trading schemes destroying the economy and the game further.